Kept by the Zandian (Zandian Brides)

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Kept by the Zandian (Zandian Brides) Page 11

by Renee Rose

  “What do you mean by a state of emotionality?”

  He stands up and rubs the back of his neck. “Emotional. Feeling emotions. Normally Zandians are extremely logical. Humans awaken emotions we’re unaccustomed to feeling.”

  I also stand. “Do I evoke emotions in you?”

  He looks away. “You do, yes.” He clears his throat. “So it’s good this is only a temporary situation.”

  Right. A temporary situation.

  His whole demeanor is cooler now. So different from the fiercely protective way he held me while I shared my story with him. A flash of pain hits me in the chest. Every time I feel like he’s allowing himself to trust and care for me, he just takes it all away a moment later.

  He picks up a satchel from near the door. “Come. I will take you to the lab to meet the team.”

  He turns back. “And you are strictly forbidden to mention the mission to get the discs to any humans, is that clear? It was a need-to-know mission, and we do not want idle talk derailing it in any way.” He gives me a stern look. “This is important. Tell me yes.”

  “Yes, Master. I promise.”

  Chapter 13


  “Taisha, hand me the serum, please?” Bayla points to her left.

  I pick up the small vial, careful to hold it secure in my gloved hand. “Of course.”

  “Thanks.” She puts it down in front of her station. “We’re on planet rotation seven and we’re running low on our supply of venom. I really wish we could get the ratios to match the ones in your sample.”

  I’m desperate to help, really, but I’ve already told her every single thing I can remember Leylah ever doing with toxins, which isn’t all that much, since Keerah—not I—was her snake venom trainee.

  “I wish I had the answer.” I shake my head in frustration. I’ve been coming here for a few weeks now. Although I’ve bonded with Bayla, and enjoy learning new techniques in the lab, I don’t feel like I’ve actually been very helpful.

  “Maybe you watched her do something one time, and didn’t realize what you were seeing?” Bayla’s voice is hopeful. “If you think back, it will come to you?”

  “She made a habit of speaking to me alone while she was working. But I was focused on listening to her stories and legends. About powerful humans, ones who defied the odds and rose up against oppression through the millennia.” I rub my lips together. “She said those were the things I needed to bring”—I wave my hand—“out. Here. With me.” I tap my head. “She said everything I needed was in here.”

  Bayla strips her gloves off with a snap of latex and lays them on the counter. She sighs and puts a hand on my shoulder. “And I love hearing them, and we are documenting them for future generations. They are wonderful stories, especially the ones about the Greek heroes—Greece, yes?” She turns the word on her tongue. “Greece. The legends of humans and gods are spectacular. It’s just”—she takes my hands in hers—“marvelous as they are, they are not what we need right now.”

  “I know.” I pull my hands away and wipe them on my lab garment, because they suddenly got sweaty. “I know that.”

  “It’s not your fault.” Bayla smiles. “Let’s take a break, shall we? I’ve gotten permission from Drayk to bring you to a meal with another human friend, Mirelle.”

  “Great.” My mood is buoyed instantly. “Not that I don’t love you and Dr. Daneth, but I’m so eager to meet others.” I pause and eye her carefully. “Like… Lamira? Do you think I could meet her sometime soon?”

  “Lamira? King Zander’s mate?” She gives me a speculative gaze. “He’s rather protective of her, especially with newcomers. Why her, specifically?”

  “Oh, I, um… just think she must be very powerful and interesting, to have captured his interest. That’s all. I guess I’m curious about her.” I keep my gaze wide-eyed.

  “Well. Probably not until you pass probation.” She taps her comm. “Mirelle, are you ready? Let’s head over, Taisha.”


  “This is gorgeous!” I put up my arms and spin around, laughing in delight. “I’ve never seen anything like it!” I don’t know what’s better: My freedom to be somewhere other than the lab, out in fresh air, or the company.

  We’re in a grotto not far from a waterfall, sitting around a low rock and using it like a dinner table. “I can barely focus on the food, although these berries are fantastic.” To illustrate my appreciation, I sit back down, cross my legs under my flowing gown, and pop a ruby red strawberry into my mouth. “Yum.”

  “Did you ever have those on… where you were?” Mirelle’s voice is careful. Cautious.

  “We grew them for harvest. We were punished if we ate any. Sometimes a few were left on the vines, half rotted and those we snuck into our barracks.” Sitting with the two of them, I feel strong enough to confront some of these memories. “But they didn’t taste like this.” I take another berry, because I can. “I just wish I could help the other humans there.”

  Mirelle nods. “I know. I had a hard time adjusting to the fact that I was free and other humans were not. That’s why I devoted myself to saving them.”

  Bayla’s face has grown pale, and I see tears in her eyes. Mirelle grabs her hand. “Oh, Bayla, I’m sorry. Let’s talk about something else.”

  “No.” Bayla wipes her eyes. “It’s the most important thing. And Mother Earth willing, some planet rotation we will get information on my human children. I know it will happen.”

  “Your children?” I put down my berry. “What do you mean?”

  “I have bore two human slaves as a breeder. Before Dr. Daneth bought me for his Zandian breeding project. They were taken from me at birth. It kills me to know they are somewhere…” her voice trembles. “Out there. Dr. Daneth and King Zander have said we will find them if we can. But first we need to get their slave records from—”

  “From where?” my heart starts to pound. I already love Bayla and it hurts me to think about her children, alone out there. Her suffering, not knowing their location.

  “The records are said to be in a compound on a planet called Fonquin. My mate does not wish me to worry about it too much. He said it will not be healthy. But in truth, it is sometimes all I can think about.”

  I get that strange feeling and see a small flash of purple, like when I held the coin with Leylah back on Romon-3. I feel like I need to talk. “I was on Fonquin.” I speak automatically. “I snuck into a building and got two discs called BAY1 and BAY2. Drayk and his team have them.”

  “What?” She leans in and grabs me. “Are you telling the truth? What do you mean?”

  Oh, Mother Earth. I wasn’t supposed to say anything! My heart sinks. But when I see the look on her face—such pain and desperation—mixed with hope, I have to continue.

  “I don’t know! Yes, the truth. Yes. After I snuck onto Drayk’s ship and accidentally poisoned him, I then offered to help with a secret mission. They needed a human, and I needed to prove my loyalty.”

  Her eyes are wide and wild. “Are they mine? My children?” She shakes me. “Speak!”

  “I don’t know. Bayla, please!” Her hands are digging into my arms.

  Mirelle gently extracts Bayla’s fingers from my clothing. “Bayla, it will be all right. Sit down. Let’s figure this out.”

  “Why would they not tell me?” Bayla’s voice rises. “Is this some kind of joke? Please, do not toy with me.”

  “I would never do such a thing.” I put my hand on my heart and look into her eyes. “I swear, that is what happened.” I take a breath. “I think I was not supposed to tell anyone, though.” I bite my lip. “Drayk might have actually forbidden it.”

  “But are they mine?” She grabs my hands again and squeezes. The way her fingernails dig into the undersides of my hands and the obvious desperate love for her children suddenly reminds me of how that coin felt—

  “I… ow.” I flinch and close my eyes as a blinding pain strikes my temples. “Oh…”

  She’s l
et go of me, possibly in alarm, and I grab my head with both hands. “Oh, Mother Earth…”

  A flash of purple, of blue. Two little human faces swim in front of me. The only one I can see clearly looks a lot like Bayla. “Yes. Yours.” Again, I speak without thinking.

  But then the vision is gone, just as quickly as it came, and I can’t remember any details. I’m horrified. Why did I tell her yes, when I’m far from sure? “I mean, yes, I hope so. Mother Earth, let it be so.”

  Bayla deflates. “Yes, let us hope so.”

  “What happened to you just now?” Mirelle stares at me, intent.

  “Nothing. Just a sudden pain. I am fine.” I touch my temple again, but the agony has vanished as quickly as it came on.

  “Were you remembering something?” Mirelle doesn’t blink.

  “No, why?” It’s not really a lie. After all, it was just a flash—not a memory.

  She shrugs. “It’s just the look of concentration on your face. I have a talent for helping people concentrate. It’s a way of breathing and letting your mind relax.”

  “I don’t need to relax.”

  She touches my arm. “You’re as tense as a vipn.” But her glance turns to Bayla who’s crying silently.

  “I can’t do it. I can’t bear waiting.” Her voice is so low and sad that my heart breaks for her. “Every planet rotation it should get easier, but instead it gets harder. I love my mate and our two young, and I love Zandia, and my work is fascinating. But I’m breaking inside, piece by piece. I either need my other children back, or I need to know… that they’re gone.” She sniffs and wipes her eyes. “It’s torture.”

  “I’m so sorry.” I put one arm around her, and Mirelle hugs her from the other side, so we’re a triumvirate of females, linked together.

  “If we can get the poison created,” Bayla’s voice is soft, “we have an advantage over the Ocretions. And every little thing we can do that gives us more power, is a step closer to Zandia re-gaining our rightful power in the galaxy, second to no species. And that brings me closer to getting—finding out, learning about—my children. It’s all tied together.”

  “I wish I could do more.” I hold her tightly. “I will try to concentrate harder, I really will, to see if there is any little thing I can remember that Leylah did, or said, that might shed light on how to make the toxin.”

  “I’ll teach you how to loosen your mind,” promises Mirelle.

  “So did you get to see any information that was on the discs?” Bayla’s voice is eager.

  “I’m sorry, no. But they have it. I’m sure they will tell you when… when… the time is right.”

  “I’m sure they just didn’t want you to worry excessively,” Mirelle adds.

  Now I feel doubly guilty. Not only did I increase Bayla’s stress levels, I told a secret I wasn’t supposed to. And I can’t tell them what they need to know about the toxin. Why does it feel that every success I have is only partial? Why can’t I fully deliver? I hope Leylah didn’t make a mistake, sending me here. I don’t seem to be accomplishing anything.

  I need to get my hands on that coin she gave me. See if holding it and using Mirelle’s relaxation techniques can unlock anything in my mind before I get it to Lamira. I want to show these humans—give these humans something of value beyond hope. Hope for a rescue, hope for a serum—my whole life has dealt in hope. It’s gotten me pretty far, but it’s time for something more tangible.

  I turn to Bayla. “You can do this,” I tell her. “You can.” I touch her face. “You are stronger than you know.” This, meaning: Life. Waiting. Working for the future, nebulous though it is.

  She smiles at me, a tremulous smile. “Good thing we humans are tough.” She sniffs. “You’re right. We can all do this. Together.” She takes my hand and Mirelle’s hand. We stand together and our shoulders touch, and it feels like we’re completing some kind of circuit. When I stood shoulder to shoulder with Rannah, we were connected in fear and anger. With these humans, I feel the connection of strength.

  “I need to see Lamira,” I tell them. “Before my parole is up. Soon.”

  This time, nobody asks me why.

  Bayla’s reply is fast. “I’ll see what I can do.”


  “It’s got to be here somewhere. Coin, where are you? Come to me,” I sing out cajoling, but find nothing of value in the food storage value, under the bedclothes, or along the shelving units.

  I sigh in frustration. “Home alone, and nothing to show for it,” I grumble, glancing out the window. Well, Drayk’s home… my temporary residence.

  It’s nearly evening, and the Zandian sun sends lazy spires of light tumbling through the curved glass, lighting up the crystals hanging from the ceiling and sending scattered patterns across the domicile. In prison I may be, but it’s certainly lovely.

  “Leylah, tell me where it is,” I whisper, but get no flicker of anything. If my mentor is somewhere in any afterlife, she’s not sending me messages like the kind she received. Or else I’m just not the right vessel. All the little tantalizing flashes I’ve received thus far are just teases. Suggestions of what it might be like to really have the vision.

  “Where would Drayk even keep it?” I glance around, but there’s nowhere else to look. He must have it locked up elsewhere—at work, at a friend’s place. Who knows where.

  “Where would Drayk keep what?”

  “Yeep!” I squeak and jump. Drayk has sneaked up behind me. “Where did you come from?”

  “A mission.” He regards me.

  “I meant, how did you sneak up so quietly?”

  “Solar cycles of training. What are you looking for?” He raises a brow.

  “Ah…” I swallow. “Study materials? Didn’t you promise me more, ah, information about toxins and snakes and things?”

  I mentally congratulate myself for the quick cover.

  He drops his satchel at the door. “So I did, but it will be a few planet rotations yet. Did you eat?” He narrows his eyes. “I noticed the provisions have not reduced dramatically.”

  “Because I ate with Bayla and Mirelle, this planet rotation.”

  “What did you talk about with them?” He’s acting nonchalant.

  “Human stuff, I guess. Where we came from. Bonding.”

  “Hmm. Anything else?” He’s rolling up his left sleeve now.

  I’m mesmerized by his strong forearm as it comes into view. “Oh, I don’t remember. Just random things.”

  “Random things. But certainly not what you did on Fonquin?” He makes one last fold of the fabric and flexes. His muscle ripples and my nipples harden.


  “Ah. You did ask me not to talk about that.” I wind a curl around my finger and let it bounce back.

  “Oh, little human, I didn’t ask. I told you.” He rolls up his other sleeve. “Isn’t that right?” He steps closer to me, predatory.

  “Maybe. I guess that’s right.” I take a step back, my heart starting to race.

  “Your guesswork is weak for one who has such an aptitude for deception.”

  “Everyone has an off planet rotation.” I swallow.

  “Perhaps that’s true. In fact, this planet rotation your panties are going to have an off planet rotation.” He snaps his fingers. “Take them off and bend over the hoverdisk.”

  I squeak and put my hand to my mouth. “Drayk!”

  “The correct response”—he goes to a cabinet to fetch something—“is Yes, Master, right away.”

  “I need time to learn these new customs,” I argue, continuing to back up. What is he getting?

  “You will learn a certain custom right now,” he agrees. “I will help, as it is my job.” He glances over his shoulder. “Take off your clothes, Taisha. All of them.”


  I shouldn’t be excited about the prospect of punishing my little human. It should be punishment. Serious. Stern.

  But my cock didn’t get the message. All I can think about is baring her. />

  Seeing all of her naked.

  Veck, I can’t wait to slap that ripe flesh.

  Pound into…

  No. I’m not supposed to do that.

  And yet Dr. Daneth said punishment without satisfying the resulting need would be cruel.

  And I would rather cut off my own balls than be cruel to my beautiful female.

  No, not mine.

  She isn’t mine for the keeping. I can’t mate.

  And that’s where my thoughts get derailed by lust again. I turn around and growl at what I see.

  Taisha’s stripped off her clothing. She stands demurely before me. Demurely except for the fingers curled between her legs.

  “Don’t touch,” I snap. It comes out way more harshly than I intend.

  Her eyes widen and she yanks her hand away.

  “Do you think you deserve pleasure after disobeying me?”

  She moistens her lips with her tongue and my cock surges against my breeches. “Um… no, Master.”

  I take a step closer. “No. Certainly not before your punishment.”

  Her tongue darts out of her mouth again. I want to thrust my cock between those lips so badly I nearly groan aloud.

  “And if you receive pleasure afterward, it will be at my discretion. Won’t it, beautiful?”

  I haven’t called her by a pet name before, and I hear the little catch in her breath at the endearment. Well, how can I not use it? She is beautiful.

  Exquisite, actually. Her dark skin glows with health, her full breasts beckon. The nipples are darker brown, steepled. Ripe for the sucking.

  “Yes, Master,” she murmurs, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

  My cock throbs and it’s all I can do not to throw her down on the hoverdisk and take her long and hard.

  Who really gives a veck if she disobeyed me or not? And did I truly expect her not to tell her human friends something of enormous personal importance? If I’m honest with myself, I’ll admit it was a setup for punishment.


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