Logan's Promise

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Logan's Promise Page 15

by Nancy Howard

  What Henry did, is he misjudged John's cunning. John hired Logan and Gavin to put the pressure on, and that's when Henry's scheme started to fall apart. That property out by the by the mesa was his best place to rustle the cattle, because the rest of the herd was constantly being tended to by cowhands. But it was his full intention to have Tass Jones disrupt that eventually, and rustle those cows, too. Hiring Jones was his last resort to hurt the Sandersons and get control of Sanderson's Hill Ranch, for himself. But it all failed in the end and now he's leaving, running away. Leaving Tass Jones to be jailed for the failure of his scheme.

  His plan is to board the train and head for California. Henry knows that John will tie him to the cattle rustling that has been going on, on his property. He's sure, too, that he never will see Brittany again. And doesn't even know of her whereabouts, now, since she left with Jay this morning. He knows it is for the best that she left with Jay.

  As Henry drives his buggy toward town, up ahead of him he sees five riders blocking the road. He wonders who they might be? They were strangers to him, he'd never seen them before.

  They sit on their horses and watch Henry get closer.

  Henry stops in front of them, and says, “Can I get by gents? I need to get to Folsom, I have an important meeting, there.”

  Henry has no idea yet, who he is dealing with yet. He can see they're a scruffy, dirty, and unkempt bunch, but that doesn't bother him at all. He has dealt with these types of characters all of his life.

  “Did ya hear that, Bailey? Man wants to get by—says he needs to get to Folsom. He's got an im-portant meetin', there, he says,” Charlie Demp, mocks.

  “I hear’d it,” Hogg replies, grinning deviously. “Did you hear im, boys? He talks funny.”

  “Ya, I think, he sounds like one of them fuckin’ Englishers,” Doak says.

  “Didn't we run them sonofbitches the hell oughta our country, a hundred years or so ago,” Bailey chides.

  “Ya, and I hear'd, we kilt a whole fuckin' bunch of em, too,” Charlie says.

  “Well, let's kill one more of em,” Bailey says. Then he draws his pistol and points it straight at Henry, readying to kill him.

  By now, Henry realizes that his life is in extreme danger, and being the wheeler dealer he is, he says, “Gentlemen, gentleman, there is no need for that. If you let me pass, and follow me to town, I can make it worth your while.”

  “What you tryin' to do, Englisher,” Charlie questions?

  “I'm merely trying to make you boys rich, that's all.”

  “Talk Englisher,” Hogg says, glaring at Henry. Just barely controlling his urge to kill him.

  “I'm a very wealthy man, and when we get to town it will pay you not kill me.”

  “How so,” Bailey asks?

  “Well, for one thing if you want to rob the bank, in Folsom. And I assume that is your intent. I can gain you easy access.”

  “We don't need your help gettin' us into that bank in Folsom, Englisher. We'll just walk in and kill everybody that’s In our way. Then break into the vault, and steal every damn dollar in it.”

  “Then have it your way. Shoot me. But if you go into town with me you'll attract much less attention. I have heard that Sheriff Case is looking for the five of you. You are Bailey Hogg aren't you?” Henry questions them, now knowing who he's dealing with.

  Hogg sets there for a few seconds, and spits, then says, “Ya, I'm Bailey Hogg, what the fuck’s it to ya, Englisher.”

  “Nothing, nothing, at all, I just think it would be wise for you to do what I'm suggesting. Because like I just said, Sheriff Case is looking for you.”

  “Mister we know every other law man in the territory is lookin' fer us, too. And it don't bother us one damn bit.” Then he points his gun at Henry again, and starts to shoot him.

  Then Doak speaks up, “hold on a sec, Bailey. He does have a point ya know. It could be easier for us to get into that thar bank, if we ride into town with im.”

  Hogg doesn't pull the trigger, and thinks for a few seconds. “Okay, Englisher you win fer now, cause it don't matter what you do after we get to that town, and that bank. We’re gonna kill you anyway. We'll follow ya, but if you try anythun'. Try runnin' from us or somethin'. I'm gonna blow your fuckin' head off. Ya got that?”

  Henry just looks at Hogg knowing all he's done is bought himself some time.

  “Got it.” Henry responds. He’s saved his own neck for now. He figures if he leads them into town, there's a reasonable chance that they could be caught. He knows that it will be to his advantage to cooperate with them, for now. And he knows the town will immediately recognize Hogg and his Gang. That they will quickly go get the Sheriff, whether they are with him or not. Henry also figures the town will be so busy trying to capture Bailey and his gang, that no one will notice him getting on the train and leaving.

  On the outskirts of town they stop, and Hogg asks, “What er we stoppin' fer? Englisher.”

  “Henry looks at him and says,” No guns. If you have your gun on me then someone will notice right away. Trust me on this. If you want the money. Put your gun away.”

  Hogg sat for a minute and thought about this, and said, “What if we was to just kill you now, Englisher, and just go into that town and rob that bank. Hell, we ain't afraid a no goddamn small town sheriff. We gonna kill every livin' soul we come in contact with in that thar town, anyways.”

  “And you could, but you could also get killed in the process, all of you, and not be able to have any money and be rich.” Henry is still buying himself time, by playing on Hogg’s greed and ignorance.

  Hogg thinks on what Henry said for a few seconds, then says okay, and motions for Henry to go on as he puts his gun away. But again warns Henry about tricking them.

  As Henry makes his way into town followed by Hogg and his gang, people do notice right away. They run to tell Sheriff Case, that Bailey Hogg and his gang are in town.

  “Hogg,” the sheriff says, in astonishment. “Billy, are you sure?”

  “Yep, he's right sheriff.” The general store owner, who followed Billy Halladay into the sheriff's office says.

  Sheriff Case is now all ears and so are his two deputies. John and Gavin are also in the office. They’ve brought Jones in and had him deposited in jail.

  “Where did you see them,” the sheriff asks?

  “They're at the bank. They rode in behind Henry Baker's buggy,” the store keeper said.

  The sheriff looks at John, and tells him he wants him and Gavin to go along and help.

  But before John could answer the sheriff, telling him they were in. Gavin has already bolted out the door. He did so the second he heard Billy and the others tell the sheriff that Hogg is in town. He quickly heads up the street toward the bank, alone. John is aware of how much he hates Hogg and his gang, because Logan has told him. John rushes out the door going as fast as he can in an effort to catch up to him.

  The sheriff has instructed Billy and the store keeper to get everyone off of the street, as he and his deputies file out of the jailhouse, running to catch up to John and Gavin.

  “What the hell you think you're you doin,” John asks? Catching up to him.

  Gavin doesn't immediately answer him, then does, “I'm going to kill that sonofabitch Hogg, that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna torture the bastard till he begs for his fucking life.”

  “Well, ya ain't gonna do it all by yourself,” John says.” Gavin looks at him, just as the sheriff and his deputies join them.

  Hogg looks out the bank window and sees Gavin, John, the sheriff, and his deputies approaching quickly toward them. As the men exited the jail they heard gunshots coming from the bank, causing them to quicken their pace. Hogg and his gang killed Henry and the teller Josh plus a customer.

  Doak and the others have seen them coming, too.

  “Looks like we gonna have some comp’ny and some fun boys,” Hogg says.

  Just as they get into his sights he takes the butt of his rifle and breaks the
bank window, takes aim, and starts shooting. He is quickly joined by the others, as they all opened fire at the same time

  A barrage of gunfire erupts from the bank, with bullets raining everywhere on Front Street in Folsom. People are screaming and running for their lives in a panic. Gavin, John, the sheriff and his deputies try to return fire. But Hogg and his gang are shooting at them relentlessly. Causing Gavin, John, and the others to try to find cover as quickly as possible. It's too late. Gavin goes down as does the sheriff and one deputy. John gets wounded in the shoulder, as he and the remaining deputy take cover behind a horse trough.

  Then Hogg and his gang exit the bank guns blazing away as they take the money they stole and head for the saloon. John is pinned down as is the other deputy, who has a hand wound. They get off a few shots, killing Eli, and the half-breed. But the gunfire from Hogg and his gang is still fierce, John cannot get to Gavin, who is lying lifeless in the street, along with the sheriff and the deputy.

  Hogg and his gang get to the saloon and enter, people hear more gunshots and screaming from inside, Then it is quiet. After a few seconds the townspeople cautiously come out of hiding, to assist their lawmen, who are down. Doc Burroughs is among the first to come out to aid them. He walks over to Gavin, “he's alive. Get him to my office, fast.” He tells some men, who pick Gavin up to get him to safety. Then Doc walks over to the sheriff and the deputy, and pronounces them dead. John is also headed for the doc's. The other deputy gets on his horse and rides out of town as fast as he can.

  Then doc sees Billy Halladay and calls him over, “Billy, come here quick!”

  Billy runs over to Doc Burroughs, “What's ya need doc,” he asks? Frantically and out of breath.

  “Listen to me Billy. I need you to ride out to Sanderson's Hill as fast as you can get there, and get, Logan. Tell her we need her. We need her to get here to town, as quickly as she can,” he pauses. “And Billy, you need to stay out of Hoggs sight when you leave. Now go!”

  Billy runs off and mounts his horse and rides west, out of town, fast.

  Hogg and his gang in the meantime are hold up in the saloon, where they killed the five people inside. Hogg sees Billy riding hard and fast out of town. He wants to kill him before he gets away, but can't get a clear shot at him. Because Billy is hidden from his view by buildings.

  Hogg looks out the saloon doors and laughs out loud, as he watches the commotion that is going on down in front of the bank. As people scramble to help the wounded men to safety. He knows that there is no way that he, Doak, and Charlie can be stopped by anyone in the town. Now that the sheriff and his men are dead, or shot up. The town is at his mercy whenever he wants to start shooting again, and he knows it.


  Logan is in her office working, when she hears someone frantically yelling. “Miss Logan! Miss Logan!” She looks up and out the window, and sees a rider coming hard and fast toward the house. She wonders what is going on and quickly gets up from her work and goes outside, followed by Catherine who has also heard the man. Logan and Catherine quickly recognize Billy Halladay.

  “Miss Logan! Miss Logan, you gotta come quick,” he exclaims again! Out of breath and dismounting his horse before it comes to a stop, running up onto the porch.

  “What is it Billy? What's going on?”

  “You got to come quick, Miss Logan, they's been a terrible shootin' in town,” he says.

  “What? Who shot who? Slow down Billy, and tell me.”

  “It's Hogg and his gang, they came into town with Henry, and they robbed the bank and shot up the place. They shot Mr. Sanderson, the sheriff, his deputies, and Mr. Gavin in a horrible gunfight.”

  She begins to shake and shudder at hearing this news from Billy, that Gavin and John had been shot.

  Catherine is screaming, “no, no!” Logan grabs her and hugs her tightly, and she hugs Logan back. As the two women try to comfort each other upon hearing this horrible news. Both at the same time trying to deal with the possibility that Gavin and John both could be dead.

  Logan releases Catherine and turns to go into the house. Then she stops and turns to Billy, and asks, “Are they alive? Gavin and John, I mean.”

  “I don't know, as soon as the shootin' stopped Doc Burroughs told me to come out here and get you. I came here as fast as I could Miss Logan. Please hurry the town is in trouble.”

  “I will. Thanks Billy,” she says. Then she turns to George who heard Billy coming, and is standing next to her. She tells him to saddle Warrior and bring him up to the house, as quick as he can.

  Numb from what she just heard, she goes into the house and into her office followed by Catherine. She reaches up on the coat tree and pulls down her gun and puts it on, tying the holster to her leg. Then she pulls the gun out, and rolls the chamber to see if it is loaded. She reaches over on the gun rack and picks up her other pistol, loads it, and tucks it in the back of her britches.

  Catherine just sinks down in one of the big chairs and looks at Logan. She's crying, completely dazed from what she just heard, “what are you gonna be able to do, Logan? I don't want you getting killed, too.”

  “I ain't gonna get killed, not if I can help it. And we're not sure they're dead. Billy said he didn't know.” she says, quietly.

  “I'm coming with you?”

  Logan starts to say no to her, but she can see it would be useless to argue with her, then says, “okay, I'll go down and have them hitch up the buggy. Wait here.”

  “Before you go, will you do one more thing for me?”

  “What's that,” Logan asks?

  “Get me that scatter gun and plenty of shells. I ain't shot a gun in years, but I sure as hell will today, if I have, too.”

  Logan manages a soft smile at her and gets Catherine the gun and shells, then goes to get the buggy. Ten minutes later the two women hop into the buggy with Logan driving, and head for Folsom, as fast as they can get there.

  LOGAN LEAVES THE MAIN road into town and circles around behind Front Street, and parallels it on the south. She knows that the Bank and the saloon are on the east end of town, and experience has taught her that Hogg is probably in one of those two places. She continues diving the buggy down toward the end to Depot Street, the short street on the west end of town that leads to the train station. There she turns back onto Front Street, where she's at the opposite end of town where the bank and saloon are. It is also where Doc Burroughs office is located.

  Logan stops the buggy and gets out quickly, then runs around and helps Catherine down. Catherine grabs the shotgun and shells, as the two women go up onto the boarded walk and rush into the doc's office. They enter with the hope that Gavin and John are still alive.

  Doc Burroughs hears the door open and comes out of his back room. He sees Logan first and then Catherine, as she closes the door behind her. Both women have fear written all over their faces, as they stand in front of him.

  “Doc,” Logan says, quietly! Putting her hand over her mouth, starting to cry, fearing he was about to tell her the worst. That Gavin is dead.

  He looks at her and says, “he's alive, Logan, but barely. I've done all I can for him. He took two shots, one to the chest and the other to his abdomen. I got em both out, and patched him up, as best as I could. But he's lost a hell of a lot of blood, it's gonna be touch and go for a long while.”

  “Will he pull through? Is he gonna live?”

  “I'm sorry, I can't answer that, right now, Logan, I wish I could. He's hurt real bad—real bad. He's a fighter, and all we can do is pray and hope for the best at this point.”

  “Can I see him,” she questions him? Tears running down her cheeks.

  “Yes, but just for a few seconds. Christine, my nurse is in there with him.”

  Logan goes into see Gavin, and Catherine asks, “John?”

  “Oh, he's in here, and is in much better shape. He took a shot to his shoulder, and all he needs to do right now is rest. He's fully awake, and you can go on in. He's across the hall from Gavin.

  Logan knocks gently on the door to Gavin’s room. She feels it open and she walks in, crying as she walks over to his bedside. Christine looks at her and tells Logan, “just a few minutes.” Then she leaves the room.

  Logan just stands there with her hand over her mouth. She's too numb to even think. She seems frozen and can’t move. All she can do is feel. She wipes the tears away only to have more form as she views Gavin lying near death in the bed. She walks over to him and reaches for and holds his hand. It's lifeless. He's in a deep coma. Then she bends over and kisses him gently on the cheek, and says to him, “don't you die on me. We got to many plans to full fill, you and me do. You hear me, Gavin Sloan.” Her voice is weak and quivering with fear, knowing that he could die. She can think of nothing but him right now, even though she knows Rio Doso needs her.

  “If you do die, what am I gonna do? I don't want to think about that. You can't die, Gavin. You can't. I love you too much. You remember that wherever you are, right now.” She whispers this softly into his ear. Then she just puts her head down by his side and cries, still holding onto his hand.

  A few minutes went by and nurse Christine comes back in and tells Logan that she needs to go. Logan understands, but she doesn't. Why can't she be there for Gavin? She thinks. But she does the nurse's bidding and leaves. The door closes behind her. She goes out into the hallway, and sees Catherine talking to John in the room across the hall.

  She walks in and goes over to John. Catherine has pulled up a chair in the room, as John reaches for Logan's hand. She's still crying.

  “Come here, Missy.” He says, clasping his big hand to hers, and pulling her toward him as she lays her head on his big deep chest. He puts his huge left arm over her and hugs her tightly.

  “Doc says he might die.” She speaks in a small voice, that's shrouded from crying.

  “I know, Logan, I heard.”

  Catherine puts her one hand on Logan's back and holds onto her free hand. Hugging Logan. They all say nothing, they are just quiet for several minutes. They are a family. Logan raises up slowly, regaining her some of her composure, and wipes the remaining tears from her eyes.


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