Conquered by Chaos (Chaos Kings MC Book 5)

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Conquered by Chaos (Chaos Kings MC Book 5) Page 3

by Linny Lawless

  “I don’t think she has any real friends, thanks to her mother. Lillian confided in me the other day about this guy she dated a few times last month. His name is Raymond...I can’t remember his last name. She didn’t go into any detail, only that the guy weirded her out and made her anxious—like she’s afraid of him. Her mother pretty much bullied her into going out with this guy.”

  “Did he hurt her? Threaten her?” An image of some man even touching Lillian made my temples throb.

  “Lillian didn’t tell me. But this guy sounds like an asshole. I’m worried about her.”

  “Get me his last name. I’ll ask Spider to get some intel on him.”

  Kat hugged me. “Thanks, Wez. I knew I could count on you.”



  It was midnight when Ray sent me the pictures of me passed out and naked on my bed.

  Then he called. “You will regret this, Lillian.”

  “Don’t talk to me, don’t call me, don’t text me! Just leave me the fuck alone!” I shouted to Ray through my phone and hung up on him. I scrolled through my contact list and blocked his number.

  My heart raced, and I felt a flush of heat spread through my chest.

  Anxiety attack.

  Ray was relentless and I was terrified of him now.

  I called Kat and told her what Ray had done.

  “You need to go to the police, Lillian. You’re not safe!” she said over the phone.

  The acrylic cracked as I bit down on my thumbnail. I didn’t want the fake nails anymore. “He has pictures of me, Kat.”

  “Pictures? What kind?” A moment of silence passed on the phone. “Lillian! Oh my God!”

  “But I was passed out. He must’ve put something in my drink when he came over with the wine and dinner. I don’t know what to do. I’m scared.”

  “I’ll talk to Noah. The Chaos Kings are good men and they’re very protective of their tribe. All the women in the Coven like you too. It’ll be okay, sis.”

  Tears welled up in my eyes. “Thank you, Kat. You don’t know how much that means to me.”


  Later that day, I had an open house for a client of mine who put their house on the market for $600,000. I was exhausted. I couldn’t sleep after I spoke with Kat, but I had to be at the open house since I was getting a huge commission from the sale of this house. I handed out my business cards, flashing my smile at the people who came. By 4:00 p.m., things died down. I walked through all the rooms before I locked up the house and gathered the pamphlets on a side table in the living room, when Ray suddenly appeared. I dropped the pamphlets and they scattered on the hardwood floor. He sauntered in through the front door dressed in a suit with a smug look on his face.

  I carried pepper spray in my purse, which sat on the counter in the hallway, too far out of reach.

  My adrenaline kicked in and I squared my shoulders, looking directly into Ray’s eyes. “Get. The. Fuck. Out, or I’ll call the police!”

  I stepped back as he came toward me. He cocked his head. “You’ll do no such thing, you spoiled, stuck up little brat! I called your mother and told her how rude you were to me last night. She told me you’d be here today and hopes you’ll apologize to me.”

  I stared at my purse. It was so far away. My heart pounded in my chest.

  He grabbed my arms, jerking me hard against him, pressing me against the hard bulge in his pants. Terror gripped me and I lashed out, slapping him across the face.

  He let me go and stepped back, with shock. “You like it rough, huh? You stuck up little whore!”

  He came at me again, this time twisting behind my back. I kicked, struggling against him as I screamed.

  A woosh of air and Ray was off me. I stumbled back, tripping in my heels, and fell to the floor.

  It was Wez! He swung, punching Ray square in the mouth.

  Wez held a night stick.

  No. It was a cattle prod.

  Ray cried out when Wez zapped him in the chest with the end of the cattle prod. Ray fell back to the floor.

  Wez dropped the cattle prod and reached down and pulled out Ray’s cell phone from his suit jacket. He dropped it on the floor and stomped on it with his booted heel, smashing it to pieces. He twisted his fists into the front of Ray’s jacket, hauling him up off the floor.

  Wez bared his teeth and reached down. He grabbed ahold of Ray’s crotch and twisted. Ray screamed out in pain. “You like drugging and hurting women, huh? How about I twist your shit off and make you a fucking eunuch?” Wes twisted and jerked, making Ray scream and sob. “Stay away from Lillian. If I smell your stench even fifty yards from her, you’re fucking dead. Got me?”

  “Yes!” Ray yelped. His lip was bleeding.

  Wez spun Ray around, then hiked his leg up, kicking him square in the ass. He stumbled and ran out the front door.

  Wez walked over to me as I sat on the floor sobbing. When he knelt down, I flung myself on him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  I felt his big arms come around me, his warm hands on my back. “Shh. It’s okay, Lillian. You’re safe now. That piece of shit is gone and soon to be dead.”

  I don’t know how long Wez just knelt there holding me in his arms while I cried. When my sobs turned into hiccups, he picked me up and carried me to the couch. He sat down and cradled me in his lap.

  “Can you just hold me?”

  “I’ll hold you as long as you need me to.”

  It was the first time in my life I felt safe and protected.



  Lillian was all I thought about ever since the ride. And while I held her in my lap as she cried, I realized how much I wanted her. I wanted her to belong to me, but it could never happen—especially after I told her about Denise and me.

  She calmed down, wiping her tears, and then gathered her things. She locked up the house and I followed her home in my truck. I pulled in the driveway behind her car as she climbed out and asked me if I’d like to come inside. I figured she didn’t want to be alone after what just happened, so, of course, I said yes.

  I sat on her couch while she went upstairs. A few minutes later she came back down the dressed in a pair of stretchy yoga pants and a T-shirt. Her blonde hair was pulled up in a messy bun and her face looked clean of makeup. She was even prettier than when she got all dolled up. I liked it. A lot.

  She plopped down next to me and crossed her legs. Then she cocked her head and arched her brow. “Yes, I know I look plain and frumpy. Can you please close your mouth?”

  I chuckled. “You looked good the other day on the ride. But seeing you right now, just natural and real... You’re gorgeous, Lillian.”

  This girl was turning me into a fucking sap.

  She smiled and her cheeks turned pink. “Thank you.”

  There was a moment of that uncomfortable silence before Lillian asked, “Did Kat tell you about Ray?”

  “Yeah, she told me about him after you left the clubhouse last week. Then she called me yesterday because she remembered his last name. Spider is my club’s VP and he’s got relatives in the local law enforcement. He was able to get me all kinds of good intel on that douchebag—the make and model of Ray’s car, his tag number, where he worked, his home address, and even his social security number. I was watching him for a few days and followed him to that house. Your car was parked in the driveway and I was glad I brought the cattle prod.

  “It was all I could do not to kill the motherfucker when I saw him hurting you. I wanted to shove the cattle prod up his fuckin’ ass.”

  Lillian was off the couch and pacing in her living room, her hands balled in fists. “My mother told Ray I was there today!”

  Luckily, she didn’t see me wince when she mentioned Denise.

  She started rummaging through her purse on the coffee table. “I need my phone. I’m calling her.”

  “Wait,” I said, leaving the couch and taking her hands in mine. “Lillian, I need to tell you something.�


  “I know your mother. Her name is Denise, right?”

  Lillian pulled her hands away. “How do you know my mother?”

  I heaved a sigh. “I was fucking seeing her. But it was only for a few weeks.”

  “You had sex with my mother?” She started to giggle. “No way!”

  “Yes. It’s true. I did.”

  “But how? Why?”

  “I’m a longtime member of another kind of club. You’ve heard of BDSM, right? That kind of club.”

  She stepped back and her jaw dropped. “Like whips and chains and handcuffs?”

  “Well, that’s what the vanilla world wants to label it. But there’s so much more to it, Lillian.”

  “But my mother... She cannot be into BDSM. It’s not possible. Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

  “I’m the one who ended it with Denise. She slashed my tires and keyed up the whole truck, cost me thousands to get repaired. I found out she was your mom when I drove you home from the clubhouse that night and put you in your bed. I saw that photo there of you two by the door there. I thought I’d never see you again. But then you walk into Mad Ink the very next day, then I run into you at the brewery, then the ride—”

  She slapped me hard across the face. It tickled more than it stung.

  “Come here.” I grabbed her, smashing my lips onto hers. She struggled, trying to pull away, but it was useless. I fisted a handful of her blonde hair and pulled to keep her still. My greedy tongue slid into her mouth, tasting her. She moaned and stopped wiggling, then wrapped her arms over my shoulders. Her tongue wrestled with mine, getting my dick hard as a rock. She tasted so good, and she was so soft and willing, letting my other hand grab a handful of her plump ass.

  I broke the kiss, looking into her hooded eyes. “I deserved the slap, but that’ll never happen again. Understood?”

  “Mmhmm.” She nodded.

  I released my grip on her hair and stepped back. “So long, Lillian. Take care of yourself.”

  I turned and walked out her front door.



  When Wez walked out the door, I slapped a hand over my mouth, ran to the bathroom and threw up. My mother was having sex with Wez! Just the thought of it made me sick. I brushed my teeth, hurried back into my living room, pulled out my phone and called her.

  “Where are you, Mother?” I asked the moment she answered my call.

  “Hello, sweetheart. I’m at Pamela’s pool party enjoying my third mojito.” I heard music, laughter and splashing water in the background.

  “You and I need to talk.”

  “Yes, we do, young lady. Ray called me yesterday. He was very upset with you. And so am I.”

  “You told him where I was today?”

  “Yes, of course, I did!”

  “I’ll be over at Pamela’s house in fifteen minutes.”

  I hung up on her right as she was about to say something else. I drove my car, speeding through town, hoping I wouldn’t get pulled over and given a ticket. My mother’s friend Pamela Joyce lived in a wealthy neighborhood. I pulled up and parked on her street along with the Porsches, Navigators, and Mercedes. I got out of my car and climbed the steps then walked around to the backyard. Some 80s pop song was playing loudly, as the rich women in their fifties danced and laughed. Two young men who looked like high school boys were there too. They were shirtless, wearing only black bow ties and tight black slacks, walking around the pool serving drinks on trays to the women. I watched as Pamela Joyce walked by one of the boys and smacked him on the ass when he bent over to serve a woman her glass of wine.

  My mother was sitting in a chair at the poolside along with a few other women in bathing suits. Karen Parker’s bikini top barely covered her nipples and the new breasts she just bought a few months ago.

  My hands balled into fists as I marched right over to my mother. She looked up, pulling her sunglasses on her head and gasped. “Lillian Michelle! You look horrible!”

  I looked down and remembered I was dressed down in the T-shirt, yoga pants, and flip-flops. I had no makeup on and my hair was up in a messy bun. Wez said I looked gorgeous and he kissed me.

  “Shut up, Denise, and listen,” I said.

  The women seated around her gasped.

  Mother stood up. “Don’t you talk to me like that, young lady.”

  “You bullied me into going out with Ray and he’s a piece of shit! He came to my house, drugged me and took photos of me naked in my own goddamn bed!”


  “Then you told him where I was today. He came to the open house and attacked me! But he got his ass handed to him! By none other than Wez—the man you used to fuck!”

  “What the hell are you talking about, Lillian?”

  “I know all about you and Wez. He told me that you vandalized his truck when he broke it off with you!”

  My mother glared at me with the anger I’d seen in her eyes so many times before. “You stay away from that man, Lillian. He’s a bad man, a criminal, and he likes to beat on women!”

  “He doesn’t beat on women! He drove me home one night when I was drunk, he took me for a ride on his motorcycle, and he just saved me from being assaulted again by Ray!”

  “So, you’re his little slut, now? Is that it?”

  “I’m done, Denise. You may be my mother, but I want nothing to do with you from now on. You never cared about me! You were never kind to me! It was always about you! You almost destroyed my father and I’m glad he found love with Kat’s mother!”

  Everyone gasped when my mother slapped me across the face. It stung like a son of a bitch.

  I used both my hands and shoved my mother hard. She cried out as she stumbled back in her high heels and fell into the pool with a big splash.

  I heard my mother yell while one woman snickered as I walked away. I climbed back in my car and drove home.

  My fingers were numb from gripping the steering wheel so hard when I pulled into my driveway. I broke down and began to cry. All those years of emotional pain that my mother caused when I was a little girl. The fond memories of my father and how good he was to me. He never left me. He left my bitch of a mother and I was glad he did. He died a happy man being married to Kat’s mother.

  Kat. She was the only person I felt I could talk to. I pulled my phone from my purse and called her and within thirty minutes, she was at my house.

  When I opened my door, I pulled her in and hugged her tight.

  “What happened? Are you okay?” she asked.

  I took her hand and we sat on my couch. “I’m okay, Kat. Ray tried to attack me today, but Wez saved me. Thank you for telling him about Ray. If Wez hadn’t been there, I don’t know what would have happened to me.”

  “Oh, Lillian! Thank God! I don’t know Wez that well, but he’s a good man. Why do men think they can just take advantage of women?” Kat cried angrily.

  “It’s about control and power. Not all men are like Ray. Noah isn’t like that. Neither is Wez. He held me in his arms then followed me home. But he left and I don’t think he wants to have anything to do with me now.”

  “But why? He cares about you!”

  “Kat, Wez was sleeping with my mother.”

  “What? No way!” Kat’s eyes went wide.

  “Now I understand why he was so abrasive toward me in the beginning. Wez saw that photo of my mother and me over there on the table the night he drove me home from the clubhouse. When he told me about the two of them, I just reacted and slapped him hard. But then he surprised me by kissing me...and then he left.”

  Kat smiled. “So? How was it?”

  “How was what?”

  “The kiss, silly!”

  I giggled. “It was nice. No. It was amazing! His kiss made my toes curl.”

  We both started laughing.

  “I went over to see my mother before I called you. She was at a pool party with her rich girlfriends. When I confronted her ab
out Ray and Wez, she slapped me right in front of all of those stuck up bitches.”

  “Oh my God Lillian!”

  “That’s okay. I said what I needed to say. Then I pushed her into the pool.”

  Kat started laughing again and gave me a high five. “I wish I’d been there to see that!”



  I was a miserable fuck ever since I walked out of Lillian’s house three days ago. I couldn’t get her out of my mind. I was obsessed with her. I wanted to call her, but Kat told me to give her time to let everything sink in. But I knew she hated me. How could she not? I had banged her mother, for fuck’s sake.

  On the third day, I blew up at Seth when he messed up some tattoo appointments for the following week. I cussed him out, acting like a big dickwad. He sat in a chair in front of the computer, typing on the keyboard.

  I walked over, slapping him on the shoulder. “Sorry, man. I’m being an asshole today. You’ve been a great help here at Mad Ink.”

  Seth clicked the mouse and spun the chair around. “No probs. It’s fixed, boss.”

  When I closed my shop that night, I didn’t feel like going home or hanging out with any of my brothers at the clubhouse. I wasn’t in the mood to play, but the Underground was the only other place I liked to go, even if it was to sit and have a beer. I twisted the throttle on my bike, enjoying the rush of warm air pushing against me. I remembered how good Lillian’s hands felt wrapped around me and how her soft tits were crushed against my back that day she rode with me.

  I parked the bike, climbed off and entered the Underground, walking straight to the bar. I sat down on a stool and the cute redheaded bartender named Amanda served me a frosty mug of beer. It was a weeknight and only a handful of people gathered in a group to organize the upcoming weekend’s event called Dungeon Demo night. It was held at the Underground once a month and opened to the public. Stations were set up inside the club with instructors and people knowledgeable in the BDSM lifestyle to demonstrate different kinds of impact play using floggers, whips, canes, and paddles. There were also stations set up to demonstrate bondage with various kinds of rope.


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