Unveiled: The Cursed Trilogy, Book Three

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Unveiled: The Cursed Trilogy, Book Three Page 14

by Betty Legend

  “Of course, it’s no problem. I assume this is Miss Delavore.”

  “I am.” I smile.

  Wearing a doctor’s coat, with a stethoscope hanging around his neck, Dr. Sato points to a chair near the exam table.

  “Have a seat, Miss Delavore. We’ll get started.”

  Dr. Sato takes in Griffin, glances at his ears, then looks at Cyrus.

  “Warlock?” he asks Cyrus.


  “It’s a pleasure to have so many unique supernaturals in my office.” His wide smile nearly reaching his ears, he sounds genuine.

  “Have you met many supernaturals?” I ask.

  “I have. I’m quite familiar with them.” Grabbing a clipboard off the counter, he sits on a wheeled stool and slides it over to me. “I’m one myself.”

  “Oh, great. That makes me feel better. What are you?”

  “A warlock. I’m also familiar with who you all are.”

  Relaxing in my seat, my shoulders drop. “That makes this appointment so much easier.”

  “I jumped at the opportunity to be your doctor, Miss Delavore. You and your partners are heroes to me and many other supernaturals.”

  My cheeks warm. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, let’s get through this questionnaire, so I can check the health of your baby.”

  “Yes, let’s do that.”

  Ten minutes later, Dr. Sato leaves the stool and sets the clipboard on the counter.

  “Would you like to have the exam in private or have your partners here with you?”

  My stomach drops. “I… Emeric and Killian should be here. I don’t know why they’re missing this appointment.”

  Unsure of what to say, Dr. Sato looks at Phoenix, Cyrus, and Griffin for answers. Griffin squats down in front of me.

  “As soon as the appointment is finished, Cyrus and I will find them.”

  With my heart aching, I nod. “Okay.”

  Dr. Sato gives a sympathetic smile, then gestures to the exam bed.

  “I’ll step out. Please undress, then place the sheet over your lap. Place your feet in the stirrups.”

  Familiar with gynecology appointments, I do the usual—undress, then awkwardly sit on the table with my lady bits covered by the thin sheet. The three of them linger off to the side and wait for Dr. Sato to return. When he does, he takes a seat at the computer and ultrasound machine next to me. After applying the lubricant, he uses the wand to capture the images. As awkward as it is, thankfully, it’s not painful. I’m just eager for it to be over.

  “We have a heartbeat,” Dr. Sato announces enthusiastically. He angles the screen for all of us to see, and my eyes water.

  There is my baby, like a little prune with nubby legs. The three of them surround me, caressing me as they look at the screen. The doctor finishes his exam and wipes me clean.

  “You are indeed pregnant. Your baby has a healthy heartbeat, and the estimated gestational age is ten weeks.”

  Phoenix’s eyes close, and his mouth downturns. “It’s not mine,” he whispers aloud. The heartache I see in his face breaks me.

  “I’m so sorry.” I take his hand and kiss it. Tears fill my eyes as I watch him come to terms with the news.

  “It’s all right.” Caressing my head and hair, he leans in and kisses my head. “I know you want a child with me. Our time will come.”

  “Do you mean that?”

  Mixed in with his heartache, I see the hope in his eyes. “I do.”

  Unable to let his hand go, I look at Cyrus and Griffin. “It’s not likely Killian’s baby, either. This baby is one of yours or Emeric’s.”

  The two of them glance at one another. Unable to hide their emotions, their eyes brighten, their smiles large. Cyrus looks at Phoenix next, his gaze filled with empathy.

  “I’m sorry. I know I’d be disappointed.”

  “I am,” he admits, the heartache evident in his tone.

  Bringing his hand to my lips, I kiss it.

  Griffin and Cyrus hold back their excitement in consideration for Phoenix, keeping their expressions passive and their thoughts private. I’ll have to give them the opportunity to share their excitement later.

  Dr. Sato dips his chin. “I’ll step out so you can get dressed. I’ll get your ultrasound photo as well.”

  “Thank you.”

  Phoenix gives my hand a squeeze. “He’s healthy. That’s what’s important.”

  Pulling him to me, I kiss him and keep him close, so I can whisper. “Our time will come. I do want a child with you.”

  Bringing his lips to mine, he gives me a heated kiss, our magic emerging as wispy sparks around us. Pulling away, he steps out of the exam room, clearly in need of time alone. Griffin and Cyrus come nearer as I dress. With my underwear and pants on, Griffin cups my face and kisses me.

  “I’m elated the baby could be mine.”

  Cyrus slides in next to him and hugs me, my bare breasts tickled by his soft shirt.

  “So am I, gorgeous.”

  I giggle. “We’re going to have a baby Fae, warlock, or angel-demon hybrid!”

  “Don’t forget it’s half of you, love. We’re going to have a half-druid witch, half-Fae, warlock, or angel-demon hybrid.”

  “I can’t wait to meet him! He’ll be arriving in six and a half months!”

  After more hugs and kisses, I finish dressing. Dr. Sato comes back into the room and hands me his card and my ultrasound photo.

  “If you need anything, Miss Delavore, just call. I’ll be happy to see you as a patient.”

  “Thank you for taking this appointment.”

  “Of course.” With a smile in his eyes, he nods. “I’m honored and look forward to meeting your child.”

  “Thank you.” I grin, holding the card and photo to my chest.

  Dr. Sato motions to the door. “Phoenix is waiting for all of you in my office.”

  When we enter the office, Phoenix rises from a chair, his expression sour and deep in thought. This is hitting him harder than he wants to admit. I’ll need to talk with him privately as soon as I have a chance.

  “Let’s go home. I’m worried about Emeric and Killian.”

  Taking Phoenix’s hand, I keep him close as we enter the portal Cyrus creates.

  After searching upstairs, panic sets in.

  “Where are they?”

  Griffin pulls me into a hug as tears fill my eyes. “We’ll find them.”

  Cyrus enters the kitchen, where Griffin and I are standing.

  “I’m going to do a location spell.”

  “We’ll join you,” I tell him, leaving Griffin’s embrace.

  Phoenix shakes his head as he steps out of the door to his apartment. “They’re not in the house.”

  “Owe!” My knees buckle as pain, sharp and searing, moves up my arm and part of my back where the branded wings are. “It’s Emeric!”

  Griffin lifts me off the floor, carrying me to the nearest bathroom. As our bonded magic burns and glows on my arm, Cyrus casts into the mirror.

  My mouth falls open as an image appears—somewhere dark, the only light from flames surrounding the area reveals Emeric and Killian. On his knees, Emeric’s wings are bound behind him, chains holding him in place. Each one extends from his bleeding neck, wrists, and ankles. Killian is chained the same way while in wolf form, blood seeping from where the chains contain him. With a collar around his neck, two chains extend from it, keeping him from biting his captors.

  Bile rises to my throat. “Where are they?”

  Phoenix leans in, studying the image in the mirror, but he shakes his head. “I can’t tell.”

  “Who has them?”

  A figure emerges in the mirror, his back toward us. I immediately recognize the bald head, the danger in his every step, and the malevolence emanating from his fake human form. As if he senses us, the devil turns his head and stares right at us and laughs, his cruel mouth twisted in triumph.

  “If you ever want to see them again,
you’ll come to me, Selene.”

  Cyrus quickly mutters under his breath, and the image fades away.

  “Why did you do that? I needed more information!”

  “I’m sorry.” Cyrus’s eyes plead for me to understand. “It was too dangerous for him to have access to you, to this place. We’ll do a different location spell using a map. It’ll show us where they are.”

  Following Cyrus into the magic room, Griffin, Phoenix, and I remove items off the counter as he lays out a world map, then hands me a blade.

  “This needs blood magic to work. Cut your hand, then repeat after me.”

  The blood drips from my hand as I repeat the spell. The blood bubbles before moving across the map to the United States.

  “Good,” Cyrus says aloud as he pushes the map off the counter, then lays down a United States map. “Do the same spell again.”

  With the last of my words, the blood bubbles before moving to New York.

  Shock stuns me. “He has them in New York! Could any of you tell where they were in the mirror?”

  Cyrus rubs his hand over the back of his neck. “It looked like it was underground.”

  “It did,” Phoenix agrees. “Like a cave or a secret underground hideout.”

  Griffin takes my hand as tears form. Hugging me to his chest, he cups a hand around my head and kisses it. “We’ll find them.”

  “We will,” Cyrus assures me, his hand caressing my back. “We’ll go to your apartment, then do the spell again with a New York map.”

  “We should go prepared,” Phoenix insists. “We can’t rush into this. That’s what the devil wants.”

  Anger surges and my magic responds, multi-colored essence bursting from my body.

  “I’m ready, and our magic is all we need.”



  Pacing my apartment, I wait for Cyrus and Griffin to return with a New York map. When they come through the door, I breathe with relief. Cyrus wastes no time spreading the map out on my small kitchen table. With the knife in hand, I cut my palm, then squeeze, and as the blood drips, I cast the spell. The bubbles of blood move north of New York City, then stop.

  “The Catskill Mountains,” Cyrus points. “That’s where he has them.”

  “We’re probably entering a cave and a secret hideout,” Phoenix warns. “We need to be prepared to fight demons to get to them.”

  My jaw tightens. “I’m ready.”

  “We can portal to the Shandaken Inn,” Cyrus tells us. “I’ve been there for a work retreat.”

  “Good, let’s go.”

  Moments later, we step out of a portal in the woods adjacent to the Inn. Leaving the cover of the trees, we enter the Inn. Cyrus finds a shelf on the wall with brochures. Gathering a map of the mountainous area, we follow him outside to a nearby picnic table. As Cyrus lays out the map, I cut my hand and hold it above the map as I cast the location spell. The bubbles of blood move across the map, narrowing in on their location.

  “There.” Cyrus points to an area void of trails or any landmarks. “We’ll have to walk from here.” He studies the map. “It’s about a five-mile walk.”

  “That’s fine. I can handle that.”

  “There was a store inside by the check-in,” Griffin tells us. “I’ll get water and anything else we might need.”

  A short time later, Griffin returns with a backpack thrown over his shoulder.

  “Ready?” he asks me.


  Phoenix takes the lead with his ability to easily see in the dark. Every so often, he and Cyrus shine a phone light on the map to make sure we’re cutting through the trees in the right direction. I’m thankful I’m wearing stretchy leggings and tennis shoes. This climb would be hell otherwise. As time passes and our hike becomes more strenuous, my nerves tighten in my gut. Sensing it, Griffin takes my hand and releases his magic, the tingling comfort of his touch soothing. I wipe at a stray tear and hold his hand the rest of our hike through the mountains.

  With sweat dampening my back and my calves burning, we finally reach the area of the map where my blood has dried. Hidden in the trees, we survey the landscape. On the cliff bluff, there’s a cut-out of trees with an opening into a cave. With only the moonlight above, I can’t see any details.

  “What can you see?” I ask Phoenix.

  “There are tracks in and out of the cave. Fresh ones.” He sniffs the air. “They reek of demons. There’s no light coming from the cave, but I’m sure the deeper we go, we’ll find firelight.”

  Griffin crouches down next to me, his voice low. “We should try to lure some of the demons out, so we’ll have less to deal with inside.”

  “I agree. Any ideas how?”

  Phoenix snickers. “I do.” Like a flash of a lightning bolt, he’s gone, running into the trees and disappearing just as fast. I catch a glimpse of his figure as he jumps, clears several feet, and lands in a tree. The echoing snap of a massive branch makes its way through the woods, and we head toward the sound. A couple of demons emerge from the cave, their beady red eyes finding each one of us.

  Phoenix jumps down next to me, fangs bared, his eyes violet as he outstretches his arm and releases his magic. The demon closest to us screeches in pain as blood seeps from his body. Moments later, he drops to the ground, lifeless.

  Griffin has a demon held in the air, turquoise blue magic swirling around the demon. Cyrus casts a spell on the demon, and it writhes in pain before reaching for its throat. Griffin releases his magic, and the demon drops to the ground.

  “Two down, however many to go,” Phoenix smirks.

  “You like this, don’t you, killing demons?”

  Violet eyes turn to me, his handsome face bearing a wicked grin. “Yes, the predator in me does.”

  “Good, because we need that predator right now. Kill as many as you can.”

  Phoenix winks and licks the tip of a fang. “Will do.”

  Staring at the cave entrance, I wait just in case more demons come.

  “Once we go in, do just as we planned. Do everything you can to get Emeric and Killian free while I distract the devil.” Extending my arms, I release my magic, and a circle emerges, swirling between my hands, every color of my magic bleeding into the next. “It’s time we bind this asshole to hell.”

  With the light of my magic illuminating our path, we enter the cave. Several demons come running toward us, no doubt alarmed the first two demons haven’t returned.

  Throwing a firebolt, I incinerate the closest two demons. Phoenix is next to me, releasing his magic into the next demon, killing it as Griffin raises one into the air and slams his body into the wall. The demon drops with a thud, unmoving. Cyrus releases air magic, and two demons reach for their throat as the air is stolen from their lungs.

  Passing the bodies of the dead demons, we continue down a winding cave path. In the distance, firelight dances on the walls. We’re getting close. Keeping to the cave walls, we creep closer, using rocks and boulders as coverage before announcing our presence, but it doesn’t matter—the devil already knows we’re here.

  “Selene Delavore.” My name rolls off his tongue like a snake whispering the words. “I knew you would come.”

  Stepping into the firelight, I take a good look at the devil, and shock jolts me. He’s no longer in his fake human form. Just like my vision of the past, black leathery skin clings to his skull. Red beady eyes are below curling black horns that reach his pointed ears. Long, sharp fangs bite into his bottom lip as he smirks.

  “What’s wrong, witch? Not what you expected to see?”

  Keeping my magic swirling in front of me, I take a step back along the rocks as he takes steps forward. Claws, black and razor-sharp, extend from his leathery hands. Feet like a predatory animal have shorter claws extending from his toes. He is the epitome of a monster, the very nightmare that haunts your dreams. Fear is a thorny knot in my gut, but I refuse to show it.

  The devil laughs, the sound frightening an
d cruel as it echoes off the cave walls.

  “You can’t hide your fear from me. I can smell it,” he snarls.

  “Fear reminds you that you’re alive. I’m not afraid of a challenge.”

  Still creeping toward me, he licks his lips with a snake-like tongue, and I grimace at the way his gaze devours me.

  “I’ve been waiting for a witch like you for over a century. I can feel your power, Selene, so much stronger than Cataleya’s. You’ll be an asset to my reign if only you can give up your pitiful human life.”

  “There is no chance, no way I will ever help or join you!”

  “Then you leave me no choice. I’ll have to kill the men you love and force you into obedience.”

  “You can damn well try.”

  Anger grits my teeth as I slam a fireball at his chest. It knocks him back a couple steps, the fire searing his leathery skin, but he heals as quickly as he regains his footing. Shaking it off, he laughs.

  “Your magic is stronger than that, witch. Show me what you can really do.”

  Fury shakes my limbs, and I release it, all of it, my magic coming at him with a trajectory of power and swirling colors. The energy of magic is about to hit him when he raises his arm and redirects my magic toward the wall. Rocks and dirt come crumbling down where Emeric and Killian are chained and bound. My heart aches at the sight of their wounds and exhausted bodies.

  “They are your weakness!” The devil roars so loudly, the ground beneath me quakes.

  Staring at the ground, I release my magic, pushing the roots and earth up and around him, holding him in place. Throwing magic energy balls, one after another, I keep him distracted and bound as Phoenix, Cyrus, and Griffin rush to Emeric and Killian, using their magic to break the chains.

  Helping to carry them, they hurry to reach me. The devil erupts from the pile of dirt, rocks, and roots, the earthly objects exploding into the air. A large rock nearly hits me, but instinctively I use my magic to block it, and the rock flies into the air, landing several feet away. Surprise sweeps over me at what I just did, what I’m capable of doing when using my magic together.


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