South from Hudson Bay: An Adventure and Mystery Story for Boys

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South from Hudson Bay: An Adventure and Mystery Story for Boys Page 36

by Ethel C. Brill


  The others of the party realized that Louis knew more than they aboutIndians, so his view of what was best to do prevailed. He chose a spotback from the river bank on the brink of a narrow, steep sided ravine. A_coulee_ such a rift in the prairie was commonly called. There, in theopen, nearly a half mile up river from the Indian encampment, camp waspitched.

  The dangers of the situation were carefully concealed from the youngerchildren. Elise and Marie were old enough to realize the peril, but theyunderstood as well as their elders that they must not appear afraid. Bothgirls were frightened, but they tried pluckily not to give way to theirfears. Mrs. Brabant set them a good example, going about the camp work ina cheerful, matter-of-fact way. Not even Louis guessed how she wassuffering with anxiety and dread. While her lips smiled bravely, she wasrepeating over and over in her mind passionate prayers for her children'ssafety. Though he understood less of the danger, and was by nature alwayshopeful that things would turn out all right, Mr. Perier too was far fromeasy in his mind. He regretted sincerely that he had brought Elise andMax on this dangerous journey. Still, as always, he hoped for the best.Of the four older boys, Raoul, the youngest and most reckless, was theleast frightened and the most thrilled by the adventure. The feelings ofthe others were of mingled fear, excitement, and manly pride in theresponsibility laid upon them. The red-headed Highland lad, cleaning hisgun carefully, was almost hoping for a fight. Louis and Walter, thoughdetermined to protect their camp at any cost to themselves if that shouldbe necessary, were racking their brains for ways to avoid conflict of anykind. They must avoid it or their little party would be wiped out.

  At first the Indians left the white men to themselves. Before the eveningmeal was over, however, visitors arrived, announced by a warning growlfrom Askime. Into the firelight stalked the sturdy, strong-faced bravewho had led the advance party. He was followed by two younger men. Bothwere slender, wiry fellows, and one was distinctly handsome in aRoman-nosed, high-cheeked, hawk-eyed style. The other was disfigured by abroken and crooked nose.

  The young men stood impassive, while the elder made a sign of greetingand said "How" in his deep voice.

  Louis, who had risen, returned the "How" and motioned the visitors toseats by the fire, the others moving closer together to make room.Foreseeing that there might be guests, Mrs. Brabant had made more tea andheated more pemmican than usual. She helped the guests liberally, andthey ate in silence. When each was satisfied, he carefully placed his cupand plate upside down on the ground.

  "_Minnewakan?_" the elder warrior inquired, as if he had not asked thequestion before.

  Louis shook his head and passed out some tobacco. There was silence,while each Indian gravely smelled of his portion, and stowed it away inhis beaded buckskin fire bag.

  Then the man with the crooked nose pointed to Askime, who lay at Louis'feet, keeping a watchful eye on the strangers. "_Nitshunka?_" he asked,looking at Louis.

  The boy had never heard the word before. He did not know whether thefellow was inquiring if the dog was his, or offering to buy it. In answerhe laid one hand on Askime's head, and touched his own breast with theother. The young Indian promptly took off the necklace of beasts' andbirds' claws he wore, and held it out. But Louis shook his heademphatically, saying "_Non, non_."

  The broken-nosed man nodded gravely, and replaced the necklace, but hecontinued to gaze at the dog. It was plain that he was anxious to getAskime by some means or other.

  The elder brave soon brought the call to a close. Rising to his feet, hepointed first in the direction of the Indian camp, and then to Louis andWalter in turn. He said something in his own language, drew hisforefinger across his forehead, and pointed again towards the camp. Thedrawing of the forefinger across the forehead was the common sign for ahat-wearer or white man.

  Louis' curiosity was aroused. He drew his finger across his own head,then pointed to his breast.

  The Indian shook his head. It was some other white man he meant. Again hemade the sign, with his left hand, while he pointed towards the camp withhis right. At the same time he spoke the word for trader.

  Louis nodded to show that he understood.

  The Indian gave a little grunt, and once more pointed to the boys inturn, then to the camp. He repeated the hat-wearer sign and the wordtrader.

  Louis turned to Walter. "There is a white man with that band, a trader. Iam sure that is what this fellow means. And he wishes us to go to thecamp and see the man. Perhaps the white man has sent for us."

  "Shall we go?" asked Walter. "Do you think it is safe?"

  "I do not know if it is safe," was the thoughtful reply, "but _I_ must goI think. If I do not he will think I am afraid. And I want to discover ifthere really is a white trader there, and talk with him. He may be ourone chance of safety. Sometimes the traders have great influence. Yes, Imust go."

  Louis indicated his willingness to accompany the Indians, but the elderman was still unsatisfied. He kept pointing at Walter.

  "I am going too, Louis," the latter decided. He glanced around the littlecircle. "Do you suppose the others will be all right while we are away?"

  "There is risk to all of us, all the time, whatever we do," Louisreturned gravely. "It is not good for our party to be separated. Yet I donot think they try to separate us. Why should they, when we are so few,and they are so many? No, I think that white trader has sent for us, andwe had best go." He turned to Neil and Raoul. "Keep close watch," hewarned, "and you, Raoul, make a big pile of dry grass and wood. Ifanything happens to alarm you, light it, and we shall see the flames, andcome at once."

  "If we can," Walter added to himself. He did not voice his doubt. He knewthey must take the risk; he saw that quite clearly.

  There was a frightened look in Elise's eyes. She laid her hand onWalter's arm. "Don't go," she whispered.

  "I must, little sister. I can't let Louis go alone. We will be backsoon."

  Mrs. Brabant's face had turned pale, but she made no protest. As for Mr.Perier, the news that there was a white man with the Indians had gone farto reassure him of their friendliness and good intentions.

  The three braves had come unarmed, so courtesy required that Louis andWalter should not take their guns, reluctant though they were to leavethem behind. The Indians were on foot, and all went back in the samemanner. The long twilight was deepening, as the five took their silentway towards the firelit group of tipis that had sprung up from theprairie like some strange mushroom growth. The air was hot, still, andoppressive. Dark clouds lay low on the western and southern horizon.

  The Indian camp was a noisy place. As the party approached, their earswere assailed by a variety of sounds; the neighing and squealing ofponies, the howling and yelping of dogs, the shouting of children, thevoices of the women, the tones of the old squaws cracked and shrill,calling, laughing, and scolding, the toneless thumping of a drum and theclacking of rattles accompanying the harsh monotone of some medicineman's chant, and a hundred other noises. Hobbled horses fed on theprairie grass around the circle of lodges. A whole pack of snarling,wolfish dogs rushed out as if to devour the newcomers, but did not dareto approach very close for fear of a beating. The buffalo skin tipis werelit up with cooking fires without and within. The mingled odors of woodsmoke, boiling and roasting meat, tobacco and _kinnikinnick_,--osierdogwood or red willow bark shredded and added to tobacco to form theIndian smoking mixture,--filled the air.

  The little party were close to the tipis, when a man came out to meetthem. He spoke to the older brave, and an argument followed. Unable tounderstand the conversation, the boys stood waiting, and wondering whatwas going on. Evidently the two Indians were disagreeing, but the onlywords Louis recognized were _minnewakan_ and the term for trader.

  It was the lads' conductor who yielded at last. He gave a grunt of sullenassent, gestured to the boys to follow the other, turned on his heel, andstalked off. The stranger led the way among t
he lodges.

  Walter had never visited an Indian camp, and curiosity was getting thebetter of his fears. The squaws and children were quite as curious aboutthe white men. The women left their various occupations, and ceased theirgossiping and scolding, the children stopped their play and quarreling,to stare at the strangers. Their inquisitiveness was open and frank, butdid not seem unfriendly. The men, lounging about at their ease, eating,smoking, polishing their weapons, or doing nothing whatever, disdained toshow interest in the newcomers. Their casual glances were indifferentrather than hostile. Walter noted that these people were in the habit ofdealing with traders. Many of the loose, shapeless garments the womenwore were of bright colored cotton, instead of deerskin. Some of the menhad shirts or leggings of scarlet cloth. The boy's courage rose. So farthere was nothing to fear.

  The lodges were arranged in two irregular circles, one within the other.In the center of the inner open space, stood a solitary tipi of unusualsize. From it, apparently, came the sounds of drum, rattles, and chant.Walter wondered if it was there that he and Louis were being led. Surelya white man would not---- But the guide had turned to the right, and waspulling aside the skin curtain that covered the entrance to one of thelodges in the circle. He motioned to the boys to enter.

  Walter followed Louis in, and looked about him. The fire on the ground inthe center of the tipi was smouldering smokily, and the forms of the menbeyond were but dimly visible. Louis went forward unhesitatingly. At theright of the fire, he paused, and Walter stepped to his side.

  Someone threw a piece of buffalo fat on the fire. The flames leaped up,casting a strong light on the bronze bodies of six or seven seated men.All were nearly naked, except the slender young man in the center. Hewore scarlet leggings and a blue coat with scarlet facings; an olduniform coat that must once have belonged to some white officer. Theyoung Indian's chest was bare and adorned with paint. A necklace of elkteeth, with a silver coin as a pendant, was his principal ornament. Therewere eagle feathers in his scarlet head band, and his coarse, black hair,which hung in two braids over his shoulders, glistened with grease. Theswarthy face of the young chief, as the firelight revealed it, struckWalter with instant distrust and dislike. The wide mouth was looselipped. The dark eyes--large for an Indian--that he fastened on the boyswere bloodshot and fierce.

  Louis stood straight and motionless, steadily returning the young chief'sgaze. Drawing himself up to his full height, Walter tried to imitate hiscomrade's bold bearing. After a few minutes of this silent duel ofglances, during which the fire died down again, the chief deigned tospeak.

  His first words were apparently an inquiry as to whether the white menwere traders. Louis shook his head. Then came a request,--it sounded morelike a demand,--for _minnewakan_.

  Again Louis shook his head. Stepping forward, he offered the chief thegifts he had brought him, a twist of tobacco, a paper of coarse pins, anda piece of scarlet cloth. Though the boys had expected to be led directlyto the white trader, Louis had thought it best to go provided with a fewcourtesy presents for the head man of the band. The chief accepted thethings in silence.

  On the chance that the fellow or someone of his companions might know alittle French, Louis proceeded to explain that he and his party werepeaceful travelers from the Selkirk Colony on their way to the tradingpost at Lake Traverse. Whether anyone understood what he said the boycould not tell.

  When Louis had finished, the chief made a speech, a long speech,delivered in an impressive, even pompous manner, with frequent pauses foreffect. At each pause, his companions in chorus uttered an approving"Uho, uho!" That was the way the exclamation sounded to Walter. He couldunderstand nothing of the chief's oration, of course, but he got the ideathat the young man liked to listen to his own voice.

  Among the voices that cried out "Uho," there was one deep pitched onethat affected the Swiss boy in a peculiar manner. It sent a sudden chillof fear over him. And there was something familiar about it. He glancedaround the group to see to which man that voice belonged. The fire hadnearly burned out, and the lodge was so dark he could distinguish thefigures but dimly. At the third exclamation of approval, he made up hismind that the voice that affected him so strangely came from the man onthe chief's right. During the few moments when the firelight had beenbright enough to reveal the Indians, Walter had noticed nothing aboutthat man except his size. He was a big fellow, broad shouldered and tall,overtopping the chief by several inches, though the latter was not short.The big man's features the boy had not seen, for they were in the shadowof the scarlet blanket the fellow held up, apparently to shield his facefrom the heat.

  The speaker brought his oration to a sonorous close. There was a chorusof loud "uhos." As if for dramatic effect, another chunk of fat wasthrown upon the fire. The flames shot up again, and cast their light uponthe chief and his courtiers.

  Walter gasped. He felt Louis' fingers close upon his arm and grip ittight in warning. The blanket no longer concealed the face of the bigbrave on the chief's right. The amazed boys were staring straight at theglittering, bright eyes and thin-lipped, cruel mouth of the Black Murray.It seemed incredible, impossible, but it was so.

  The big warrior, a Sioux Indian in every detail; braided hair andfeathers, big-muscled, bronze body naked except for the breech cloth andthe handsome scarlet blanket about his shoulders, chest and arms adornedwith streaks and circles of red and black paint, was the former HudsonBay voyageur, Murray. If it had been possible to mistake that regularfeatured, sinister face, with its glittering eyes and scornful smile, thesilver chain around his neck, with Mr. Perier's watch hanging upon hischest, must have removed all doubts. He was the Black Murray beyondquestion.


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