Impulsive Saint (All Saints Security Series Book 2)

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Impulsive Saint (All Saints Security Series Book 2) Page 8

by Jess Bryant

  After he’d filled his arms with enough sugar, processed foods and junk to make Ashtyn think twice about eating any of what he offered her, he returned to the front of the store. The cashier was staring out the window, fascinated by something and completely ignored Tyler as he put his haul of hot dogs, sodas, water and chips on the counter. He followed the kid’s gaze and scowled.

  So much for not drawing attention to them.

  Ashtyn had one of her long legs kicked up on the ledge beside the gas pump and was tying her boot. She’d untangled her long, blonde hair from its braid and it twisted and twirled in the wind. It didn’t help that her ass was pointed in their direction, encased in those black pants that fit her like a second skin.

  Tyler cleared his throat, loudly, and the kid almost jumped out of his shoes. His pimpled skin blotched red and he pulled his glasses off, as if he could pretend that he hadn’t been staring. He started ringing up Tyler’s purchases and only paused when he must have realized there was two of everything.

  “Uh… is that…” The kid motioned out the window and gave a toothy grin, “Your girlfriend?”

  “No.” Tyler snorted, tossing some cash down on the counter.

  “Oh man, too bad. She’s a total hottie.”

  Tyler couldn’t help but look out the window towards the girl in the parking lot. The kid was right of course. Tyler had been an idiot to think that the girl would go unnoticed anywhere he took her.

  They needed to get out of Tennessee before they stopped again, he realized. Once they were out of state the odds of anyone recognizing her decreased dramatically. And while he’d only been trying to scare her with the idea of someone seeing her and calling her father to come get her, he knew that wouldn’t happen since her mother had given them the go-ahead for this outing. He didn’t think her mother would still be greenlighting the mission if he got her daughter’s image splashed all over the internet.

  “She’s a pain in the ass.” He winked at the kid as he picked up the bag and pocketed his change. “Trust me. The pretty ones always are.”

  The teenage boy in his horrible yellow and blue striped uniform grinned but he didn’t look like he believed Tyler. He took his bags and pushed back outside. When he caught sight of Ashtyn doing stretches, legs spread, arms over her head, twisting and turning her lean body, he gritted his teeth and told himself not to snap at her for simply trying to get comfortable after three hours on the back of a motorcycle. It wasn’t her fault that she was so gorgeous and flexible that the kid in the gas station was probably sporting a boner.

  Hell, Tyler was a grown man and he’d gotten half a stiffy just from her breasts pressed against his back on the motorcycle.

  “Here, eat this.” He shoved the hot dog at her and then held out the drinks, “Water or caffeine?”

  “Water is good.” She took what he offered and only snarled her nose slightly at the mustard covered hot dog. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” He twisted off the top of his own water after he stored the sodas in the side pocket of the bike.

  “So, what now?” Ashtyn spoke around a bite of her hot dog and Tyler couldn’t help but smile at the unladylike behavior that continued to surprise him.

  “Now we eat, drink some water, fill the bike up and get back on the road.”

  Ashtyn chewed and swallowed, “How much further are we going today?”

  Tyler had checked his phone while he was in the store and done some math after comparing it to his maps app. They were on the highway and it was a pretty straight shot for a while longer. Still, he didn’t want to be riding after dark with a novice like Ashtyn even if she was a natural. He finished shoving his hot dog into his mouth and washed it down with a big swig from his bottle of water before he spoke.

  “We’re going to head towards Little Rock. It’s about 3 more hours away. We can stop there for the night or, if you need to stop sooner all you have to do is tap my shoulder again. I’m sure there are more gas stations along the way.”

  “When you say stop for the night, you don’t mean at a Four Seasons, do you?”

  Tyler chuckled, “Nope. I told you yesterday, if you want to road trip then we do it my way. No fancy hotels. We’ll stop at whatever roadside motel we come across first when it starts to get dark.”

  “You’re trying to punish me, aren’t you?” Ashtyn grinned at him. “Trying to make me want to go home?”

  He shrugged at the same time his phone buzzed in his pocket. He tossed the empty water bottle and hot dog tray into the trashcan next to the pump and pulled it out of his jacket. He instantly frowned when he saw his oldest brother’s name on the screen along with a text message. He should have known it was coming, had honestly expected it long before now, but he still didn’t want to talk to Vaughn about everything that had led him to this point.

  Dutifully, he opened the message and read through what he knew was going to be a rant, just to get it over with.

  * * *

  Senator Echols is pissed. His ex-wife might have given you permission for this stupid road-trip but you don’t work for her. You work for me and I work for the Senator. I swear to God, Ty. You better take care of that girl. If she ends up with so much as a scratch it’s on you.

  * * *

  Tyler rolled his eyes but typed out a quick message that they were fine. He wasn’t going to get in a fight with his brother right now. He was heading out on a days-long road trip on his bike and instead of checking on him, making sure he was okay or asking if he needed anything his brother had only sent a threat that it was his head if something bad happened. Vaughn could be so damn predictable.

  He shoved the phone back in his pocket and glanced up again. Ashtyn was watching him with a curious expression.

  “Who was that?”

  “My brother.”

  “The newlywed or the workaholic?”

  Tyler tilted his head, “You remember me telling you that?”

  “Sure.” She shrugged, digging into a bag of chips and leaning against the pillar next to the pump. She crossed her ankles and popped another chip in her mouth. “So? Which one?”

  “The workaholic.” He wondered if she’d recognize the name since his brother had worked with her father for years but she hadn’t mentioned his last name so maybe not. “Vaughn.” He told her hesitantly. “His name is Vaughn.”

  “He’s the oldest?”

  “Yeah. He’s a lot older than me and Hunter actually. He’s always been more like a father figure.”

  “Mmm.” Ashtyn nodded knowingly, “If he’s anything like mine, that explains your expression when you saw his message.”

  Tyler chuckled at the comparison, “They’re more alike than you can possibly believe.”

  “Overbearing. Controlling. Thinks he’s always right. His way is the only way.” Ashtyn nodded, “Yeah, I know the type.”

  “I guess you do.”

  “So was he giving you shit for taking this trip? I didn’t think much about it but I’m probably keeping you from your job, huh? The workaholic brother probably can’t stand that. I’m sorry.”

  Tyler shrugged, “My job is fine. Nobody’s going to miss me for a few days.”

  “Still, I’m sorry if I got you into trouble with your brother, or your job.”

  She had no idea that the brother and the job were one and the same. He intended to keep it that way. But it was still nice to hear that she felt bad about inconveniencing him.

  “Sorry enough to turn this bike around and let me take you home?”

  She laughed and the sound made him grin. The sound was light and tinkling, almost musical. He liked the sound of her laugh, he realized. He didn’t want to like her but the more time he spent in her company, the more he found to like.

  “We are not going home. Not yet.” She pushed up from the pillar and wiped her hands together to get rid of any crumbs. “We should get back on the road.”

  “That’s usually my line.” he chuckled.

  “Well then, you’d bette
r be quicker next time.” She winked playfully and he laughed again.

  He went to the bathroom, washed his hands and relieved himself. After, Tyler ran his card and topped off the tank on the motorcycle. Then they climbed back on the bike and set out on the road for the second leg of their trip.

  Tyler almost felt bad about the fact that he had already scoped out a truly horrible shithole motel for them near Little Rock. If that place didn’t gross her out and send her fleeing for the comfort of her family and home, he wasn’t sure anything would. It probably said something awful about him that he couldn’t wait to see her face when he showed her their sleeping arrangements.

  He grinned almost the entire three-hour ride out of Tennessee and into Arkansas.


  Ashtyn was so sore she was surprised her legs held her up when she finally climbed off the motorcycle for the day. They’d been riding for what felt like an eternity and Tyler had only stopped three times, including the one for lunch. All three stops had been at small, sketchy looking gas stations and each time he’d kept her from going anywhere but to the bathroom. He’d barely given her any time to stretch her legs and she felt like she might never walk right again but that wasn’t even the worst of it.

  She could feel dirt and grime on her everywhere, even through her clothes. She hadn’t expected that part of this trip but she supposed that’s what she got for jumping in with no real planning or preparation. Her Target haul had been cute but it wasn’t as practical as she’d hoped. With the wind whipping at her as Tyler sped down the highway, she’d found her jacket was more for looks than anything else and even with the helmet protecting her face she swore she could feel road dust in every crease of her body.

  All she wanted in that moment was to step into a scalding hot shower and wash away her aches and pains right along with all the dirt.

  Only, as she turned to face the building they’d stopped in front of, she recoiled. The sign at the road only said motel in neon red letters and even calling it that seemed like a stretch once she got a good look at the place. It was a long, squat building with faded and peeling paint that at some point might have been white but had turned a dirty gray brown color. The doors to the rooms were painted a fresher shade of red but they all looked like a good hard wind would blow them down. There were two trucks parked at the end of the gravel lot, one with the hood up and the other on blocks because it was missing its two back tires. If the yellowish light coming from the glass at the main entrance was any dimmer, she’d have assumed the place was deserted.

  “We can’t stay here.” She shook her head as Tyler put his helmet on the handlebar.

  “We can and we are.” He didn’t even give her a sideways glance as he headed towards the office. “Stay with the bike. I’ll get us a room.”

  “A room?” She called after him, “As in one?”

  There was little doubt in her mind that he had heard her question but he didn’t answer or turn back. She watched his broad shoulders as he strolled away from her. He wasn’t walking funny, she noticed and wanted to curse him for that just as much as his choice of lodging for the night.

  She knew what he was up to now. After their talk at the gas station while she ate that horrible, overcooked hot dog, she’d put it together. He intended to make her miserable. It seemed to be his sole mission today. His hope was that if he made her uncomfortable enough that she would give in, whine, cry and beg for him to take her back home to the luxurious life he clearly thought she lived.

  On the back of the bike she’d wondered about the man she was holding onto all afternoon. She didn’t understand why he’d agreed to take her on this road trip if he hated the idea so much. If all he wanted was to ruin it for her, he could have just said no. So why hadn’t he? The only reason she’d been able to come up with was that protective streak of his. He’d rather she go with him so he knew she’d be safe, miserable but safe. He had to be a friend of Aaron’s with that kind of motive and she couldn’t help but wonder if he was giving her ex-fiancé updates.

  Before she could contemplate that any further, Tyler came back out of the hotel and motioned for her to join him. She met up with him just as he was sticking an old gold key into the door of Room 4. The red door gave a groan as he pushed it open and Ashtyn felt her nose curl in disgust as the room came into view.

  It was even worse than she’d been expecting.

  The carpet was a green shag that looked like vomit. The walls were dinged and scratched and even a small hole, about the size of a fist, stared back at her from next to the television. Which, speaking of, looked like it was probably new back in 1972. Everything in the room looked like it was from that long-forgotten era, faded and crusty with dust on every surface. There was a smell too, though she couldn’t place it exactly. Smoke for sure but something else, something like body odor. The bed was huge, taking up most of the room, and the comforter looked stained even from this distance.

  Wait, she narrowed her eyes and looked around the room again just to make sure she wasn’t missing something. Tyler had said he was getting them a room. This room. He hadn’t said anything about only getting them one bed.

  She glared at him defiantly, “I am not sleeping in that bed with you.”

  “Never said you had to, princess.” Tyler slid out of his leather jacket, tossing it over a gold and maroon brocade chair in the corner next to a whining A/C unit before turning back to her, “Feel free to sleep on the floor.”

  Her mouth fell open, “You’re joking.”

  “Not really.” He shrugged as he pulled the comforter off the bed with a wave of his arm. “I’m tired and I’m not in the mood to argue with you so sleep wherever you want, but I’m sleeping in this perfectly fine bed.”

  “I’ll get my own room.”

  He snorted, “With what money?”

  She gritted her teeth, “Look, I know you’re trying to make me uncomfortable but you could have at least gotten us separate beds.”

  “Ashtyn.” He met her gaze, serious and exhausted blue eyes looking straight at her. “They didn’t have a room with two beds. I asked. It’s not that kind of motel.”

  “Oh…” She swallowed hard at the implication, her eyes going back to the bed until he gave a long and haggard sounding sigh.

  “I realize this isn’t the Ritz and I’m no prince charming but I’m not going to force myself on you or anything like that. I’m just tired and I want to get some sleep because we have a long day on the road again tomorrow no matter if you decide to keep going on this stupid road trip or if you come to your senses and realize you left a great life behind you in Nashville and want to go home. I’m going to sleep and I suggest you do the same.”

  Ashtyn scowled at him as he sat on the edge of the bed and began to untie his boots. He really did look exhausted. She supposed if she was sore from riding all day then maybe he was too and while she’d been on the back of the bike, daydreaming the hours away, he’d had to focus on the road and traffic and keep them safe.

  She didn’t have to like that this was the place he’d chosen for them to sleep. She didn’t have to believe that he wasn’t trying to make her life miserable. But she did have to give him some measure of peace or else she feared his protective streak might dry up and he’d drive off without her, leaving her abandoned in the middle of nowhere Arkansas with no phone, no money and no way home.

  “Fine.” she sighed, finally stepping inside and shutting the door behind her. “But I’m not going to sleep dirty. I need a shower.”

  “Have at it.” He motioned behind him towards what had to be the bathroom without even looking at her.

  “And I need to call my friend and check in so she knows I’m safe.”

  “Go for it.” He covered a big yawn with the back of his hand.

  Ashtyn frowned, “I’ll need to borrow your cell phone.”

  His head jerked to her, “What?”

  “Cell phone? To make the call? I don’t have mine, remember?”

  Dark brows
knit together over his tired blue eyes and he scratched his head before seeming to think of something, “There’s a phone right there by the bed. Use it.”

  She grimaced when she saw the big orange rotary telephone he was talking about. It was a landline which was rare, but the handset itself had to be twice as old as she was. She couldn’t even imagine the kind of people that had touched that phone and put their mouth next to it.

  “Tyler… seriously?” She turned pleading eyes on him but he’d gone back to untying his other shoe already.

  “You’re the one that decided on a cross country trip without a cell phone.” He shrugged, “Learn to use what’s available or not. Up to you, princess.”

  Ashtyn clenched her jaw at the use of that horrible nickname again and glared at his back. He was serious. She couldn’t believe he was actually serious. He wasn’t going to let her use his cell phone. What a jerk! With no other recourse except to be defiant, she grabbed the heavy old telephone off the table and dragged it with her to the bathroom, pleased with herself when the cord had enough distance to let her close the door and give her a modicum of privacy.

  She expected some sort of smart remark but Tyler didn’t say a word. Ashtyn took a deep breath and let it out, closing her eyes and trying to center herself. He hadn’t been this rude or grouchy all day. It was a new development. So maybe he wasn’t just trying to get under her skin, maybe he was just tired and in a bad mood because he realized he’d let a woman he didn’t even know coerce him into a cross-country road trip.

  Sleep would be good for him. He could sleep and she would shower and find some food and when he woke up they’d be back on good terms. She had to believe that.

  Once she felt a little calmer, she reached over and turned the water on in what must have once been a mint green bathtub. The water spit and gurgled from the showerhead but it was clear like it was supposed to be and for that she was grateful. She let the shower run, hoping the water would warm up to something reasonable, and then sat on the toilet to make her phone call.


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