Home > Other > RECLUSE > Page 9

by Andrew, Nikolai

  How do I tell her how deep my need for her truly goes?

  “Talk to me,” she says, and I draw a breath.

  “Not sure where to start.”

  She steps forward and takes my hands in hers. “How about you start with the wildflowers? I assume, from the display here, that you’re also behind the ones that keep appearing outside my apartment.”

  “Yes.” I almost choke on the word, wanting to drop into a crouch and beg her to forgive me for my insanity. “I didn’t know how else to let you know.”

  “Let me know what?”

  “That I loved you. That I love you. That I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “And you couldn’t use words for that?”

  I shake my head, gripping her tight, not wanting to lose her. “How could I? How could I speak to someone like you? You’re perfect. Look at me.” I wave a hand by my face, down my body.

  She shakes her head, averting her eyes, red heat blooming on her cheeks. “I’m nothing special.”

  Dropping to my knees, I bury my face in her legs. “You’re everything. You’re the one shining light in the darkness. I don’t know what I’d do without you, baby girl. Even before you ever spoke to me, the first time I saw you, I felt life again. Hope.”

  “Why were you without it? What made you feel like that?”

  I shrug, gritting my teeth, blowing out air between them.

  “People. My whole life, I’ve been different. My brain doesn’t work like most. I don’t feel things the same way. I’m a freak in my appearance. Scary, too big. I don’t do well with regular life. I tried, for a long time, I learned to fit in. Then, I just saw what people were like. What they wanted from me. They didn’t want me, they wanted what I could do for them. Even family. There’s more, but I just felt better alone. Until you.”

  “You were stalking me.”

  I nod.

  “You went inside my apartment.”

  I nod again. “I saw your friend one day take a key out from under the purple rock at your back door. I tried to fight it, but I couldn’t. I went inside. That day and then again and again. More times than I can count. I took your things, I’m sorry. But, I couldn’t stop myself.”

  “Why? Why takes like, my garbage?”

  “I couldn’t bear to be apart from you. I needed you here in this house. Anything to do with you I wanted. I fucking slept with your things in my bed, even your garbage. Jacked off holding onto it, reading your name on the envelopes would push me over the edge. My obsession is sick, baby. It runs deep. Deeper than I can explain.”

  “How long?”

  “I saw you with that slumlord the day you arrived in town, down by the water treatment plant. I was coming back from getting some supplies. I followed you that day. He was showing you some tiny, cockroach-infested apartment that isn’t fit for a rat, let alone a princess like you.” I look up, meeting her eyes. “I knew that you were the one.”

  “Wait. Vincent, I didn’t rent that apartment. One of the others I’d been looking at called me back and said they’d had someone pull out. They reduced the rent.”

  “I know. I followed you after that when you went to the other place. The nicer place. I hid behind the edge of the building, when you came out with him, I heard you say you couldn’t afford it, that you were going to take the shit hole. I couldn’t let my girl live there. I knew you’d never accept charity from a complete stranger, so I paid that landlord to rent you the apartment at a reduced rate.” I set my jaw. I know what I’ve done is wrong. But I had to take care of her. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have—”


  I hold my breath, the sound of the word on her lips like a command to me. I might be strong, but she’s in charge. A single tear escapes from the side of her eye and without waiting a second, I’m on my feet, brushing it away with my thumb.

  “Baby, don’t cry. Please don’t cry. I’m sorry. How could I let you live in that place? How could I…”

  She shakes her head, and a smile breaks out on her face. She wraps her arms around my body and pulls herself in close.

  “Oh, Daddy, I love you. I feel happy and safe when I’m here. You were protecting me even then. We hadn’t even met and you were taking care of me. You’ve been looking out for me for six months and you didn’t even want anything in return?”

  “Baby girl, I’ll always protect you. I’d fight a dragon if it threatened you. And I’d win, too, because I’d never let anything hurt you. You’re everything to me. It’s been torture for me. I wanted to follow you every day, but I told myself I’d scare you. I wanted you too much. I fought the urge every day and some days I lost. In this room is the evidence.” I kiss the top of her head, nuzzling my nose into her soft, golden hair.

  “Daddy, I feel something…”

  “What, baby?”

  “I have a tingly feeling, right down here in my belly.” She runs a hand down between us and I draw a breath as her fingers brush my cock, hard as always for her. Ready at a moment’s notice to give her what she needs. “I think all that cum you put inside me last night is making a baby right now.”

  “Oh, my little Goldilocks.” I feel the grin stretch my face as I chuckle, kissing her head, holding her tight. “You have no idea how happy that makes me. But just in case, I think we should put a little more cum inside you right now. Would you like that? Daddy’s cock filling you up again?”

  She nods against my chest. “Uh huh. But in your bed this time? And maybe I can…you know, kiss you, down there? Like you did to me.”

  “Whatever you say, baby girl.” I pick her up in one movement, my dick already at full length, listening to her peal of laughter as I sling her over my shoulder and march back up the corridor, kicking the door open and stepping out into the hall.

  Then I stop short.

  There, in the kitchen, stands that fucking boss of hers. I know who he is, what he’s like.

  A grin spreads over his face. “Well, well, isn’t this cozy?”

  “Get the fuck out of my house,” I growl, low enough to scare a grizzly let alone this piece of ragged shit.

  He looks unsure as he steps back, and when he speaks his voice shakes, the pitch rising at the end of every sentence. “N—no, I have every right to be here. Melanie didn’t f—file her paperwork on you and I’ve come up here to check on your welfare. The door was open, no one answered. It looked suspicious. And what do I find? One of my employees…canoodling with a client. Conflict of interest to the n’th degree. I’m going to report this. It will work in my favor. A promotion, bonus…probably a little money from your family to keep it all quiet? But for you? You’ll never work in this field again.”

  “I said get the fuck out of my house.” I step forward as I lower Melanie to the floor, putting myself between the two of them.

  I see he thinks he’s the shit, he’s had too much power for too long, but he’s stepped into my world now and things are different here.

  There’s no time for paperwork, write ups, harassing employees…here power is fists and tying motherfuckers to trees, pinning their eyes open for the crows and the bears to do the rest.

  I have at least six inches on him, along with about a hundred pounds. He cowers as I cross the floor, scrambling back and bumping the edge of the table, almost falling on his ass as his foot catches on the chair leg.

  “I—if you touch me I’ll fucking sue you. I’ll report you as unstable, dangerous to yourself and others. You just see if I don’t. I know people. Doctors…do you know what a 5150 is? I’ll have you committed…”

  “You’re on my land. Without my permission. You’ve broken into my home. I know the fucking law, you had no right to come inside.”

  “Th—the door was open!”

  “I caught an intruder…stealing from me. Inside my home which I am allowed to protect.” I square off with him as his eyes flick to Melanie, as if she’s going to come to his aid. “Don’t even fucking look at her. You want a chance to get out of here al
ive, your eyeballs better stay on me.”

  His eyes snap back to my face in an instant. “I haven’t stolen anything. I’m not a thief. I’m here to complete paperwork!” He waves a stack of papers in the air.

  I grin, shaking my head and looming over him.

  Melanie grabs my arm, but she doesn’t step out from behind me. “Vincent, don’t. Please. Just go, Raymond!”

  “You could have had everything, Melanie! What do you want with a man like this? All you had to do was—”

  “What?” She snaps back, shoving her palm into his chest. “Huh? Sleep with you? No fucking way. I’d rather eat a broken glass taco, thank you very much...It was never going to happen.”

  Red clouds my eyes as her words register, the fury and fear in them haunting to my ears. The weasel chews the inside of his lip, but I want to pound him into dust just for looking at her. I want to murder every ancestor he’s ever had so he was never born.

  “He’s been harassing you?” The words don’t adequately communicate the fury I feel.

  Melanie releases a humorless chuckle “Me and any other girl he can get his hands on.” I point to where his fingernails scratched my arm earlier and I see mania twist Vincent’s face. “I thought it was him leaving me the flowers. I thought someone was following me, watching me. I could feel it, I thought it was him.”

  I clench my fists and my jaw, trying desperately to hold onto the last shreds of civility left inside me. I stare at the useless fucktard, wondering which part of my land would be best for his body, somewhere neither I nor Melanie needs to go ever again. I don’t even want his corpse sullying her world.

  He cowers back as he moves toward the door. He must read my mind as I send the murderous thoughts through my eyes. I know what he’ll do. I know he’ll make a run for it. But letting him go is too easy, too little for what he’s done. His one saving grace is that Melanie said it didn’t happen.

  Lucky for him.

  “Bear!” I shout.

  Raymond’s face registers surprise, confusion pulling at his brows. “Who’s Bear?”

  “Come,” I bellow out the open door.

  As the fuck stands there, gaping, I hear a single, low bark from outside. A moment later, Bear nudges his way through the back door. When he spots Raymond, his eyes light up with excitement, and the motherfucker panics. I see it in his face as he forgets all about me and tries to put the table between himself and the new threat.

  He doesn’t know that Bear’s main objective will be to lick him to death. He won’t hurt anyone, but he’s fucking frightening.

  “Sh—shit… No. Get back. Get him away from me!” Raymond falls over on his back as he retreats, then scrambles to his feet and breaks into a run.

  “Bear, kill!” I call out, knowing that command means nothing to the dog, but Bear breaks into a run, drool streaming from his lips doing his best Cujo impression.

  “Fuck! Fuck!”

  I step out into the hall, watching Raymond sprint for the front door as Bear follows, gaining on him, barking, his tail flicking back and forth. I grab Melanie around the shoulders and bring her with me to the front door, then up to the top of the rise, just in time to see Raymond’s piece-of-shit car reversing back down the drive, under the trees, as fast as it can go.

  “Bear, come back boy, you lick him your tongue will rot,” I say with a grin, then turn and catch Melanie’s lips in mine. Then without another word, I lift her up and onto my hip like a child as I grunt, slinging her onto my back, hooking my arms under her knees as her arms clutch around my neck.

  “Hey, I told my friend Lori that you were a caveman.”

  “I am, baby. And right now, I need to carry you back to my cave.”



  I don’t say a word as Vincent lays me on his bed. He’s gentle this time. I stare up at him, and all my doubts flutter away like dandelion seeds on the summer breeze.

  This is where I belong. With him. Nothing else matters, we’ll figure it all out.

  I want him in ways that shock me but soothe me at the same time.

  Stretching back on the bed, it all feels just right. Watching him fist the bulge behind his zipper, I know that he’s everything to me and always will be. How could I even consider going back to my mom? How could I consider marrying some rich businessman for his money, settling down into a comfortable, unhappy life?

  “I love you.” I say the words in all seriousness, staring up into his eyes. I want him to know how I feel because I know he won’t break my heart.

  Vincent grins, pride on his face. “Best three words in the world, baby girl. Daddy loves you too, more than you can ever imagine. But right now, he needs to see what’s his.”

  I pout at that. “I need to see what’s mine too, Daddy,” I say in my little girl voice, which only adds to the flicker of desire I see in his eyes.

  “You want to see this, huh?”


  “What do you say, little girl? What do you say to get what you need?”

  Instead of answering, I slide myself on the bed and push up onto my knees inching forward. I reach out and put my hands on his button, starting to unfasten it. He catches my wrist and pulls it away, and I meet his eyes with a glare. “Please, Daddy.” I whine, my mouth watering, wanting to taste him.

  “That’s better,” he says, and I grin, trying to pull my wrist back, trying to carry on with my work, freeing him and getting my hands on his manhood, but he keeps me in a vise-like hold. “But too late.”

  I narrow my eyes, frowning, but he’s quick.

  In an instant, I’m flipped over, my shirt is yanked over my head, the clasp of my bra unhooked, and my pants and panties are tugged down over my ass before I can protest. I take a breath, but it’s too late. His strong hand lands hard on the left cheek.

  “Ow. Daddy, stop.”

  He doesn’t listen, instead he tosses my slip-on loafers across the room, then removes my pants and panties before another smack hits just below where he delivered the first, only harder this time, sending sparks and fire over my skin.

  It hurts but…there’s also something else. Something magical. Just like when he spanked me the first time. It calms me.

  It’s exactly what I need right now and he knows it, something to bring me back from the edge. I feel the sting of his palm connecting again, as I cry out into the soft duvet, then he flips me over and grips my wrists, pinning them over my head, his chest full, warm breath against my cheek as he hovers over me.

  “Are you going to be a good girl now?”

  “Yes, Daddy. That. Hurt.” I pout, sticking out my lower lip.

  “Yes. Sometimes I will hurt you. I will need to punish you. Because sometimes you’ll step out of line. You need to learn that what I say is important. There are rules. I’ll always keep you safe but that means you have to do as I say.”

  “I’m sorry.” I swallow, my bottom lip quivering, more than just because of the painful red welt I’m sure is now rising on my ass. But in an instant, he presses his mouth to mine, smothering any sob that might have escaped. I feel his hands release my wrists, trading places now in my hair, pulling tight as I moan into the kiss.

  “When you want something, baby, you just have to say please.”

  He stands back, guiding me forward with one hand still in my hair. There’s a tiny sting where his fingers are curled tight, but I like it. I like to serve him. Like to know that he’s in control.

  Following his movements, I crawl forward on my hands and knees and once again get hold of his button. This time he doesn’t try to stop me and I pop it through, then lower the zipper and pull the two halves of his pants apart.

  The bulge of his cock is mesmerizing as it pops out from his boxers, exposing its glory. It’s hard and long and thick. Mesmerizing up close. A purple vein stands pulsing, pushing on the thin, soft skin like a vine twisting around an ancient cement column.

  The head stands swollen and seeping, and I trace the vein downward with a
fingertip until I feel the soft curls of his pubic hair, see the deep V of his abs running down over his pelvis.


  He laughs, nodding as I look up. “Yes, baby, it’s all yours.”

  I tug the jeans down, and the boxer shorts. He helps by kicking them off and there it is, long and thick and hard, fully standing out—and just for me. My prize.

  There’s a bead of glistening pre-cum forming at the tip and tentatively, keeping my eyes on him for confirmation that I’m doing it right, I slide a fingertip through that glistening bead, swiping it away and pushing it back into my mouth. My eyes on his, I sigh and moan as I savor the sweet, salty flavor.

  “Fuck… Baby, that’s—”

  “So tasty.” I flutter my eyelashes as his brow knits together and a purple vein pulses on his forehead. “Can I kiss it, please, Daddy?”

  “Yes, baby, give it a nice kiss.”

  I wrap my hand around his shaft, then with his fingers still twisted into my hair I lean forward and take his cock inside my mouth, slowly guiding it along my tongue. There’s too much of it to fit inside all at once, but I take as much as I can before sucking gently as I slide back, letting it fall from my mouth.

  “You’re all mine, Melanie. All mine. My baby girl, my perfect little doll, my cock sleeve. My Goldilocks. I’m never letting you go, you know that? You’re bound to me now and if I have to lock you up here, that’s what I’ll do.”

  I glance up at him, and the meaning in my eyes must be conveyed to him because he smiles and nods.

  “Baby, what’s mine is yours. This home is yours. Peaches is family too. Bear needs a best friend. You’ll be mine and I’ll be yours too. Do you get that? I’ll be your Daddy bear, but I’ll be your best friend as well.”

  My heart swells with his words. This is where I belong. There may be tough times to come but I get to live on two hundred acres of woodland, in a log palace, with a man I love. I’m safe here. Peaches is welcome here. Daddy will protect us both.


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