Big Man’s Happily Ever After

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Big Man’s Happily Ever After Page 26

by Wylder, Penny

  That was all a dream. A dark, twisted, deliciously dirty dream. And now I’m wet as fuck.

  “Um, yeah, I’m ready, just give me one second,” I answer him swiftly, rearranging some papers and files on my desk. “Just give me a minute. I’ll meet you in the massage room down the hall. Second one on the right.”

  Fuck. What the hell is wrong with me?

  I watch Ryon turn away and head for the massage room, and I rest my head back on my chair, letting out a deep breath. My heart is racing and I can feel the heat in my cheeks as they blush.

  I just had a very vivid and pantie melting daydream about my client before our first actual session. How messed up am I? Is this normal?

  I can’t be doing this! It’s not right!

  Once I get myself under control, I follow him down the hallway. I pause at the threshold to the room, eyeing him up and down in just his thin, terrycloth towel wrapped around his waist. Swallowing hard, I run my hands over my head and take in a deep breath. Announcing myself, I smile big. “Okay, time to get down to business. Let’s start so we can get you back on the field.”

  The sooner the better.

  The sooner he’s back to full strength, the sooner I can get him the hell out of here. The simple fact I was able to have such a clear and nerve ruffling vision about this man is enough to drive me crazy. I can’t risk losing control. I can’t risk doing something I might regret.

  I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to keep my hands strictly professional if I have to stare at a man like Ryon Daniels, and touch his half naked body any longer than necessary.

  He smiles as he walks toward me and around the massage table, brushing the sharp edge of my nipples with the outside of his arm as he goes by. My stomach lurches into my throat.

  Does he know?

  Are my dirty thought written all over my face?

  Because the smirk on his face says he knows everything.



  “Okay,” she says, slipping her hands softly down my spine until they’re just gone.

  She moves around the room as I push up on my forearms. I don’t get up right away. . . Because I can’t. For very apparent reasons that are hard and stiff at the moment.

  I’m fucking hard as rock. Did she slip a Viagra in my cucumber flavored water?

  Her hands, fuck, her hands are magic on my body. For an hour I felt her soft and strong hands all over my body. I was hard a minute into the massage, and stayed hard the entire time. I feel like a goddamn teenager right now, blue balls and all.

  “I’ll give you a few minutes to get dressed, and when you’re ready, come meet me in the gym so we can go over the prescribed exercises you need to do at home.”

  “Sounds good.” My voice croaks, and she hesitates for a second, giving me a puzzled look. But she doesn’t seem to pay any more attention and leaves me alone.

  Letting out a heavy breath, I push up and swing my feet off the edge of the table. I’m so damn hard, my dick is standing straight up under the white sheet, and it doesn’t feel like it’s going to go away any time soon.

  It’s insane the things this woman can do to me with her hands. It wasn’t even sexual. I was staring at the floor the entire time during the massage, but the harder my dick grew, and each of those times I could feel her breasts brushing up against my skin as she leaned over me, made me want to turn my head, to see her face, her beautiful body. Fuck, I don’t know if I never want her to put me through that torture again or if I want it every day for the rest of my life.

  Pressing bare feet into the cool wood floor, I stand and try to walk off my boner. Come on, go down already. Setting my hands on my hips, I walk a track around the massage table, my cock fully at attention, sticking straight out.

  Okay, think of something gross, something that isn’t as sexy as Gillian Sannow.

  Nothing comes to mind. All I can see is her perfect heart shaped lips, her round cheeks, the cute little beauty mark that’s on her right cheek. Even under her baggy, blue t-shirt, and her khaki shorts, I can tell she has a body I could fuck for days.

  Porcelain skin, rosy cheeks, her nipples pressing against her shirt to say hello. And her ass, fuck that ass is biteable.

  This isn’t helping. . .

  Looking at my waist, my dick has found its way into my hand and I’m slowly stroking up and down. Gripping the tip in my palm, I squeeze my head and glide back down. My balls draw up, tightening against my body as I keep jerking my cock. I need this.

  There’s no way to back out of this now. I have to get off or I’ll be hurting for the rest of the day. Ensuring no one interrupts me, I lean one hand against the closed door. I imagine her face if she came in and found me with my hard cock in my hand.

  Her eyes jump open wide as she sees me stroking myself. But her surprise would quickly turn to lust, a dirty, greedy lust. She’d close the door behind her, licking her lips as she locks the handle.

  Fuck, I’d love it if she really showed up right now.

  My hand moves faster, with firmer pulls and harder jerks. The fantasy in my head is strong and clear, and the only thing that will end this ache between my thighs.

  I imagine her dropping to her knees and taking my dick in her hands. She licks her lips, and drives her mouth over my cock.

  Spitting in my hand, I use the saliva to make my dream more real and alive. Her warm mouth sucks me deeper inside, and her cheeks hollow as I reach the back of her throat. I imagine how silky her hair would feel in my fingers as I guide her head, fucking her face.

  Stroking faster and faster, the orgasm burns in my gut, sending waves of electricity through my veins. My hand is her mouth, moving up and down, over and over, her tongue flattening against the underside of my cock.

  Jerking my cock harder, the orgasm hits me and the first jet of hot cum spills over my knuckles and hits the door. I lean my forehead against the door and allow my weight to fall against it. I relax and keep stroking until the last jet of cum is spent. Grabbing the towel I used for the sauna, I clean up the mess and get dressed.

  Balling up the towel, I toss it into the basket and head to the gym. I spot Gillian standing against the far wall with her clipboard. Standing for a moment, I just watch her from a distance.

  She’s so fucking beautiful. Never in my life have I been so blown away by a woman, but this woman has lit a fuse in my core.

  Lifting her head, she catches my eyes and smiles, waving her hand as if I didn’t see her first. I’m about to take a step, when my phone rings and I see it’s my agent.

  Holding up my finger, I signal her I’ll be there in a one minute. “Hey, what’s going on, Eddie?” I ask as I answer the call.

  “You busy?”

  “I’m finishing up my physical therapy, why?”

  “How much longer you got?”

  “I don’t know, a few minutes.” I let my eyes flit back over to Gillian as she flips through pages on her clipboard.

  “All right, call me back when you finish up, we need to talk.” I can hear the urgency in his voice. Eddie never has this much stress in his voice, and it makes me uneasy.

  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “Just call me when you leave.” The speaker goes silent and my phone beeps, letting me know he hung up.

  Looking at the screen, I say out loud to myself quietly, “Bye to you too.”

  Tucking the phone into my pocket, I look up and smile as Gillian does the same. Walking over to her, she stands up straight and taps the clipboard.

  “I put together an easy, but effective routine for you to do at home that’s really going to help strengthen your shoulder.”

  Dropping my bag, I move to her side and press myself close. “Let’s see what you’ve got.” Leaning over her shoulder, I can smell the lavender and coco butter in her hair. She even smells incredible.

  Gillian clears her throat, glancing up at me quickly, then down at her notes. She uses her pen to point out each exercise, giving me the instructions and making s
ure I understand how important this is.

  “You have to be dedicated, Ryon, you can’t skip a day or you won’t get better. The beauty of this routine is that it’s clear and doesn’t take too much time, so there shouldn’t be any excuses why you’d miss a day.”

  “Don’t worry, I got it.” She passes me the paper and I look it over myself. “Hey,” I say, “maybe you should give me your number in case I need extra help.”

  Gil takes a step to the side and tilts her head. She smiles softly, diverting her eyes as she bites her lip. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “I think it’s a great idea.” Dipping my head, I grab her eyes with mine. “What are you afraid of?”

  Gillian grins, pulling her clipboard against her chest. “Getting fired,” she says easily, but there’s something to her tone. Flirtatious. I can hear it. I can see it. And I can definitely feel it.

  “So if you can’t give me your number, then let’s do this. . .” Reaching forward, I watch her suck in a quick breath as my hand comes close to her chest, snagging the pen from her fingers. Scribbling on the edge of the paper she gave me, I rip off the corner and hand it to her. “Here’s my number. Now you have nothing to worry about. Call me and make sure I’m following your plan.”

  She hesitantly takes the paper and tucks it under the stack of papers on her clipboard. “I’m not going to call you. I trust you to do what’s right for you. And if you have any questions, you can ask me Monday at your next appointment.”

  Shrugging a shoulder, I pick up my bag and sling it over my back. “Or you can text me later if you get bored.” Winking, I turn and walk away.

  Gillian stands there, her mouth hanging partially open with a light smile on her lips. I give her one last look and a smile over my shoulder as I turn and head out the door.

  I love the look on her face. It’s subtle, but so fucking strong I have no trouble seeing the shiver running through her body. There’s a sense of satisfaction that swells in my gut, making me happy.

  Fuck, I love that.

  Reaching my car, I toss my bag in the back and drop into the front seat. Taking the phone from my pocket, I call Eddie back.

  He picks up immediately. “Hey, what’s going on?” I ask, eager to know what’s got him so stressed.

  “Man, I’ve got some bad news, and I’m not sure how to break it to you.”

  “Just spit it out.”

  Eddie lets out a heavy breath into the receiver. There’s a long pause, and my patience is running thin.

  “Dude, just tell me. Rip off the band-aid. Stop dragging it out.”

  “All right, so since you’re a free agent right now, and since no team has shown interest because you’re still healing from surgery, you run the risk of having to leave the country and go back to Canada. Your work visa expires in a couple of weeks, and no one I’ve talked to is willing to take a chance on an injured pitcher at this stage in your recovery.”

  “Fuck, man, why not? I’m a great pitcher. I hold three records and got MVP two years in a row. So what if I’m just coming off an injury?”

  “You know why, Ryon. There are risks. Your shoulder might not heal right, and you run serious risk of re-injuring it at the start of the season. You’re a wild card to these people, and wild cards can mean losing money, not making it.”

  “Damn it, Eddie. I don’t want to go back to the minor leagues. I’ve already proven myself, they should know that.”

  “I’m trying, I really am. I’m not giving up on you. I just don’t want you to get your hopes up, is all. If I can’t find someone to sign you, then you’ll have to head home. Unless you find yourself a bride real quick.” He laughs awkwardly, but I don’t find it funny.

  “Married? You’re not fucking serious?”

  “Calm down, it was just a dumb idea. I figured I’d throw it out there, just in case. That’s all.”

  “I don’t have time for this shit, Eddie. Just get me signed to a team.”

  He starts to reply, but I hang up the phone. I’m not giving him any options. He needs to get me signed. He needs to get this shit done. I don’t want to give up my career, I’m not ready. Shit, I only feel like I’m just starting.

  But what choice will I have if no one signs me?

  Think, Ryon, think.

  There has to be something else I can do to stay here. Going back to Canada was never in my plan. I’ve got a life here. I’ve lived in the United States for almost four years now, this is my home. And if I lose my visa, the process for getting it again makes me even less appealing for another American team to sign me.

  And then it hits me, Eddie might be on to something.

  Hopefully it works.

  I spend the rest of the weekend doing the exercises that Gil put together for me, and repeatedly checking my phone. She doesn’t call or text.

  Waking up Monday morning, I’m anxious to get to the clinic. I want to see her. The desire is so strong, causing me to tap at my steering wheel at red lights, and honk at the car in front of me that takes forever to make a right turn.

  I don’t know what’s going on with me. I’ve never been so antsy to see a girl, let alone a girl I hardly know and just met.

  I’m so anxious to see Gil again, I arrive to the clinic twenty minutes early. Sitting in the lobby, I look absentmindedly at my phone, but mostly I watch out the large plate glass windows that look out into the parking lot. I perk up every time a car pulls in, and I’m disappointed whenever someone who isn’t Gil steps out of the car. Finally. I see her, and like an idiot I stand up and walk to the door. realizing how over-eager I must looks, I walk away to a corner of the lobby and do my best to look nonchalant, leaning against the wall.

  I watch her walk into the lobby, her smile bright and cheerful. She looks down at her watch and then up, catching my eye.

  “Hey there. Aren’t you a bit early? I usually leave myself sometime in the morning before I see my first appointment,” she asks, checking her watch again.

  “Just got here,” I lie. “I guess I got lucky this morning with the green lights.”

  “How’s that shoulder?” she asks.

  “Tight.” Rolling my shoulder forward, I grab it with my hand. “Those exercises really do a number on it.”

  “I’m glad to hear you’re following my instructions, and that’s the point.” Gil giggles as she nods her head for me to follow her. “You can’t get better by doing nothing.”

  We head toward the sauna and massage rooms, and she stops in the hall. “Why don’t you start with the sauna—”

  “I could really use a massage,” I say, cutting her off. “It feels super tight.”

  “All right, we can start there.” Opening the door to one of the rooms, she takes a step back. “You know the drill. I’ll give you a few minutes and I’ll be in shortly.”

  “I don’t know, I might need some help.” Smirking, I pretend I can’t lift my arm as I step into the room. “It’s hard to even move.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think so.” Chuckling, she shakes her head. “I’ll give you ten minutes instead of five then.” Gil closes the door quickly, but there’s a sexy little grin on her face.

  I can’t help but flirt with her. Her bright blue eyes sparkle, with small flakes of silver that glow when the light hits them just right. She’s beautiful, and when I make her giggle like that, bringing a smile to her lips, it makes me feel invincible. It gives me exactly the boost I need to do what I’m planning to do.

  I quickly undress and lay on the bed covered up with the sheet. My pulse is quickening as I wait for her to come in. It doesn’t take long to hear the gentle knock.

  “Come on in,” I say.

  “Let’s loosen you up.”

  Gil stands at my side and pours oil into the palm of her hand. She rubs the oil all over her hands and between her fingers, warming it up, and my skin screams in anticipation for her touch. Those fingers, so long and delicate, but so strong. When she finally touches me, I let out a breath I didn’t ev
en realize I was holding in. She starts to move her fingers over my shoulder, digging the tips into the muscle. “Wow, you really are tense.” She has no idea.

  “Yeah, well, things aren’t exactly going well lately.”

  “Why not? What’s wrong?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “Well, I can tell it’s more than complicated. You wear your stress in your body too, and your muscles aren’t this tight just from the exercises I gave you. So, what’s going on?”

  “What’s going on is my life is about to get torn in two.”

  Gil’s hands stop kneading and she takes a step back. “Are you okay?”

  I can hear the concern in her voice, so I push up on my arms and turn to face her.

  “I’m fine, it’s just I found out I might not be staying much longer. There’s a good chance I’ll have to head back to Canada.”

  “Wait, what? Why?”

  “Because my work visa is expiring, and with this injury, no other team has jumped in to sign me yet.”

  “But you can’t leave yet. We just got started with your therapy. Leaving early could really hurt your healing process, and your shoulder might not get better at all. You’d never be able to play again if we don’t get this fixed now.”

  “What am I supposed to do? I can’t just stay in the country illegally. That’s not how it works.”

  “There’s got to be something you can do.” She fumbles with her bottom lip, and stares at me with wide eyes. “I’m sure there’s something. You can’t get an extension?”

  “Not if I’m not working. They’re pretty strict on the work piece of the work visa.”

  “Point taken. And there’s nothing else you can do?”

  Should I try?

  I’m a little nervous, and I know this is going to sound crazy, but what do I have to lose? Nothing.

  If I don’t do anything, I’m going to lose it all anyway.

  “Well there is one thing. . .” Pausing, I arch a brow and wait for her to ask.

  “Okay, what?”


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