The Complete Perfect Series

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The Complete Perfect Series Page 6

by Lindsey Powell

“I’m going to get some of my things together and go and stay at Lydia’s. I can’t stay here, Charles. We’re not good for each other. We just don’t fit anymore, and to be honest, I’m not sure if we ever did.”

  He tries to speak again but I just hold my hands up to stop him. “Don’t worry about sleeping with Claire. She is probably a much better fit for you than I ever was.”

  With that, I stand up, drain my glass of wine, and go upstairs to pack my bag.

  As I pack my essentials the sense of relief washes over me again. My dreams of becoming a writer may be put on hold, but I am finally free. Free of his critique and free to do whatever the hell I want. I will no longer have to adhere to the weekly meal plan, or to his insistence that I accompany him to all of his boring events. And the best part is that he will have to be the one to tell people why I left him.

  I smile and head back to the dining room to retrieve my handbag and laptop. Charles is still sat at the table looking gobsmacked.

  “Goodbye, Charles. I will collect the rest of my stuff in a few days.” He doesn’t answer me.

  I turn and feel almost serene as I leave the house.

  I decide to walk to Lydia’s instead of taking my car, I can pick it up when I collect the rest of my stuff. I need a walk to clear my head a bit. It’s at times like these that I really do wish that I had some family to turn to. I miss having the security of a family to support me in times of need. I should count myself lucky that I met Lydia, because without her, I don’t know where I would go right now. She is like the sister that I never had.

  I slowly walk, processing all that has happened. It’s been an emotional twenty-four hours, that’s for sure, and I reach Lydia’s flat in a daze. I knock on her door for the second time today and try not to cringe as Donnie answers, wearing only a towel around his waist.

  Jeez, does this guy not know where his clothes are?

  “Hey, pretty lady,” he drools at me.

  “Uh, hi. Can I come in?” I ask as politely as possible.

  “Sure.” He steps back from the door slightly to let me in. “Lydia is in the lounge recovering from our last sex session.”

  Ugh, why does he feel the need to announce this to me?

  “Going somewhere?” he asks me as his eyes rest on the holdall that I have in my hand.

  “Not exactly.” I would rather speak to Lydia first before saying anything to Donnie about needing a place to stay. “I’ll just go through and see Lyd. Perhaps you could try and wear some clothes whilst I’m here?” Donnie chuckles to himself as I walk through to the lounge. Lydia is led on the sofa watching some crappy day time television.

  “Hey, Lyd.”

  “Crikey, Stace, are you trying to give me a heart attack?” Lydia exclaims as she springs up to a sitting position and holds her hand over her heart for effect. “Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

  “Sorry, I thought that you would have heard me talking to Donnie,” I say through my laughter.

  “It’s not bloody funny,” she says with a smirk. Her eyes soon notice the holdall in my hand. “Things didn’t go well with Charles then?”

  I flop down on the sofa next to her and tell her all about what happened when I got back home. Although, I shouldn’t think of it as my home anymore because it isn’t.

  She doesn’t say anything until I have finished updating her, but when she speaks all she says is, “About bloody time you left that douche bag.”

  “I should have guessed that you would be happy.”

  “Oh, Stace, I’m not happy that you have split up––”

  “Really?” I interrupt her and give her a knowing look.

  “Okay, maybe I am a little happy, but it’s only because I know you deserve better than to be treated like someone’s maid. I just want you to be happy and I know that you weren’t.” She has a point. I haven’t been truly happy for a long time.

  “Can I stay here with you for a few days? I just need to get myself sorted.”

  “Of course you can stay here, and you can stay for as long as you want.”

  “Thanks, Lyd. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  I am so grateful to this girl. I’m sure Martin would have helped me, but Lydia is always the first person that I turn to. Plus, if Charles were to find out that I was staying with Martin then I know that he would make Martin’s life difficult at work.

  “Now I have the task of finding a job.” As I finish speaking, I can almost see the cogs turning in Lydia’s head.

  “Why don’t you come back and work at The Den? You know what you’re doing, and who better to have as your boss than your best friend, again? What do you say? It will be like old times.”

  “Really? You don’t think that everyone would be pissed off if I came back?” I feel myself perk up a little at the prospect of finding work so quickly.

  “Don’t be so bloody stupid. Everyone loved you working there. I will take a look at the shifts when I go in tomorrow and see what I can do,” she says with a wink. “As for tonight, get your glad rags on because we are going out to celebrate.”

  “Oh no, I really don’t feel like going out,” I tell her. I don’t know why I bother though, once Lydia has her mind set on doing something there really is no way that she will take no for an answer.

  “Bollocks. You’re coming out with me and that’s final. It’s been so long since we went out, not to mention that I get to see single Stacey in action.” I roll my eyes at her. I’m really not looking to catch another guy’s attention tonight. I think I should just concentrate on myself for a while. “The spare bedroom is all yours, babes. Make yourself at home.”

  “Thanks, Lyd,” I reply with a smile.

  I take my few belongings into the spare bedroom, shutting the door behind me. The room is small with a single bed, wardrobe, chest of drawers and a bedside table. I don’t mind it being small though, it makes the room feel cosy. Lydia has decorated it in a pastel yellow colour, which brings a warm vibe to the room.

  I leave my bags at the end of the bed and set up my laptop on the bedside table. I decide to do some writing to occupy my mind. I get myself settled on the bed and proceed to write for as long as I can before Lydia demands that I stop, so that I can get ready for our impromptu night out.

  I have only been writing for ten minutes when I hear my phone ringing in my handbag. I retrieve my phone and am unsurprised to see that Charles is trying to phone me. I don’t even consider answering his call. I put my phone on silent and ignore his attempt to speak to me. Even if I did answer, there would be nothing that he could say to convince me to go back to him. I am just glad that he never found out about Jake. I know Charles, and I know that he would have used it as ammunition to help his current situation.

  Surely, he must agree that we no longer fit together? I can’t imagine that he was truly happy with me. Maybe he just liked having me around to be at his beck and call? If Charles had been the one to end things with me, then I am in no doubt that he would never have contacted me again.

  Maybe his ego has been hurt at how I left him without batting an eyelid? I silently curse myself that it took him admitting that he slept with someone else in order for me to finally leave. In retrospect, I have used him as much as he may have used me.

  I make a promise to myself right now that I will never again let myself stay in an unhealthy relationship.

  Life is too short to be unhappy.

  Chapter Nine

  A couple of hours pass by and I have managed to write another two thousand words of my novel. I am pleased with my progress, especially with all the moaning and groaning that I have heard from the bedroom next door. Lydia and Donnie are literally at it like rabbits. I am surprised that Donnie can go so many times. Maybe that’s why Lydia sticks with him?

  I save my work and shut down my laptop. There is a knock on my bedroom door and Lydia enters my room.

  “Hey, babes. We need to start getting ready to go out.” Lydia looks every bit as dishevelled as she did whe
n I first came to see her this morning.

  “Was just thinking the same thing. You have finally finished shagging then?”

  “Yes thanks.” A stupid grin crosses Lydia’s face. “Now, get your ass in the shower and get ready. It’s already seven o’clock and we need to get the drinking started. Help yourself to anything in my wardrobe as I presume you didn’t pack any going out clothes in your rush to get away from the douche bag.”

  I chuckle. “Thanks, Lyd. Are you sure you’re not too tired to go out? I mean, it sounds like you have been having quite the workout this afternoon?” I raise one eyebrow at her.

  “Number one, I am never too tired to go out. Number two, you shouldn’t be eavesdropping. And number three, get a bloody move on.”

  Lydia exits my bedroom before I can respond, shutting the door behind her. I shake my head as I get off of the bed and head to the bathroom to get ready.

  Unfortunately for me, Donnie is stood in the bathroom doorway. I have to physically stop myself from rolling my eyes at him.

  “So, wild night out tonight then, huh? Lydia told me about you and Charles. So sorry to hear that by the way,” Donnie says.

  Yeah, the sarcasm dripping from your words makes you sound so sincere. Ugh, this guy gives me the creeps.

  “Maybe you might be up for some extra special fun later?” He winks at me, and I am too shocked by his suggestion to respond, but my face must say it all. “Calm down, I’m only messing about.” Donnie laughs.

  I’m not convinced that he is just joking though. I think that if I said yes to his little proposal then he would be more than willing to cheat on Lydia. What a slime-ball. I push past him and lock myself in the bathroom. With him around, living here may be harder than I thought. I turn on the shower and let the water warm up as I try to erase Donnie’s words from my mind. The guy really needs to get a better sense of humour if he calls remarks like that a joke.

  I get undressed and step into the shower. I take my time, letting the warm water cascade over my body as I replay the day’s events in my head.

  When I woke up this morning I did not expect any of this to have happened. I feel happy and elated that I have my freedom back, I may possibly have a job, I have the bestest friend ever, and I’m going out tonight to let loose and enjoy myself.

  Surely nothing else could possibly go wrong?

  I hear Lydia’s voice which breaks through my thoughts. “Stacey! Get your butt out of the shower and get ready! I’ve got the drinks waiting.”

  I drag myself out of the shower, dry myself and wrap the towel around me before dashing to Lydia’s bedroom to choose an outfit. I mentally curse myself for not having chosen an outfit before having a shower. The last thing I want is for Donnie to see me in just a towel, but luckily for me, he must be in the lounge or kitchen.

  I have a rifle through Lydia’s wardrobe and come across a pair of small black tailored shorts, which I team with a black sparkly vest top. Charles would never have approved of this outfit, but I love it.

  I hurry back to my bedroom and put the outfit on and opt for minimal make-up, applying beige eyeshadow, a touch of mascara, eyeliner and some clear lip gloss. Perfect. I dry my hair and add in some soft waves and put on a pair of Lydia’s black stilettos; luckily, we are the same size in clothes and shoes.

  I take a look at myself in the hall way mirror and I love the way that I look. The outfit makes me feel sexy and confident. Pleased with my appearance, I head to the lounge where I can hear Lydia and Donnie talking, and as I enter, Donnie wolf whistles.

  “Looking good, Stacey,” he leers at me, and his eyes roam over my body. It makes me feel uncomfortable and I contemplate changing into something less revealing, but then I change my mind. I shouldn’t let this jackass stop me from feeling good about myself.

  Lydia is sat next to him on the sofa. I wonder if she feels as uncomfortable about his comment as I do? It doesn’t appear so as she doesn’t seem to bat an eyelid.

  “He’s right, girl. You will be fighting the men off of you.” Lydia picks a glass up off of the coffee table and hands it to me.

  “I’m not going for the men, Lyd; I’ve only just broken up with Charles.” I take the glass from her and take a sip. Gin, lemonade and lime. Delicious.

  “So?” Lydia replies. “You should enjoy some attention now that you are finally rid of him. No one is saying that you need to jump straight into another relationship, just live a little.”

  Donnie nods in agreement with her whilst still leering at me. I look away from him and admire my best friends outfit choice. Lydia looks beautiful in her hot pink, strapless jump suit and white stilettos. She has never been one to shy away into the crowd.

  I notice that Donnie is dressed up too, and this can only mean that he is coming with us. Oh great, I will be playing the part of a gooseberry for most of the night whilst they play tonsil-tennis with each other. I can’t help feeling a little disappointed that it isn’t just Lydia and I going out.

  The three of us sit chatting and drinking for the next hour. My acting skills are really improving as I manage to speak to Donnie without cringing. When we are ready to leave, I go back to my room to grab my phone off of the bedside table. I notice that I have three missed calls and a text message. They are all from Charles. He hasn’t left any voicemails. I open the text message and begin to read.

  Stacey, please will you talk to me. I’m so sorry for

  what I have done, but you can’t leave me! What

  will people think? We can sort this out, just come

  back and talk to me.

  Charles x.

  And in that one message it shows me the real reason that he’s sorry. He’s worried about how it will look to everyone else. I scoff and decide not to take my phone out. I switch it off and place it back on the bedside table. I don’t want to have my night ruined by receiving anymore messages from him.

  I grab my little black handbag, put my money inside, take one last look at myself in the mirror and I am ready to go.

  The three of us leave the flat and walk to The Den. I can tell that Lydia is half-cut already by the slurring of her words and the gentle way in which she sways as we walk.

  Ten minutes later and we arrive at our destination. We enter the bar area and I see that Susie is working tonight. As I approach her, she screams loudly and comes running over to me to give me a hug.

  “Hey, hun. I’ve missed seeing you,” she shouts into my ear drum, nearly deafening me. “Where have you been hiding?”

  “Hey, Susie,” I say whilst giggling. “I haven’t been hiding, but I am now free and single, and I am ready to party my ass off.”

  “Well say no more then. Let me fix you one of my special cocktails.” She heads back behind the bar with a wink. For such a small, petite woman, Susie is very loud. She looks cute with her blond hair cropped into a pixie style haircut.

  Lydia and Donnie join me at the bar as Susie is bringing me my drink. She quickly goes and whips them up the same. The drink is divine and tastes of raspberries more than anything else. I moan my approval and signal for her to make me another one. I drain the second drink as quickly as the first and grab Lydia’s hand to go and dance. I literally pull her off of the bar stool that she is sat on and drag her behind me.

  “Whoa, calm down, babes. You nearly pulled my arm out of its socket,” Lydia says.

  “Sorry. I just feel so alive and I need my dancing partner to help me out,” I reply.

  We dance for what feels like ages. There are a few guys I have to tell to back off as I don’t want their attention. Tonight is all about celebrating new beginnings and leaving the past behind.

  Eventually, Donnie joins us on the dance floor and I excuse myself to go to the toilet. I feel his eyes watching me as I walk away, and it makes my skin crawl.

  I finish up in the toilets and decide that I will get myself another of Susie’s amazing cocktails before doing anymore dancing. As I exit the toilets, Donnie is waiting outside for me. I instantly pan
ic that something is wrong with Lydia.

  “Is everything okay, Don? Where’s Lydia?” I ask, worried.

  “Everything’s fine, Lydia’s getting some more drinks at the bar. I thought that I would come and make sure you were alright.”

  “I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” I may be a little bit drunk but I’m perfectly capable of getting to the toilet and back by myself.

  Donnie closes the space between us and grabs my arm. Before I have the chance to say anything, he leads me down a small corridor next to the toilets.

  “Donnie, what the fuck are you doing?” I shout at him.

  “Shhhh,” he says as he pushes me up against the wall and places his finger over my lips. I feel panic start to overtake all of my senses. “I have been waiting to get you alone all night. You look sexy as hell, and I know you want me just as much as I want you.”

  What the fuck? Has he gone insane?

  This guy really does think that he is God’s gift to women. His hand grips my waist and the other is playing with a ringlet of my hair. I try to calm my breathing.

  “Donnie, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I have no interest in you in that way. You are with Lydia and I tolerate you for her sake. If it were up to me, she would have kicked your ass to the curb a long time ago.” I speak as confidently as I can, but the nerves in my voice betray me.

  I stare straight at him as I try to prise his hand from my waist. The more I try to prise his fingers off of me, the tighter his grip gets. “Donnie, get your hands off of me. I’m not interested.”

  “You always have been a fucking tease, Stacey.” His tone has changed to one of anger.

  He pins me to the wall with his body, stops playing with my hair, and holds my hands above my head with one of his. I feel the other hand leave my waist and start to stroke the top of my thigh. I try to wriggle free, but he is just too strong for me. My eyes widen, and I can feel the onset of tears as I desperately try not to show him that I am frightened.

  “Donnie, please get off of me. I don’t want this,” I plead with him, but he’s not listening. Fear envelopes me as I feel his hand shift and he grazes the inside of my thigh with his fingers.


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