Logan's Promise

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Logan's Promise Page 21

by Nancy Howard

  “Nope. Why'd you leave that?”

  “It's a long story, but to make it a short one, it wasn't working out for me anymore.”

  “Well, I wouldn't stay around here unless you want to be a lawman, cause people are goin' broke and the place is dryin’ up. What's your name?”

  “It's Gavin, Gavin Sloan.”

  “Well, Mr. Sloan, good luck, I hope you find what you're looking for.”

  Gavin smiled, thanked the bartender and finished his beer and left. He had been told by him that the economy around there was not good. And that the only job he knew that was available, was being a deputy Marshal. Gavin has never given much thought to being a lawman, as a matter of fact it's never entered his mind. He stands for a minute and thinks on it. He knows that his experience as a bounty hunter could fit well with that job, so he decides to go and check it out. He needs work or he's gonna be broke himself. And being a lawman and having money coming in, would be better than having no money at all.

  Walking toward the Marshal's office, Gavin remembers what the barkeep said to him. He wished Gavin luck in finding what he wanted. Gavin thinks, he had what he wanted and he let it get away from him, again. Now as he is left to ponder all that happened at the ranch, and again he can think of nothing but, Logan. Just like before when they were separated, because he went to Texas. He missed her then and he misses her now. He wants to go back to her, if he can. But first things first, as he opens the door and walks into the Marshal's office.

  Marshal Dell Craig is setting behind his desk and looks up as Gavin enters. Gavin immediately sees a man who is much older than himself, and who just seems to look the part of a lawman.

  “Can I help you, son?” He says, looking up at Gavin.

  “Well, I'm not sure Marshal, I heard over at the saloon that you're interested in hiring deputies, and I thought I'd stop by and talk to you about it. I'm looking for work.”

  “Well, I am looking for good men. Have a seat. What's your name?”

  “Gavin Sloan.” He says, setting down.

  “Gavin, nice to meet you. I'm Marshal Dell Craig,” he says. Introducing himself and extending his hand across the desk, which Gavin shakes. “Have you ever been in law enforcement before?” The marshal sets back in his chair.

  “No, not really, but I was a bounty hunter for a while. I haven't done that in months, though. But I'm sure there are some similarities to that, and being a lawman.”

  The Marshal shakes his head, “There are, so how long ago did you do that?”

  “Oh, let me see, at least a year or more, now.”

  “What have you been doing recently?”

  “Well sir, up until about six weeks ago, I was a ranch foreman near Folsom.”

  “Oh, really. What ranch was it?”

  “Sanderson's Hill.”

  “Big John Sanderson's spread. So you worked for him?”

  “Yes sir, I did. He and his wife Catherine are good friends of mine.”

  “Why'd you leave a job like that?”

  Gavin sighs, and pauses before he answers him, “It really wasn't working out for me anymore. You see I was involved romantically with their daughter, and we weren't gettin' along anymore, so I figured it would be best for me to move on.”

  “I've heard by the grapevine that John's retired now, and that daughter is running the place. That true?”

  “Yes it is. She's the boss there.”

  “So, you, and her were close.”

  “Yes sir, we were. We were the number one item in the area,” Gavin says, with smile coming across his face.”

  “What's her name?”


  “Oh,” the Marshal says, raising his eyebrows and smiling. He's quiet for a second and looks at Gavin, which makes him a bit uneasy.

  “I like you, Gavin, and if you want to be a territorial deputy Marshal, then you've got a job. Anybody who's worked for John Sanderson is good enough for me. It'll take me...oh, about two, maybe three weeks, to teach you the ropes, then I'll assign you. The thing is the job pays just fifty a month. Will that be a problem for you?”

  “No, not at all. You got any idea where I might going Marshal?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Folsom. So you'll be going home.”

  “I like that, but what about deputy Gray who's there now, will I be working for him?”

  “No, you won't, he's quitting. Wants to do something else, he told me. He said he'd stay on the job until I find a replacement for him. And I just did, you Gavin. You will be in charge once your there, and you will hire your own police force to help you.”

  Gavin smiles upon hearing this, he likes the idea that he will be in charge of the Marshal's office, once he gets back. And he wants to get back home, so he can hopefully patch things up with Logan. And while it will be a little more time than he thought, the next couple of weeks cannot go fast enough for him.


  It is a beautiful late summer's day, as Catherine sets down on the porch swing to enjoy the warm sunshine. Logan is in the office, and John is down at the stable helping George and Timmins shoe horses. Logan has healed a lot in the last two months, she's turned over the bunkhouse duties to Chase Wells. Who is working out great. He works well with the cowboys, and is great when it comes to getting work done that Logan has assigned to him. He understands round-ups, and branding, and she thinks he'll make a great trail boss on the next cattle drive.

  He understands his position, as well as ranching. He never argues with Logan when she gives him an assignment to get done. He just does her bidding. And for her after the problems she and Gavin had, it is a refreshing change.

  It is quiet on the ranch and in the whole area for that matter. Life has settled down as it has been a longtime since Bailey Hogg shot up Folsom, giving way to a more normal life. Logan learned when she was in town at the bank the other day that Marshall Gray is going to be leaving soon. He saw her and told her his replacement would be here in a couple of weeks.

  As Catherine sets there, a nice cool breeze stirs up now and then, making sitting in the porch swing quite comfortable. The house is shaded in the front by big ash trees that surround the porch on both the east and west side. She can hear the horses whinnying in the corral below, and a calf or two balling and crying for their feeding on the adjacent hill. She is very content, and she feels good about things.

  Catherine swings softly back and forth. Thinking about how Logan seems to have gotten over Gavin. Though she is sure she still loves him, she has seen a dramatic change in her daughters mood in the past few weeks.

  It is nearly three in the afternoon, when Logan comes out to join Catherine in the swing.

  “I keep hearing this thing creak, as you swing back and forth.”

  “Oh, am I disturbing you, dear?”

  “No, no, not at all, this just sounded so inviting, that I had to take a break from what I was doing, and join your out here.”

  They're quiet for the most part just enjoying each others company, swinging back and forth.

  “It's so nice Logan. A beautiful day.”

  “It is.” Logan says, looking at her.

  After a few more minutes of just enjoying each others company. Catherine looks out to the hill and the main road into the ranch and says “Who is that?” Surprising Logan with her question. Logan looks up to the top of the hill, where she sees a lone rider.

  “Shs says, “my gosh. It looks like Gavin. It is Gavin.”

  Logan gets up out of the swing and watches as he rides up to the front of the house. She steps off the porch to greet him.

  “Hey you,” he says.

  “Hey,” she says. Subdued. Biting her lower lip, surprised at his sudden return.

  “Mrs. Sanderson. How are you today?”

  “I'm good, Gavin. And you?"

  “Couldn't be better, mam.”

  “So, what brings you back?” He dismounts, as the two of them stand directly in front of each other. It's a bit awkward at
first. Down inside, both of them wants to reach out and grab the other. But don't, not just yet, anyway.

  “I been assigned to Folsom.” He says to her, showing her his badge.

  “You're a lawman, now. You're Marshal Gray's replacement.”

  “I am. How'd you know he was leaving?”

  “I ran into him a couple of weeks ago in town, and he told me. But he didn't tell me you were his replacement.”

  “He didn't know it was me,” he says. “You got a minute or two, to walk, and talk for just a bit. That is if you're not too busy to talk, I mean. It's real important to me, Logan, I got something to say to you.”

  “I got time,” she says softly. Looking at him, wanting to grab him and kiss him right there, but restrains herself. She wants to first hear what he has to say, before getting after him.

  They begin their walk around the side of the house, and to the back, where the yard slopes away to the little stream that runs across the property. On the way he asks her, “you been okay?'

  “Yeah, you?”

  “Yeah, I'm okay, too.”

  They walk slowly over and stand under the big cottonwood tree next to the stream. The wind is blowing just enough, to cause Logan's hair to wisp softly around her face. She is so beautiful he thinks, as he sees this. They’re directly in front of each other.

  Then Logan asks, “so, what is it you want to talk about?”

  “First thing I want to say to you, Logan, is that I'm sorry.”

  “Sorry for what?”

  “For being such an ass.”

  She laughs lightly. “I wasn't easy to live with either.”

  He smiles at her admission, “Truth is, after a couple of weeks, I realized how much I missed you, and being with you. It was just like before, when I found you in your camp that night. All I could do was think about you.”

  She's looking up at him with the gaze of her blue eyes, darting into his mind with the deep look that only Logan can do to him. Causing every part of him to melt.

  “I missed you, too. That day that you left, I wondered where will he go? What will he do? I wanted to run after you, but I couldn't do it.”

  “I understand. I wish you would have,” he pauses. “Just like, I guess we found out that we weren’t meant to work so close to each other, like we were doing.”

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “Did you find another foreman?”

  “I did about two months ago. His name is Chase Wells. He's working out really well.”

  “That's good to hear. So where's John?”

  “He's down at the barn I think. I think he's shoeing horses with George and Timmins.” They chuckle, as they think about John.

  Logan is still looking at Gavin, not able to take her eyes off of him. She's standing directly in front of him, as they make small talk. Her hair again blowing in wisps, around the soft contours of her face.

  He takes his fingers and touches those wisps of hair, gently brushing them away. She doesn't resist him. She wants him to touch her. “You know for the second time in my life, I let you get away from me. I love you, Logan. I want us to be together again, if you want to do that. And if you need some time to think about it, then I'll wait. And if you decide you don't want to get back together with me again, then I'll just have to accept that and move on. But that's why I came here, to see you. Ever since Marshal Craig told me I was going to be the deputy in charge here, it was all I could do, but wait to get here to see you.”

  “I'm just glad you're back, Gavin. I don't want us to go down that road again. I want us together, just like you do.”

  Then without thinking she reaches up with her right hand and softly touches his face, then they just grab each other and kiss for a longtime. Hugging each other. Breaking then kissing long and deep, then hugging and kissing again.

  He's holding her in his arms, and she says, “When you rode away that day, I thought for sure that I would never see you again. That I'd lost you forever, too. I love you, Gavin. And no, I don't need time to think about this. We're made for each other, don't you see that? Because when we separate, we always end up back together again. We always do.”

  “I know we do, that's why I'm here.”

  They smile at each other and hold hands kissing each other again and again.

  “Come on, let's go see John, I know he'll be glad to see that you're back.”

  All this time, Catherine couldn't help herself, as she went into the house, and then to the dinning room where she could eavesdrop, and watch them. When she saw them kiss it only made her smile. She is happy for them and especially for Logan, who she loves and cares about so much, now. She is so happy that tears form in her eyes, not because she sees Jennifer this time. Her tears of happiness are for Logan.

  John looks up from his work on a horseshoe, and sees Logan and Gavin holding hands walking toward him, and he says to George, “well I'll be damned. He came back for her.”

  George says, “I never thought that would happen, John.”

  “Me neither. But the problem with that idea George, is she's so doggone beautiful, he can't resist being without her.” George smiles and shakes his head in agreement at John's comment, about his daughter.

  “Well, I see the both of you have finally come to your senses.” John says. Then he notices the badge Gavin is wearing. “You're a lawman now.”

  “Yes sir, I am. I'm gonna be right here in Folsom.”

  “Well, seeing' the two of you holdin' hands like this, does that mean you've made up,” John asks poignantly?

  “Yeah, I think it does.” Gavin says, smiling and looking at Logan, who shakes her head yes.

  “So you're gonna be the law around here now. I'm sure you'll make a damn good one, Gavin,” John says.

  “Yes sir, I am, and I will sure try to do that.”

  Logan and Gavin looked at each other, then back at John who's smiling at both of them, before he goes back to shoeing the horse. He is glad that Gavin has come back to Logan just like Catherine is.


  The autumn cool has finally descended on the high plains of the territory, after the long hot summer. There are big doings in and around Folsom, as the whole area looks forward to the wedding of its two most prominent citizens. Logan Sanderson and Marshal Gavin Sloan. It was a much anticipated event sometime ago, but Logan and Gavin split apart. Leaving those who knew them, to wonder if they would ever settle their differences. If they would ever get back together. Would Gavin comeback to Logan? All of those questions have been answered now, and their wedding is scheduled to take place in two weeks.

  Logan can't help but be excited by the thought that she and Gavin are finally going to get married. She is going to have a wedding. Something she honestly thought could never happen to her. She only dreamed of this at one time. Her heart often aching for a time like now to show up in her life.

  She often thinks about the journey the she has taken over the last ten years. One from being a homeless urchin girl, to a bounty hunter, and to this. Where she is now runs a ranch of more than three hundred thousand acres, the biggest in the territory. And she has family, something that was so important to her, but at the same time was just as elusive. That is all past now. Now she has John and Catherine. With the big day just two weeks away, it makes it hard for her to concentrate on her work. Her every spare moment is spent thinking about her wedding with, Gavin.

  As for the Sandersons and the wedding for their Logan, it has caused Catherine in particular to be tickled and beside herself. When Jennifer died, it dashed her dreams that a day like this would ever occur. Jenny, her beautiful Jenny was dead at just twenty-two years old. She and John were devastated by their daughters passing, as each of them tried to cope with the pain and grief of that loss. For four years they seemed to be walking around in a daze, going through the motions of life, because she was dead. They did all they could back then just to keep it together, for each other.

  Then one day they went into town to the bank, and c
rossed paths with a young woman with a gun on her hip. A bounty hunter, and she wasn't just any bounty hunter either. Her name was Logan Kincaid, and she had a reputation. What happened that day though was the start of something for the Sandersons they did not expect, nor did that young woman.

  She followed them home that day, and a special bond that only can exist between parents and child quickly began to take shape. Having a daughter was missing badly in John and Catherine life, just as Logan needed a firm family foundation. Something she always wanted, and she found that at Sanderson's Hill Ranch with John and Catherine. And the Sandersons they found a new daughter in Logan, that was so badly missing in their lives.

  Over a year ago they made her the soul heir to Sanderson's Hill, and legally adopted her into the family. Her name changed to Logan Sanderson. Something she's worn proudly ever since that day. Never once disappointing John and Catherine.

  Now, for Catherine those dreams that were dashed away when Jennifer died, have become a reality for her again. She doesn't have Jenny anymore, but she has Logan. Who is going to marry the handsome Marshal Gavin Sloan in just a couple of weeks. For Catherine this will be Logan's day, and hers, too. Because there's going to be a wedding at Sanderson's Hill Ranch, after all.

  For John it is special, too, his pain of the loss of Jenny has also subsided, like it has for Catherine. They of course will never get over losing their natural born daughter at such a young age, but having Logan around has eased his pain. Leaving him to think only about Logan and her future.

  It's Friday as John walks into the office and sets down in one of the big chairs opposite, Logan.

  “Hey you,” she says, smiling at him. Watching him walk in and set down, loving it when he does this, to come in and chat with her. She loves it and is always ready to enjoy his company.

  “Hey to you, too, Missy. You got a minute?”

  “Sure, I always got time for you. You know that.”

  “Missy, you remember that day you and I rode out to the mesa, and we talked about all sorts of stuff the day after you got here.”


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