Voices; Birth-Marks; The Man and the Elephant

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Voices; Birth-Marks; The Man and the Elephant Page 2

by Mathew Joseph Holt

  A Questionnaire.


  Why was not room made for thy mother in the inn? Why wert thou manger-cradled, Lord? Could not heirship From Israel's greatest king procure for her Who bore thee, more than a pallet of straw in a stall; And for thee a cradle of fine linen and soft down? Why did not an angel whisper: "Blest inn-keeper, Give thy best, this is Christ, Son of the Living Lord? Is the world to know only its own? Thankless man, Never to practice thy teaching; or see thy star? Is he waiting for signs and wonders; believing Battalions of angels will compel him to worship? Thy birth-night, did not the heavens declare thy glory? Did not an angel choir sing thy cradle hymn? Yet to man thou remainest the carpenter's son; Though the wise of earth waited--and prophets foretold; Lauding Bethlehem of Judah as thy birthplace. "And thou Bethlehem, Land of Judah, Art in no wise least among the princes of Judah, For out of thee shall come forth a ruler, Who shall be shepherd of thy people Israel."


  Are only common people, pawns of life, shepherds, Who abide in the fields and keep watch day and night, To see thy angel herald and hear his evangel: "Behold I bring to you good tiding of great joy, For unto you is born a saviour--Jesus the Lord?" Do only dreamy shepherds like the Maid of France, See and hear thy choir as it sings: "Glory to God, Exalted One--on earth peace, good will towards men?" Do only the old and feeble, living in the past, Or waiting for the consolation of Israel, Like Simeon; cling to life until they see the Lord? Do only the lonely Annas, eighty years widowed, Know thy face because of their fasting and prayers? When will we who delve for gold, lift our eyes skyward; And seeing the star, worshipfully come and give; Remembering thou didst come and give--as prophets sang: "And thou Bethlehem, Land of Judah, Art in no wise least among the princes of Judah, For out of thee shall come forth a ruler, Who shall be shepherd of thy people Israel."


  Is thy epiphany known only to wise men, Living near the morning sun?--Those who saw thy star And followed as it led, came to worship, saying: "Israel, where is the One born king of the Jews?" Are only those who are led by an angel or a star, To know and worship thee? While we, though thou art here, In our own town, to be our guest and bear our sins; Refuse to take thee in; saying: "There is no room." Will but the few, the wise and great, coming a long way, Find thee--having found, worship--having worshipped, Give treasured gold, frankincense and myrrh; while we, When thou knockest at the door of our dwelling, Tenanted by false gods, say: There is no room here; We entertain more appropriate guests, old friends; Go to the public khan; there you will find shelter, A stall, a manger and a little straw--Yet the prophets sang: "And thou Bethlehem, Land of Judah, Art in no wise least among the princes of Judah, For out of thee shall come forth a ruler, Who shall be shepherd of thy people Israel."


  As Herod the King, not loving thy appearing, Shall we, when Magi tell us thou hast come, decree A massacre of babes; and in blind and willful Destruction, mark our mad way with the red blossoms Of martyrdom; until Rama is a land of tears And Rachel unconsoled weeps for her children? Since it was not God's will that the babe should perish, The foster-father a dreamer, was angel-warned; "Hearken! Arise! take the young child and his mother; Flee to Egypt and remain until I bring word; At Herod's death return." Thus the child escaped. Not so the man, whose mission was death in my place. Though he went about doing good, teaching and healing; I followed to betray; and after his arrest, Cried: "Give us Barabbas! Crucify him! Crucify!" He died for his sheep, deserted, though prophets sang: "And thou Bethlehem, Land of Judah, Art in no wise least among the princes of Judah, For out of thee shall come forth a ruler, Who shall be shepherd of thy people Israel."


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