Oath of Destruction

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Oath of Destruction Page 29

by Jennifer Anne Davis

“I know because I’ve been orchestrating everything. I’ve been trying to take down Emperion for quite some time. Yet, you bloody well keep coming out on top. It is infuriating.” Metek moved into the aisle, his right hand holding a dagger.

  “By orchestrating everything,” Darmik said, moving to block Metek’s path, “do you mean helping Jana?”

  Rema and Allyssa slid down the bench, away from the aisle, trying to put distance between themselves and Metek. Allyssa lost track of Savenek—she didn’t see him anywhere.

  “Yes.” Metek smiled, the act transforming his face into something twisted and vicious. “I provided the funds for Jana to escape to Russek; I helped her lure the king into marrying her; and I had Russek troops sent into Emperion. I even made sure they kidnapped Allyssa. I was certain that would be your undoing. Somehow, Allyssa not only survived, but she also got Kerdan to help her escape. It seems I can no longer pull the strings. It is time for me to take care of your family once and for all.”

  Darmik unsheathed his sword. “Stay where you are.” The soldiers around the edge of the room also had their swords at the ready, moving to surround the Telmena royal family.

  Allyssa glanced at Kerdan. He was in the process of untying his bindings.

  “Have your men stand down,” Metek ordered.

  “Not a chance,” Darmik said.

  Metek shook his head. “Fool. Have you ever wondered who taught Soma to be so well versed in the art of poison? Have you ever considered how he became an assassin? No? Well, let me enlighten you. My son, Jem.” He held his hand out to the side, pointing at the prince.

  Jem smiled. He had something in his mouth. Upon closer inspection, Allyssa realized it was a blowdart. And it was pointed right at Rema.

  Jem fell to the side, a dagger protruding from his neck. Metek suddenly dropped to the ground, a dagger in his chest. Cora screamed and stood. A knife flew through the air, striking her in the throat.

  Stunned, Allyssa searched the room until she found Savenek. He stood there calmly, eyes narrowed, scanning the room. He’d just killed three people in less than five seconds. She blinked. Bloody hell.

  Neither Darmik, Kerdan, Neco, nor Nathenek had even had time to react.

  “I guess he isn’t an aloof prince after all,” Viscor said.

  “Is everyone all right?” Rema demanded. “Did Jem manage to strike anyone before he was neutralized?”

  “I think everyone is okay,” Darmik said, coming to stand beside his wife. It was a challenge to see if anyone would blame Savenek for killing the Telmena royals.

  Allyssa’s heart pounded as the realization of what had just happened sunk in.

  Kerdan went over to Jem’s body, squatting beside it. He plucked the blowdart from the dead man’s mouth and stood. “It’s loaded with poison. There are four darts in here. I’m guessing he planned to kill the empress, emperor, and the twins.”

  If Savenek had hesitated, Rema could be dead. He’d saved them all. Allyssa ran over to her brother, hugging him.

  “I can honestly say I’m glad you’re on my side,” Viscor stated. He stood, his wife and Odar joining him. “I’ve had enough chaos for one night. We’re retiring.”

  In the library, Allyssa sat in her favorite alcove, staring outside at the early morning light shining through the clouds. She curled her feet under her legs on the bench.

  “I thought I’d find you in here,” Savenek said, sliding onto the seat across from her.

  “How’s Mayra?” After everything that had happened last night, Neco took Mayra back to his family’s private wing. Allyssa hadn’t had a chance to talk to Mayra or Marek about everything.

  “She’s doing much better.” He ran his hands through his hair, making it even messier than it was before.

  Allyssa smiled at her twin. “I’m glad to hear that. I still can’t believe she jumped in front of a blade for you.”

  He smirked. “True love.”

  She gazed back outside as the warmth from the sun hitting the ground caused mist to rise. “What are we going to do about Apethaga?” While they’d managed to kill Metek, Cora, and Jem from Telmena, they hadn’t solved their problems with Apethaga.

  “We aren’t going to do a thing.”

  His answer was too confident. She raised her eyebrows, awaiting an explanation. There was no way Neco or Savenek would just let Patteon walk away after he’d almost killed Mayra.

  Leaning over the table, he whispered, “Emperion soldiers are escorting them out of our kingdom as we speak. Once they reach Apethaga, the Apethaga soldiers will lead the royal carriage straight to a field of keppers. The royal family will be dead before they know what’s happened.”

  Shock rolled through her. “Who will rule Apethaga?”

  “The working class has elected a man to lead the kingdom. They are tired of being forced to work in the mines, pay high taxes, and cater to the rich. As soon as the royal family left to come here for the wedding, an uprising began. I had members of the Brotherhood meet with the workers to help arrange everything. The man who will be ruling Apethaga has the people’s best interest at heart.” He reclined back, a smug expression on his face.

  Her brother had been busy. The possibility of peace throughout the entire mainland made her content. Everything seemed to be working out.

  She stared at brother.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I can’t believe how quickly you killed those people.”

  He shrugged.

  “You saved our lives.”

  “The second I saw him put the blowdart to his lips, I reacted. In that moment, I realized how much I love this family. I couldn’t bear to lose it.”

  Even though Allyssa had only known Savenek for a brief time, she felt a connection to him that she didn’t have with anyone else. “I want you to know how much I love you. I’m glad to have my brother home and a part of this family.”

  He flashed her a smile, hands fidgeting, which was unlike him. Was he nervous about something? “What is it?” she asked.

  “I need to…talk to you.”

  “You can talk to me about anything.” Well, almost anything. There were some things she didn’t want to discuss with her brother. Like Kerdan.

  He sighed. “I know I gave you a hard time about Kerdan.”

  Oh lovely. The one thing she didn’t want to discuss with him was what he wanted to talk about. She bit back her retort, waiting for him to continue. The least she could do was hear him out.

  “You must understand that I viewed Russek as the enemy. I assumed Kerdan was Russek. Does that make any sense?”

  Unfortunately, it did. “The Russek army is brutal. Especially when the person leading the army has no morals.” But Drenton was dead, and things were different now.

  “That’s my point,” Savenek said. He propped his elbows on the table. “Kerdan is a good man.” He rubbed his face. “While he can be a little…”


  He smiled wryly. “…coarse, he has his priorities right. He obviously cares for you.”

  Allyssa already knew all this. “What are you trying to say?”

  “That I approve.”

  He approved? Of Kerdan? It certainly took Savenek long enough to come around.

  “Not that you need it, but I know Father said you had to get it. So I hereby give you my blessing to marry Kerdan.”

  Reaching across the table, Allyssa threw her arms around Savenek’s neck, hugging him. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t you have a wedding to get ready for?” he asked. “After all, everyone expects a royal wedding today. I think it’s only fair to give them one.”

  Allyssa stood in front of the mirror in her bedchamber, admiring her dress. The white fabric was embroidered with gold stitching around the bust and the sleeves. The silky material was form fitting and swayed as she moved. Her hair hung around her shoulders in soft waves. A gold crown sat atop her head.

  “You look stunning,” Rema said as she came into the room.

bsp; “I can’t believe I’m getting married today.” Or that she’d just come from one of the most awkward meetings in her life. After her conversation with Savenek in the library, she’d gone to see Odar and his parents. She’d let Odar explain that he and Allyssa never signed a marriage contract—well, a new one. He went on to tell them how he’d faked his engagement with Allyssa in order to end the threat with Telmena. Neither Viscor nor Lutia said a single word until Odar was done speaking. Then Viscor had the nerve to say he was glad his firstborn son wasn’t marrying Allyssa because she would have stifled Odar.

  He’d even had the audacity to say women weren’t meant to hold such powerful positions. Allyssa had to bite her tongue at that comment. Then Lutia agreed with her husband, adding that it was a blessing since Allyssa’s virtue had been called into question. Lutia didn’t want her precious son marrying a whore. Allyssa had sat there quietly until they were done speaking. Then Odar had escorted her back to the Royal Wing without a word. She thanked the stars she wasn’t marrying Odar. His parents would have been terrible in-laws.

  “I remember the day I married your father,” Rema said. “We had just defeated King Barjon and Prince Lennek. The ceremony was held in the half-ruined castle where my parents had lived. It was one of the happiest days of my life.” She was dressed in a beautiful gold gown.

  “Was that after you’d removed Hamen from the throne in Emperion?” Allyssa asked, turning to face her mother.

  “It was.” Rema went over to the sofa and sat, patting the spot next to her.

  Allyssa joined her. “What is it?”

  “I need to discuss something with you, and I want you to be completely honest with me.” Rema gathered Allyssa’s hands and held them firmly.

  “Of course.” She had no idea what her mother intended to say.

  Rema’s brows drew together. She went to speak several times but stopped herself.

  “What is it?” Allyssa asked, worried her mother had bad news to deliver.

  “When you were in Russek, were you harmed or forced to do something against your will?” Rema’s eyes welled with tears. “I’m referring to things that are intimate and meant to be shared between a man and his wife.”

  Allyssa felt her face flush. When Metek had callously thrown the accusation out there that she’d been holed up in Kerdan’s bedchamber, she’d known there would be repercussions. “No. I was not harmed that way at all.” She’d already gone over this with her father when they were in Russek at Duke Womek’s estate.

  Rema but her bottom lip. “Very well. What about not being forced?”

  “I don’t understand.” What was her mother getting at?

  “Your father explained to me that when you were removed from the dungeon, Soma wanted to kill you, but Kerdan wanted you alive since he thought you’d make a valuable ally. In order to protect you, Kerdan kept you in his bedchamber where Soma couldn’t get his hands on you.” She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “What I want to know is if you fell in love with Kerdan under those strenuous circumstances, and if something intimate happened between the two of you while you were there.” Rema squeezed Allyssa’s hands as she waited for her to respond.

  Oh. Not that it was any of Rema’s business, but Allyssa understood what her mother needed to know. “My virtue has not been compromised in any way, willingly or otherwise.”

  Rema’s shoulders fell. “I feared he had some hold over you because of what you’d been through. I am glad that is not the case.”

  Allyssa should have done this sooner. It was time to tell her mother everything that happened in Russek. Starting with Soma kidnapping her and Odar, she explained how they’d escaped only to be recaptured, how Soma had poisoned them, about being tossed in the dungeon, and what she’d endured while there. Allyssa let it all out, telling her mother how scared and hurt she’d been. How all she could think about was saving the people of Emperion.

  Tears slid down Rema’s cheeks as Allyssa spoke. However, Allyssa forged on, not leaving any details out. She talked about being in Kerdan’s bedchamber, Soma trying to kill her, Kerdan saving her, Eliza kidnapping her. She then went on to explain how she and Odar tried to assassinate the royal family, what it was like watching Shelene die, and how it felt to kill Soma. Then she described her harrowing escape to Fren and how Kerdan had aided them. She finished with what had happened in Fren with Odar and his parents, what it felt like to have her engagement severed, and seeing Kerdan on the way back to Emperion.

  Allyssa didn’t know how long she talked. Rema never once interrupted or asked any questions. Allyssa even told her what it was like living with Nathenek, about going into Russek, and being a part of Jana’s assassination. And through it all, she tried to explain how she’d gotten to know and respect Kerdan. How that friendship turned into something more.

  “I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am you had to go through and endure all of that,” Rema said, still clutching Allyssa’s hands. “However, I know it has helped shape you into the strong woman sitting before me today. I’d feared you didn’t truly know Kerdan or what you were getting yourself into. However, I can see now that you know your mind and are capable of making your own decisions.” Rema released Allyssa’s hands, then wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Thank you for sharing that with me.” She hugged Allyssa tightly. “While you do not need my approval to marry Kerdan, I give it to you. I also give you my support.” She kissed Allyssa on the cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Mother.”

  Darmik knocked on the doorframe. “Is Allyssa ready?”

  “She is,” Rema answered. “Let’s go.”

  Allyssa clutched Darmik’s arm as they stood before the doors to the Throne Room. Madelin set a gold cape on Allyssa’s shoulders, holding it there while Mayra secured it in place.

  “Perfect,” Mayra said as she took a step back and examined Allyssa from head to toe. “Wait until Kerdan sees you.” She smirked.

  It was good to see Mayra happy and moving about so well.

  “I’m standing right here,” Darmik chided them. “I expect those comments from Madelin, not you Mayra.”

  Mayra’s face went bright red. “Sorry, Your Majesty.”

  “I’m just teasing you,” he replied.

  Madelin swept in front of Allyssa and said, “I’m going to have to find my own Russek brute to bring to his knees.”

  “Madelin,” Allyssa and Mayra said in unison.

  “What?” she asked innocently.

  “Case in point,” Darmik said.

  The doors swung open.

  “Saved by the doors, Your Majesty,” Madelin said. She winked and picked up her basket of petals. “I’m ready.”

  Mayra and Madelin began walking down the aisle, tossing rose petals as they went. Allyssa was beyond thankful her two best friends were there to celebrate this day with her.

  The music changed. “That’s our cue,” Darmik said. He patted his daughter’s hand and they took a step forward, entering the Throne Room.

  Everyone stood and turned to catch a glimpse of Allyssa as she glided alongside her father, one arm linked with his, her other hand holding a bouquet of flowers. She couldn’t believe how many people were there to witness their marriage.

  Instead of smiling at the people as she passed by, all she could do was stare at the man standing at the end of the aisle—her future husband.

  Kerdan was mighty fierce and handsome in his black pants with a dark green tunic. A large silver crown with emeralds adorned his head. And, in typical Russek fashion, a fur cape had been draped over his shoulders. Allyssa couldn’t help but smile. His companions—Brookfel, Hurit, and Larek—stood to his left.

  As Allyssa approached the dais, she saw Rema seated in the front row, Savenek to her left. Next to them sat Neco, Marek, and Ellie. In the second row, Allyssa spotted Odar sitting with his parents. On the other side of the aisle, Duke Womek, Kerdan’s uncle, was seated. Vesha, Audek, Nathenek, and Serek were there as well. So ma
ny people she loved and cared for were here to celebrate this day. It warmed her heart.

  Allyssa and Darmik stopped at the end of the aisle. Mayra and Madelin moved to Kerdan’s right. Directly ahead, an elderly gentleman stood on the dais holding a gold box that contained the wedding rings. He would perform the ceremony.

  “Welcome,” the man said, his voice gravely from old age. “My name is Mako, and I am honored to be here from Greenwood Island to celebrate this monumental day.”

  Allyssa recognized his name—Mako was the man who’d saved Rema when she was only a baby and aided her in retaking her kingdom. He had to be in his seventies by now. She was honored he’d traveled so far to be here for her wedding.

  “Who gives this woman to this man?” Mako asked.

  “I do,” Darmik said, his voice loud and clear. He squeezed Allyssa’s arm.

  “Then step forward,” Mako said.

  Allyssa turned to her father.

  He kissed her cheek. “I couldn’t have picked a better man for you.” Darmik’s eyes were glassy as he released Allyssa and joined Rema and Savenek.

  Allyssa handed her bouquet to Mayra before taking her place at Kerdan’s side. They both faced Mako.

  “We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of these two individuals, Princess Allyssa of Emperion and King Kerdan of Russek.”

  Kerdan took Allyssa’s hand, holding it tightly. She wished his mother was alive to see the man he’d become, to see him getting married, and to see him happy.

  “Please turn toward one another.”

  Allyssa faced Kerdan, and her breath caught. He was gazing at her, his eyes intense and determined, radiating pure love and joy. It was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. Reaching out, she took hold of his other hand.

  “King Kerdan, do you take this woman to be your wife?”

  “I do.”

  “Do you promise to love, protect, honor, and cherish her for the rest of your life?”

  “I do.”

  “Princess Allyssa, do you take this man to be your husband?”

  “I do.”

  “Do you promise to love, protect, honor, and cherish him for the rest of your life?”


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