The Complete Perfect Series

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The Complete Perfect Series Page 75

by Lindsey Powell

  Stacey, Jake will still be here when you get back. He’s not going anywhere.

  Now make the damn call!

  I press the call button and wait for Chloe to answer the phone. She picks up after three rings.

  “Hi, Stacey.”


  “Have you made a decision yet?” Chloe asks me. I can almost feel the tension radiating off of her down the phone.



  “I’m in.”

  “Really?” she asks, clearly unable to believe that I have agreed to this so easily. From her tone it is quite clear that she expected me to turn this opportunity down.

  “Really. I guess we’re gonna go and get my book onto the big screen.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I frantically run through my check list of things to take to America with me seeing as I need to leave for the airport in the next hour. Chloe was unable to tell me how long we would actually be out there for. I guess it all depends on how my meeting with Chance Chambers goes. If it goes badly, then I will be coming home as soon as possible. If it goes well, then I may need to stay out there a while longer and attend more meetings.

  I have no idea what goes into turning a book into a film, so it’s safe to say that I will be winging it ever so slightly.

  I have just finished going through my check list when Jake walks into the bedroom. I stop what I am doing and go over to him, flinging my arms around his neck and burying my face in his chest.

  “Hey, what’s this for?” he asks. “Not that I am complaining,” he quickly adds. I smile against his chest.

  “I’m just going to miss you so much.” I promised myself that I wouldn’t get emotional over leaving him, but that promise was one that I was definitely going to break. “And I’m a little scared.”

  “Scared? Why?” he asks as he rests his chin on the top of my head.

  “What if this Chance guy doesn’t like me, Jake? His name is huge in show business. What if we don’t get along and it reflects on my book tour?”

  “Stop,” Jake says as he arches away from me slightly. I look up at him and he brushes a lock of hair away from my face. “This Chance guy would be a fool not to like you. Obviously, I don’t want him to like you too much mind,” he says with a wink. I smile and appreciate that he is trying to keep this conversation light. “He clearly sees the potential of adapting the book into a film, otherwise he wouldn’t have asked for a meeting with you.”

  “I guess you’re right,” I say with a sigh.

  “Of course I am,” he replies, pulling me closer to him again. I rest my head back on his chest and just enjoy the feel of his arms around me.

  “I wish you were going to be there with me,” I whisper.

  Jake is my rock, and although I like to think of myself as independent, he is the first person that I turn to when I need support. The fact that he isn’t going to be there with me makes me feel miserable.

  God, if I’m like this now, what the hell am I going to be like on my book tour? I wasn’t this bad when I went away before. I need to get a grip.

  “Do you want me to?” Jake asks, breaking my thoughts.

  “Do I want you to what?” I mumble against his chest.

  “Come with you.” I fling my head back at his words and look into his eyes.

  “I would love nothing more, but you have to work.”

  “You are my top priority, Stacey. Work doesn’t even come close.” His words melt my heart. He is always thinking about my needs over his.

  “Just ignore me, I’m just being silly,” I say, trying to downplay my comments from a few moments ago. “Hopefully I will only be gone for a few days anyway.”

  “As long as you’re sure, because if you want me to go then I’ll book my flight right now.”

  “No no, it’s fine, honestly,” I say as I break our embrace and busy myself with going over my check list one last time.

  “Alright. I’m just going to make a quick phone call before I drive you to the airport.”

  “Okay,” I answer, not looking at him. I know that if I look at him then I will start to get teary-eyed, and I have to let him think that I am okay.

  I don’t want to go away and have him worrying about me when I am just being stupid.


  Being silly my ass!

  Stacey clearly thinks that I just bought her little performance in there.

  I didn’t.

  I make my way down to my office, taking my passport and flight details out of the top drawer of my desk. I spoke to Chloe yesterday and got her to give me all of the information for Stacey’s stay in America. I could have just asked Stacey, but I wanted to surprise her with the fact that I am going with her.

  I packed a bag late last night whilst she was sleeping, and I hid it behind my office door. I put my relevant documents in the inside of my jacket pocket and go back up to the bedroom. As I enter, Stacey is zipping up her suitcase.

  “You all done packing?” I ask her.

  “Yes, I have checked my list three times, so if I have forgotten anything, then it is just tough.”

  “I’ll take these down to the car,” I say as I go over and pick up her suitcase. “What the hell have you got in here?” I ask as it feels like she has packed a ton of bloody bricks.

  “Just the essentials,” she answers innocently. I haul the suitcase out of the room and down the stairs, making my way to the car and putting her suitcase in the boot. I am not taking the Porsche for this trip. The four-by-four seemed like the most logical car to take, and good job too with what Stacey has packed. She comes sauntering out of the house a few seconds later with her handbag and another holdall. I take the bags off of her and place them in the boot, on top of her suitcase.

  “You ready to get going?” I ask her.

  “Yes.” Stacey proceeds to get into the passenger seat and I run back into the house and grab my bag from my office. I do a double check of the house and make sure that everything is switched off. When I am satisfied, I make my way to the front door. I don’t want Stacey to see my bag, so I parked the car with the boot facing the front door, hoping that she wouldn’t see. In hindsight, I should have put my bag in the boot first, but in my haste to get things ready, I didn’t think to do that.

  I quickly put my bag in the boot and shut the door. I then lock the house and make my way round to the driver’s seat. I get in and start the car, and I steel a quick glance at Stacey. She is concentrating on her phone and this satisfies me that she didn’t see my put my bag in the boot. I put my seatbelt on and then we set off for the airport. Stacey turns the radio on a few seconds later and start singing along to the radio. It is taking all of my willpower not to tell her that I am going to America with her.

  I just hope that she likes the surprise as much as I think she will.


  We get to the airport and I let Jake load my bags onto a trolley whilst I get my flight information out of my bag. He comes round to the passenger door a few moments later and opens it for me.

  “You all set?” he asks me. I nod at him and exit the car. I lead the way into the airport with Jake following behind.

  Chloe is already in America finalising everything for the meeting tomorrow. I am quite glad that she won’t be accompanying me on the flight. As excited as I am about what may happen once I’m there, I wouldn’t have needed Chloe going on about it the whole way there. At least this way I can gather my thoughts and try to plan out what I may say when I meet Chance Chambers.

  I go to the check-in desk and give them my details. The woman behind the counter takes a few minutes checking everything and then she tells me to have a safe trip and gestures for me go to the waiting area. I thank her and make my way to the seating area as I prepare for the two hour wait I now have in store before my flight takes off. I choose a seat that is positioned next to giant windows that allow you to watch the planes as they land and take off. It is only when I tur
n around that I notice that Jake isn’t behind me. I frown as I look to see where the hell he might have gone. I spot him a few moments later, minus my bags. He must have deposited them at the relevant area for my flight.

  “I’ve put your bags through for you,” he says as he sits down.

  “Thanks,” I say as I sit next to him.

  “So, we have a couple of hours to kill before your flight takes off. Shall I go and get us a coffee?” Jake asks me.

  “Yes, please.”

  “Okay, I won’t be long.”


  Stacey’s flight has just been called for her to board, and I still haven’t told her that I am going with her. I smirk as I follow her to her flight check-in point. She hands over her ticket and the guy checking the tickets wishes her a safe flight.

  She moves out of the queue and then turns to me.

  “I guess this is me,” she says, her eyes misting over.

  “Guess so.”

  “I’m going to miss you,” she says as she puts her arms around me. I pull her close to me as I mask my amusement.

  “Let me know when you get there.”

  “I will,” she whispers before capturing my mouth in hers. I groan as her tongue delves into my mouth.

  “I love you,” I say when we come up for air.

  “Love you too, handsome.” I let go of her and watch as she walks away. She gives a little wave before disappearing around a corner to go and board her plane. I wave back and then smile to myself at how well my plan has worked.

  I make my way to the desk and give them my flight information before I walk the same way that Stacey did only seconds ago.

  I can’t wait to see her face when I sit next to her on that plane.


  I put my handbag in the overhead compartment and then flop down in my seat, in business class. I am a little surprised that Chloe booked me a ticket in this compartment seeing as it must have cost a fortune, but I’m certainly not going to complain about it.

  As I get myself settled by the window of the plane, I buckle my belt up and feel someone sit next to me. I roll my eyes as I hope that I don’t have to make small talk with someone that I don’t know. I take in a breath and lift my head up.

  As I look out of the corner of my eye at the person sat next to me, I almost stop breathing.

  My head whips round so fast that I crick my neck.

  “Ouch,” I say as my hand comes up to my neck and starts to massage the part that is now in pain.

  “You okay?” Jake says as he struggles to stop himself from smiling at my reaction.

  “Never mind me,” I say in a high-pitched voice. “What the hell are you doing sitting next to me?”

  “Oh, jeez, that is quite a welcome, Stace,” he responds playfully.

  “Cut out the banter, Waters,” I say giving him my most stern look. I see his eyes blaze with desire.

  “If you do that look again then we will most definitely be joining the mile-high club.”

  “Seriously, Jake. What are you doing on my flight?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? I’m going to America with you.” My mouth drops at his answer. I know that I said I would have loved him to come with me, but I was just talking in jest.

  “But… You have your company to run.”

  “And I can do that from America,” he says with a shrug of his shoulders.

  “When did you plan all of this?” I ask him, seeing as he has only had a few days to organise this.

  “Since the moment that you told me that Chloe had booked you this meeting.”

  “And where exactly did you put your luggage? Have you already had it shipped over there?” I ask, sarcasm evident in my tone.

  “My luggage was put through with yours. I put it in the car after I put all of your bags in the boot. Luckily for me, you took no notice of what I was doing.” He smiles, and I find it hard not to grin back at him.

  “You are––”

  “Awesome? Incredible?”

  “I was going to say sneaky, but I guess you are kind of awesome too,” I say as I allow my smile to grow wider by the second.

  “Good surprise?” he asks me as he leans closer and lets his lips hover in front of mine.

  “The best,” I whisper before I push my lips against his.

  My husband has once again left me wondering if there will ever be any way in which he won’t be able to surprise me.

  Chapter twenty seven


  And we have arrived in America!

  Jake takes my hand as we get into a waiting car that will take us to our accommodation. He ushers me into the back seat and then follows behind me.

  I feel overwhelming excitement at the fact that he is here to share this with me.

  I felt so sad when I had to say goodbye to him at the airport, but his surprise of coming with me has put me on cloud nine.

  I hold his hand as we journey to our hotel, watching the scenery pass us by and taking in the sights before me. New York is stunning. I have always wanted to come here, and to come for my book is just phenomenal.

  Our car pulls up outside a grand hotel about twenty minutes later and as I exit the car, my mouth drops open. The lavish building is like nothing I have seen before. The whole place screams class and I suddenly feel very out of place. I know that Chloe wouldn’t have booked us to stay somewhere as upscale as this, so I can only assume that our accommodation plans are solely down to Jake.

  Jake leads me into the lobby whilst a bell boy gets our bags and welcomes us. I follow Jake to the reception desk and let him deal with the finer details of our stay. I look around me at the plush furnishings and the people that are dressed in designer attire. A few minutes pass and then we are on our way to the lifts which will take us to our room. The bell boy says that he will bring our luggage up and then he passes us over to a concierge who accompanies us in the lift and then leads us to our room. Jake tips him when we reach our room and then he opens the door using a key card.

  Jake steps back and allows me to enter first and I suck in a breath at the grandeur of our room. Well, I say room, but what we actually appear to have is an entire apartment.

  “Wow,” I exclaim as I make my way to the huge windows that lead onto our own private balcony. I open the sliding doors and step outside to look at our view. High rise buildings can be seen in the distance, but below us is a massive garden area which is obviously part of the hotel. I place my hand on the concrete railings and just take in my surroundings.

  I feel Jake come behind me and he places his hands either side of mine so that his chest is pressing against my back.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” he says in my ear. I just nod at him as I have no words right now. “I knew that you would love it here as soon as I saw it.”

  “Jake, this must have cost a fortune.”

  “And your point is?” I turn to face him and one of his eyebrows is raised in question.

  “I just didn’t expect it, that’s all.”

  “Well, enjoy it.”

  “How can I not? I am staying in the most luxurious hotel that I have ever been in, and I am in America with my husband,” I say in a seductive voice as I run my hands up Jake’s chest. “I do have one request that you haven’t fulfilled yet though…”

  “Oh yeah? And what might that be?” Jake says, his breath feathering my face.

  “Well, my husband is yet to fuck me in this luxurious hotel room in America,” I say before licking my lips. Jake pushes back off of the railing and his hands grab my ass. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist, squealing with delight as I do. He then takes me back inside and lies me down on the rug in front of the huge windows.

  “Far be it for me to not give you what you want,” he says as he runs his tongue along my jaw line. I let my hands entwine in his hair and I give a gentle tug. He growls, and it makes my sex spring awake with desire.

  “Pants off, Waters…”


  Stacey is on
the phone to Chloe as I lie in bed and wait for her to re-join me. I put my hands behind my head and stare at the ceiling as I replay the events of the last couple of hours. We haven’t been here long, and Stacey and I have already had sex three times. She really is insatiable, and I fucking love it.

  Her meeting with Chance is due to take place at nine tomorrow morning and I have taken the liberty of ordering in room service, so that we can stay in our room and relax. Deciding to come here was definitely one of my better choices.

  Stacey disrupts me from my thoughts by sauntering her sweet ass back into the bedroom. She’s wearing my shirt and nothing else. I smirk as she puts her phone on the bedside table and crawls across me.

  “Hey, handsome,” she says as she lies down on me and places her hands under her chin.

  “Hello to you too. I ordered some food for us. It should be here soon.”

  “You mean we’re not going out?”

  “Hell no. I’ve got you all to myself until tomorrow morning and I intend to make the most of it.” She giggles, and it makes my dick throb.

  “This trip is turning out to be more fun than I thought.”

  “Yeah? Well, if you think this afternoon was fun, then you’re in for a real treat this evening.”

  “Mmm,” she murmurs as she places her soft lips on mine. Of course this is the moment when there is a knock at our door which interrupts us. Stacey pulls back from me and raises one eyebrow. “Better hold that thought, Waters. Looks like that is our room service.”

  “Remind me to bring food with me next time so that nothing disturbs us.” She swats at me playfully before getting off of the bed and putting a pair of trousers on. I frown at the sudden loss of her naked flesh. “Don’t worry, the trousers won’t be staying on for long. I just don’t think the bell boy will appreciate me answering the door half naked.”

  “If he’s anything like me then it would make his fucking day. Actually, scrap that, it would make his fucking year.”


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