Safe Havens Bundle

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Safe Havens Bundle Page 56

by Sandy James

  Winter had slowed his progress significantly. With the help of Adam, Matthew, and Jake, the frame was complete. Then the snows came. No true blizzard. Yet. But the bone-chilling cold made construction crawl.

  He’d resigned himself to staying in the cabin on Gideon’s property until spring—maybe even summer—but at least the newlyweds had privacy since Drew had finally given up his pretext of living with Cassie and moved to Gideon’s farmhouse. Ty let them both know how grateful he was to be able to be alone with his new wife.

  With a sleepy sigh, she snuggled up against his side. He pulled her tight against him, wondering if she’d wake up soon. He had chores to work on. The sun was already rising, but he was content to hold Cassie close and let her have a few more minutes of sleep.

  Of course if she opened her eyes soon, he might be able to make love to her before he had to brave the cold. That thought brought a smile.

  “You’re up,” she murmured against his neck. Then she brushed her lips over his sensitive skin, sending heat rushing straight to his groin.

  “I’m up all right.” Beneath the covers, Ty led her hand to his hardening cock.

  “Oh my...” She rubbed him through his longjohns before her hand slipped between the buttons. Her fingers circled his shaft before she slid her hand from root to tip and back.

  Letting out a rumbling growl, he decided chores could wait a little while longer.

  Cassie let go, ducked under the covers, and started working on the buttons, opening them from the neck down and pressing kisses against each new patch of skin she revealed. She only stopped long enough for him to yank her flannel nightgown over her head.

  Her lips smoothed over his chest, down his stomach, and to his navel.

  Ty tensed when she freed his erection.

  She combed her fingers through the hair around his cock as she continued to stroke him. About the time he was convinced she wouldn’t follow through, her lips touched the crown.

  A hiss slipped through his clenched teeth.

  “You like that, husband?” Her voice was muffled by the quilts, but he understood her words.

  “God, yes, I like that.”

  “Well about this?”

  He barely had the self-control to keep himself from coming when the wet heat of her mouth completely surrounded his head. Beneath the covers, he tangled his fingers in her hair.

  His response seemed to fuel her own. She was awkward but thorough, and she pleased him more than he’d ever be able to tell her.

  Knowing he was about to come, he slipped his hands under her arms and dragged her up his body. She straddled his hips, obviously knowing what he wanted. Once she guided him to her entrance, he drove deep inside her. Each time he entered her, he felt as though he’d come home—to the place he belonged.

  Cassie arched her back, moving her hips in a teasing rhythm that he put a stop to by holding tight to her waist and thrusting into her again and again, needing the release that only she could give him. When her body squeezed him tight, signaling her climax, Ty sped his movements. He poured his seed into her as she whispered his name in a husky voice full of wonder.

  Collapsing against his chest, Cassie hummed. He smiled, knowing he’d pleased her.

  “This gets any better, and you’re gonna lay me in an early grave,” Ty said.

  “I shall take that as a compliment.”

  He swatted her bare backside. “The day’s wasting away. I gotta get you to town. You’ve got a play tonight. Remember?”

  “As if I could forget.” She brushed her lips against his neck. “But I thank you for the pleasant diversion.”


  Cassie stood in the wings of the stage, staring at the tables and chairs that were rapidly filling with people.

  She was ready. Drew said so. She shouldn’t be worried about anything.

  But she was worried, and her stomach felt as though she’d swallowed a jar of the fireflies she used to capture as a child. If she stayed this nervous, she’d surely be ill before the performance.

  Comforting hands settled on her shoulders and gave her an affectionate squeeze. “Having jitters?” Drew asked.

  She nodded. “Ty’s not here yet.”

  “Ah...I would venture to guess that when he arrives, you’ll relax and enjoy yourself.”

  “Relax?” A snort slipped out. “Never. But I would take courage from his presence.”

  “You really love the cowboy, don’t you, Cass?”

  Cassie turned and smiled. “With all my heart.”

  Leaning in, he kissed her forehead. “My fair Juliet has lost her heart. I will admit to having some misgivings about Mr. Bishop. Now that I know the man behind the gruff exterior, I believe you will be happy.”

  “Very happy.”

  Drew’s gaze was fixed over her head—out to the audience. “Then take heart, dear Juliette, for your Romeo is here.”

  Her velvet skirt clung to her legs, almost tripping her, as she whirled around to see for herself.

  Ty was hanging his coat on a chair at the table to the far right of the stage, a place she’d reserved for him and his family. Thankfully, all of them were there as well. Adam. Grace. Jake. Emily. Even, to Cassie’s surprise, Victoria and Matthew. There was another man at the table, but his back was to her, and his heavy coat and hat blocked his—

  Recognition came swiftly. “Uncle Simon!”

  She hadn’t meant to shout. The raucous audience actually quieted as they turned to stare at the side of the stage where she hid.

  Cassie didn’t care if they saw her of not. She stepped from behind the curtain and waved.

  Her uncle gifted her with an enormous smile and waved back.

  “Cass.” Dragging her back into the shadows, Drew clucked his tongue. “You’re in costume. You may greet your uncle after the performance.”

  “Of course.” How odd that her nerves had settled considerably just knowing everyone—especially Ty—was there to support her.

  Ty couldn’t stop staring at the place his wife had stood. He’d heard her recite her lines time and time again. The story was touching, though he doubted he’d ever admit that to anyone. No, what drew his attention was how beautiful his wife looked in her costume.

  Her dress was a dark red velvet, and her long, brown hair had been arranged so she could wear a delicate lace cap. She seemed so young, so like the Juliet from the story. And he felt so unworthy of her.

  Simon clapped him on the shoulder. “I can see you are still lovesick over my niece.”

  Ty shrugged.

  “I’ve never seen him like this,” Matthew added. “Follows her around like an unweaned puppy trails his ma.”

  While everyone at the table chuckled, Ty fought the need to growl at all of them.

  On the other hand, their teasing meant they’d finally accepted Cassie as his wife. If they wanted to give him guff because he’d lost his heart to her, so be it.

  Leaning closer, Simon said, “We must talk after the play. There are...changes you should know.”


  Simon nodded as his smile faded.

  The news clearly wasn’t good. “Tell me now.”

  “Derrick Shay is dead. He was murdered in his home.”

  “Bein’ as he kept company with nothing but rats, he was bound to get bit.”

  “It gets worse... Robert Putnam is believed to have been the murderer, and the authorities have been unable to apprehend him.”


  “It means catch,” Matthew interjected. He leveled a hard stare at Ty. “He’ll come here, won’t he?”

  Simon was the one to answer. “That is my fear. When Derrick’s body was discovered, the servants insisted that Robert was the culprit. He and Derrick had quarreled, and Derrick had given him the cut direct, ordering Robert to leave the mansion and never return. The quarrel was about Cassie. Robert insisted if he could bring her back, he could still have the trust money. Derrick told him that money was lost foreve

  “He’ll come,” Ty said. “Since he can’t get that money back, he’ll want to punish Cassie.”

  Their conversation was interrupted as Will Spencer stepped to the middle of the stage, motioning for the rather rowdy crowd to calm down. “Thank you for comin’ out to the Four Aces’ very first honest-to-God play!” He waited for the applause to die down. “I hope you all enjoy the show.”

  To Ty’s surprise, Caleb was one of the actors. He took the stage to begin the show.

  “‘Two households, both alike in dignity...’”


  Cassie swallowed hard, listening intently for her cue and whispering her first line over and over. “‘How now! Who calls? How now! Who—”

  A hand cut off her words as it covered her mouth. She struggled against the arm that wrapped around her middle and pulled her back hard against a man’s chest.

  “Miss me, sweetheart?” Robert whispered in her ear.

  Chapter Thirty

  Heart slamming in her chest, Cassie reacted like a trapped animal. She made a fist and slammed it into Robert’s groin as hard as she could. Then she pulled her knee up and stomped on the instep of his foot.

  He released his hold, letting out a howl that would’ve done a banshee proud.

  Bolting, she blindly ran onto the stage, colliding with the kind, plump woman who was playing her nursemaid. They ended up sprawled on the stage.

  Cassie’s gaze frantically searched for the one person she knew would protect her. “Ty! Help!”

  She struggled to her feet, fighting the thick skirts that had tangled between her legs. Footsteps slapped against the stage, alerting her that Robert had recovered from her assault and was in pursuit.

  “I’ll kill you, you bitch!”

  His gait was awkward, but it wasn’t slow enough to give her time to escape. When his hand slid inside his thick coat, she knew he was armed. Flipping to her back, she tried to scoot away, making very little progress and praying for a miracle.

  Ty’s heart was also slamming in his chest. He’d leapt to his feet, scrambling to the stage to get to Cassie. Although he saw no danger, he could taste her fear. It wasn’t until Robert Putnam stumbled onto the stage that Ty realized exactly what had sent his wife frantically bolting out of the shadows.

  “You bitch! You cost me everything!” Robert jerked a gun from his coat.

  Ty drew his Colt, aimed, and fired before his adversary could even get his firearm entirely free.

  Dropping the gun, Robert clutched at the front of his coat, trying to snatch it open. With a strangled cry, he collapsed to his knees. He turned to stare at Ty, eyes still full of fury. Then Robert pitched forward to land on the floorboards. His death rattle echoed through the now silent theater.

  Then bedlam ensued. It seemed as though everyone started shouting at the same time.

  Ty vaulted onto the stage and quickly kicked aside the gun Robert had dropped. Although he was sure he’d killed the man, Ty knelt down and checked for signs of life.

  He found none. It took all his self-control not to spit on the corpse as a final insult. Instead, he gave a satisfied grunt.

  Some men just deserved killing.

  When he stood, he was nearly knocked down as Cassie threw herself into his arms. He held her tight. “It’s over now, sweetheart. He can’t hurt you anymore.”

  “Truly, Ty?” Her voice quivered.


  Matthew crouched by Robert. “Good shot, Ty. Clean through the heart.”

  Cassie pulled away and put herself between Ty and Matthew. “He did nothing wrong, marshal. Robert was trying to kill me and—”

  Holding up a hand, Matthew cut her off. “There’s no crime here, Cassie. We all witnessed what happened.”

  “So you won’t arrest him?”

  “No, ma’am. I won’t arrest him.”


  Damn if it wasn’t the most entertaining thing Ty had seen in his entire life.

  Once Robert’s body was removed and the rather unfazed crowd loudly insisted the show go on, the people of White Pines were treated to a great performance of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

  While the words didn’t always make sense, Ty understood the story well enough to follow along. So much joy. So much sadness. Drew and Cassie brought the young lovers to life in a way Ty had never dreamed possible. And in the final scene, where Cassie had pretended to plunge the dagger into her body, he hadn’t been surprised to feel the burn of tears forming in his eyes.

  Not that he’d ever admit that to anyone...

  If there were more stories like this one out there, maybe reading might be something he could come to enjoy. Since Cassie was intent on helping him improve the skill, he’d give in and let her.

  An image formed in his mind of her sitting in a chair, reading to a circle of children—their children. She’d be a wonderful mother, the type a child deserved. And he’d be the father they needed.

  Together, he and Cassie could do anything.

  He watched her as she was greeted by the awed members of the audience who’d crowded the stage at the end of the performance. She seemed genuinely surprised at how much everyone enjoyed not only the show but her as Juliet.

  Content to wait, he considered his wife. It was no wonder that he’d fallen in love with her. She was not only beautiful in face, body, and soul, but she had not an ounce of vanity. Her mother must have been a wonderful person to have kept Cassie so untainted by the Shays, and he thanked God for that blessing.

  She finally came to stand at his side. “I fear I’m exhausted now. There was far too much excitement today. I will sleep for hours and hours when we get home.”

  “That’s a shame. I’ll have to save your surprise for tomorrow.”

  “Surprise? What surprise?”

  Ty pressed a kiss to the lace cap on the crown on her head. “Tomorrow.”

  “‘O wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?’”

  “That’s Romeo’s line, not Juliet’s.”

  Her smile was radiant. “You did listen. I thought for a moment or two you might have nodded off during my performance. Did you enjoy the show?”

  “It weren’t half bad. Maybe one day that Shakespeare guy will write another play.”


  “Oh, Ty. It’s beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.” Cassie stared at the frame of what would be her new home, filled with awe and wonder.

  It was everything she’d ever dreamed. A cabin in the middle of the mountains that she could share with the man she loved. One day, their children would romp on the green grass while she hung out their laundry and Ty herded their cattle.

  “You really like it?” His tone betrayed his worry.

  She turned to wrap her arms around his waist and rest her cheek against his chest. “I love it.” Glancing up, she gave him a kiss and a smile. “I cannot believe you were able to keep all this work a secret from me.”

  He shrugged.

  “Where will the cows be?” she asked.

  Ty quirked a brow. “Cows? You want cows?”

  “Of course! ‘My bounty is as boundless as the sea. My love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.’”

  “In other words...”

  “In other words, I love you Ty Bishop.”

  “I love you too, Cassie Bishop.” Ty let his gaze wander the home before it returned to her, his eyes full of emotion. “‘I’m afraid all this is just a dream, too sweet to be real.’”

  Cassie gaped at him. “You remembered that line?”

  He nodded. “And a bunch more. How about... ‘And what love can do, that dares love attempt.’ I did all this for you, Cassie. My love for you made me strong.”

  “Just like your love for me made me strong enough to do exactly what I’d always wanted to do?”

  “To act?” Ty asked.

  She shook her head.

  “To run away?”

  Again, she shook her head.

en what did my love give you the strength to do?”

  “To capture a cowboy.”

  A white cloud rose from his mouth as he chuckled. “And am I your cowboy?”

  “Oh, yes. My very own genuine cowboy.

  The End

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter One

  Denver, Colorado—September 1884

  Sara Fuller gave one last look to the drunken cowboy passed out on her bed.

  He was older—at least a handful of years over her own twenty-one. At least he’d paid for a bath and a shave, which was more than most men did before they came to The Palace. This one had a few manners. The one before had delivered a hit that had set her eye to throbbing.

  Drake, the man in her bed, had just returned from a long drive. He’d scooped up his considerable pay, got something decent to eat and a bath, then he came right to Crazy Kate’s brothel for what he’d missed most while on the trail.

  Sara had hit the jackpot when she’d rifled through his pack. Not only did he have his own pay. He was evidently a foreman, because she’d found the entire payroll, a sum so staggering she almost changed her mind about stealing it. Then she’d found her courage and gone right ahead with her plan. Drake would just have to explain it to his bosses.


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