Logan's Promise

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Logan's Promise Page 29

by Nancy Howard

  “And Falon, I want you to hear this more than anything I've just said. Me, Gavin, and mom, the doc, and even Molly, everybody on this ranch. We are all here for you, rooting and pulling for you. We want to help you heal, and feel good about yourself again. I want you to understand that.”

  Falon is still crying and trying to keep the tears wiped away, as she shakes her head. Then the two women hug each other for several seconds before releasing. Falon realizes that she is not alone in her battle against the hurt and fear, that were planted in her by Belcher and his vicious attacks on her.

  “If you can, and when you're up to it, would you mind telling Gavin all you can about that guy, Joe Biggs. He may be able to find him.”

  “I will, I promise,” she pauses as her tears subside. Then she says, “What I wonder Logan, is how did we get separated when we were babies? And what about my parents who raised me? Who were they really?”

  “I can't answer that. But you know there is someone who just might be able to help us, and fill in the gaps. Her name is Mary Hubbard, and if she's still alive—we should go to Denver and pay her a visit. When you feel up to it.”

  “How can she help?”

  “Well, she was our neighbor when I was growing up there. She used to let me stay at their house, because she knew I was afraid of Cal and his beatings. She kept me fed because Cal didn't care whether I lived or died. I'd have starved to death if it hadn't been for Mary. She may be able to help us.”

  “Let's do it. Let's go to Denver then,” Falon says.

  “We will, but first I have some things to take care of here on the ranch, that need my utmost attention. It's gonna take a couple weeks, but as soon as I'm done we'll go to Denver, just you and me. It'll also give you more time to rest, to be able to make that trip.”

  THAT EVENING, EVERYONE in the family is in the parlor, and Falon opens up and begins to tell Gavin all of what she knows about Joe Biggs. She gave him the best detailed description of him that she could, which is all Gavin needed, really. He knew from what Falon told him, that Biggs probably operates out of Denver.

  “So, what will you do now,” Logan asks?

  “Well, with the description that she just gave me, I'll put that information on a wanted poster and get it mailed out to every lawman in the territory. I'll also send a wire to the Denver Police, and give them the information that Falon gave me. If he's in their sights, which I'm sure he may be—they'll appreciate the information. And that I hope will aid in his capture.”

  “I didn't think what I told you was that much,” Falon says.

  “Oh, but it was, you gave me an excellent description of him, and that is what I needed.”

  “What about the Comencheros Gavin? Is there anything that can be done about them? And possibly rescue the other women who are being held prisoner there,” Logan asks?

  “I've already sent the US Cavalry a telegram about that. They sent me back a message that said they know about the Comancheros, and are looking into it. The telegram said, they'd let me know if there are further developments.

  “They have the time and manpower, to find, and raid the Comanchero camp, to rescue any women who are being imprisoned by them. I only have four deputies on my force and we don't have the time to go after them, and of course manpower either.”

  Logan shakes her head, and says, “that makes sense.”


  Its morning, and Logan has made sure that her children will be provided and cared for today. She is going into town, for a meeting with Bill Chatfield. She is upstairs and decides to stop into the guest room to talk to her sister, and ask her if she’d like to go with her. Logan had decided sometime ago that she would do her best to spend time with Falon, giving them a chance to bond and get closer. Today is a day that she figures some of that sister bonding can take place, and she has a surprise for her.

  She looks in and sees Falon reading her Bible, something she does on a regular basis. She knows that Falon is finding solace and healing in the scriptures, they're helping her move on from her ordeal with Belcher.

  “Hey Falon.”

  “Hey, too, you. What's up?”

  “Well, I was wondering if you'd like to do something with me today. That is if you feel up to it.”

  “Sure. What?”

  “I have a meeting at the bank today with Bill Chatfield, and then after that we can have lunch with my husband. I thought you might like to join me, and go into town, and get away from here. You've been cooped-up here on the ranch, since you got here.”

  “Yes, I would love to go.” She says, perking up at the chance to go somewhere.

  “Great,” her sister smiles. In about ten minutes. Okay?”

  “I'll be ready.”

  LOGAN TAKES THE REINS to the buggy as her sister rides next to her. They are so identical it is tough to tell them apart. They have begun to fool the ranch hands, even Brock, George, and Timmins, who've known Logan for years. When they walked from the house to the stable to get the buggy, every man at the corral watched them, seeing double. None of them able to tell which one was Logan, or which one was Falon, until they saw Logan driving the buggy out of the barn.

  “What's so funny?”

  Logan, is laughing as she drives away.

  “Oh, the look on the boys faces watching us walk into the barn. They're not sure which was which.”

  Falon laughs, “I noticed that, too.”

  Logan is glad to hear her sister laugh, she has been at the ranch for over five weeks now as she accompanies her sister into Folsom.

  “Anyway,” Logan begins. “There's a couple of girlfriends of mine I want you to meet, if you don't mind. They own the dress shop, and they'll keep you occupied while I'm in my meeting at the bank.”

  “No, I don't mind, not at all.”

  “Good, because no one in town has ever seen you. I know that some people know about you because Gavin has told them. But they've never actually seen you, or seen us together like we are now. So this is gonna be fun for awhile.”

  “How so?”

  “Because, like Molly said that day we brought you home with us. There's two of me,” she laughs. “And it'll take the folks in town sometime I figure to get used to the idea of both of us being around. Some won't care, but we should get some interesting stares, anyway, and then we can giggle.”

  “Yeah, especially, when you're so well known around here.”

  Logan is taking Falon to town because of a surprise she has planned for her. One she's not told her anything about it. Her plans are to leave Falon at the dress shop so she can buy a new wardrobe of clothes, all that she wants. Logan will then pay for them. She and Falon have been sharing her clothes, which is fine. But Logan is sure it will be fun for her sister to have her own clothes again.

  “By the way, I been meaning to ask you. I notice that you are spending time talking to Chase a lot.”

  “Yes I am. He's really nice, Logan.”

  “Yes he is, and I don't want you to think I'm being nosy or prying. But are you okay with that?”

  “Yeah, I am. He helps me forget what Belcher did to me. And you're not being nosy at all. You care and I understand that.”

  “Do you guys talk about that? What Belcher did, and that it may take some time for you to heal.”

  “We do talk about all of that, and he's so understanding. But we don't dwell on it either, we seem to be exploring each other,” she says.

  Falon pauses then says, “you know Logan everyone around there talks about how protective you are of those you love.”

  “Yeah, who'd you hear that from?”

  “Oh, I talk to people at the ranch and they tell me stuff about you. I hope you don't take offense to it. I'm just trying to learn more about you.”

  “I know, just like I'm protecting you, now and you may not want me too. I know you're an adult and your perfectly capable. So, I want you to always tell me if I'm overstepping my bounds with you.”

  “I will. But I don't want to hurt your f
eelings, either.”

  “You won't, trust me,” she pauses. “It's good to hear that you and Chase are getting together like you are.”

  “I like him, Logan, and he's just stinkin' cute.”

  Logan laughs at Falon's comment, then says, “Yeah you're right about that, he's quite a handsome guy, like my Gavin. You know, boyish and ruggedly gorgeous at the same time,” she says. Looking at Falon with a big smile on her face.

  “Yes he is,” Falon says to her, and smiling back. Knowing that she and her sister are in the same place, when it comes to talking about Chase and Gavin.

  LOGAN PARKS THE BUGGY in front of the dress shop, as she usually does, every time she goes into town. She does it so she can go in and spend money, and visit with her two good friends Linda and Grace. The twins get out of the buggy and step onto the boarded walk and go into the shop, where they are greeted by Grace. Linda emerges from the back of the store.

  “Well, hello, ladies,” Grace says with a big smile on her face. “Logan, we've been wondering when you were going to let us meet your sister.”

  “Well, this is her. Falon, meet Grace Stafford and Linda Brown, my two bestest friends in the whole world.”

  “Nice to meet you both,” Falon responds.

  “My God, you're so identical. If you hadn't introduced us Logan, I would have had trouble knowing which was which,” Linda says, placing her hand over her mouth, flabbergasted.

  “Yeah, I'm sure, we were just talking about that, on the way into town. But all you got to do is look cause I’m scruffier than her.”

  They all laughed.

  “So what can we do for you ladies today,” Grace asks?

  “Well, I have a meeting at the bank with Bill Chatfield. While I'm over there, I was wondering if you could help Falon find all the clothes and dresses, and other stuff that she needs.”

  When Falon hears Logan say this, she says, “Logan, how will I pay for it?”

  “Not to worry, I'll take care of it.”

  “But how do I....”

  “Shush,” Logan says to her. “You don't have to worry about that, either.”

  Falon doesn't say anymore. She knows this is Logan, being Logan.

  “Well I have to run ladies, I'm late for my meeting, so have fun Falon. I'll see you in a bit.” Then she gives her sister a quick hug, and is out the door.

  All three of them watch her leave.

  “She's something else,” Falon says. Shaking her head watching her sister leave.

  “Yes, she is Falon, but she is the most wonderful and caring person we've ever known,” Grace says. Linda shakes her head in agreement.

  “And protective I'm finding out,” Falon says, with a smile.

  “That too,” says Grace. “Come on, let's find you some clothes, girl.”

  As Falon begins to find and try stuff on, she, Linda, and Grace begin to talk. She wants of course to know how long they've been friends with, Logan.

  “A longtime,” Linda says.

  “Yeah,” Grace says, looking at Linda.”Tell her about that first day she came in here all those years ago?”

  “What happened,” Falon asks?”

  Linda begins, “Well, she came in here that day, and wanted to buy a dress. Now you've got to realize she was unkempt, her gun strapped to her right leg, with her britches and hat on, with hair pulled back in a ponytail. And it had not been washed in days, nor had she bathed in the same amount of time. We didn't want her near, anything.”

  “Really?” Falon responds with surprise.

  “Yes, really,” Linda says.

  “Did she buy a dress?”

  Grace says, “yes, but we were pretty mean to her. We made her buy it before she tried it on.”

  Falon laughs, when she hears them tell her this about her sister. They laugh, too.

  “But don't you let that cause you think anything less of your sister, as to what we're telling you” Grace says.

  “No, I never would.”

  “Anyway, there was a commotion that day in the street, and the sheriff was gone. So your sister strapped her gun on around her dress, and went into the street and stopped a drunk from killing a saloon girl,” Linda tells her.

  “Yes, and that's not all she did. She saved this town,” Grace says, using a very serious tone.

  “She did?”

  “Yes she did. Our sheriff got killed, John got wounded, and Gavin got shot-up, real bad. Logan came into town and killed this evil bad guy named, Bailey Hogg. She's one tough cookie Falon, and we love her to death.”

  Falon shakes her head, and thanks the two women for telling her what happened with Logan. She also found out that the three of them all eventually became good friends and they were in Logan's wedding, and that she was in theirs.

  She wanted to know more about Gavin getting hurt and asked, “So Gavin was hurt bad?”

  “Yeah, he was Falon, he nearly died. Your sister would come into town every night and stay with him over at the docs,” Grace said. “She did it for a longtime. Often staying all night and still running that huge ranch at the same time.”

  “Yeah, the doc had to tell her to stop coming in and staying with Gavin, because he was afraid that she'd have a nervous breakdown,” Linda added.

  “After getting to know her, I can't imagine anyone being that persuasive with her.”

  “Yeah, she's very strong willed, everyone around here knows that. You know, Falon she wasn't related by blood to John Sanderson at all. But she is so much like him, it's unreal,” Linda says.

  Falon left the dress shop with a new found perspective of her twin sister, and four bags of clothes that she puts into the buggy.

  She’s about to go exploring when she sees her sister emerge from the bank and they walk toward each other. They meet smack in the middle of Front Street, to the gawking looks of the townsfolk who have never seen them together before.

  “Hey, I was about to go exploring.” Falon says, as Logan walks up to her.

  “Did Linda and Grace get you fixed up,” Logan asks?

  “They sure did. Thank you, Logan. I...I don’t know what to say.”

  “Don’t say anything. It was my pleasure. So enjoy. It’s fun to do it for you, you deserve them. So where are they and what did you buy?”

  “A bunch of stuff, like four bags. I put them in the back of the buggy.”

  “I can’t wait to see them,” she pauses then looks at Falon and says, “So do you want to go someplace else or are you ready to go over to Gavin’s office and see if he’s ready to go to lunch.”

  “Let’s do that—I’m starved.”

  “Me, too.”

  “You know, you’re right about us confusing people. When I came out of the dress shop I kept getting called, Logan.”

  Logan laughed, “I told you. I said this was gonna be fun for a while. Then the twins continued their fun of confusing all that see them together for the first time, as they head to Gavin’s office.


  That evening after supper, Gavin tells them that he is searching for Joe Biggs, and that he's issued a wanted poster on him. He also tells the family that he got a letter from the Army, and they found and raided the Comanchero camp. It said that they'd killed or arrested all of the Comancheros, and that they found and freed almost two dozen women. The letter was from a Captain Decker, and he said the women were being used as sex slaves. He wrote that there was no sign of a Joe Biggs, and that the women were too scared to talk to the soldiers about him.

  Gavin also tells Falon and Logan that he sent a wire to the Denver Police about all of this. And in their return message to him, they told him they know Biggs well, and will be on the lookout for him. Gavin tells the family that Biggs has several accomplices in committing these kidnapping crimes. That their M. O. is always the same, kidnap women and sell them into slavery.

  “You, know what they are, Gavin? Slavers. They pray on, and sell, vulnerable women,” Logan says, in disgust.

  “Yes, I know, that's exactly wha
t they are.”

  “Anyway,” Logan begins. “To change the subject Falon, I bought us train tickets to go to Denver to find Mary. I should've said something to you about it making sure you're ready to make that long of a trip. If you're not tell me and we can go later.”

  “Oh, I'm ready to go anytime you are,” she responds, enthusiastically.

  “Good, I was hoping you'd say that, cause we're going on Monday,” she smiles.

  “Works for me,” Falon says.

  MONDAY COMES AND THE family gathers to sees the twins off at the train station. The trip will take nearly three days, they will change trains twice. Logan tells them they will return on Saturday or Sunday. She is fussing over her kids, she's leaving them again for the second time in two months. But the family understands the reason for this trip, too. It is important for the twins to find out how they got separated at birth. Catherine assures Logan that the kids will be fine, that they'll get plenty of attention and care. Gavin will be there at the ranch. He has decided to take some time away from his job to spend time with his kids, in Logan's absence.

  As the train pulls away from the station, the two women wave at the family until they can no longer see them. At the insistence of Molly, the family watches the train until it is out of sight. The little girl didn't move, standing with her hand on her forehead to shield her eyes from the glare of the afternoon sun. She watched the train carrying her mother lumber away, belching smoke high into the air until that, too, was no longer visible.

  She asked her dad why mommy had to leave again, and he told her that she and Aunt Falon were going to see an old friend, that could help them find out things about themselves. Molly seemed to accept Gavin's explanation, as he told her not to worry. Assuring his daughter that her mother would be home before she knew it.

  Falon is looking out the window, about an hour into the trip, and begins to talk to her sister, “I haven't said anything to you, but when I was at the dress shop the other day, Linda and Grace told me about your heroics and how you saved the town.


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