Logan's Promise

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Logan's Promise Page 13

by Nancy Howard

  No one left the party, they all stayed. Logan is still standing right next to John. Catherine is just to her right, and Gavin is still behind her. Everyone present sees this as the people of Folsom see the Sanderson family. They see that John and Catherine have a daughter back in their lives. She may not be a blood daughter, but nonetheless that's what she is to them, now. She's not Jennifer either. She is a young woman who is independent and strong. One that will protect the Sandersons and their interests with her life, if need be. It's in her eyes and her demeanor. Everyone in Folsom has seen it in her since the day she arrived here month's ago.

  HENRY AND JONES ARE now some distance from Sanderson's Hill, as they head down the main road that will take them back to the Running 'B. Henry begins to question Jones about his impressions of Logan and Gavin.

  “So, tell me, Tass. What do you think of John's, bounty hunters?”

  Jones is quiet for a few seconds thinking about how to respond, “They're good.”

  “That's it? They're good?”

  “Yeah, they're real good. They could cause anybody trouble. Taking them down will be a tall order. I want you to know that.”

  “So what you're saying Jones is that you can't do this job. Is that right?”

  “No, I didn't say that. I said they'll be a challenge. Not that I can't take them on.”

  “That's good to hear Jones, because when you said that I was beginning to think I'd made a mistake hiring you.”

  Jones is quiet, not sure he could do anything about Logan and Gavin if it comes to him having a confrontation with them. He doesn't want to reveal those doubts to Henry.

  Then Henry says, “I need to get this scheme to finally work, Jones. Meaning, I need you steal enough of Sanderson's cows, in order for him to beg me to buy his place. I want that ranch very badly. But even more I want to see Logan Kincaid put into her proper place.”

  “Yeah, and what is that place, Henry?”

  “Out of site, that's where. She is in my opinion, nothing but a self-important brat, since John has put her in charge of the ranch. She's nothing but trash. A fucking bounty hunter, who's been glorified by Sanderson. She will be the first person I take down. But first things first. We must rustle enough of John's cows to bring him down, then we’ll deal with Logan and her boyfriend, Gavin Sloan.”

  As Jones listens to Henry, he says nothing knowing that what he's trying to do is a tall order, given the fact that Logan and Gavin are in charge of Sanderson's Hill. And they will be difficult to deal with, more difficult than anyone he's run into. He also knows that Baker's scheme to acquire Sanderson's Hill is precarious at best, and he'll play along. He knows Henry is getting desperate, because he's hired him to do his dirty work. Jones knows that people usually hire him out of desperation, when things are about to go wrong.

  THE EVENING PASSED very quickly, it has gotten late as John and Catherine see the last of their guests off. Many of the men had driven the buggies to the party, but were so inebriated as they left they couldn't drive home. So it was up to their wives, or girlfriends to take the reins and get them home safely. Some that were single had to rely on their horses to get them home.

  Logan and Gavin have found the porch swing to their liking, and are setting in it next to each other talking and laughing. John and Catherine step up on the front porch, and set down in the two wicker chairs, across from them. John is anxious to find out Logan and Gavin's assessment of Tass Jones—he wastes no time getting straight to the point.

  “Look, kids, I don't want to spoil your mood, but could you tell me your professional opinions, of Mr. Jones.”

  They both looked at each other with raised eyebrows and shrugged.

  Logan says,” he's trouble, pure and simple.”

  “Can you elaborate?”

  “Well, let's put it this way, John, he ain't here to do security work.” Gavin says.

  “I agree. He's a thug. Some sort of enforcer, or thief, or all of the above. Take your pick,” Logan says. “He's the kind of guy Gavin and I would go after. I bet he has a bounty on his head someplace. Don't you?” She says, looking at Gavin.

  Gavin agrees, “she's right. We've seen hundreds like him. Rest assured folks he doesn't scare us in anyway.”

  Logan shakes her head in agreement, and says, “for sure.”

  “You know, Logan, as you and I said some time back, the rustling has stopped because word had gotten out that I'd hired you two. If your description of him is true, and I know it is. Henry may have hired him to start the rustling again.”

  “Yeah, and maybe other stuff. I wouldn't worry too much about him, though,” Logan says. “We'll keep our eyes and ears open, and if he starts anything that tries to harm the ranch, we'll finish it for him. Right Gavin?”

  She's looking directly at Gavin as she says this.

  “We will,” he says, smiling at her.

  Neither of them seems concerned about the presence of Tass Jones in. They're just into each other.

  Catherine who has been listening to Logan and Gavin says, “You know, I could hear some of the conversations this evening, from some of those present. Doubting we've done the right thing in putting the two of you in charge of our property. They sounded like Henry, though these people thought I couldn't hear them. Or I wasn't listening to what they were saying. But I could hear them, and I know they're wrong—very wrong.”

  Logan listens and after Catherine finishes, she looks at them, and says, “I want you both to know this. Right here, and right now. I will never, ever, let any harm come to either of you, or this ranch in anyway. I want you to hear what I’m saying here. I promise both of you with all of my heart, that I will defend you, and this ranch with my life if necessary. Okay? So not to worry.”

  John and Catherine set there for a few seconds and look at her and Gavin. Shaking their heads, taking all of this in, knowing that they've done the right thing by letting her manage their ranch and him be their foreman. But they also learned something from Logan as she spoke. They learned about her loyalty to them, and to what she's been charged to do. They heard her say something else, very important. They heard her make the promise to them that she would defend them with her life if she needed, to. To them only someone as close as a daughter would say something as determined and forceful as that. They both know that she is that close to them—as close as any daughter could be.

  LATER THAT NIGHT AFTER Logan has gone off to bed, John and Catherine are in their room preparing for bed themselves. When they begin to talk about her. It's a discussion they've had before, but now they’re serious. They've been talking about adopting her and making her their legal daughter over the past couple of months.

  “You know Cath, after hearing what she said this evening, out on the porch, I think it's time to have Jordan draw up the legal papers for us to adopt her. What do you think?”

  “I do, I want us to do it for her, she deserves it. We don't have our Jenny anymore, but we do have Logan here with us now. And after what she said to us out on the porch this evening, we have a daughter in our lives again, John. We’ve known it almost since she came home with us that very first day.”

  “Yes we do. She promised to us to protect us and this ranch with her life. When she said that she was making it clear, that she already thinks of herself as a daughter. And I think that is more the reason for us to legally adopt her.”

  “Yes John, I totally agree. But first, I want to tell you that she finally confided in me about what her father did to her growing up. She did it yesterday, when I cut her hair.”

  “And what happened?”

  “John....,” she paused. “He raped her repeatedly. He raped, and committed incest with her about two months before she graduated from school.”

  John was taking off his boots, and just stopped upon hearing this. He turned around and looked at her—stunned in disbelief at what she just told him about Logan's childhood.

  He shakes his head, “Damn, that poor kid. Remember, I told you there was more
to her story, and she didn't feel comfortable telling me that day out at the mesa. “Damn,” he says, again. “That sonofabitch! What the hell kind of monster rapes his own daughter,” he exclaims! Still shaking his head in disgust. “I wish I could have been there for her, I would've killed the bastard.”

  “Yes, it was horrible what he did to her. When she told me the story, I was...well, I was shocked as well as speechless John. All I could do was hug the poor child.”

  “Thank God, she with us now.”

  “Yes, I'm so glad for that, too. And as far as us legally adopting her, I think it would be such a wonderful gift for her. She deserves it.”

  “Yes I agree with that, she does. I was also wonderin' how you felt about us changing our wills, too. Since we plan on adopting her, we should have Jordan change our wills to make her the heir to this ranch.”

  “Yes John, since Jenny died we have no one to leave the place, too. And it’s only logical to leave the ranch to Logan.”

  “Yes, we don't want it to fall into receivership after we're gone. It's settled then, I'll have Jordan start to work on the legal documents when I go into town tomorrow.”

  “Do you think we should talk to her about all of this first,” Catherine asks?

  “No, I think we should tell her at the appropriate time, and show her the papers, and let her make up her mind right then and there. She’s a smart girl and I doubt she'll say, no.”


  Two more months pass and still no rustling, causing Logan and Gavin to wonder what has become of Tass Jones. Life has been very quiet and serene on the ranch. Logan and Gavin are busy in preparation for the huge round-up, scheduled for later in the month. Gavin also makes trips out to the mesa and does a head count of the herd. Today was one of those days, and he knows that a week ago, there were about two hundred and fifty head out here. Up form one hundred, because Logan told him to move some of the cows to the mesa. Today Gavin heads back to the ranch house in a hurry, his count was down and it wasn't because they've wandered off.

  It's late afternoon as he opens the door to the house and walks into the office, where Logan is working.

  “Hey,” she greets him.

  “Hey, to you. I think the rustlers are back,” he says, setting down.

  “How so?” She asks, looking up from what she's doing.

  “Well, I went out to the mesa today to do my head count, and the herd is down fifty head out there.”

  “Well, it sounds as though Mr. Tass Jones is back. Okay, we gotta stop this once and for all. So tomorrow morning you and I need to ride out there and stay, so we can catch these clowns red handed at stealing John's cows.”

  “Yeah, that's what I'm thinkin', too. Speaking of, you think John will want to go along?”

  “Nooo!” She says, then laughs. “Whatever gave you that idea? I'm sure he will. We'll ask him tonight at supper. Make it like it's his idea, to go along with us. The thing is, we're gonna have to stay out there, so we make sure we catch them in the act. Who knows, Gavin, if Jones has a price on his head, we may make some extra money.”

  He laughs, “that would be nice.”

  THAT EVENING AT DINNER, Logan and Gavin told John that the rustling had started again. They told him what they're planning on doing to stop it, once and for all. They said to John that they'd like to have him come along, but only if he wanted, too.

  He responded without hesitation, saying that he definitely wants to go with them and would have been greatly disappointed if they hadn't asked him. He also said that once they catch the rustlers, and find that Tass Jones is doing the rustling, and at Henry's bidding. He'll make damn sure that Henry gets punished for this misdeed.

  “Missy, do you remember that first night you were here, you, me, and Bill Chatfield, were out on the porch after dinner talking about Henry being behind the rustling.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Well, we'll get these damn rustlers, and Jones, and we'll prove our theory right. That Henry is behind the rustling, and hired Jones to do his dirty work.”

  “But why is he doin' this, Mr. Sanderson? Isn't the Running 'B' a big enough spread for Henry? What does he have to gain, from stealing a few of your cows,” Gavin asks?

  “Greed, Gavin. He wants to put us out of business. He wants it all. As Missy here'll tell you, it costs us a lot of money every time someone steals our cattle. After a while it begins to take its toll. You know now after working here for sometime, that Sanderson's Hill is prime grazing land and the Running 'B' is not. He wants this ranch for his own so he can have this prime land, and have control over this part of the territory.”

  “And he's shown his true colors by hiring Jones,” Logan says. “He figures that by having Jones do this dirty work, it'll put enough of a squeeze on us that we'll be begging him to take over our ranch. Plus as you saw him when he stopped by the party a couple of months ago, he hates me and he can't wait for me to fail. Though I can't think of any reason why. I've never done anything to the man.”

  “Your a girl, runnin' the biggest ranch in the territory, that's why. He also knows about you and Gavin's background. You heard him that day. He wants nothing more than for you to fail for those reasons. And that's all the reason he needs, plus you and Gavin here are in his way to get this ranch into his grasp. I've spoiled his plans long ago, by hiring the two of you.”

  Logan says, “you know, though, I can't help but think that there may be more to Henry Baker than meets the eye”

  “What do you mean,” John asks?

  “Well, remember, at the party, you questioned him about paying for land he's bought. And he got all hot and bothered at you, and told you to mind your own business. I'm sure that all along he's been working some sort of scheme. I bet we'll find that out in the long run,” she says. “I also think he ain't as rich as everyone thinks he is. I've thought that from the very beginning.”

  “You know, I think you're right. But we gotta prove all of this by catching Jones and his rustlers,” John says.

  Gavin shakes his head in agreement.

  “Then it's settled, we'll head out at first light. I'll have George and Timmins pack our provisions tonight,” Logan says.

  Then Catherine, who has been listening to all of this, asks, “how long do you think it'll take?”

  Logan says, “as long as we have to be out there.”

  “You'll be careful, won't you,” she asks? Looking directly at Logan.

  “Yes, I, we will and don't worry.” Logan assures her, realizing that Catherine's concern, is directed at her.

  AFTER THREE DAYS OUT by on the mesa and their provisions beginning to run low. Logan, Gavin, and John wonder where the rustlers are. Logan wonders if they aren't working some other area of the ranch. They haven't heard anything that would indicate that. Before she left for the Mesa with Gavin, and John. Logan told their ramrod Brock to come and tell her immediately if there were any cows missing, suspiciously. Other than strays, that may have wandered off to someplace else on the ranch.

  But all this waiting around makes Logan restless. She's not very good at it, as a matter of fact she hates it. Logan is a doer, and likes to stay busy.

  “What's wrong with you, girl,” John asks? “You been fidgety as hell all day.”

  “I have?”

  “Yeah, you have. Hasn't she?” John says, looking at Gavin

  Gavin is shaking his head yes, that he agrees.

  “What's the problem? You don't like our company, Missy?” John teases.

  “No, it's not that at all,” she says. “I got a ranch to run. Remember? I been out here for three days now, and no rustlers. You two don't need my help anyway. I'm gonna have to get back and get to work. I got a round up to get into high gear, and cattle drive to plan for if we're gonna eat this winter.”

  Then she added, “Besides, I'm tired of bein' cold, and sleepin' on this hard ground again. And eatin' nothing but that damn beef jerky. If I eat another piece of it, I'll puke.”

  Then both men lau
ghed out loud.

  “And here all this time we thought you was tougher'n other girls,” John chides her.

  “Yeah, well it's your fault,” she says. Teasing John back.

  “My fault!”

  “Yep, you and Catherine, along with him,” she says, looking at Gavin. “You've all spoiled me.”

  Then she smiles at John and Gavin with a big wide grin on her face.

  “Seriously guys, I need to get back.”

  “Yeah, you're right,” John says, and pauses looking at her. “Well, go dammit! What are you standin' around here waitin' for? My permission? Which you don't need at all, you know that.”

  She smiles at him gets up and walks over and kisses Gavin on the cheek, and hugs John. Then mounts Warrior, and rides off, turning to wave at them as she leaves.

  Both men wave back, and watch her ride off and over a rise and out of sight. Each with his own thoughts about, Logan. John shakes his head then looks at Gavin and says, “you know I love that girl, but she can be so damn...”

  “Stubborn. One headed,” Gavin says, with a chuckle. Finishing John's sentence for him, as they both laugh.

  “Yeah, and you oughta know, cause you're closer to her'n anybody else.”

  “Yeah your right about that,” Gavin says.

  Then they are both quiet, as they think about Logan in different ways. For Gavin she is his his lover. She is his close companion, and now after that year apart they finally seem to be ready to settle down with each other. Gavin knows that despite all her toughness and tenacity, she's a beautiful soul of a girl inside, as well as the outside.


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