Feeling White

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Feeling White Page 13

by Charlotte E Hart

  When he walked out of the elevator, he looked around at the offices and open plan space and tried to remember the environment. He didn’t even know when was the last time he was on this floor. The girl at the reception desk jumped up from her seat and threw him a nervous smile as she quietly placed something back in the drawer. The faint odour of nail polish wafted across his nose and he smirked at her. She couldn’t have been any older than nineteen, and if he remembered correctly, he wasn’t exactly enamoured with work of any sort at her age either.

  “Mr, White Sir, Is there something you need?” she asked as a blush rose across her chest and face. He wandered across to the desk and opened the drawer.

  “Crimson,” he said as he read the bottle. “Quite appropriate, given your face at the moment. Could I suggest you do some work, or do you not have enough to do?” She recoiled and fumbled with her fingers. “What’s your name?”

  “Justine Ellis, Sir,” she said quietly as she looked at the floor. He had to give her credit when she looked up at him through her lashes and batted them together. She was quite a pretty little thing really - virginal and of no fucking interest whatsoever, but pretty nonetheless. He had never been enamoured with virgins, far too inhibited.

  “Justine, go up to my office and tell Louisa that I sent you to help her. She will keep you busy enough,” he said as he turned and walked off towards the office doors. He hoped Tom’s name would be on a door somewhere because he honestly didn’t know what the man looked like.

  Opening the door, he found the apparent Tom shouting into the phone at someone with his back to him. He walked in and sat on a chair quietly to watch the man. He looked pretty average in height and build, decent suit and he still had his hair - always useful, but until he turned around, he couldn’t quite make out his age. Christ, he was in full swing about some interest rate that was clearly unacceptable to him. Alex raised his brow, actually quite impressed with the man. He couldn’t remember employing him but whomever it was that did had done a good job.

  “Right, fine, you shit, we’ll be pulling Hamilton road, the three buildings in Mayfair and the Mandarin holdings. Unless you come back with a number under two, you can fuck right off.” Tom slammed the phone down with a groan and pulled at his collar before turning around.

  “Shit! Mr. White? Shit... Sorry, I didn’t know you were there.” Alex continued with his smirk and waved him off as he registered that he was younger than his hardened attitude suggested. Tom reminded him of himself a few years ago.

  “Sit down, Tom. What do I have in London that could be used as a commercial catering premises?”

  “Umm... Let me think. There’s Osterbruck Place or maybe Defoe Point? That’s got a small car park and easy access to all major networks. I could probably work out some others but I’d need more information regarding size and capacity,” he said as he looked Alex straight in the eye. He didn’t even blink. At fucking last.

  “Send me the details of them and anything else you think might be good. I’ll need to know about current lease details and I only want spaces that I can make available within the next month or so.”

  “Mr. White, I’m pretty sure Tate can make anything vacant within a week, let alone a month.” Alex chuckled and stood up. He was right.

  “What were they offering on the phone?” he asked as he reached the door.

  “Two point two above base. It’s a good deal. I just want a bit more. With the nine purchases we’ve got lined up over the next month and the investment in the east end, every half point helps,” he replied with a shrug. Alex smirked at him and wandered off with a wave of his hand. The man needed a raise. He plucked out his phone and called Louisa.

  “How much is Brindley on?”

  “One hundred and twenty, I think. His bonus will be twenty five percent.” How the hell the woman remembered every detail of his business was quite inexplicable.

  “Give him another thirty and raise him to forty percent. How long has he worked for me?”

  “Around three years,” she replied as she tapped away at her keyboard.

  “Any Far East experience? Married? Children?”

  “Not as far as I’m aware, no, and no. He does speak four languages though,” she replied succinctly.

  “Right, well find out, will you? I need someone for the Shanghai deal and I think he’ll be perfect. It will mean constant travel and of course another contract. Could you get Tate to sort one? No. Wait. Louisa, do you think you could organise a new contract for him without Tate being involved?”

  “I expect so, Sir. Anything I should be aware of?”

  “No, not at the moment. Can you turn off my laptop? I’m going to go home.”

  “Of course, Sir, and thank you for Justine. She’s being very useful.”

  “Good, you can keep her for a week or so. I know how you like a new pet.” She chuckled in response.

  “Have a good evening, Sir.” He switched off the phone and headed to the elevator again.

  On leaving the building, he stood outside and breathed in a deep lungful of air.

  Where was she? It was Wednesday and he hadn’t seen her since Sunday morning when she’d left him, regardless of how much he’d tried to lure her back into bed. She’d definitely found a new strength since he’d been an utter dick and left her. She was less compliant now and it turned him on like hell fired up. She was bad enough before; now it was almost impossible to resist her. She goaded him now, teased him and yet held herself back from giving him everything. He’d never found the chase a more enthralling task and was still relishing in the feeling of it as he picked up his phone and texted her again. He’d found their daily banter via text amusing and quite the distraction from the daily grind. He started to walk toward the park.

  - Where are you?

  - At the wholesalers, talking to a very charming young man about cream. X

  - What about cream?

  - Whether it’s better whipped or beaten. x

  - I want you.

  - Whipped or beaten? X

  - Both, preferably with the cream.

  - Mr. White I am quite appalled. X

  - No you’re not, Miss Scott. When do you finish?

  - It’ll be about six. X

  - I’ll pick you up. Be ready.

  He smirked to himself and sat down on a bench in the park as he watched the nannies and their charges running around and chasing birds. He loved this park, in fact he loved being outside and it reminded him that he promised himself some time away. He wondered if she’d go with him and pondered her skiing ability. She’d never mentioned it, but she’d never mentioned chess or the piano and she could do both of them remarkably well. The thought of going away also brought the Lake District flying into his mind. He needed to get to see Evelyn Peters’ family and although it was obviously a delicate matter, the only way he would know the truth was to stare into her mother’s eyes and ask a few questions. Thinking of that and Elizabeth in the same moment made him realise that he wanted her to go with him, but he hadn’t told her anything about the possibility of a sister. Was now the right time? She said she wanted to know him and he’d already done one of the hard bits by taking her to the bastard’s house.

  He frowned deeply as he thought of her that evening cowered on the floor in fear of him and screwed his fist up at his own stupidity. This was his second chance to make everything right with her, and if she wanted it all then she could have it all. Schroeder had said he should be honest with her and that he should take her with him to the next meeting if he felt it appropriate. Should he? She said she wouldn’t hold anything against him, that she didn’t care about the shocking bits, only that he was open enough to admit to them. Well maybe he was ready to tell them to someone, to her.

  - Do you ski?

  - Yes. Why? x

  - Want to go?

  - Probably. When? x

  - Not sure. Just wondered.

  - Okay x

  - Do you have plans for the weekend?

- No, free all weekend x

  - I love you.

  Glancing down at his watch, he frowned and rubbed his neck. It had been ten minutes since his last text and she hadn’t responded. Why wouldn’t she say those words again? God, he wanted to hear them. Did she even still feel the same? He assumed she did otherwise she wouldn’t have taken him back. Was it the same as the reason why she wasn’t allowing any of his preferences to enter into the relationship? She’d stopped him the first time and then not pushed him into that guise anymore. Why was she holding back from it? He knew she wanted it. He could sense it on her and he was becoming desperate for it. He was trying to be gentle but it just wasn’t in his nature and he wanted the other Elizabeth back. Fuck, it was actually unbearable. He wanted her to give in and let him take her back to the places she’d been before. He needed to feel it again with her, to see her flexing underneath his hands and bending to his will, but she had the control now and she was using it to her full advantage. Was she doing it on purpose?

  Shaking his head to himself, he got up and headed back to the offices. He needed to get his car and then drive across town. His phone vibrated and he grabbed at it with a smile. Tom Brindley’s email was not what he wanted but it did divert his attention. Defoe Point, interesting. It was exactly what she needed and in an excellent location - fifteen minutes up the road from the shop and big enough for them to expand at their leisure. Now how the hell did he make her see his reasoning for it?

  He wanted to give her the world but he knew she wouldn’t take it easily. She would just see it as him trying to buy his way out of trouble. Perhaps he should make her pay him for it. He’d had no intention of doing so, but at least she would see it as a business arrangement and not an overly priced gift. He smiled at her term for his extravagances on her and slipped his hands in his pockets. Lifting his head to look at the front of his building, he smiled and thought of the last few years.

  He’d done this - from nothing to this.

  A familiar face walking towards him in the crowd suddenly diverted his attention and he tried to stop the immediate angry frown that crossed his face. He couldn’t get away now she’d seen him. He straightened his face and walked toward her as she put one long leg in front of the other. Models, whores the lot of them.

  “Alexander,” she said demurely as she air kissed him and he made the mistake of inhaling her perfume. He hadn’t smelt it for a few years and it reminded him of another time in his life, one he wasn’t proud of in the slightest. Had he been anywhere other than outside his own building, he would have shoved her into oncoming traffic. He hated her for making him despise himself more than he already did.

  “Caroline, what are you doing here?” he said tersely as a sense of shame swept across him. He didn’t want her here. She reminded him of what an arsehole he really was and furthered his own appreciation of how much he didn’t deserve Elizabeth.

  “Well that’s a fine way to say hello. Actually, I was just passing and I wondered if you’d have Conner’s number? He seems to have changed it since…” she said as she pawed at his chest with her orange fingertips and batted her fucking eyelashes. He stepped back instantly and sneered at her.

  “Conner’s with someone, Caroline and I doubt he’d be happy if I gave you his number. Why do you want it anyway?”

  “Well, darling, life’s expensive and I thought that maybe I could tell him a story or two,” she said through her sickly smile. Why had he ever found that attractive? He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her across the road. “Stop it. You’re hurting me.”

  “Shut up, Caroline. Fuck, will this ever stop?” he seethed as he almost threw her at the wall and then realised where he was and let go of her instead. He glared at her and reached for his wallet. “How much this time?”

  “Darling, I think you can do a little better than that, don’t you? I mean, really, is that all your friendship’s worth?” she said as she swished her short blonde hair around. “Oh, and I heard about your new girlfriend. Is she very lovely, Alexander? Does she know who you really are?” He growled and shot her a lethal look as he glanced at a truck on its way toward them. Just one fucking push.

  “I have one cheque in here, Caroline and I swear it will be the last one you ever get from me,” he said as he scribbled the same amount as last time she did this. “You have tested my patience for the last time and don’t fucking think of going near her. I will not be responsible for my actions if you get her involved.” He pushed it at her hand and stepped back before his anger got the better of him.

  Five years Miss Anderson had held this against him and he couldn’t think of a way out of it apart from killing her or maybe giving her to Pascal. He knew she had the video somewhere but he didn’t know where or with whom. The fact that she was Conner’s girlfriend and apparent true love at the time was the only reason he was continuing to feed her money. If his friend ever found out about the affair, their brotherly relationship would be over. Conner was not a man to be crossed at any cost because he simply didn’t forget or forgive. Three times he’d fucked her, three times! So far it had cost him three million. Christ, one million per fuck, and it really wasn’t that good at all. Unfortunately, the bitch had the foresight to film the last time when he’d had another two in the room at the same time as her, and frankly she’d be playing that card for far too long now. He needed to find a way out of it. Yes, he’d been a fool but he’d been struggling with addiction and still hadn’t completely found his way through his fog of fury and pain. It was still no excuse but he wondered briefly if he could tell Conner about it now. He was happy with Belle and maybe he would forgive him his sins - probably not, though.

  “Just remember I still have it, darling. I’ll do whatever I want and you will still do as I ask when I ask it of you,” she said as she took a step toward him and went to kiss his lips. He recoiled and stared at her, astounded by her actions. “Was it really that bad for you? I have fond memories of you, darling,” she continued as she smiled and then pouted at him.

  “Just go, Caroline,” he said as he turned away and tried to push the fury down. “ I don’t want you anywhere near me.” He had no one to blame but himself really, and as much as he hated her, she was only doing what she could, given the circumstances. He’d been stupid enough to get into the situation and so he would have to pay the consequences of his actions. That was his world and the only saving grace was that he hadn’t gotten her pregnant.

  “’Til next time, darling,” she shouted at him as he looked over his shoulder to see her very thin frame gliding down the pavement in full model swing. Hopefully she’d trip and stumble into the road at some point. He frowned and walked back across the road to his offices, sucking in a breath and trying to find his calm again. Fuck, he hated being blackmailed. If the woman ever had the stupidity to turn up again, he’d finish it for her.

  An hour later, he was sitting in his car a little way up the road from her shop and still wondering what to do about the building he wanted to give to her. He’d just wasted all that money on a woman he couldn’t give a fuck about and the one who consumed him would hardly accept a penny from him. She told him to enjoy his wealth. Why shouldn’t he, she’d said? Quite bloody right.

  Getting out of the car, he slammed the door and walked towards Scott’s. He liked the name. Not only was it hers but it was straightforward and to the point. The faintest flicker of the name Elizabeth White drifted through his mind and he stopped abruptly and tried to grab hold of it before it disappeared. What the hell was that thought about? Marriage? There was no way he was processing that image at the moment. She’d only just agreed to give him another chance. The likelihood of her considering that as an option was zero on a scale of one to ten. Chuckling to himself, he carried on walking and gazed at the red painted building. Their sign work was excellent and the style of font was spot on - modern but with a traditional twist. While Belle was the company front, he could feel Elizabeth in the fibre of the details emanating from the outside. She’
d designed that artwork; he was sure of it.

  He opened the door and wandered in. Teresa swung round, smiled at him and shouted for Elizabeth. He nodded in thanks and picked up a baguette for some reason, wanting to hold something that she’d created with her lovely hands.

  “That will be three pound seventy five please.” His head shot to Teresa as she took it from him and put it in a paper bag.

  “That’s extortionate.” He almost choked at the price. She smirked at him.

  “That’s London, and when, pray tell, was the last time you bought a baguette?” she asked with a glittering smile. “Actually do you even carry money or are you like the queen?” He pulled out his wallet and found a twenty.

  “Lovely, thank you,” she said as she took it and went to the till. Elizabeth rounded the corner and looked at the bag in his hand then at Teresa.

  “What are you doing, you idiot? Give him his money back,” she said as she snatched it from her and handed it back to him with a shy smile. He couldn’t have given a damn about the money as he smiled at her and felt his heart peel apart that little bit more. She was stunning, standing there with her hair scraped back and a smear of chocolate on her cheek. He moved toward her, grabbed her chin and licked it off her before he could stop himself. Her soulful brown eyes widened at the gesture and her full lips parted with a small moan. He stared into those eyes. She was so ready, it was killing her to stop it, and thankfully he could see it now because she was relaxing again. Not long.

  “Well, he was amusing me. It’s been a dull day. Honestly, you should have seen the look on his face… Priceless. Easy target. I thought he was some hot-shot or something.” She laughed again as she walked past them to the front of the shop.

  “Hi,” Elizabeth said as she glared at the woman and then looked up at him through her long lashes.

  “Hi,” he replied as he kissed her gently and released her face. “Are you ready?”


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