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The Morning After the Wedding Before

Page 8

by Laura Ziepe

  Mylo was born only two hours later, and Kim had given him the quickest of glances and pecks on the head before he was whisked off to the newborn intensive care unit. It had been her worst nightmare, terrifying and shocking, and her whole world had revolved around Mylo from that very day.

  Kim splashed her legs in the water of the pool as a new song started. She hadn’t mentioned seeing Lily’s text messages to Andy before she left, and she was starting to think it wasn’t the best idea to have left it the way she had. She’d thought she would come away and forget all about it. Out of sight out of mind. But it wasn’t working in the slightest.

  Kim splashed some water in Max and Callum’s direction, letting out a giggle as she tried to push thoughts of her marriage to the back of her mind. ‘Come on you boring two, come in the pool,’ she attempted to persuade them. They were sitting on the edge looking at her amusedly. They were both so handsome. So grown up from the two boys she vaguely remembered at college. Max, the louder of the two, was the kind of guy that she would have gone for when she was single, though she could imagine that Callum was better husband material; someone you could depend on and trust. She guessed it was Max’s confidence and flirtatious personality that she found so attractive; Kim could see why Holly liked him.

  ‘Hols!’ she screeched over the loud music when she spotted her. ‘come in the pool!’

  ‘You okay?’ Kim asked. ‘This pool party is absolutely incredible. I can’t actually believe I’m here.’

  ‘Let’s cheers to that,’ Holly grinned broadly. ‘You seem to be enjoying yourself now the others have turned up.’

  Holly’s tone sounded pleased about this, but Kim suddenly felt guilty that she may be taking it personally that she was making more of an effort just because the others had arrived.

  ‘I don’t know,’ Kim said gingerly. ‘I guess I just suddenly thought I should join in and get into the spirit. When do we get to go out at home? It just dawned on me that I’m on holiday in Vegas. We have the summer sun, alcohol, great music, clubs, a wedding to attend – what’s not to love?’ she said in a merry voice.

  ‘I’m so glad you’ve finally caught up with the way I’m feeling,’ Holly announced, looking elated. ‘Emma said to take it a little easy today as she wants us out tonight for the hen, so maybe let’s not go too crazy as we need to leave in a sec to look at flowers.’

  ‘Cool. Let’s get out and get dressed in a minute then,’ Kim replied. ‘Shall we get some drink for the room when we’re getting ready afterwards?’ Kim suggested with a cheeky look in her eye. Now she had the taste of alcohol, she wanted more. That had always been Kim’s problem when she used to go out; she never quite knew when to stop ; most likely why her hangovers were so bad the next day. She just didn’t have that voice inside her like most people did, the one that said, That’s enough now, Kim. One more drink is going to be going a step too far.

  ‘Good idea,’ Holly smirked back, always willing to join her. ‘Hey, what did you think of Max and Callum? I noticed you were chatting quite a bit to them earlier.’

  ‘They’re nice,’ Kim replied hesitantly, choosing her words carefully. ‘Both lovely guys. So … do you really like Max then?’

  ‘He’s good-looking, isn’t he? But I hardly know him,’ Holly brushed her comment away, timidly. ‘Hey, did you hear from Andy?’

  ‘Not the last time I checked. I’m sure everything is fine though,’ Kim said, probably trying to convince herself more than Holly.

  ‘Of course it will be. Did you still want to try for baby number three soon? Honestly Kim, I just don’t know how on earth you do it. I don’t know how you survive on such little sleep. You seem to do everything too; I don’t know how you don’t ever ask Andy to help.’

  Kim shrugged. ‘I guess I’m just used to it. We haven’t spoken about having another for a while,’ she admitted. ‘I’m not entirely sure. When the time is right, I guess.’

  As soon as Mylo had been born and back home after spending four weeks at hospital, Kim wanted another baby. Not at that very moment, but she knew she didn’t want a big age gap. She had been mesmerized by this tiny little person that they had made and she couldn’t bear to be apart from him. She’d been obsessed and always turned down anyone who offered to watch the baby for a while so she could get some rest. He was her baby and she loved being with him. Kim hadn’t wanted a break. Andy had wanted to wait a bit longer until they had Willow, but Kim had kept on about how it was best to not to wait, seeing as they were going through the baby/ toddler stage anyway. Besides, it was nice for siblings to be close in age. Even though Willow had only just turned one, Kim wanted to try for a third baby. She hadn’t mentioned to Holly that the last time she’d spoken about it with Andy, he’d been dead set against it.

  ‘You are kidding me, Kim?’ He looked at her as though she had two heads. ‘Don’t you think we have enough on our plates with Mylo and Willow? We don’t have enough room as it is.’

  Kim had tutted loudly, deciding to wait until he was in a better mood to bring it up again. She did all the work anyway; Andy was the one who went to work and got to escape the chaos. She did everything where the children were concerned because that’s the way she wanted it. Andy worked hard and she didn’t want him feeling as though he was working at home too. Looking back, Kim guessed she’d taken over to a degree.

  ‘I bet Andy is loving some alone time with the kids. Probably spoiling them rotten,’ Holly chuckled. ‘Has he ever had them on his own before?’

  Kim was about to laugh and say that of course he had, what a ridiculous question! He was their father. But as she dipped her chest into the cool water of the swimming pool, racking her brains, she came to the conclusion that she had always been there. Even in the past when she’d gone out for the odd dinner, Kim had always put the children to bed before she left. She remembered once when she’d been about to leave the house when Mylo had started screaming upstairs in the bathroom with Andy. He’d only been around ten months at the time.

  ‘Doesn’t seem to like his bath tonight, do you little man?’ Andy said, planting kisses on his head and attempting to console him.

  Kim had felt the temperature of the bath water. ‘Andy, that’s far too hot for him!’ she screeched irritably, before taking Mylo out of his arms. Okay, so it hadn’t actually been that hot, but it had been too hot for Mylo. It hadn’t really been Andy’s fault, thinking about it now, because Kim had never given him a chance to run the bath before. She had never thought it would something he would want to do, so automatically, it just became another one of her jobs.

  ‘You’re right,’ Kim said, staring into space thoughtfully. ‘It’s actually Andy’s first time alone with them.’

  ‘Wow, that’s crazy,’ Holly pointed out. ‘Then this is a well-deserved break for you.’

  Kim forced a smile, but the thought disturbed her deeply. Had she spent so much time focusing on their children and being the best mother possible that she’d forgotten all about Andy in the process? She’d hardly been the best wife the past few years. Now Andy was getting attention elsewhere, could she really blame him for entertaining it? Yet equally, Kim couldn’t help but feel as though Andy should have spoken to her if he was feeling neglected. They had always been honest with each other, or so Kim had thought. Reading his messages to Lily were like reading messages from a stranger; they just didn’t sound like Andy. He had so much to lose, so what on earth was he doing?

  Chapter 9


  Holly, Kim and Emma said goodbye to the others and jumped in a taxi to the florists, which was about a ten-minute drive away.

  Holly could see why Emma needed help selecting what she wanted; as they walked through the sea of lilies, tulips and peonies, she couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed. How on earth did people decide what they wanted?

  ‘Wow,’ Kim commented, ‘smells lovely. Do you already know what you’re going to have?’ she asked.

  Emma had her phone out and was busy filming the shop for
her news feed. ‘They’re offering me a massive discount,’ she whispered, ‘so long as I promote them and yes, I sent images of the kind of thing I’m after. Tara is just showing me some options today and I wanted your opinions.’

  ‘Are you going for pinks?’ Holly wondered, knowing the theme of Emma’s wedding was rose gold.

  ‘Yes. Tara sent some images of these beautiful rose-gold tall vases with the most amazing flower arrangements. I can’t wait to see them.’

  Tara was a lady in her fifties with clipped back, bleached blonde hair and bright red lipstick. She was wearing a blue and white, short-sleeved polka dot blouse covered by a white frilly apron.

  ‘Emma? So pleased to meet you,’ she said enthusiastically. ‘How are you liking Vegas so far? Are these your bridesmaids?’ she asked, with a huge grin.

  ‘I’m loving it,’ Emma replied with a gracious smile. ‘These are my friends, Holly and Kim. I decided not to have any adult bridesmaids as I have so many younger flower girls. We will be needing seven flower girl hearts that you sent me images of, if that’s okay? They’re so cute,’ Emma said dreamily, twisting round to Holly and Kim. ‘They’re these heart-shape floral arrangements, which they can hold onto. They’re for all my cousin’s daughters; we seem to have all girls in our family.’

  ‘Ah, how sweet,’ Tara replied, cocking her head to the side as she spoke to her. ‘It sounds perfect. Let me just show you some of the flowers I was telling you about.’ She walked away behind several tall plants and came back moments later holding some flowers. ‘We have the cotton candy pink hydrangeas, blush white roses, pink and cream garden roses, angel leaves, rose-gold gems, gold baby’s breath, and a touch of soft gray lamb’s ears. What do you think?’

  Emma’s eyes widened and her face split into a huge smile. ‘Oh wow. They’re gorgeous; they’re even prettier in real life!’

  Holly agreed; they really were the most stunning flowers and they were going to suit her colour scheme beautifully.

  ‘I love them,’ Kim told her earnestly.

  ‘I’m so glad,’ Tara’s face stretched into a smile, looking delighted. She lowered her voice a little, just addressing Emma. ‘Also I just wanted to mention that we got your email about giving you a bigger discount and we’re happy to go ahead,’ she nodded.

  Emma stared at Tara in bafflement. ‘I’m sorry, what email?’ she asked, looking blank.

  ‘The one sent to us last week. I’m so sorry for not having a moment to reply, but the bigger discount is fine for the extra couple of posts.’ Tara shot Emma a satisfied smile. ‘Now let me show you those hearts I was telling you about. One moment, I’ll just go find one.’

  Holly gazed at Emma’s concerned expression. ‘Everything okay, Emma?’

  ‘I’m just a bit confused, that’s all,’ Emma murmured, looking at her phone. She began to click away, eyes fixed on the screen before she quietly clicked her tongue. ‘It was Charlie. I wish he’d said something before I came here. We were already being offered a big discount.’

  ‘What’s he done?’ Kim probed in a gentle voice.

  ‘Nothing, it’s fine,’ Emma replied lightly without looking up, continuing to tap away. ‘He’s just asked for another discount behind my back so they’re giving us even more money off now.’

  ‘I’m confused,’ Holly said slowly, unable to prevent her frown. ‘Charlie has access to your work emails? He actually answers people for you?’

  ‘Yes,’ she replied breezily. ‘I couldn’t always answer enquiries when I still worked in London, as I didn’t always have the time, so Charlie kindly responded for me. Ever since then he just seems to have helped with the liaising with brands. I did tell him he doesn’t need to any more; it can get confusing with the two of us doing it and I wouldn’t have felt comfortable asking for even more money off – they were doing me a great deal to start with.’

  ‘I didn’t realize he was that involved in your work,’ Kim said, a concerned expression on her face. ‘Doesn’t he discuss everything with you first before he replies?’

  Emma bit her nails, distracted by her phone. ‘Not all the time, no. But I guess maybe he forgets. Oh well. I guess I can’t complain having such a savvy fiancé, can I?’ She gave a hollow laugh. ‘I guess Charlie just knows an opportunity when he sees one, and at least we’re saving even more money.’ Emma raised a meagre smile.

  ‘Maybe just tell him how you feel if you don’t need him to help any more?’ Kim suggested, shooting Holly an odd look without Emma seeing. She clearly thought Charlie sounded a bit controlling, but perhaps he really was just being helpful. Taking the load off Emma when she had such a big day to plan? After all, they didn’t know Charlie.

  ‘Oh no, there’s no need for that,’ Emma said dismissively, ‘Charlie just looks out for me, that’s all. He has done since day one. He only wants the best for my career, even though, in all honestly, he’s getting slightly fed up with me always taking videos and photos. I do understand where he’s coming from though,’ she said before letting out a little laugh, ‘I always want him to take about a hundred and it does take up so much of my time.’

  ‘Yes, but that’s your job,’ Kim reminded her. ‘He has to understand that it’s the way you make a living now; you’re not just doing it for fun.’

  ‘He does understand that,’ Emma said brightly, flashing them both a smile. ‘Now let me know what you think of these hearts when she brings them out. Then we’d better be off so we can start getting ready for my hen do tonight. I can’t wait!’

  Chapter 10

  A few hours later and the girls had met up at Center Bar in the Hard Rock Hotel.

  ‘Oh wow, we have a full three hundred and sixty-degree view of Vegas,’ Kim said, her eyes glittering and her face lighting up.

  Emma was filming a story for Instagram, her phone on selfie mode as she told her followers where they were and what they were up to.

  ‘So as you can see,’ she smiled broadly, ‘I’m here at Center Bar for my hen do with my sash on and flashing tiara. I mean, just look at that amazing view, guys,’ she aimed her camera at the glass windows. ‘I’m so looking forward to celebrate with my closest friends,’ she gushed. ‘Say hello girls,’ she sang, turning her phone round to the group as they all waved at the camera. She then switched it off.

  ‘We have a surprise for you, Emma,’ Fran announced mischievously.

  She pulled a face. ‘Is it strippers?’

  When Fran and Danni giggled, she knew her suspicions were correct. Emma didn’t really mind though; it was all part of the fun on a hen do. She wasn’t particularly up for being the centre of attention with half-naked men as she found it cringing, but she wasn’t going to be a spoilsport. She’d get involved with a good heart, even though she couldn’t think of anything worse.

  The group followed Danni and Fran in taxis and they ended up outside somewhere called Hunk House.

  ‘I can’t believe it,’ she giggled, getting her phone out to film the outside for her Instagram. Anything worth filming was instantly uploaded.

  Look where I’ve ended up! #helpme #hendo

  She posted the video to her story, following the others inside.

  It was dark and dingy inside and there were already several groups of girls sitting down, waiting for the strippers to come on.

  Emma frowned when her phone started vibrating in her bag and she spotted Charlie’s name flashing on the screen.

  She wanted to ignore it. She knew, by the feeling in the pit of her stomach, that it wasn’t good news. But it was as though her thumb had a mind of its own as she clicked on the answer button.

  ‘Hello?’ She raised her voice over the noise in the room and the loud music playing.

  She could hear his muffled voice and she wanted just to put the phone down and ignore him. Pretend he wasn’t really there. But obediently she went outside, signalling to the others she just needed to take the call. She could just imagine how angry she would make him if she hung up the phone. He would be seething and it
was this thought that forced her to go somewhere quiet so she could speak to him.

  ‘Hello?’ she said again, when she reached the entrance.

  ‘So you’re at a strip club?’

  The malice in his voice made her flinch.

  ‘Yes, so what?’ she said, feeling tired and drained. She was exhausted by his mood swings. So fed up not knowing what to expect. She’d been to a male strip show before for her friend Moira’s hen do; he hadn’t bat an eyelid then. When she showed him the photos he’d even laughed. So why on earth was this any different?

  ‘Are you actually joking?’ he retorted, his voice as sharp as a knife. ‘Are you purposely trying to show me up or something?’

  ‘Oh for God’s sake, Charlie,’ Emma groaned. ‘It’s my hen do and you’re on your stag do. I’m marrying you in a few days. It’s just a bit of fun. Why are you even checking my Instagram? Besides, you didn’t mind when I went before,’ she told him, feeling confused.

  ‘I was messaging someone with an opportunity the other day and I forgot to reply so I just logged into your account,’ he spat. ‘I’m doing you a favour. I couldn’t exactly miss the strip show video you’ve just posted on there for the whole world to see,’ he sulked.

  ‘Which person was it who had messaged? I told you before, just leave it to me. I’ll get back to all my messages as soon as I can.’

  ‘With all due respect, Emma, you’re hardly capable of managing your messages. I couldn’t count how many times I’ve found messages you’ve taken far too long to respond to or ones you’ve simply missed,’ he said curtly. ‘You need me and don’t forget that. Perhaps you should think of that next time you want to show me up on your page. I helped to grow you to be as big as you are. Me.’

  ‘I know, Charlie. You know I’m grateful for your help, really I am. But I don’t expect you to do any of it.’


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