Project: Adapt - Failure: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 4)

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Project: Adapt - Failure: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 4) Page 12

by Jade Waltz

  I felt strange watching such an intimate moment, especially while Xenak was in such a fragile state. His hair and clothes were disheveled as if he had just recently woken up in a hurry. The pompous male seemed almost normal now. Was it the stress of his brother’s condition that had caused him to lash out at me? Even so, that was no excuse to treat me and my clan the way he had.

  Slowly, I tried to untangle my hand from Ryzen’s, not wanting to interrupt the two brothers’ reunion. Instantly, his hand clenched and his face jerked in my direction. His emerald eyes and runes flared, burning bright on his tanned skin.

  “Who are you?” He sat up, his hypnotizing gaze dropping to our joined hands. A tingling sensation crept through my veins. “Were you the star who saved me?”

  “I’m no star,” I muttered, trying futilely to pull my hand free. He frowned as he released me and watched me cradle my hand in my lap. “If you want to know who I am, you can ask your brother.”

  His frown deepened as he turned his attention to the cyan male who had started this all. “Why does this female seem afraid of me?” He raised an eyebrow as he yanked his hand from his offending brother’s. “What did you do?”

  Ryzen glanced between the both of us, his face morphing from relief to annoyance.

  “This isn’t how this was supposed to go.” Xenak glared at me. “Why are you pitting my brother against me the second he’s come back to me?”

  “Because I refuse to let you act the hero when you’ve done nothing to receive such praise. I want him to know the reason I’m here and what’s happened while he was unconscious,” I snapped.

  I turned my attention to the emerald twin. He stared at me, his brows drawn down. “Just so you know, I’ve heard about the many honorable things you and your sorry excuse for a brother have done for others, and for that, I applaud you. While I understand how someone can be so desperate to save his loved ones, your brother put his needs above mine and your life above my clan’s. For that, I am furious, though I’m sorry if it seems like I’m taking it out on you. Instead of asking me to come here, he has broken laws to invade my mind and paid mercenaries to kidnap me. He knew all the pain I was put through,” I paused, unzipping my tunic to reveal my jagged scar and running a hand through my short hair, “and yet, still demanded I help you before he would return me to my clan, knowing full well that my mates can’t live without me after a long time. Now that I’ve delivered, I wish to leave this base and never see any of you again for as long as I live.”

  I glared at the cyan male, daring him to break his promise. “I’ve done what you demanded. Now, give me the freedom I’ve earned so I can return to my life—permanently changed.”

  “You kidnapped this female and forced her to save me?” Ryzen asked, drawing out each word as if he couldn’t believe what he was asking himself. “Please, tell me this isn’t true.”

  “The Stars told Celyze she was needed to rescue and wake you from your mental prison.” He crossed his arms, his cyan tattoos flaring. “I was doing what anyone would to save a brother—a war hero—from certain demise. It was she who refused to help when I asked her.”

  “Don’t blame me for your actions,” Celyze snapped, fluttering beside me and Zyxel. “I relayed what the Stars told me but advised you that you couldn’t force someone to come help us. You proceeded anyway and were furious when Selena explained that she didn’t know how to save the commander, though we both knew she isn’t a healer. I’m here to make sure you don’t try to force her hand again out of anger. If she had failed to wake your brother, I suspected you would have acted out of desperation.”

  “You purposely kidnapped a female to force her to do your bidding?” Ryzen repeated, seething and clenching his fists. “That undermines everything we have fought against for centuries! You have sunken to the low level of the Federation! What happened to the brother I have known all my life? He would never do such a despicable thing.”

  “I did it to save you!”

  “You did it for selfish reasons!” Ryzen snapped, his emerald runes glowing brightly. “I sacrificed myself to save this base and, in exchange, you were willing to endanger Selena and her clan’s lives to bring me back? My life isn’t worth more than anyone else’s.”

  “It is to me!” he shouted as tears formed in the corners of his eyes. “I can’t do this without you.”

  There was the answer.

  After building this organization from the ground up, Xenak felt like he couldn’t lead without his brother. While his motives were sound, his methods had been reprehensible. I couldn’t forgive him for everything he had put me through—whether I had saved Ryzen or not. He hadn’t shown any semblance of remorse and hadn’t attempted to ask for forgiveness, as if he still believed he had done the right thing.

  I couldn’t remain in the same room as this male. No matter his reasoning, he still felt like an enemy to me, and I didn’t feel safe in his presence.

  “I wish I could say that it was nice meeting you, Ryzen, but now that you know why I’m here and I’ve done my duty, I wish to leave.” Nodding at the emerald male, I offered my hands to Celyze. “Can we go back to your cabin? I don’t want to be here anymore.”

  Celyze’s gaze flicked between Zyxel and Ryzen as if asking for permission. When no one objected, he grabbed me. Zyxel uncoiled his body from around mine as Celyze scooped me into his arms. Resting my head against his chest, I lost sight of the other three males’ stares as we neared the exit.

  “Selena,” Zyxel called. I glanced over Celyze’s shoulder and peered at the crimson Ezzaska. “I will be by later to speak with you.”

  “Okay.” I nodded as the door slid shut.

  We were silent the whole way back to his home, which was fine with me. My heart hurt after what I had just experienced, and I just wanted to shut my eyes and listen to the base moving around me. Either I fell asleep or didn’t realize Celyze had flown higher until he landed, and I opened my eyes to find us on the landing ledge.

  He gently placed me on the ground and wordlessly opened the entryway’s forcefield. As soon as we traversed the stone hallway into their social room, Tori and her mates turned to face us.

  “What happened?” Tori asked, throwing a towel onto the kitchen counter.

  “She was able to wake the commander.”

  “That’s good!” Tory exclaimed, clapping her hands. As soon as she realized we weren’t celebrating, she stopped and tilted her head in confusion. “Why do you both look grim?”

  “I told Ryzen how Xenak brought me here,” I replied, sitting on their large, L-shaped couch. “He needed to know how his brother has treated me before Xenak played off his crimes and pretended I was willingly here. Instead of apologizing and asking for forgiveness, he acted as if he was still in the right, which he isn’t. I asked if Celyze could take me back here so I could get away from him before I slapped him again or something.”

  “He didn’t apologize?” Tori sat beside me and took my hands. “You did what he demanded of you. Did he at least thank you?”

  “Nope.” I shook my head. “Not even a thank you. The male is something else. I just want to leave this base and have nothing to do with him ever again.”

  “Less than two days left until your Kaede arrives.”

  “Are you guys still planning on coming with me when I leave?” I searched the room and saw mixed reactions. “If I can board his vessel with minimal resistance from the base, it shouldn’t be a problem. As long as Kaede doesn’t go on the offensive, he’ll listen to me. That is, if you still want to accompany me.”

  “We are still interested, but…”

  “We feel guilty leaving the others behind,” Auro finished as he sat down on the other side of Tori. “Why should we be granted the freedom to stretch our wings and freely absorb energy from the sun when they will be stuck here?”

  I understood his reasoning.

  They were like all the other refugees I had saved and invited to stay on my moon. Though it shouldn’t matter that the
y came from a different galaxy, I knew if I relocated them to Destima, I would be summoned by the Assembly, which was the last thing I needed at the moment.

  But that didn’t mean I couldn’t help this base in the future, after I returned home and made sure my mates were healthy and safe. I needed time to speak with Mwe and Zirene about relocating a whole base worth of refugees to Destima. The CEG would have a fit when they learned that we were allowing outsiders into our territory, but what could they do? This base held seventy-two Earth humans without a home. It had been their fault that the Yaarkins had been able to invade Earth and destroy our species, so I would ensure they made amends.

  “How many people live in this base?”

  “About five thousand, give or take,” Celyze replied, narrowing his eyes as he held my gaze. “Why?”

  “Do you think you can reach out to another friend of mine?” Hesitating, I licked my lips, rethinking this idea. “I need to contact someone within my galaxy—maybe two someones. You were able to help Xenak reach me, so reaching them should be as easy.”

  “It wasn’t easy, though,” he breathed. “Xenak is already a strong telepath with a wide range, whereas you are a shielder. It would be nearly impossible to contact someone over that distance.”

  “But what if their range extends nearly to the edge of our galaxy? Would you be able to meet them halfway?”

  “If you have their mental signature already memorized, I won’t need to expend energy scrying you to find who I’m looking for.” His gaze jumped to his clan. “Why do you need to reach out to someone? Your Kaede is on his way.”

  “What if I told you I was friends with the leader of my galaxy’s central government, as well as his daughter? And that both enjoy speaking with me?”

  Luwyn spat out his drink. “What?”

  “I told you that Xenak picked the wrong person to kidnap.” Crossing my arms, I leaned back on the couch. “His actions may have triggered a galactic war. Everything depends on when I get home and in what condition. I’m already scarred, so who knows how they will take the news. The torture of a high-ranking CEG citizen won’t sit well with my powerful friends.”

  While I was bluffing about the CEG, I was speaking the truth about the impending war. Zirene wouldn’t hesitate to start one to rescue me, and Kaede didn’t need an excuse to kill someone; he murdered for fun. If I hadn’t calmed Zirene during our conversation in the dreamscape, I had no doubt that he would already be leading a huge fleet toward the base.

  An asteroid base could not defend against an advanced Aldawi fleet seeking revenge, especially not with only five ships and two commanders.

  “Xenak really fucked up, didn’t he?” Tori mumbled.

  “And all I wanted to do was relax on my tropical moon with my clan.” I gave her a small smile before glancing at her Cosmic Soul. “Do you have the power and range?”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Can I speak to them?

  “You want to speak to them? How?”

  “Projection,” he replied simply. “If I project myself into an ethereal form, I am capable of speaking out loud.”

  “I thought you wanted to remain hidden while we are here?”

  “Celyze already suspects something, though he isn’t willing to admit that to us. He hasn’t told the others about your position within the Aldawi Empire and your moon, either. I don’t think he picked up on your connection with Mwe and Oeta when he scried your mind.”

  “It’s good to know he didn’t learn everything about me,” I replied, feeling slight relief. I had hoped he wouldn’t start acting awkward around me because he had seen my passionate times with my mates. “If you believe speaking to him will help, then go ahead.”

  “I will only ever do so if you approve,” he swore. “Also, he did witness your mating sessions with your males… though he hasn’t spoken about them with anyone.”

  I could feel my cheeks redden as I eyed Celyze. While nudity was natural to my mates, knowing that he had seen me being ravished wasn’t.

  A golden, ethereal human male appeared, dressed in a robe and casting a bright glow in the room’s open space. Buzzing erupted from the three males as they formed a wall of wings and flesh between Vowels and Tori and me.

  “Who are you?” Luwyn demanded, clenching his fists. “Why are you here?”

  “I am Euouae, Selena’s Oetsae protector,” Vowels announced, his spoken voice sounding exactly like his mental one. “I am here to speak with Celyze about joining threads with me so we can grant Selena’s wish.”

  “Is this true?” Tori whispered, grabbing my hand. “Is he yours?”

  “Yes, it’s true,” I announced for all to hear. “When I was kidnapped, they drugged me and cut me open to harvest my organs. Kaede was able to rescue me, but I was dying. To save me, he placed Euouae inside me in hopes he could heal me in time. Because I was kidnapped, I was forced to accept a sentient symbiont for the rest of my life.”

  Pressing my hand against Celyze’s back, I pushed him out of my way and walked to my new partner with Tori following me. Eyeing his ethereal form, I was glad he had listened to my request and was no longer borrowing the appearance of someone I knew. This male was attractive with his short hair and a sleek body. It was oddly comforting to see him, as if his face were familiar to me.

  “Are you solid or would my hand pass through you?”

  “I am solid-like.” He grinned, raising his hand. “I can’t pass through living things, but inanimate objects go straight through me.”

  That made sense.

  He was a living thing, even if he was currently a projection. While I couldn’t walk through walls, he could, because he was made of energy. Passing through another person would be like merging with me, and he was already mine, so that couldn’t happen.

  Raising my other hand, I touched palms with Vowels. A warm, fuzzy feeling filled me, bringing a grin to my face.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you,” I teased.

  “Same to you, Selena.” He bowed his head. “I hope to be able to take this form more often in the future.”

  “Can I try?” Tori asked, her voice faint as she released my hand and offered it to Vowels. “I’ve never met anyone like you before.”

  He met my gaze, his glowing golden eyes searched mine. Nodding, I shot them both a smile and backed away. I wouldn’t deny Tori this opportunity. Vowels was mine like Celyze was hers. There was no need to be jealous over platonic actions between friends, possibly soon-to-be acquaintances.

  “Is this wise?” Luwyn asked, floating beside me. “How can you trust something that isn’t there?”

  “What do you mean, he isn’t there?” Crossing my arms, I eyed the aggressive emerald male. “Do you see him? Try touching him, then ask me if he’s real.”

  “I don’t want to touch him.” He shivered. “It’s unnatural.”

  “Yeah, well, so am I, but I’m here,” I muttered, rolling my eyes.

  Celyze coughed and I smirked knowingly. He had learned of my secret value, and now he knew my importance to high-ranking CEG officials.

  Giggles erupted from Tori as she pressed both of her hands against Vowels’.

  “You are real!” She shot a glance over her shoulder at her mates. “You need to try this! He’s real! This is so cool…”

  “If I may, I was hoping to speak with Celyze,” Vowels said, dropping his hands and peering at the Cosmic Soul. “Selena may be a shielder and I may be a healer, but the three of us should be able to reach one or both the minds Selena wants to contact.”

  “Will you be willing to help?” I stepped in front of Celyze and searched his icy blue eyes. “It should be easier now that we don’t have to hide Vowels from existence. There shouldn’t be as much resistance on my side of the connection.”

  “I knew something wasn’t adding up about you.” He pursed his lips, his gaze flicking to my scar. “I kept sensing an echo through our connection, and sometimes, your chest radiates a golden aura, but I passed that
glow off as yours. Interestingly, you both radiate the same gold color. It helps hide his existence within you. Without my keen eye and our telepathic conversation, I wouldn’t have noticed.”

  “Can you do it?” Tori latched on to her sapphire mate’s arm. “Or do you need some rest beforehand?”

  “Sadly, I am still recovering from last time.” He frowned, wrapping an arm around his mate. “But I should be able to do it tomorrow.”

  Something dinged along the wall, lights flickering red and green. Vowels shimmered out of existence as Auro went to answer the vidscreen.

  Zyxel’s face appeared on the other side, as stoic as ever.

  “May I help you?”

  “I am here to speak with Selena.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  Luwyn took off for the ledge, leaving me with a silent Zyxel watching me closely.

  “You wanted to speak to me?’ I hedged, not understanding why. I had done what had been asked of me and was now free to go. “Has something happened?”

  “No, nothing regarding you, at least,” he muttered. “I was wondering if I could have dinner with you. There are a few things I want to address.”

  I studied the apartment’s ledge and sighed. The last thing I wanted was to have a meal with one of the base’s healers, not because I disliked him, but because I wasn’t in the mood to deal with anything more thrown at me. Tori’s cabin had provided me a sense of comfort, and if I could remain here until Kaede arrived, I would. I didn’t want to accidentally bump into either of the twins again, either.

  The ground level now felt unsafe with all of the unpleasantries that I could imagine happening.

  “As long as I don’t have to cook,” I joked with a swift smile. “I haven’t learned how to yet.”

  “Oh, I already prepared a meal, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

  “Lead the way.”

  He hesitated for a moment then slithered toward the nearest exit.


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