Rocking Her Heart

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Rocking Her Heart Page 12

by Melanie Shawn

  “Mmm…I won’t argue with that.”

  He laid back as she leaned over him and kissed her way down his body. She took her time moving down his chest and six-pack, tracing the contours of his muscles with her fingernails as she made her slow downward progress.

  His cock throbbed harder with every millimeter closer her mouth drew. He looked down past her gently moving head and saw that there were pearly white drops of pre-cum gathered at the tip of his dick. He wasn’t surprised. Her tongue was magic, and he was sure it could summon a lot more where that came from.

  When she’d moved down low enough that her mouth was even with his dick, Abby lifted her eyes to his, making direct contact just as her lips brushed the tip of his cock. Then, while he watched, she stuck the tip of her tongue out and licked every drop that had formed there, swirling it around and around until he was seeing stars.

  She trailed her hot tongue up and down the length of his dick and small, white pearls appeared at the tip. He groaned and clenched his jaw, grinding out, “Damn, baby, that feels good.”

  He shut his eyes for a moment, concentrating on the intense sensations. Even behind his lids, though, the pervasive picture of her juicy tongue moving up and down his shaft remained. That was one of those mental pictures that just stayed with you.

  Suddenly, he felt his entire dick enveloped by the warm, velvet softness of her mouth. She’d taken him entirely inside and now the tip of his cock was bumping insistently up against the back of her throat.

  She sucked him in, harder and deeper, and it felt like it would never stop. Not that he wanted it to. He’d be happy to keep this going forever, if that was possible. But he was completely at the mercy of her lips and tongue, and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold out.

  Her head moved up and down. She went slowly at first but built up her speed at a steady rhythm until, finally, she was bobbing up and down frantically.

  The friction felt amazing, and he could’ve kept on like that forever and been happy, but then she reached one hand underneath him and cupped his balls, squeezing them in counterpoint to the long, sensual strokes of her mouth.

  The throbbing was so intense it was almost unbearable. Jet knew that if he didn’t get her mouth off of his cock pretty soon, he was going to shoot his load right down the back of her warm and welcoming throat, and he didn’t want that.

  The only thing to do was to double down his efforts to maintain – but the longer her expert attentions went on, the harder and harder that was.

  She moaned from deep inside her chest, then, and the vibrations rumbled from her throat through his sensitive dick. He really thought he might come right then, just shoot his entire load down the back of her throat like he’d been struggling not to do.

  Her pleasure was, after all, his Achilles’ heel. Knowing she felt good was the one thing that sped right past his armor, and he had no other protection against it.

  Even knowing how close to losing control he was, he couldn’t help himself. He was carried away by impulse and couldn’t keep himself still any longer.

  He pumped into her mouth, keeping his thrusts shallow, and she kept her lips supple and wide open, taking it all in. Everything he had to give her.

  When he sensed that he had reached the absolute outer limit of his endurance, he groaned, “If you don’t stop this, you’re going to have a mouthful of me. In a whole new way than you do right now.”

  She lifted her mouth just long enough to purr, “How do you know that’s not what I want?”

  Lifting his head from the pillow just enough to make eye contact, he said, “Really? Because then you’d have to wait before we…”

  He trailed off, enjoying the look of realization he saw growing in her eyes. She scrambled up and knelt next to him until they were face to face. Her smile was full of mischief when she said, “Well, we couldn’t have that, now. Could we?”

  He shook his head in answer, and then quickly fished a condom out of her bedside table drawer. When he held up the square disc of the condom package that he had produced between his two fingers, it was with a bit of a flourish.

  Abby laughed. “Did you really stock my nightstand full of condoms when I wasn’t paying attention?”

  He tilted his head to the side. “Hey, I’m nothing if not prepared. I know there are a lot of areas in my life where I fly by the seat of my pants. But for something really important to me, I’m willing to put in the time to plan.”

  She raked her fingernails down his chest and spoke in a low, sultry voice. “So I guess getting me in bed again is something that was really important to you.”

  He traced a hand up and down her back and shoulders, loving the way that her smooth skin rolled under his fingers like silk. “Nothing more important, baby. Nothing at all.”

  With that, he ripped open the package with his teeth and then rolled the latex tube down over his shaft with what dexterity he could manage, considering his high state of arousal.

  As soon as he had the condom firmly on, Abby swung one leg over to the other side of his body so that she was straddling him, holding herself over him just inches above the tip of his erection.

  He wrapped his hands around her waist firmly. “Hmmm. Exactly my idea.”

  She winked. “Great minds think alike.”

  With that, she reached between them and grasped his cock, positioning him perfectly at her entrance, then taking a deep breath and lowering herself onto him with one firm thrust.

  His fingers dug into the supple flesh of her hips as a jolt of pleasure shot through him. Pleasure which only increased as she squeezed her inner walls around him, and then started to slowly move her hips back and forth, like she was on the dance floor competing for the title of Sexiest Dancer Alive.

  Her head was thrown back, eyes closed in concentration. She was beautiful, her lip trapped between her teeth and her soft hair wrestling back and forth over her shoulders as she moved.

  She was so involved in her own actions and feelings that he took the opportunity to study her. It was rare for him to be able to simply feast his eyes on her, to watch every single movement, to drink in every detail. It was heaven.

  The soft lighting of night threw shadows across her body as she undulated. Her breasts bounced gently in time with the movement of her hips, and he was utterly mesmerized.

  She quickened her movements and he deepened his grip on her flesh, determined to control the pace and intensity. However, he quickly realized that the small amount of control he could exert with just his hands was never going to be enough.

  No. If he was going to take her, claim her, make her his the way he truly wanted and needed to, he was going to have to have her spread out underneath him as he drove into her. No other choice.

  With no more effort than it would have taken him to flick a light switch, he rolled the two of them over. He never broke contact, either where their eyes met or where he was buried in her warm flesh. That would’ve been un-fucking-bearable. There was nothing more he needed than to feel her velvety warmth surrounding him.

  Her eyes twitched open wide as he took her by surprise with that sudden and commanding movement. It made his cock twitch. Shit. Now he had a new life goal – keep thinking of new ways that he could spark that little surprised look on her face. That should keep life interesting.

  He drew back and then thrust into her again with all the force he could muster. This was the moment when he put every single emotion he felt into his movements. He wanted to express his feelings with the way he made love to her so that she’d know, really know, how he felt.

  His rhythm slowed just slightly as the words gave him pause. “Made love.” Yes, obviously that was a common enough turn of phrase, but he couldn’t discount the fact that it had popped into his head just as he’d started thinking about ways to show her how he felt about her.

  Huh. His feelings for her. Love.

  Yeah, he couldn’t deny that the two concepts seemed to go together. As soon as he put them next to e
ach other in his mind, everything in him recognized the inherent rightness of it.


  Yes. It was true. He loved her. He knew it for sure.

  He leaned down, only slowing his pace a little, and whispered in her ear. “I love you, Abs. I love you.”

  He wanted to cringe as soon as he heard himself say it. Was there anything more cliché than blurting out the L word while you were in bed with a woman? And, fuck. What he had with Abby was the opposite of cliché.

  But, even if he’d thought about that before, he honestly didn’t know if he would’ve been able to do anything differently. As soon as the “love” realization had exploded in his brain, his mouth became a ticking time bomb – and one with a very short fuse, apparently. He’d had to tell her. It hadn’t seemed real if she didn’t know.

  Any regrets he’d had about timing or fears about how she might take it evaporated, though, when she grinned up at him through the sheen of sweat and happiness that covered her face. “Took you long enough,” she gasped. “I love you, too. And I realized it at least a half an hour ago. So, I win.”

  He wanted to laugh but, damn, he just felt so good. His instincts took him over completely and he doubled down on thrusting into her again and again.

  He looked down between their bodies as he drove his dick in and out of her, and just the sight of him thrusting into her silky wetness again and again was nearly enough to make him lose control right then.

  What put him over the edge, though, was when she exploded with yet another orgasm. She cried out and arched her back, every inch of her pressed against him as she climaxed.

  He couldn’t help but wonder if the fact that they’d told each other how they really felt – that they loved each other – was part of what had made her lose control at that moment.

  God, he hoped so!

  Her inner walls grasped his pumping dick as she came again, and came hard. He could feel every muscle in her body clenching. He could feel it with every part of his body – his hands, his mouth, and all along his muscles where they were pressed together.

  But nowhere could he feel it quite so intensely as in his cock, which was being squeezed by her inner walls harder than he would’ve believed possible as the orgasm shook her to the very core – literally.

  He collapsed down next to her on the bed and they lay there for a moment in silence, catching their breath and letting the sweat cool on their skin.

  They loved each other, he marveled. They both felt it. They’d both said it.

  It felt too good to be true. Like a surreal alternate universe, somehow. Like maybe he really had died in some drug or alcohol-related incident and this was some sort of Jacob’s Ladder scenario. Except, instead of a series of hellish nightmares he’d been thrust into a heaven beyond his wildest dreams.

  When he pulled Abby to him, though, he knew that couldn’t be true. She was warm against his body, soft but solid, and she was the realest thing he’d ever felt.

  He kissed the top of her head and she snuggled deeper against him. “I love you, Abs,” he whispered.

  “I love you, too,” she whispered back. “But I still win.”

  Chapter 27


  Jet fidgeted with the coffee cup in front of him and looked toward the door as the chime sounded again. It wasn’t Rome, just like it hadn’t been Rome the last ten times someone had walked through the door of the old diner.

  He struggled to control his nerves. Damn, it had been so much easier to brush this meeting off when he’d been in Valentine Bay, surrounded by his friends and family, people who believed in him wholeheartedly, it was easy to believe in himself. He could build his self-image up to a point where he truly saw a life in front of him that was limitless in its possibilities, and that he was in control of.

  Now, on his own and getting ready to face someone that most likely viewed him as nothing more than a drunk and out of control piece of shit, it was tough not to see himself in that light, as well.

  Shit. He’d been tempted to ask Abby if she’d come along. If nothing else, it would’ve been awesome to have her company on the ride up and back. But he didn’t do that. He’d created this mess for his bandmates, it was up to him to clean it up.

  The chime over the diner’s front door sounded again and this time when Jet looked up, it was Rome walking through the door. He put up a hand and gave a small wave, which his former bandmate returned. Neither of them smiled. Jet wondered if Rome was just tense, like he was, or if he was still carrying animosity about the breakup of the band.

  Whichever it was, Jet was about to find out.

  Rome slid into the booth opposite Jet and inclined his chin in greeting. Jet returned the gesture.

  Fuck, we are winning the wordless greeting Olympics, Jet thought with a grimace. Now we just need to high-five or exchange mutual thumbs-up and we’ll have hit all the buttons.

  The waitress approached their table. “Hey, there. What can I get you?” she asked Rome.

  With a wan smile, he said, “Just coffee’s fine.”

  “Coming right up,” she chirped and bustled away. Jet had to shake his head. It was clear that Rome’s mojo, the one that made people give him the nickname “Romeo,” was still in place.

  Rome ran his hands through his hair and looked back to Jet. His face was tight. Jet got the distinct impression that all the hopes he’d had of this meeting going well, of there being some kind of reconciliation, were nothing but stupid pipe dreams.

  Even though Jet felt the totally predictable urge to speak, simply to fill the awkward silence, he kept his mouth shut. This was Rome’s meeting, Let Rome talk, if he had something to say.

  Besides, a small voice in his head pointed out to him, most of the trouble you’ve gotten yourself into over the years started with you opening up your mouth. Maybe it’s a good time to change the pattern.

  Finally, after shredding a napkin into tiny strips of thin, white paper, Rome looked up and met his eyes. His words flooded out in a rush. “Look, I won’t lie. I’m here to ask you a favor. I realize you’re probably not in the most favor-giving mood. But fuck it. I’m still asking.”

  Well, that was a surprise. “What’s the favor?”

  Rome sighed. “This whole tour cancellation has been a damn nightmare. There’s only one show still on the books, and it’s because I asked the guys to hold off. It’s the only one I really cared about. The Christmas Eve benefit. It’s for The Angel Network. You know, Kyle Austen Reed’s foundation that connects special needs kids being raised by single parents with support families.”

  “I’m familiar. In case you don’t remember, I drunkenly punched the guy on the red carpet at one of their events”

  Rome barked out a laugh. “How could I forget? Making up for that is how we started playing benefits for them. But you know how much the foundation means to me. And, anyway, this one is right here in Portland, so you’re close.”

  “Yeah, no problem. Of course I’ll do it.” Jet knew that Rome’s little sister had Cerebral Palsy, and that the two of them had been raised by a single mom, so The Angel Network had always held a special place for him.

  Even though Jet had already agreed to perform at the show, Rome sped on as if he hadn’t heard him. “And even though I’m sure you’re pissed as hell at me and the other guys right now, if you could just think of the kids…wait, did you say yes?”

  “Yeah.” Jet gave him a moment to process.

  Rome looked up, flashed a quick smile. “Thanks. I mean…I thought this was gonna be a real scene. I figured you’d need to get some good, solid venting off your chest before you agreed. If you agreed.” His grin grew wider. “I was prepared to grovel.”

  “Nah. I mean, sure. It hurt, the way the whole thing went down. I felt blindsided. But it’s made me take a look at myself. My life, my behavior. Let’s just say I didn’t love what I saw there.”



  “Wow. That’s awesome.”

>   “You sound surprised.”

  “I don’t know if surprised is the right word. Happy. Grateful. I’ve been searching the papers every day, man. I didn’t want to read your obituary.”

  Well, damn.

  Jet opened his mouth to protest, to say that was ridiculous…but then he realized it wasn’t. It was fucking logical. And hadn’t his brothers said similar things to him over the years, and he’d just blown them off?

  Shit, how many people had he forced to live in fear every time they went to sleep, just wondering if he’d be alive the next morning?

  Time to get on those amends, dude.

  He took a deep breath. “Rome, seriously. I’m sorry. That was fucked up. The Christmas Eve show is the least I can do. I just have one question, though.”


  “How do the other guys feel about doing the show with me?”

  Rome gave a bitter little chuckle. “Oh, right. You noticed how I left that part out, huh?”

  “Yeah, it was glaring.”

  “Look. They’re fine with it. They’re not great with it. But they’ll be cool, if you are.”

  Jet nodded. “Right. I guess that’s about the best I could hope for.”

  “And, hey. Maybe this will be a chance to get some closure. For all of us. Playing together one last time. Like a farewell show.”

  “Yeah. I think that’s a good way of looking at it. A farewell show. And it’s being taped, right? I seem to remember something about that. Maybe we can sell digital downloads, or stream it, or something. With the proceeds going to The Angel Network.”

  Rome drew his head back, and his jaw dropped a little. “Are you serious, man?”

  “For sure. If the other guys agree.”

  Rome grinned. “I mean, you wrote the songs. You’re the one giving up the most. If you’re down, I’m sure I can get them on board.”

  “I’m down,” Jet confirmed. “It’s the least I can do.”


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