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The Morning After the Wedding Before

Page 12

by Laura Ziepe

  Suddenly, Emma spun round waving a mobile phone.

  ‘Someone’s phone is ringing,’ she shouted, walking nearer to the pool.

  ‘It’s mine,’ Holly replied, moving closer so she could hand it over. It was Rob calling and Holly’s forehead creased as she answered it.

  ‘Hello, Rob?’

  ‘Holly, hi. Me and your mum were trying to call you earlier, but it wouldn’t go through.’ He then spoke to whoever he was with. ‘I’ve got through to her, she’s on the phone.’

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Holly panicked, her heart hammering in her chest. She just knew something had happened.

  ‘It’s Lottie. Now, don’t worry, she’s okay,’ he informed her gravely. ‘She fell off the bed earlier and has been taken to hospital. They think she’s fractured her arm.’

  Holly couldn’t breathe. ‘Oh my God,’ she gasped, a million questions going through her mind. She felt the guilt, worry and anxiety coming off her in waves. ‘What do you mean she fell off the bed? How, Rob? Has she been asking for me? Is she in pain? I cannot believe this has happened when I’m away.’

  ‘It was just an accident. She was jumping on the bed this morning and just fell off,’ he explained.

  ‘What the hell, Rob? Why weren’t you watching her?’ The shock of the situation was making Holly feel angry with him, despite knowing he was a good father and would never put his children in any harm. Holly couldn’t help but think this wouldn’t have happened if she had been in charge though. She would have told Lottie to get off the bed at once. Holly could always see the dangers, whereas Rob could only see his child having fun.

  ‘I was with Nikki …’ Rob began.

  ‘Nikki?’ Holly interjected furiously. ‘Oh my God, Rob, you’ve got to be kidding me,’ she snapped hotly, feeling enraged. ‘If you can’t look after your own children now you have a new girlfriend, if you can’t be bothered to watch them and they’re now just one big inconvenience to you, then maybe you shouldn’t even have them when you’re with her!’ Holly was exasperated. This was the first big accident that Lottie had ever had and she wasn’t there. Her children had never been to A & E before. Not once. Yet now Rob was busy with Nikki, the first time her kids had even met her, and this had happened. Her poor little Lottie. Holly felt horrendous that she hadn’t been there to comfort her.

  Rob sighed heavily. ‘If you let me explain …’

  ‘No, Rob, you let me explain. When you have the children, they are your priority, not Nikki’s. Do you understand that?’ Her tone was scathing.

  ‘For Christ’s sake, Holly, let me speak!’ Rob demanded.

  ‘I want to speak to Lottie,’ Holly told him firmly, cutting in again.

  ‘Your mum is on her way home with her now. I’ll get her to call as soon as she’s back.’

  ‘What are you talking about – my mum?’ Holly was baffled. ‘I thought the children were with you?’

  Rob exhaled slowly. ‘No, Holly. That’s what I was trying to tell you. They were at your mum’s this morning. Lottie fell off your mum’s bed when she was getting Jacob out of the bath. I was on my way round there with Nikki to collect them. When I arrived, your mum had called the ambulance. She went to the hospital with Lottie and Nikki and I stayed to look after Jacob.’

  Holly grimaced, cringing with embarrassment.

  Well, that was just perfect.

  Chapter 15


  Kim could tell something was wrong with Lottie and couldn’t wait for Holly to get off the phone. She watched her suddenly pulling a mortified expression, apologizing profusely to Rob. What on earth had happened?

  ‘What’s up with Lottie?’ she asked as soon as Holly hung up.

  Holly explained the situation.

  ‘Oh dear,’ Kim wrinkled her nose. ‘Is she okay though? It’s just an accident that’s easily done. Mylo fell off the bed when he was a baby, do you remember? Luckily it wasn’t bad enough for hospital, but it was so scary. He had such a big bump.’

  ‘Apparently she’s not in any pain now,’ Holly said, ‘but she has her arm in a sling and stuff. She has to be really careful and go back to the hospital for a check-up. I feel awful that I’m not there.’ Holly looked crestfallen as she spoke. ‘I should be there. And what I just said to Rob, too, wow.’ She clenched her teeth in humiliation. ‘He must hate me. I went so over the top at him and he hadn’t even done anything wrong. I was so scared that I just lost it with him. I guess I’m just feeling a bit unsettled today, what with what happened with Max last night and I guess you’re right, Kim, it’s not a nice feeling to see him chatting up other girls right in front of me. I think I must have taken it out on Rob. I don’t know, maybe I’m not finding this as easy as I thought,’ she finally confessed with a sigh. ‘Once upon a time everything was so simple. Not in our relationship, but just the fact that Rob and I were together with the children.’

  Kim shook her head. ‘Rob will understand you were just worried and in shock, don’t worry. He’ll get over it,’ Kim tried to reassure her. ‘I really wouldn’t beat yourself up about the fact it’s taking time to get used to the new set-up. You’re bound to feel a little strange and uneasy about it all to start with.’

  ‘Maybe. I think sometimes I just feel a little sad that things didn’t work out, you know? There’s nothing more I would have loved than a family that remained together, especially for the children. It’s something I’d always wished for as a child when my parents split up.’

  ‘You weren’t happy with Rob, Holly. Don’t forget that. Your happiness is more important than staying together. The kids would have picked up on it eventually and it wouldn’t have been healthy to stay together just for their sake.’

  ‘I know, I know.’ Holly swallowed hard. ‘I should never have spoken to him like that though. Rob didn’t deserve that. I can’t wait to speak to Lottie.’ She glanced at her phone.

  ‘I bet,’ Kim answered sympathetically. She would be feeling exactly the same if she was in Holly’s shoes. It was always complicated when people split up and they had children together, even when they were breaking up amicably. It was another reminder that Kim didn’t want this to be her and Andy one day. ‘Come on, let’s go back to where Emma is sitting.’

  Kim walked over to the others with Holly behind her, pleased when the group of girls Callum and Max were chatting to said their goodbyes and walked away. Who on earth did Max think he was? It seemed obvious now that he was a player, someone who just wanted a good time and not a relationship. She was worried that Holly had got the wrong impression and she was annoyed for her friend if she’d been led on in any way. Yes, Max was good-looking and charming, but no-one was going to upset her best friend. Especially now she was feeling in even lower spirits because of Lottie’s fall.

  Apart from the thoughts of her marriage issues constantly popping into her mind, Kim was doing her best to enjoy the break away. Thinking of home, she realized she hadn’t replied to Andy’s latest message asking her if she was having a good time. She quickly tapped back a reply to tell him she was, and that she hoped the children were all okay. Listening to what had happened to Lottie was a reminder to Kim that she should be checking in more often to see how they were.

  ‘What’s up?’ Callum asked, noticing Holly appeared distressed.

  She explained what had happened to Lottie.

  ‘Oh no,’ Callum’s face fell, ‘I can imagine just how you’re feeling. I’m sure your mum will be spoiling her though and giving her tons of attention. I swear Eva enjoys being ill sometimes as I let her sleep in my bed,’ he told her kindly, trying to put her at ease.

  ‘Yeah, you’re probably right,’ Holly replied, her eyes glassy. ‘I just feel terrible for not being there.’

  ‘Can’t be helped.’ Max said in a tone that implied he clearly didn’t share her concern.

  ‘I’m sure she won’t be in any pain any more,’ Callum continued, with compassion in his eyes. ‘They’ll have given her medicine in the hospital, I’m certain of

  ‘Thanks, Callum,’ Holly replied, biting a nail.

  Max began to talk to Holly then, and Kim was pleased. The last thing she wanted was for Holly to be hurt by him. Kim just wanted to see Holly happy. If Max was the man to do that (womanizer or not), then so be it. Perhaps he wasn’t as bad as Kim had thought? He was a single man on holiday. He wasn’t exactly Holly’s husband who had sworn an oath to only be with her.

  Kim turned her attention to Callum, who seemed to have caught the sun on his face, bringing out the stunning green colour of his eyes.

  ‘Did you have a good time last night?’ she asked in a friendly voice.

  ‘Probably not as good as you, judging by your state at the end of the night,’ he chuckled light-heartedly. ‘But yes, it was a great night.’

  ‘You’ve not been married, have you?’ Kim asked curiously.

  Callum seemed like such a nice guy. The type to instantly make you feel comfortable. He was a catch and Kim couldn’t see how he was still single, unless it was by choice.

  ‘No, my ex and I never got that far in the end. We were engaged, but things fell apart after we had our little girl. I’d love to get married one day though. Have a few more kids, the whole shebang.’

  ‘I’m sure you will,’ Kim said earnestly. She turned to Holly mouthing, ‘You okay?’

  Holly nodded as she chatted to Max, quickly glancing at her phone again.

  ‘Fancy getting some shots in with me?’ Callum asked Kim, raising an eyebrow.

  ‘Why not?’ Kim giggled, following him to the bar. ‘Let’s get some tequila!’

  Kim had done tequila shots the first time she went on a date with Andy. She remembered it so well. He’d taken her to Umbertos, a beautiful little Italian in Colchester near where they went to university. She could tell he was quite taken with her from the beginning. It was the way he couldn’t help but appear fascinated by everything she said. He seemed to want to know everything about her, and Kim had no trouble chatting about herself. She’d always been so full of life and confidence back then. He made her feel great about herself from the very start, even though at first she wasn’t entirely sure he would be able to keep up with her.

  ‘Dessert? Coffee?’ Andy had asked, his eyes scanning the menu after their dinner.

  ‘How about tequila?’ Kim had said. She had planned to meet Holly and a few others in a club after her date and she didn’t want to be behind on how many drinks they’d had.

  ‘Tequila?’ he said in bafflement, his eyes widening as though she’d suggested poison.

  Kim had nodded, her expression serious. ‘What’s wrong with that?’ she asked innocently. He was so tall and robust that if he couldn’t handle shots, then he wasn’t the man for her. She hoped he wasn’t so into his sports that he was really health-conscious or anything like that. She wanted someone on her level. Someone who wanted to enjoy life and party. Life was for living.

  Andy hesitated. ‘Okay,’ he’d replied slowly. It had sounded more like a question than answer. To him, drinking shots of tequila after a lovely meal on a date was the most alien thing in the world. ‘You’re not like most girls,’ he’d commented, gazing at her as though he was trying to work her out.

  ‘I’m not?’

  ‘No, Kim. There’s something about you,’ he said, narrowing his eyes and taking her hand across the table. ‘Something I want to know more about.’

  Kim hadn’t planned for Andy to be her boyfriend, even though she had always liked him and admired him from afar along with the other girls. Kim dated a lot back in those days at university, just for fun. She didn’t really care if she could see a future with them or not. She had enjoyed being single. She loved the thrill of not knowing what was going to happen. She never felt the need to have a boyfriend like some of the girls she knew. When she’d met Andy, Holly hadn’t long been in a relationship with Rob. The thought of double dates had seemed like a fun idea; they hadn’t ever done that before. Thinking about it now, it was probably the reason that Kim gave Andy a chance to get to know her better. She was like a wild horse that couldn’t be tamed. Not until she had decided to let someone tame her. Andy had been the right man at the right time. Timing, Kim realized, was so important.

  Kim had still remained the same party girl even when she did get into a relationship with Andy. Whether it was out after work for drinks in London or going out to bars and clubs drinking at the weekends, she wasn’t going to let having a boyfriend stop her doing what she enjoyed. She was only young once and Andy knew the score. In fact, he seemed to love that she was so free-spirited and lively.

  ‘Life just feels more exciting with you in it,’ he’d said to her in a little speech when he’d proposed in South Africa (it had been Kim’s idea to go on a safari). ‘I never know what’s going to happen with you. I never know what your next plans are for us to do. I’ve never laughed and smiled so much with anybody. You’re extraordinary, Kim.’

  Despite being engaged, Kim had made sure she spent lots of time with her friends too. There was nothing Kim had hated more than girls who stopped seeing their friends when they got into a new relationship and she had sworn that would never be her. Andy went out with his own friends as well, just not as often as Kim did. He liked his nights at home, and was more than happy to have friends over for a few beers to watch the rugby or football rather than go out to pubs and bars. It was easy to give up being single to be with Andy. He was secure in their relationship; never once put off by the fact she was such a party girl. In fact, it was her wild side he found so attractive about her. Again, an uneasy feeling crept up on Kim. She was no longer the same carefree, crazy, tequila-loving woman he’d fallen in love with. She was so different now. Did Andy even recognize her any more? Did he still love her as he once did?

  ‘Ready?’ Callum asked, holding up a shot glass, making her memories drift away.

  ‘As I’ll ever be,’ Kim giggled, sucking the lemon before downing her shot. She grimaced as she drunk it and then burst out laughing at Callum’s face, crumpled up in displeasure before he licked the salt from his other hand.

  ‘That was vile,’ he laughed. ‘Come on, let’s give the rest to the others.’

  Max looked up as they approached. ‘You two look as though you’re having fun. What’s that?’ he asked, looking at the tray in Callum’s hand.

  ‘Shots for you guys,’ he said, handing them out.

  ‘I want to speak to Lottie before I really start drinking,’ Holly said worriedly, pushing hers aside towards Max who downed it in one. She was holding her mobile ready for the call when it came moments later.

  The others downed their shots and Kim continued to talk to Callum, feeling really relaxed in his company. He was like a friend she’d known for years.

  An hour or so later, Emma put on her kaftan. ‘Girls, are you ready to come to the shop with me?’ she asked. ‘How was Lottie when you spoke to her?’ she asked Holly.

  ‘She seems fine,’ Holly told her. ‘She actually seems to think it’s pretty cool she has a sling.’ She attempted a laugh, but Kim knew how concerned she was. ‘There’s nothing I can do though, I wasn’t there and she seemed happy enough to be spending the day with Rob and Nikki.’

  ‘Ah, glad to hear she’s okay,’ Callum said.

  ‘I do understand how you feel not being there, but at least you know she’s perfectly happy and not in any pain,’ Kim said to her. ‘Come on, let’s go and help Emma find her dream wedding accessories.’

  ‘I’ll see you a bit later,’ Holly said to Max, kissing him on the cheek.

  ‘See you,’ Kim waved to Callum as she walked off with the others. ‘Actually girls, I’m going to quickly nip to the loo. I’ll meet you by the exit,’ she said, pivoting round.

  When Kim came out of the toilets, she was shocked to see Max standing there. It appeared as if he was waiting for her.

  ‘Everything okay?’ she asked him in wonderment.

  Max had a strange, unreadable expression on his face. His eye
s appeared glassy and a little bloodshot from the alcohol he’d been drinking.

  ‘Yes, everything is fine,’ he said, staring at her intently and making her feel uneasy. It was like he knew something she didn’t, and Kim’s first thoughts were about Holly.

  ‘Holly is by the exit,’ Kim told him, glancing over but unable to see her friends due to it being so busy. For some reason she couldn’t look Max in the eye. They were all alone apart from a few strangers dancing close to the bar. ‘Were you after her?’

  ‘It’s actually you I came to see,’ he smirked.

  He was so handsome it was ridiculous, and he knew it. There was something very off-putting about a man who knew how good he looked. He was the epitome of a bad boy with his cocky grin, carefree, confident nature and tattoos, but she wasn’t really sure that he was actually a nice person.

  Kim’s brow furrowed, unsure what to say. She didn’t really understand what any of this was about. ‘What did you want?’ she asked him, feeling baffled.

  ‘You look like you were getting close to Callum earlier,’ Max said in a smooth voice. His ran his fingers through his dark hair.

  The lines on Kim’s forehead deepened, bemused. ‘What are you talking about? As friends, yes,’ she stated firmly. What was he suggesting? She didn’t like where the conversation was heading and really hoped Holly and Emma would come over and rescue her. Max was being so serious. He wasn’t talking to her in his usual jokey way. Why did it concern him who she spoke to?

  ‘Is that all it is then?’ Max asked, cocking his head to one side and moving even closer towards her.

  ‘Yes,’ Kim replied indignantly. ‘Why do you care?’

  He squeezed her hand slightly, making her feel as though she’d had an electric shock and his mouth turned up at the edges. His eyes blazed into hers and Kim felt as though her face was on fire. Her heart began to race. This felt very wrong. What was he doing?


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