The Complete Perfect Series

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The Complete Perfect Series Page 18

by Lindsey Powell

  “I have already called the police, so if you don’t want to be arrested then I suggest that you leave. Right now.” I wait for her to hurl abuse at me. The seconds tick by slowly, but she doesn’t say anything. Instead, she turns around and walks away.

  I watch as she gets to the back gate and slams it shut behind her. Well, that was far easier than I thought it would be. I was expecting her to have a full scale fit about me being here.

  I look to Jake who is staring open mouthed at me. “You’re welcome,” I say as I head back inside, appearing far more confident than I feel.

  “Are you insane?” Jake asks me as he follows behind me.

  “No. I just thought that you needed a little bit of help to get rid of her.”

  “Oh, Stacey,” Jake says, running his hands through his hair. “What have you done?”

  “I’ve gotten rid of her, that’s what I’ve done. You clearly weren’t having any luck in doing so.” I feel my defences start to kick in.

  “She is messed up, and I don’t want her anywhere near you.” Jake walks to me and puts his arms around my waist. I put my hands on his shoulders and I place a light kiss on his lips.

  “Stop worrying. She’s gone. End of story.”

  “I don’t want you caught up in this.” He sounds genuinely worried.

  “The sooner you see your solicitor, the better it will be.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m going to call him and move the appointment up to tomorrow. I also need to get some security installed here.”

  “What, like cameras?”

  “Yes, babe, cameras. And whatever else I think I might need.” Jake smiles at me and I melt against his body. “Fancy going out for some dinner?” He changes the topic and I am grateful to not have to discuss Caitlin anymore.

  “Sure, but I can’t wear your shirt out.”

  “I think you look sexy in my shirt. Makes me feel like you’re mine,” Jake growls.

  “Yours? I’m not your property, Mr Waters.”

  “I know that, but it feels like you belong to me. Like we were meant to be together.” Jake kisses me roughly and I lose myself in his embrace. I can feel his hard length through his jeans. How the hell can he be ready to go again? I pull back and look at him questioningly.

  “Seriously? Again?” I ask. Jake gives me a cocky grin.

  “You know, we haven’t christened the kitchen yet,” Jake says in his seductive tone.

  He picks me up and places me on the kitchen island, so that I am sitting on the edge. “Now, you were saying something about not being able to wear this shirt. How about we remedy that and get rid of it?” Jake doesn’t wait for my answer. He doesn’t even undo the buttons. He just rips the shirt open, causing me to gasp in shock.

  He pulls the shirt off of my arms and caresses my breasts. I lean into his touch and close my eyes. His touch feels so good. His lips cover mine, and his tongue delves into my mouth. I can’t help but let out a small moan.

  Jake lifts me up slightly, and I make quick work of pulling my leggings below my ass. Jake pulls back from me and removes my leggings completely. He looks a bit shocked as he realises that I’m not wearing any knickers. He gives me a lop-sided smile and I feel my cheeks blush.

  “Very sexy,” he says as he manoeuvres me so that I am lying flat on the kitchen island. The cold surface makes me draw in a breath and goose-bumps cover my body.

  Jake moves his head between my legs and lets his tongue sweep over my highly sensitive clit. He moves his tongue in circles and my hands reach down to caress the back of his head. I can’t get enough of him. I whimper as I feel myself approaching climax. I moan his name softly and he applies more pressure with his tongue, taking me closer to my undoing. Just as I am building to my climax, Jake pulls away and quickly undoes his jeans, freeing his erection. He pushes into me and places one thumb on my clit. I am quickly transported to another world as his punishing rhythm makes me start to tremble.

  The shudders rack my body as I build back up to my release. I can hear Jake’s breathing change to signal that he is close to finding his peak. I cry out as I feel myself free falling through my orgasm. Jake reaches his seconds later and I feel his juices pump into me. Jake slowly brings us down from our climaxes and I lie there, once again in a state of complete bliss.

  He pulls out of me and pulls his jeans up but leaves them undone. I lazily sit up on the counter and retrieve his shirt to put on. Even though the buttons are broken, I can still wrap it around me.

  “At this rate, we’re never going to make it to dinner,” I say. Jake pulls me off of the island and I wrap my legs around him as he carries me up to the bedroom and heads for his ensuite.

  “Another shower?” he asks me.

  “If you insist.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  I finally make it back to Lydia’s at six o’clock. I am exhausted as I climb the stairs, but my time spent with Jake was worth every second.

  I open the front door, which is on the latch, and Jake follows behind me. Lydia comes marching into the hallway.

  “Where the bloody hell have you been?” She glares at me. “I have been trying to get hold of you all bloody day.”

  “Sorry, Lyd. I left my phone here, remember?” I feel like I am about to be told off by a parent with the look she is giving me.

  “You could have called me from another phone, you know?” She folds her arms across her chest and starts to tap her foot.

  “I’ve, uh, been a little preoccupied.”

  “Too preoccupied to use a phone?”

  “Uh…” I’m not quite sure what to say to her. I’m not used to Lydia reprimanding me for not phoning her. Lydia looks from me to Jake and her lips start to twitch.

  “Oh, I see. You two finally came to your senses and got it on then?” She smirks, and I feel my cheeks flush. I hear Jake chuckle as I mentally scold my best friend for being so out spoken.

  “Uh, you could say that. Anyway, I’ve just come to get changed and then we’re heading out to dinner,” I tell her. I turn and grab Jake’s hand and I pull him into my bedroom. I shut the door behind me so that we can have a bit of privacy from Lydia’s intense gaze. “I’m sorry about that. Lydia can be a bit––”

  “Forward.” Jake finishes my sentence for me.

  “Yeah, you could say that.” I grab some clean clothes and tell Jake that I am nipping to the bathroom to freshen up. I tell him to help himself to a drink if he wants one and I go to the bathroom.

  I have a quick wash and I put on my skinny jeans and a hot pink sleeveless shirt. I quickly run a brush through my hair and brush my teeth. I apply minimal make-up and then go back to my bedroom. Jake isn’t in here, so I presume he decided to get a drink. I take a quick look at my phone to see if I have any messages. I have missed calls from Lydia, and a message from Charles. I inwardly groan as I open the message to read it.

  Stacey, I can’t believe that you are friends

  with that man. He will hurt you. I know that

  he will. You have no idea who you have

  gotten yourself involved with. All I ask is that

  you keep your mouth shut about my personal



  I scoff at his message. He has got a bloody nerve. Charles obviously still thinks that he has the right to tell me what to do. I put my phone, purse and keys in my little black handbag, put my back sandals on, and I go to find Jake. He is sat at the kitchen table with Lydia. Oh God, I dread to think what kind of questions she has been asking him.

  “Hey, are you ready to go to dinner?” I ask him.

  “Sure. You look lovely,” Jake replies.

  “Thanks.” I tell Lydia that I will be back at the flat after dinner. I grab my flat key on the way out and we walk to Jake’s car. “So, where are we going to eat?” I ask as I climb into the passenger seat of Jake’s BMW X5.

  “I thought that we could go to a little American diner that I know of. It’s nothing fancy, but the food is delicious.�

  “Sounds good to me.” I’m not one for posh restaurants anyway. I like to feel comfortable, not judged by other diners. I am so hungry though that I don’t think I would care if it was just a portion of chips from the local chippy. After all of the sex today, I completely forgot about eating anything after breakfast. Although Jake mentioned going to get food earlier, we got a bit carried away, and food was the last thing on either of our minds.

  We arrive at the diner and wait to be seated. The waitress soon comes over and leads us to a booth at the rear of the diner. The smells all around me make my stomach grumble. I peruse the menu and decide to order a bowl of chilli with cheese fries. I figure that with all the working out Jake and I have done today, I can afford to eat the calories.

  The waitress comes back to our table and takes our order. Jake orders a foot-long hot dog and fries. I only order a diet coke to drink as I want to keep a clear head. I want to remember everything about this day and drinking alcohol may distort my view of it. Jake and I chat about nothing in particular until the waitress has returned with our drinks. When she leaves, the conversation turns more serious.

  “So,” Jake says. “What are your plans for next weekend?”

  “No idea. I need to go to The Den tomorrow and see what shifts Lydia has put me down for. I can’t really plan anything until I have done that. Why?” I ask curiously.

  “I thought that we could go away for the weekend. Somewhere where we won’t be interrupted.” Jake raises his eyebrows and I instantly know what he is getting at.

  “Oh,” is all I can say. He wants to take me away? This reaction to us hooking up is so different to what happened the other week. I am thrown by his suggestion and I don’t really know what to say to him.

  Jake starts to look a little worried when I don’t say anything else. Our food arrives, letting me ponder his suggestion for a little bit longer. “Listen, Jake, what happened between us last night and today has been wonderful, but don’t you think that it might be rushing things by going away together? I mean, it was only a short while ago that you told me that you only wanted to be friends.” I hope he understands why I have some reservations about the idea.

  “I get that, but I wasn’t in the right head space then.”

  “It wasn’t that long ago, Jake, and you seem to have done a complete one eighty on me. It’s a pretty quick turnaround.” I say as I pop a cheese fry in my mouth.

  “I know what it must look like to you, but I was scared before. My feelings were so strong that I didn’t know how to act around you.” Jake grabs my hand across the table and penetrates me with his gaze. “I know that I hurt you before, and I can’t apologise enough for that. I just… I’ve never felt this way before. I was trying to fight it because we haven’t known each other that long, but I can’t. I don’t want to fight it.

  “This is all new to me, Stace, but I love the way that you make me feel. I love the way that we are when we are together. I just want to prove to you that I mean every word that I say.”

  Wow. I am speechless. He feels as strongly as I do by the sounds of it.

  “I don’t want to come across as being too pushy, but why wait? Why should we take things slow? At the risk of sounding even more soppy, I feel like we were meant to find each other, Stace.”

  Fuck me. I am blown away by his honesty and I feel tears prick the backs of my eyes. I always thought that ‘love at first sight’ was a load of rubbish, but the way I feel about Jake has shown me that the saying can be true. I clear my throat and give him a smile.

  “Let me see what shifts I am working and then we can see if we can plan something,” I reply. Jake smiles and it makes my heart melt a little.

  “Great. Now, eat up, you’re going to need to keep your strength up.” I feel my sex clench and a shiver runs up and down my spine. I have a feeling that I will be having trouble walking tomorrow if we keep this up.

  The rest of the meal goes smoothly, and the conversation is so easy and comfortable. I could literally talk to Jake about anything. I don’t feel that he is going to judge me in the slightest. We wrap up our meal and I decline the offer of a pudding. I am way too full after eating most of my chilli and cheese fries. Jake refuses to let me pay anything for the meal. I try to argue with him, but his stern glare soon makes me give up trying.

  When he has paid, we leave the diner and Jake takes my hand as we walk back to his car. I have never felt so content with a man before. As we approach Jake’s car, a flash of blond hair catches my eye across the road. I stop walking and scan the other side of the road. There is nothing. No one in sight. That’s weird. I could have sworn that someone was there.

  I feel a chill go through me as my mind once again tries to convince me that it was Caitlin. I feel Jake tugging on my hand and I look up at him. I force a smile on my face as I don’t want Jake to think that I am going mad.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks me.


  “Really? Then why do you look like you have just seen a ghost?” I rack my brains for an excuse as to why I’m being so paranoid.

  “It’s nothing, honestly. I just feel really tired all of a sudden.”

  “Tired, huh?” Jake doesn’t believe me, but I don’t want to give him cause to worry.

  “It’s hardly surprising really is it?”

  “Hmm.” Jake takes me into his arms and places a light kiss on my lips. “Well, if that’s all it is then we better get you back home.” I kiss him again and then we resume walking to his car.

  Jake opens the passenger door for me and I slide in, grateful for the safety of the car. I look back to where I thought I saw Caitlin, but again there is no one there.

  I need to get a grip.

  Jake climbs into the driver’s seat and we are soon on the way to the flat. I remain quiet on the drive back, my mind in overdrive. When we pull up to the flat, Jake exits the car and comes around to let me out of the passenger side.

  “Why thank you, kind sir,” I tease, hoping to make up for my skittish behaviour just moments ago.

  “No problem.” Jake pulls me into his embrace.

  “I’ve had a great time, Jake.” I reach up and lightly kiss him on the lips.

  “Me too. And don’t forget to let me know what shifts you are working next weekend.”

  “I won’t.” I don’t want to leave him, but I have to go and get some much-needed rest. I also have to answer the many questions that Lydia will be asking me when I step through the front door. “Goodnight, Jake.”

  “Night, babe.” Jake gives me a slow, lingering kiss, making me want to do all sorts of things to him. I push the thoughts to the back of my mind, assuring myself that there will be another time to fulfil what I have in mind. I moan as Jake brings the kiss to an end. I smile at him and then break away from his embrace and head towards the flat. I practically run up the stairs and reach the flat in record time. I unlock the front door and walk in.

  “Lyd, are you here?” I call out.

  “In the lounge, babes,” she answers. I close the front door and walk to the lounge. I am pleased to see that Lydia is on her own, meaning that I won’t have to answer any questions in front of anyone else. “So, are you going to fill me in now?” I’m not even sat down and she’s already waiting for the details.

  “Are you sure that you want to hear this now?” I tease. “I mean, it’s getting late and you do have work tomorrow.”

  “Oh no you don’t. I have been waiting for you to get back so that you can tell me what the hell is going on. Now, spill, Paris.” I laugh at her. Sometimes it’s fun to wind her up a little.

  I settle myself into the chair and I tell Lydia most of what has happened so far. She gasps in various places, and I know that she is loving this. I don’t go into too much detail about the sex. I want to keep some things to myself. I also leave out the part about Caitlin. I don’t want Lydia to think that I am being a paranoid mess.

  “It sounds like by Charles being an asshole, it gave Jake th
e push that he needed,” Lydia ponders.

  “Hmm, maybe. I don’t really care what pushed him though, I have had the best sex ever, so I’m not complaining.” I can’t stop the smile from creeping across my face as I think back to each and every sexual encounter between Jake and I over the last twenty-four hours.

  “Oh, you dirty bitch,” Lydia jokes. “On a more serious note though, I’m happy for you, Stace. It’s about time that you had some fun.”

  “I think so too. Anyway, I am absolutely exhausted, I need to go and get some sleep.” I stand up and go to give Lydia a hug goodnight. I use the bathroom and then go to my bedroom. I get into my comfy pyjamas and get myself into bed.

  I lie awake for a while and just replay things from the last few days in my head. I never thought that I would ever be this happy. There is only one niggle in the back of my mind, and that is Caitlin. I am positive that she was there tonight. I can’t shake off the feeling that she is doing this to mess with my head. She could potentially make things very difficult for Jake and me.

  I just hope that we are strong enough not to let her come between us.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  My alarm goes off at eight, and I get up, showered and dressed, and see that Lydia has already made a pot of coffee which is sitting on the kitchen table. There is no sign of Lydia though. I pour myself a drink as she comes waltzing into the kitchen.

  “Morning, babes,” she chirps at me.

  “Morning, Lyd. You’re cheerful this morning. Care to share?” Lydia normally hates early mornings, so I know that something has cheered her up.

  “Paul’s taking me to lunch today.” She beams at me.

  “Things are going good with you two, aren’t they?”

  “They really are. I can’t believe how well though. I keep waiting for something to go wrong, but in the meantime, I figure I should just enjoy myself.”


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