The Complete Perfect Series

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The Complete Perfect Series Page 44

by Lindsey Powell

  I smile as I write a note for Jake, telling him that I have had to leave and that I didn’t want to disturb him. I leave the note on the front of the coffee machine as that will be the first place Jake goes when he wakes up. I make myself a coffee, put it in my travel mug, pick up my handbag and keys, and leave our house.

  I get into my car with a bounce in my step. I put my seatbelt on, start the car, and turn the music on. The smooth sounds of Usher fills the sound system. I wind down my window as it is already hot, even though it is only ten o’clock. I put my sunglasses on and pull off of the drive way, singing along to the music as I drive. I feel great. All of the sexual release last night has done wonders for my mood.

  The drive doesn’t take long, and I am soon pulling into the car park for The Den. Now that I am the manager, I have my own designated parking space. There are definitely some perks to running this place.

  I get out of my car, grab my handbag and travel mug, and head for the back door of the building. I enter, disable the alarm, and lock the door behind me before going to my office and finding the relevant key to unlock it. I keep the office locked at all times when I am not here. I don’t want any of the staff, or God forbid customers to be able to walk in and do whatever they like.

  I unlock the door and enter, going straight to my desk and putting my handbag down. I then go to the main room to check that the place is clean and tidy for opening time later. The cleaners come in early every morning, escorted by a security guard. The security guard has keys, but the cleaners don’t. I didn’t want to start dishing keys out to just anybody. It may seem a little bit silly, and I know that Caitlin is no longer around, but you can never be too careful about who you trust. The security guard is a guy that used to work for Jake at Waters Industries, and if Jake trusts him, then that is good enough for me.

  I look around the main room and admire the way the place looks. I really did work hard to bring this place up to scratch. The bar stools are almost gleaming and the black glass table tops shine. Satisfied with the upkeep, I take a sip of my coffee and return to my office. I leave the office door open and go to my desk. I sit down, loving how comfortable my chair is, and I fire up my laptop. I take a look at the rota for the coming week and feel deflated as I look at it. I am working every evening until next Monday, something that I haven’t yet told Jake. I hope that he understands, what with him being a businessman, that I need to be here for the time being.

  I want this place to be successful. I feel like I need to prove to myself that I can do this.

  I have Lydia and Susie working tonight, along with two new temps called Stephanie and Darren. I am going to be here to supervise and help train the temps to see if they are suitable for bar work. Stephanie has no experience, but she seemed likeable, so I thought that I would give her a chance. She is only twenty-two, and although a little shy, she assured me that she could hold her own. Only time will tell I guess.

  Darren was a completely different kettle of fish. He’s thirty-two, and he has done bar work since leaving college. I decided to give him a shot due to his experience, and the fact that he’s a little easy on the eye. Not my type, but I think that the ladies will like him. It may seem a bit shallow of me, but I need to think about what is best for business.

  Stephanie and Darren are the only temps that I have hired so far, and I really need to pencil in some time to hire a couple more staff members. I just haven’t had time to interview anyone else, what with the re-modelling of the place.

  I get my diary out of my desk draw and look to see when I am free to conduct interviews. I literally have no time this week, so I resign myself to the fact that I am going to have to keep using agency staff to fill the void for the time being, but I make a note in my diary to advertise for some more temps as soon as possible.

  I am about to take a look at the profit for last night, when my phone starts ringing. I take it out of my handbag and answer, without checking who it is calling me.

  “Hello, Stacey Paris,” I say, in an official tone, just in case it is work-related.

  “Babes, why the fuck are you being formal?” Lydia’s voice says. Never one to sugar coat her words.

  “Oh, hey, Lyd. Sorry, I answered without checking who was calling. What’s up?” I ask her.

  “I need to talk to you. It’s urgent.” A feeling of dread creeps up my spine at her words. Please don’t say that she has had a setback. She has been doing so well since her episode with drugs that I find myself hoping that she hasn’t taken anything.

  “Okay. Where are you now?”

  “Stacey Marie Paris, you took far too long to answer me. I know what you are thinking, and no, I haven’t taken anything.” She knows me far too well.

  “I wasn’t––”

  “Don’t try and bullshit me, lady, I have known you far too long,” Lydia says, cutting me off before I can try and defend myself. I almost feel like a naughty school girl who has just been caught smoking behind the sports block.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have thought that you would do that.” There is no point in trying to excuse what I was thinking. It would only piss Lydia off if I was to lie to her.

  “It’s okay, I would have thought the same if it had been the other way around. Anyway, where are you?” she says, changing the subject.

  “I’m at The Den, but I can leave and be with you in ten minutes?”

  “No, no, I’ll come to you. Nick’s at the flat, and I need to talk to you without anyone else around. I have my keys on me and I will be as quick as I can.”

  “Okay, Lyd. See you soon.”

  “Bye, babes,” she says and hangs up the phone.

  I wonder what could be so urgent that she needs to see me right now? If it’s not the drugs thing, then I can only guess that it is Paul-related. God, I hope that things haven’t gone wrong between them. They have been getting on so well recently. They make a cute couple and he actually treats her with respect.

  I turn my attention back to the computer screen and bring up the profit count for last night. The amount made is far more than I had predicted. I feel a sense of achievement, but I know that I have to work hard to keep the profit up. I understand that, being opening night last night, the profit would probably be more than it would be on a normal night, but I still need to aim high.

  My phone starts to ring, interrupting me again. This time I look at the screen and see that Jake is calling me. I feel a tingle go through me as I answer the call.

  “Good morning, Mr Waters,” I purr into the phone.

  “Don’t you good morning me, Miss Paris.” Oh dear, he doesn’t sound very happy.

  “What’s wrong with you?” I ask, wondering what could have possibly put him in a bad mood.

  “Why the bloody hell didn’t you wake me up this morning?”

  “Because you were sleeping, duh.” I can’t help but sound sarcastic.

  “Not in the mood, Stace.”

  “Oh cheer up, stroppy. What’s bit you in the ass?”

  “Well, let’s see, I was hoping to be woken up by my sexy, beautiful girlfriend this morning, but instead I get left a crappy note. I envisioned us spending the day together, preferably naked, but obviously not.” He really is in a sulk.

  At the mention of us naked in bed together, my sex stirs. I squeeze my legs together and try to shut down the ache, deep within me.

  “Listen here, Waters, your girlfriend is very busy running one of your businesses. If you had told me that you were coming back last night, then I could have gotten today covered, but you didn’t. I’d say that’s bad planning on your part, baby.” I know that I am fuelling his annoyance, but I love to tease him.

  I can hear him breathing down the phone and it makes my body shiver.

  “You just wait until I get my hands on you, Miss Paris.”

  “I will look forward to it,” I whisper into the phone before I cut the call. I smirk at the fact that he is going to be wound up all day now. Excellent. He will be like an animal by the time
I get home tonight. My sex quivers with excitement at what will await me.

  I shake my head and pull myself from my fantasy before returning my attention to my computer screen and printing out some paperwork for Stephanie and Darren to look through before they start their shift tonight.

  Sipping my coffee, I sit back, and my eyes go to the picture of Jake and I on my desk. He is standing behind me, with his arms wrapped around me. Our heads are angled, so that we are staring into each other’s eyes, and we both look so happy.

  I smile and think about how lucky I am, when I hear the back door open and slam shut. I jolt out of my thoughts and sit up straight. My heart starts to pound a little. I listen carefully and that’s when I hear Lydia curse before she strides into my office. I flop back in my chair with relief. I don’t know who I was expecting to see other than her. The only people with keys are myself, Jake, Lydia and one of the security guards. I need to stop being so jittery.

  Caitlin is gone, behind bars. She isn’t coming back here for you.

  I take in Lydia’s frazzled state as she flops down on the sofa opposite me. She is breathing heavy and looks a little wind swept.

  “Jeez, did you sprint here or something?” I ask her.

  “Pretty much,” she says as she tries to catch her breath.

  “Really?” Lydia never runs, so I know that whatever she needs to tell me must be serious. She nods at me and I see that her eyes are puffy. She has been crying, and she also looks a little pale.

  “Lyd, what’s wrong?” She looks at me, and her eyes mist with tears.

  Oh shit.

  I put my coffee down and walk over to her, taking a seat by her on the sofa and putting my arm around her shoulders. “Oh God, what is it, Lyd?”

  Tears start to fall down her cheeks and she looks at me like she is in pain. I wait for what feels like an eternity for her to speak, but when she does, her words shock the hell out of me.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Chapter Four


  After getting over my initial shock at Lydia’s news, I manage to find my voice.

  “Are you sure?” I ask her.

  “I did six separate tests, Stace. They can’t all be wrong.”

  Well, no-one can accuse her of not being thorough.

  “No, I guess not. Have you made a doctor’s appointment yet?” It seems like the next logical question to ask.

  “Yeah. I go this afternoon at three.”

  “I’m coming with you.” She smiles, and I know that she is grateful for my support.

  “What the hell am I going to do, Stace? I’m just getting my life back on track, and now this.” She looks to me for an answer, but I don’t have one. I just stare at her blankly. “Oh God,” she says and hangs her head in her hands.

  “What made you think that you were pregnant in the first place?”

  “I’ve been feeling sick the last few mornings, and this morning I threw up. I only had a couple of glasses of champagne last night, so I couldn’t understand why I felt so bad, and then it hit me. With my head down the toilet, it hit me. My period is also a few days late, but I just put that down to stress from recent events.” She takes a deep, shaky breath and looks at me. “I rushed out this morning and bought some pregnancy tests, and hey presto, the little window of truth confirmed it.”

  “Shit.” My response isn’t great, but I don’t know what else to say.

  “I know. Talk about terrible fucking timing.” Lydia lets out a sigh.

  “Oh my God, is Paul the dad?” I ask her. She doesn’t answer me, but the look on her face tells me all that I need to know. “You don’t know, do you?” She shakes her head and fresh tears fall down her cheeks.

  “Oh, Lyd,” I say as I pull her into a hug. My mobile phone starts to ring, but I ignore it. Whoever it is can wait. My phone stops ringing, and then my office phone starts to ring.

  “Don’t you want to get that?” Lydia asks me.

  “No.” I move off of the sofa and go to my private toilet to get Lydia some tissues. I return to her and hand her a bunch of them.

  “Thanks,” she says as she wipes at her eyes.

  “Do you want a drink?” I ask her.


  I leave my office and go to the main room, making my way behind the bar. I grab two bottles of water from the fridge and then I place them on the side. I rest my hands against the bar and try to process my thoughts. Poor Lydia. She has just gotten herself to a good place in her life, and now she has this bombshell to deal with. I hope, for her sake, that Paul is the father. I dread to think what will happen if it is that Callum guy, or even worse, Donnie. The thought makes me shudder and I quickly push it away, reasoning that Donnie has been gone for a while now, so it couldn’t be his baby.

  My thoughts are interrupted, and I jump in shock as the front door to The Den bursts open. I squeal in surprise and stand there looking dumbfounded as Jake comes marching in. He sweeps his eyes across the room before they land on me behind the bar.

  “Why the fuck aren’t you answering the phone?” His face is like thunder.

  His day clearly isn’t getting any better yet.

  “Because it’s in my office and I am out here,” I reply, annoyed that he has come bursting in here and scared me half to death.

  “For Christ’s sake, woman, I was worried that something had happened to you.” Jake reaches the bar and walks behind. He comes towards me and pulls me to him, enveloping me in his arms. I relax against his body, loving the feel of him.

  In Jake’s arms, I always feel safe.

  I breath in his scent and then lean my head back to look at him.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you.” I move back, so that I am resting against the bar. Jake’s hands move to either side of me, resting on the bar, effectively encasing me. “Why didn’t you just check the cameras? You have access to them. Would that not have been easier than storming in here like a raging bull?”

  Jake had high-tech cameras installed during the re-modelling, allowing him to monitor them from his computer.

  “I wasn’t in the office or at home, so I have no access to either computers to check the damn cameras.”

  “Oh.” I’m flattered that he was worried about me, but his reaction is a little dramatic. His stare is penetrating me as I look up at him from under my lashes.

  God, I could get lost in those eyes all day long.

  My body reacts to him without me even telling it to. My nipples harden, and I feel a warmth spread through me. I push off of the bar and place a light kiss on his lips. He moves closer and leans into me, his crotch pressing against my stomach.

  I sigh at the feel of him and it takes all of my willpower not to rip his clothes off. I clench my jaw and see that Jake is doing the same thing, his eyes blazing with desire. I clear my throat and find my voice again, needing to diffuse this sexually charged moment, seeing as Lydia is in my office and could walk out at any minute.

  “So, now that you have checked on me, don’t you have a company to run?”

  “Mmm.” He steps back slightly and grabs one of the water bottles off of the bar, opening it and taking a few gulps. His eyes are drawn back to the second bottle and he stops drinking.

  “Is someone here with you?” he asks.

  “Yeah, it’s my lover.” I can’t resist the urge to tease him. His face quickly turns into a scowl and I stifle a giggle that has worked its way up my throat.

  “Not funny, Stace.”

  “What?” I feign innocence.

  “You know what,” he replies, his voice sounding dangerous, causing my skin to tingle.

  “Okay, okay.” I decide to back down now. I think I may have wound him up enough already today. “Lydia is in my office.”

  “Oh, right. Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah. We’re just going over the rota for the coming week.” I feel awful not telling him about Lydia being pregnant, but I don’t know if she wants others to know about it yet.

  “Well, in that case, I will leave you guys to it. How about I cook for us tonight and we can have a quiet evening?” His question is loaded with expectation, and I know that I am about to piss him off with my answer.

  “I would love to, but––”

  “Oh no, please don’t tell me that you’re working?” he says, cutting me off.

  “Unfortunately, I am.” He sighs in frustration and runs his hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, but I need to help train the new temps tonight.”

  “Fuck’s sake.”

  I step forwards and press my body up against him whilst linking my arms around his neck. I tilt my head, so that my lips are angled to touch his. I lightly brush my lips across his and then I let my tongue dart out, licking his bottom lip.

  “I will make it up to you when I get home.” I make my tone as enticing as possible and that is all it takes for Jake to wrap his arms around me and lift me up his body. I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist and crash my lips down on his. I savour the taste of him, knowing that I won’t see him until late tonight.

  When we finally come up for air, I run my hands through his locks.

  “I promise that it will be worth the wait,” I whisper, enjoying the feel of his hands cupping my ass.

  “Oh, I have no doubt about that. I just don’t like that I have to wait so long.” I laugh at him as he pouts at me.

  “I know.” He releases me, and my legs slide down his body until I am standing on my feet again.

  “The things you do to me, woman.” I smile, and he starts to walk out from behind the bar. “I love you,” he says as he walks towards the front doors.

  “I love you too.” He turns around, smiles and then opens the front door, disappearing out of it. I sigh and grab the bottles of water. That man can turn me to putty in his hands, most of the time.

  I tingle with delight as I walk back to my office.

  I know that tonight will be a night worth waiting for.


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