Feral as a Cat (Sons of Wonderland Book 3)

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Feral as a Cat (Sons of Wonderland Book 3) Page 21

by Kendra Moreno

  Alice looks hesitant for a moment, looking at Jab who does nothing more than smile, the cocky bastard. She shakes it off and snarls at me. “Your tricks won’t work, girl. I’m the Red Queen, World Breaker, and the Sons’ doom.”

  “No,” I say, shaking my head. I look at the Jabberwocky, realizing who the real threat is. “You’re still a scared little girl, too blinded by her own pride and revenge, to see that your funeral is right around the corner. If Wonderland dies, you’ll be dying with it.”

  Alice stares at me for a second too long, looking deep into my eyes as if searching for my truth.

  “I tire of this game. Jab, let’s teach the girl a lesson about how she should speak to her Queen.”

  When the Jabberwocky smiles, I straighten my spine and lift my chin. My only objective is to survive. I can do that.

  “My pleasure, my Queen.”

  Chapter 45


  I watch as everyone readies for battle, donning their armor and sharpening their weapons. After Jupiter’s dream walk, and finding out that Cal is in Alice’s clutches, I’ve been anxious to get moving. We’re wasting time when I can just Fade there and rescue her, no matter if they don’t think I can.

  White has managed to bring together a massive army, various creatures traveling from safe houses and strongholds in a last-ditch effort to save Wonderland. It feels pointless, as if this war will be won with nothing more than a strong woman with steel in her spine.

  Before Alice returned, I’d been more than just the Hands of Justice, leading the old King and Queen’s Armies, leading the White Queen’s army when needed. I’d been the general of all.

  I touch the small Spade tattoo on my shoulder with the memory, the mark I’d been given as the general. But I’m not the general anymore, because I had failed. The old King and Queen are dead. The Prince is dead. Everyone is dead.

  I’m leaning against a tree, watching White help Jupiter and Clara with their armor. Clara’s armor is the same deep purple as the Hatter’s, intricate, strong, and so light, it feels as if you’re wearing normal clothing. I know the material well. Jupiter’s set is in green, just like White. I’m dressed in my blue metal, the feeling of it both relaxing and uncomfortable. It’s been a long time since I’ve worn the battle outfit.

  There’s a matching set for Cal, in blue, when we rescue her.

  That thought makes me seize up in confusion. I both like the idea of her wearing my colors and hate it, as if it’s already decided. I suppose it is. Cal’s words come back to haunt me, and shame floods my system.

  I’d left her there, with her arm outstretched, asking for nothing but for me to be open.

  And I’d left her.

  Hatter steps forward in his dark-purple metal, the scrollwork carved into it revealing that he’s a Son, and a leader. Once upon a time, the Hatter had led his own legion of soldiers, before his madness had taken over. His battle helmet is cradled in his arm, purple and gleaming. When he holds out his hand with my battle helmet towards me, the blue flashes in the small amount of light, and I frown.

  “That isn’t mine. Not anymore.” It has the spikes down the center that scream General, the etches of skulls that claim my role as Justice. Even the epaulets on my shoulders have the skulls.

  Hatter shakes his head.

  “You’re still the General. And you have an army to lead.” He sweeps his arm over the vast number of soldiers filling the clearing around his home, all eyes turning towards us as we talk. They watch with bated breath. Clara and Jupiter turn, and for the first time, I realize how warrior-like they look. Their hair is braided tightly to their skull, their weapons strapped onto their body in every available place. Clara has the King Breaker strapped at her hip, the gun heavy and imposing, but she doesn’t act as if it’s heavy at all. Jupiter has a sword strapped to her back, and knives along her thighs and hips. “This time, you’re marching for more than Justice.”

  “What do you mean?” I look back at the Hatter, at his harsh gold eyes. There’s still a madness in there, swirling, preparing for battle. If there’s ever an opportunity to let it out, this is it.

  Clara steps forward, a smile on her face. “You’re marching for Love,” she says.

  Jupiter nods her head. “And the future.”

  “For Time.” White grins, holding his helmet aloft.

  “And for Revenge,” Hatter adds, the hard glint in his eyes sparkling.

  Flam and Doe move forward then. Neither of them wear armor, but they don’t need it. They’ll be shifting for the battle. Armor would only impede that.

  “You march for all of Wonderland,” Doe says.

  “And for those that have perished while we fought,” Flam adds. We share a look of understanding, of the loss we have suffered.

  The Tweedles stand off to the side, dressed in their normal outfits, smiles on their faces. I glance at them, almost expecting them to add to the proclamation.

  “We’re only here because of the deals,” they say, and I shake my head. Wasn’t really expecting anything else there.

  Then Atlas steps forward, his massive battle axe over his shoulder and a helmet on his head. His expression is hard, that of a grown soldier rather than a fifteen-year-old kid. I don’t know when that happened, but Wonderland has nurtured him. That might not be for the best.

  “You march for my sister,” he says, his gaze fierce.

  Atlas had been fitted for his own armor, the golden metal gleaming beneath the light. A dragon decorates his chest, the sign of the Berserker.

  Hatter nods his head. “We march to save our world.” His eyes shine as he meets mine. “You march to save your own.”

  I look into each of their faces, taking in the courage, the strength reflected back at me. There’s no other soldiers I’d rather march into battle with.

  Gingerly, I take the helmet from Hatter, staring at my reflection in the metal for a moment. Then I turn and thrust the helmet into the air.

  “For Wonderland!”

  Hundreds of helmets thrust into the air with me and as one, they yell their battle cry.

  “For Wonderland!”

  Chapter 46

  I pull myself to my feet, my hand clamped around my stomach after a particularly brutal kick there. I’m not sure if I have a broken rib or not, but it hurts to breathe, so the chances are pretty good there’s something damaged in there. Hopefully, it’s only bruised.

  “Have you had enough?” Alice asks, that smirk on her face as if it’s glued there. “Do you know how to address your Queen?”

  I straighten to my full height and lift my chin.

  “Go fuck yourself,” I spit.

  Her smile widens as she snaps her fingers. The card to my right swings his club at me. I manage to jump backwards, but that only serves to bring me into contact with the one behind me. His club slams into my back and sends me sprawling across the marble. I bite back my groan of pain, my tongue suffering as blood wells in my mouth. I spit it out and glare at Alice on her throne.

  Stay alive, I tell myself. Let them get here. That’s all.

  I can feel the Vorpal Blade calling to me, telling me to only will it to me, but I hold back. Not yet. Not until the cavalry arrives. Then I’ll slaughter them all.

  Behind me, her hostages lay beaten and slain. I’d had to watch every single one of them as they nodded their heads in acceptance, understanding that they would be casualties of the war, praying that I’d make them the last ones. Alice will pay dearly for that.

  My arms shake as I push myself up. Slowly, achingly, I get to my feet. Alice watches, enraptured as a stream of blood drips from my lips, before I straighten. I make myself appear weaker, more fragile than I am. Alice thinks I’m made of paper; she doesn’t realize I’m made of steel. That will be her downfall. I exaggerate the shaking as I meet her eyes, a grimace on my face for her benefit alone.

  The sound of a horn in the distance makes me sigh in relief even as Alice stands and turns towards the sound. How we can hear
the horn within the castle walls, I have no idea, but it’s clear as day.

  “What was that?” she asks Jab, frowning in the direction.

  I chuckle, the action making my ribs hurt, but my laugh only gets louder. I can handle the pain.

  “Speak, girl,” she snarls at me. “Tell me.”

  “It’s your doom,” I say between chuckles, a grin on my face. “Your doom is coming.”

  “I should kill you now!” She takes a step towards me.

  “But then, where would the fun in that be?” I ask, my grin stretching wider. “Why not do it in front of everyone who cares about me? Really set in the pain.”

  Alice rolls her eyes but nods.

  “That’s an old trick, but you’re right. I do so want to see the look on Cheshire’s face when I put my hand through his mate’s chest. What a glorious sight that would be.”

  “Don’t be stupid,” the Jabberwocky interrupts. “Kill her now and get rid of the threat.”

  Alice smiles at him, but there’s a hardness to her eyes that wasn’t there before.

  “Are you questioning my decision, Jab?”

  That mask slides back into place, hiding the growing fury at her words. He doesn’t like her orders, but he has no choice. He needs her just as much as she needs him.

  “No, my Queen.”

  Alice nods and turns to the Cards surrounding me. “Bring her along.”

  When Alice turns away from me to make her way towards the gates, I can’t help but grin at the Jabberwocky and flip him the bird. His fury leaks out from behind his mask, but before he can move towards me, Alice calls his name. I make the hand sign for him to shoo and laugh out loud.

  Weaknesses. So full of weaknesses.

  The horn sounds outside the gates.

  Chapter 47

  I’m shoved through different gates than we entered the castle, onto a massive cleared field. The ground is painted like a chess board. Oddly enough, it’s still grass, like someone takes the time to paint it often to keep the black and white color.

  Alice and the Jabberwocky stand in front of me, as if they’re trying to block me from view. I stand on my tiptoes even as I work my wrist from the manacle. Someone didn’t check to make sure they were tight. When one frees and the chain jingles, I expect Alice to turn and see, but she doesn’t, too focused on the army before us.

  Cheshire stands at the front of a great battalion, glorious in gleaming blue armor. A battle helmet crowns his head, spikes down it like a mohawk. The armor is sexy and form-fitting. I liked him naked, but damn, he looks good as a warrior.

  Cheshire’s eyes roam over the growing crowd behind me as Alice’s minions filter out of the gates to spread out. I don’t turn to look. I know besides the Cards, there are Bandersnatch and other various creatures. I’m certain I saw a few Chimera in the castle, so they’re no doubt there, too.

  Cheshire’s eyes meet mine, and he takes in the blood dripping from my mouth, the crazy hair, the bruises I, no doubt, sport. I’m just thankful I hadn’t been hit with one of the clubs full of nails.

  “Look here,” Alice goads, always one for the theatrics. “Cheshire finally comes. And to think, all it took was stealing his human.”

  Beside Cheshire, Hatter and White stand, dressed in their respective armor. Jupiter and Clara stand with them, all in front, all battle ready. Each one wears the intricate armor. When my eyes find Attie in a golden suit, they widen, and panic takes hold. But then he meets my eyes and he winks, his battle axe thrown over his shoulder. My little brother knows what he’s doing, no matter how much I want to wrap him in a bubble. Jupiter and Clara won’t let anything happen to him.

  “Let Cal go,” Cheshire calls across the distance, “and I’ll make your death quick.”

  Alice laughs. “You can’t touch me.” She grins. “You haven’t been able to for years and years. What makes you think this time is any different?”

  That signature grin spreads across my mate’s face, and I know this is gonna be good. I work my opposite wrist from the manacle, slipping it free but holding my hands as if I’m still chained.

  “See, I used to think prophecies were for the weak,” he says, his eyes meeting mine, but then he looks back at Alice. “Until I met a certain goddess that changed my mind.”

  “A goddess?” Alice scoffs. “She’s nothing more than a weak little human.”

  Laughing, Cheshire says, “You don’t see it, do you?”

  Alice turns at his words and looks at me. I smile at her while I tense my body, knowing exactly what’s about to happen.

  “My father named me after the goddess Calypso,” I grin and drop the chains. Her eyes widen as I flip her the bird, ready as strong arms appear around me. “That means I outrank you, bitch.”

  Before Alice can scream or order her Cards to attack, we’re already gone, Cheshire Fading in and out so fast that no one even knows what happened until I’m standing on the other side of the battlefield, listening to Alice’s scream of rage.

  “You still don’t have the Vorpal Blade,” Alice snarls.

  Beside her, Jab seems to double in size, morphing before my eyes, bones snapping so loudly, I can hear it from here. I watch as he grows larger than a house, and a disgusting dragon-like beast stands beside Alice. He’s black and iridescent, beautiful even, if it wasn’t for the ugly mug. His face is part dragon, part goat, or some other odd mixture. It’s hard to pinpoint what he is. Thick black wings flank his sides as he shakes out the effects of the change.

  Flam whoops from behind me, and I turn in confusion. He starts stripping off his clothes as Doe watches, more and more skin revealed, all tattooed. I watch in fascination before Cheshire growls. I roll my eyes. Doe grins.

  “You have no right to growl at me, Pussy Cat.”

  Cheshire actually looks ashamed for a moment. “I’m–”

  I hold up my hand, shaking my head. “Nope. Now’s not the time,” I say, meeting his eyes. “Let’s kick their ass first, then maybe we can talk.”

  Cheshire nods and faces forward. “That, I can do.”

  Chapter 48

  The Jabberwocky braces himself behind Alice, massive and intimidating. To top it off, when he opens his mouth, I’m pretty sure his teeth drip some sort of venom. Fucking fantastic. More creatures leaking fluids.

  “Why didn’t anyone bring the White Queen to battle?” I ask, curious.

  “We don’t know if she could recognize which side to fight for,” Hatter says from beside me. “Unfortunately, she’s lost to us.”

  Clara hands me pieces of armor and helps me to start strapping them to my body. I expect it to be heavy, but it’s so light, it feels almost like spandex. The best part is, it reflects a brilliant, electric blue. I grin as Cheshire watches me get clothed in his color.

  “Keep looking at me like that, Cat,” I warn. He only winks, and I can feel all his dirty thoughts about the armor. Who would have thought I’d feel sexiest completely covered?

  I studiously try to keep my eyes from Flam as he strolls forward naked, but it’s a bit of a losing battle. He’s completely covered in tattoos from head to toe. I have maybe a second to try and decipher them before he starts morphing just like the Jabberwocky, expanding in size. I grimace at the bones start popping before staring, dumbfounded, at the massive beast when it shakes itself.

  “What the fuck is that?” I ask, staring at him in awe.

  Flam is similar in size to the Jabberwocky. He’s the same shape as the dragon-beast, hints of black here and there, but besides that, they’re nothing alike. Flam is covered completely in bright pink feathers, just like a flamingo. He’s like a giant pink-feathered Jabberwocky, and I’m so shocked, I don’t know what to think.

  “Ah yes,” Hatter comments thoughtfully. “The Flamingo is only half flamingo.” He smiles at he looks up at Flam.

  Doe stares at the odd creature, clear adoration on her face. “His father was a Jabberwocky,” she comments. “Guess that’s my cue.”

  Without another w
ord, Doe changes before my eyes, until she takes the shape of a giant Dodo bird, shaking herself just like the others. She’s lacking most of her feathers and heavily scarred. When her eyes meet mine, her beak curls up in a smile that makes me nervous. She’s just as intimidating as her big, pink husband.

  “Anyone else going to turn into a massive creature, so I’m not surprised?” I ask, meeting everyone’s eyes.

  White laughs and shakes his head. “My form isn’t great for fighting.”

  “It’s cute, though,” Jupiter chuckles, winking at him.

  “I am not cute.”

  Cheshire snickers beside me and adds, “Cute little bunny rabbit.”

  “No one calls me Bunny except for Jupiter,” White snarls so fiercely, I actually take a step away from him. He seems to shake himself and looks at me apologetically. “Sorry, Calypso.”

  “It’s cool.” I remind myself never to call the man a bunny.

  Cheshire doesn’t even react to the snarl, and I watch as the skin of his hands and face cover with fur, completely morphing. His claws sharpen as he meets my eyes.

  “Do you have a plan?” he asks.

  I nod, a smile on my face. “I do.”

  Clara and Jupiter step up and link their arms with mine, grinning.

  “Let’s make this prophecy our bitch,” Jupiter speaks, nodding her head.

  Clara turns to the Tweedles standing off to the side. Both are staring around, clear hunger on their faces.

  “In case it isn’t clear,” she tells them, “Everyone on the opposite side are enemies. Don’t touch any of our side but destroy Alice’s army.”

  The twins grin in answer.

  “With pleasure.” Their voices combine and do that weird, creepy thing. Fucking insane, those two.

  Cheshire slides a blue helmet onto my head, similar to his. I smile at him.

  “Whose idea was it to put cat ears on my helmet?”


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