Project: Adapt - Failure: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 4)

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Project: Adapt - Failure: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 4) Page 15

by Jade Waltz

  “Selena is my mate and I refuse to lose her, even if she doesn’t accept me yet.”

  The lifedome fell silent as everyone stared at us, waiting for someone to make a move.

  “Let’s get this straight,” Kaede hissed, holding me tighter against his side until his grip dug into my waist. “Selena is not yours.” He shot a glare at Ryzen. “Or his. So, if you want to come with us just to spend three weeks pawing at Selena, you’ve got another think coming. I will eject you before you can blink if you dare try to pressure her in any way. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Doesn’t she have a say in this?” Zyxel challenged with a glare. “What if she decides that she wants me?”

  “She won’t,” Kaede ground out. “Trust me.”

  Rolling my eyes, I pressed a hand against Kaede’s chest and pushed him behind me. “I believe that’s enough.”

  “It’s up to you whether he comes with us,” Kaede replied. “Another healer on Destima would be beneficial, especially if he’s planning to stay long term. It wouldn’t hurt if he helped in the infirmary while Xylo recovers. I’m sure they must be understaffed at the moment.”

  “He can come,” I agreed, assured this was the right decision. Kaede was right; we couldn’t have too many healers on Destima, especially with a growing population. The more diverse the citizens, the more experience our staff needed. I just hoped he would leave me alone while we traveled.

  “Then it’s settled.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Kaede stood beside Selena, waiting in the hangar for the newcomers to arrive. He had teleported Selena into the ship with him as VYA had sealed the hole he had burned into the ceiling and covered the damage with sealant and nearby floating debris.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Selena asked, glancing at him. “It’s your ship and you’re the pilot.”

  “I am the commander of a crew of five—well, six if you include me.”

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “If you want honesty, then I’ll tell you right now that I don’t trust anyone other than Tori, perhaps, because she took you in.” He gripped her shoulders and stared directly into the ocean-colored eyes he loved so much. “I don’t want you to leave my sight. Not because I don’t trust you but because I don’t trust them. My instincts are telling me they’re a threat, and to forget about them and go. They are only coming aboard because you have too kind a heart and I don’t want you to live in regret, thinking that you could-have-would-have-should-have with this group of people. They don’t deserve you, so I’m doing this for you. I will allow you to call the shots because I know I could neutralize all six of them in the blink of an eye if necessary.”


  Chuckling, he grinned. “One of my drones can teleport them off the ship into open space.”

  “Of course, you figured out a way to do that.” She rolled her eyes. “What could you possibly do that would surprise me anymore?”

  Kiss you. The words were on the tip of his tongue, but if he started, he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to stop.

  Bickering disrupted the silence of the hangar bay when the group of passengers entered. The twins were arguing over whether Ryzen should go or stay, and why Xenak couldn’t go instead. As they got closer, the emerald twin won out and the ishing frax fumed against the wall, refusing to tell his brother goodbye.


  Kaede was just glad Selena didn’t want to bring Xenak along. He would have ejected the male before they even left the solar system.

  Each of Selena’s new ambassadors carried a bag, except for Zyxel, who was trailed by a large chest on self-driving wheels.

  “What’s in the chest?” Kaede crossed his arms and eyed the storage unit.

  “Research, medicine, extra seeds in case we’re allowed to start a greenhouse, and other useful things,” the healer replied, staring him down as if daring Kaede to challenge him to open it.

  Kaede wasn’t in the mood to play games with the cocky male. All he wanted to do was to get off this rock as soon as possible.

  He surveyed the group one last time and sighed, sending a prayer to the Stars above.

  “Let’s pack up and leave!”

  After showing the guests to their respective rooms, Kaede told them to remain there until they lifted off and it was safe for them to walk around.

  Thankfully, no one challenged him.

  “Selena, I want to show you the bridge,” he said, reaching for her hand. “That is, if you want?”

  She blushed as she glanced at their enclosed hands and nodded. “I would like that.”

  Smiling, Kaede felt relieved and giddy as he led her through the bridge’s doors. He wanted to show her what he had built and finally get some alone time with the female that had haunted every moment of his life since he had lain eyes on her.

  He didn’t know if she remembered him giving her an Oetsae, but even if she didn’t, the revelation mattered—his words mattered.

  He loved this female and would do anything to make her happy, even if it meant waiting until she was ready for another mate or transporting her newfound friends’ home with her.

  At least most of the males were mated to Tori, so he didn’t need to make sure they weren’t bugging Selena. Her reaction to Zyxel’s confession was all the proof he needed to know that male would be trouble. There was no way Zyxel would become Selena’s mate before Kaede did.

  Ryzen was a harder male to read. Even though he was humanoid, there was a clear division between him and his brother and Tori, Selena, and Kaede. He didn’t appear to harbor any interest in Selena other than her identity and perhaps her wellbeing. However, he was unmated, so Kaede couldn’t rule him out as a male trying to join Selena’s bed and clan. Kaede didn’t plan to take the choice away from Selena, but he would protect her rights, especially during this journey. Until they reached their galaxy’s borders, he would receive no updates from Oeta or his sisters.

  “This is my bridge,” he announced. He directed her to his commander’s chair. “And this is where I sit to oversee the ship.”

  She glanced around the room, scanning the charts and vidfeeds along the wall. “Where are your crewmembers? Didn’t you say you had five?”

  “Selena, can you keep a secret?”

  “Do you know who I am and what I rule?” She rolled her eyes. “Of course, I can keep a secret.”

  “Crew, report.”

  One by one, all five of his Oetsae staff appeared, introducing themselves and their roles. Finally, both their symbionts became visible. REI stood beside Selena’s Euouae, all eyes on the exchange with the newcomer.

  “Kaede, is that your symbiont?” Selena asked, covering her mouth.

  “Yes, Selena,” he replied. “I have an Oetsae like you. Mine has integrated with my AI system and has taken on its name. She has helped streamline my process, allowing me the freedom to accomplish more as she focuses on larger tasks.”

  “Like managing more drones.”

  “Exactly.” He nodded. “And communicating with the Oetsae on this ship.”

  He sat in his commander’s chair and pulled her into his lap. Surprising him, she didn’t resist or complain, as if she wanted to be close to him, too.

  “But why?” She searched his eyes through his visor. “Why do you have one?”

  He had prepared for this conversation but hadn’t anticipated having it so soon.

  “I was responsible for placing an Oetsae in you, knowing full well what they are and do,” he explained. “I had planned on putting one in me once I discovered how useful they were after the completion of this vessel. If I could put the same intelligence and power within me, I could become a more efficient bodyguard to you.

  “After I rescued you and sent you away, I concluded that if I had implanted an Oetsae sooner, you wouldn’t have been kidnapped. So, I implanted REI in my headjack and became a host.” He sent her a sad smile. “If you were forced to live your life as
one, I decided I needed to do the same, so you wouldn’t experience this alone.”

  “Oh, Kaede,” she gasped, covering her mouth. “How could you? You didn’t need to become a host just because you made me one to save my life.”

  “I was planning to become one anyhow, Selena,” he stressed. “I built this ship, the deadliest spacecraft in existence. Since I am no longer the leader of the Fab Five, I needed a crew whom I could trust on missions, and the Oetsae were my solution. I didn’t want Q’s mutiny to happen to me; his crew decided to prioritize credits over loyalty.” He gestured to the room filled with ethereal forms. “How could I ask for a better crew than this one?”

  “After what happened, I understand your reasoning,” she mumbled. “I just wish the Stars hadn’t given you this path.”

  “I did this for you, Selena.” He squeezed her tighter to his chest. “I created this vessel to make sure I can keep you safe, and I’m glad that I did. Without it, I wouldn’t have been able to rescue you as quickly.”

  “I’m glad you did, too.”

  “I don’t want to interrupt,” ZYU began, moving to stand before them. “But I would like permission to disembark.”

  Glancing at the female in his arms, he nodded. “Permission granted.”

  Smiling to himself, he enjoyed explaining to Selena how ZYU took off and flew the ship. Instead of being aroused by the female in his lap, he felt content that she was finally aboard his ship and on high alert of what could come. He knew they would all feel anxious until they were in the safety of their galaxy, so he had commanded VYA to leave drones behind to report if anyone was following them.

  He couldn’t afford another failure. Not when he was still correcting this one.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  She fell asleep on his lap, where she belonged. Though he didn’t want to move, he needed to wake her so they could finish the tour of his ship and place some ground rules into place with their unexpected guests.

  Combing her short hair back, he whispered her name until her eyelids fluttered open.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked, rubbing her eyes.

  “Everything is fine, but I need to let the crew know that they can start roaming the ship if they want to.”

  “Oh.” She yawned.

  “How about I lead you to your room so you can get some sleep then freshen up?”

  “I would like that.”

  Kaede left her in the master cabin. He had no use for it since he spent all his time on the bridge or in the galley. However, she deserved all the luxury he could give her, and he had made sure to bring duplicates of her favorite nightgowns and robes from Destima for her.

  When he arrived at the galley, all six new passengers looked at him warily as if they expected him to eject them now that they were on their journey and Selena wasn’t here to temper him. Fortunately for them, he was trying to become a better assassin, learning to have mercy for his targets and not kill anyone who angered him.

  “Welcome to the Abyss,” Kaede announced. “This vessel was designed, built, and is piloted by me. I have no crew but myself and the AIs that run the vessel. If you need anything, just speak out loud and the system will assist you, whether you need to control the temperature of your cabin or get a list of foods available and prepared for you.”

  “You designed and built this?” Auro, the emerald-winged male, asked. His mouth dropped in shock. “How?”

  “I got bored supervising Selena’s sunbathing all the time,” Kaede teased, knowing that wasn’t the answer the poor male was looking for.

  Tori laughed and covered her mouth, her bright, green eyes filled with mirth.

  “How’s the weapons system?” the other emerald-winged male, Luwyn, questioned.

  “You saw my drones, right?” He nodded. “Picture them attaching to your ship and exploding.”

  He whistled. “Stars, our base didn’t have a chance, did it?”

  “Nope.” Kaede shrugged. “Selena was the only reason I didn’t just break in, find her, teleport to my ship, and take off, leaving the base to blow up. You can thank her for not seeking revenge.”

  “You are a ruthless male, aren’t you?” Tori mocked, crossing her arms. “Maybe if you weren’t so busy building fancy gadgets and trying to show off, you would already have Selena as a mate.”

  “Tori!” Celyze hissed. “What has gotten into you?”

  “Nothing.” She rolled her eyes. “After watching how close the two of them are and how they are always watching each other, it’s clear they have feelings for each other, but both are too afraid to make the first move.”

  “I’m not afraid.” He sobered. “I just know there is only so much pressure she can take at any given time. I don’t want to add to her worries.”

  “Uh-huh,” Tori drawled. “Whatever you say, Captain.”

  He went over the rules, which he’d kept basic. The bridge and master cabin were off-limits, for one.

  “Any questions?”

  “What exactly is your relationship with Selena?” Ryzen hedged, crossing his arms.

  “Protecting her from ishing fraxes like your brother.” He smirked at Dagger-boy. “Beyond that, it’s none of your business.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Closing my eyes, I felt the gentle rumble of the Abyss traveling through space and sighed. Finally, I was making my way back home where I belonged, with Kaede as my savior once again.

  Smiling, I grabbed one of my favorite nightgowns from the drawers and made my way into the bathroom. I never got a chance to shower while I had been on the asteroid base. They hadn’t offered me a spare outfit and I had been too afraid to jump into the pond or any of the bathing pools while Xenak was about. It was a good thing I had only been there for a few days because I didn’t know how long I could last without basic hygiene.

  Standing nude in front of the mirror, I took in the damage this trip had inflicted on me. My silver hair was shorter than any of my nestmates’ and the scar on my chest stood out starkly. Paired with how thin I had become, I wondered how long it would take for me to fully recover.

  I knew my hair could grow back and I would fill out once again; those were losses that didn’t matter to me. It was the scar straight down my chest that scared me. What if the mercenaries truly had taken something from me? I wouldn’t have known; I was unconscious for most of the torture. I had to get my body examined as soon as I finished checking on my clan.

  Opening the shower, I pushed a few buttons to select the temperature and soap before turning on the system, but for some reason, I couldn’t enter the stall. My feet wouldn’t budge as tears began to stream down my cheeks.

  The last time I had showered, I had been kidnapped.

  Sobbing, I collapsed to the ground and clutched my legs, burying my head between my knees as I rocked back and forth. Images of light-blue and green blood trickling down my body flashed before my eyes, overriding my senses.

  Their blood. Oh, Stars.

  My dying nestmates’ blood had covered me as I had tried to scrub myself raw in the shower. My head had rested against the cool metallic wall, the spray beating against my skin while I had waited for the trauma to wash away. Then I had been taken from everything I had known.


  A pair of strong arms scooped me off the floor. I struggled to escape, only to be pinned in place.

  “Selena, it’s me,” Kaede begged. “It’s me. No one can hurt you here.”

  His voice was like a balm on my soul, numbing the pain, but the wound was still raw. Slumping, I gave up the fight.

  I was safe.

  He placed me onto his lap, holding me close. “It’s okay, Selena, I’m here.” He cupped my cheek tenderly as if I were the most precious thing in the universe. “You don’t have to be afraid any longer.”

  “I can’t… I can’t… the last time I went into a shower…”

  “No one can take you, I swear it,” he breathed, kiss
ing my forehead. “I am so sorry that I failed you, Selena. Never again.”

  “Kaede,” I sobbed, hugging his chest as I pressed my head against his shoulder. “The blood. The blood. It’s all over me.”

  “There is no blood, Selena,” he whispered, rocking me in his lap. “There is no blood, and no one will take you away from me, I promise.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Selena, I’m sorry that I failed you,” he breathed, placing a hand on the back of my head to hold me against him. “I’m the reason you’ve become this broken female before me. If not for my failures, you would be enjoying yourself with your clan instead of racing against time to save your dying mates.”

  “But, Kaede, you didn’t do anything!” I protested, studying the male who had come to rescue me once again. “You’ve always been there for me, but that day…”

  I peered down at my hands again, finding them covered with my nestmates’ blood.

  “I keep seeing blood, Kaede,” I muttered, glancing back up at him. “Can you see the blood?”

  “There is no blood, Selena,” he repeated, shaking his head. “It’s just your mind playing tricks on you.”

  Sobbing, I buried my head in his chest, desperate to hide from the pain.

  “I’m a failure, Selena. Every time I look at you, I see my mistakes—every misstep compounded—and the only way I could save you was by placing an Oetsae in you. Now you can’t even shower without fearing that someone might break in and hurt you once again.”

  “I would’ve gotten the Oetsae sooner or later. It was just a matter of time.”

  “I disagree.” Kaede sighed. “The necklace was a failsafe I hoped never to use. Instead, I have become the worst bodyguard I could be. Not only have I failed to protect you and your clan, but I allowed our enemies to torture you and took too long to find you. Worst of all, I placed Euouae inside you without your consent. I will never forgive myself for what happened to you.” He paused, the silence heavy. “I almost lost you, Selena, before I even had you.”


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