Rogue Spotter Collection

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Rogue Spotter Collection Page 98

by Kimberly A Rogers

  He stared down at me. “Who am I?”

  I blinked before I managed to reach past the crown’s encouraging warmth to find the information again. “Mathias. My Mathias.”

  “Lauren, take that thing off.”

  I shook my head. “No. I need to use it. I need to . . . I need to help you. Let me finish giving you strength. They’re almost bright enough now. Then, I’ll stop.”

  “No, you won’t because it won’t let you.”

  That wasn’t right. I shook my head again. “No, I control the crown. That’s why I’m wearing it.”

  “Lauren, its power is too old. No one can wield it safely. Take the crown off before you hurt yourself.” The man, no, Mathias held his hand out to me. “Lauren, please take it off.”

  Why was remembering his name so difficult? I should know his name because he was . . . important to me. My gaze strayed to the threads of power wrapped around him. Cold and icy and shining. Only some of them still weren’t bright enough. I could make that better. I wanted to make it better, make him better. The crown’s warmth wrapped around my head helping me to see more. He was a 10. He needed to be strong. That was right, that was natural.

  I wasn’t aware of how I got to my feet again, but I took shaky steps toward him stretching out my trembling hand. “I just need to finish.”

  Hands brushed mine away, and then grasped the crown. A gasp escaped me as the crown sent a jolt through me before its warm weight vanished. My knees buckled, and I heard Mathias cursing before he dropped the crown in favor of catching me. “Lauren, can you hear me, love?”

  I brushed a shaking hand against my sweaty brow. That was . . . weird and disconcerting. I eyed the crown as numbers flashed across its bronze surface, and then I forcibly turned my attention back to Mathias. Reaching up, I cradled his scruffy cheeks and pressed my lips against his.

  “I’m sorry, Mathias,” I whispered. “I’m so sorry that I took so long.”

  “You never should have come here. I never wanted you here.”

  “Well, I didn’t want you here either and since you didn’t make it to the safe house, I didn’t have much choice except to come after you.”

  “You had another choice, Lauren. You and the baby—”

  I shook my head. “I didn’t have another choice. No one cared. No one wanted to help, and so I came here.”

  “Did you not go to Petra?”

  I gave him a sharp look and glanced at the screens around us. “No. There was nothing there. All the legends were wrong. I made the mistake of asking dragons to help. They didn’t want to stir from their hideaways. And, then, with the baby . . . I was alone, and I had to make a choice. The only good thing that came out of my interaction with the dragons was that I found out about you. That you were still alive.”

  Mathias rocked back on his heels, looking as though he had been struck a mortal wound. “The baby’s gone?”

  I closed my eyes, fighting back tears at what this was doing to him. Then, I forced myself to nod. He pulled me into an awkward hug so only my head and shoulders rested against his torso as he buried his face in my hair. Not speaking, just holding onto me. I grasped his hand only to freeze when the door abruptly opened and a bag was tossed into the room.

  Mathias immediately pulled me behind him and jumped to his feet. He charged the door, only he wasn’t fast enough and couldn’t reach it before it sealed once more. He looked at the bag and then waved for me to move back. I slowly got to my feet and backed up; although, I doubted it would do much good if there was anything harmful in the bag. He opened the flap and dumped its contents onto the floor. Clothes, along with boots and a leather jacket.

  He stared at the items and gave a humorless chuckle. “It seems they’ve decided I’m a bit underdressed for the occasion.”

  He tugged on the dark cotton shirt first, hiding the bruises that marred his long lean torso. Then, he tugged on socks and the boots. He didn’t quite look over at me as he stated quietly, “These are my clothes. Probably from a go bag I left in my locker.” He hesitated and then asked, “Where are your things, Lauren?”

  “I left them behind.” I glanced at the screens, which showed the plaza growing busier. Hunters were slowly filtering in despite the increasing snowfall. My heart sank. “He’s going to attack the city.”

  “Yes.” His whisper came from directly behind me, and I turned to find him slipping on a leather jacket. He looked far more like himself in spite of the remaining bruises on his face and the scruff on his cheeks. I took a peek at his number, reassuring myself that it remained normal.

  Then, I grasped the lapels of his jacket and pulled him toward me as I rose on my toes to press another kiss to his mouth. When he reached for me, however, I grasped his hand, placing it on my stomach, and whispered in his ear, “Forgive me.”

  He pulled back slightly, and then nodded. “Always.” He slipped his hand around to the small of my back and tugged until I was flush against him. I linked my arms behind his back, squeezing as tightly as I could, while he kissed my temple. “I love you, Lauren. No matter what else happens tonight, remember that.”

  “You’re sickeningly weak about that woman, Myrmidon.”

  Mathias’ grip on me tightened as Khalid entered the room. The dragon sauntered toward us, pausing only to scoop up the Crown of Nimrod from where we had left it. He ran a hand over it and then murmured, “A pity it only works for Spotters, and kills everyone else who tries to use it. A small detail that the Nephilim remembered, which is the only reason you remain alive.”

  “If you’d like to finish our last conversation, Khalid, you’ll find I’m much better at it when not in chains,” Mathias offered with a mocking edge to his voice even as he moved to stand in front of me.

  Khalid sneered at him, running a hand over one of his facial scars. “Tempting, Myrmidon. Unfortunately, Soslan has other plans for both of you.” He thrust the crown at me. “Put that back on, woman. You’ve more work to do for the Nephilim.”

  “It hasn’t even been an hour since you left,” Mathias protested. “It’s going to kill her!”

  Exhaustion tugged at me. No, I couldn’t give in yet. I had to hold on for a little while longer. If we got out of this room, there was a chance for us. I just needed to hang on a little longer.

  Stepping around Mathias, I reached a shaky hand out for the crown. The bronze still felt warm beneath my fingers, and once I rested it on my head I could see Mathias watching me with concern. But, the crown wasn’t influencing my thoughts this time. I had it under control. He would see that I had it under control.

  I eyed Khalid, wondering if I needed to raise his number to a 10 as well. I started to lift my hand to work the crown’s power only for him to slap my hand away. “None of that! I don’t need manipulation from your tricks to be powerful.” Then, he motioned to the two dragon-born lurking in the doorway. “Take him. It’s time for you to prove your loyalties, Mathias. Since your little mate has already proven hers to the Nephilim’s satisfaction.”

  Mathias stepped in front of me again. “You are not separating us. Not if you want my cooperation.”

  “Oh believe me, I don’t want your cooperation, Mathias.” Khalid cast a rueful glance at the dragon-born and stepped back. “Come, the Nephilim awaits.”

  We took the glamoured elevator first, then the regular glass elevator. This time I could see floors teeming with hunters who were dressed in tactical gear. They were preparing for war. I saw more of the obviously weaker paranormals still gathered on the floor with all the screens and cubicles. There were more armed hunters surrounding them, too. Until finally, we reached the ground floor lobby. The more mercenary looking hunters from before weren’t down here anymore, and they hadn’t been among the hunters whose numbers I had changed.

  I wasn’t given a chance to look for them as we were herded out of the revolving door and onto the landing overlooking the plaza. Troops of hunters were gathered at the base of the stairs, all 9s and even a few 10s shining bright. All
fifty of the hunters whose numbers I had adjusted, and at least a dozen more I hadn’t. Soslan had changed into leather tactical gear, and he carried a sword in his left hand. He gestured to another hunter as he said, “Reclaim your sword, Mathias, and join your brothers and sisters in the hunt.”

  Mathias looked at me, and I gave the tiniest nod. He needed that sword. Tanaka Aito approached us, Mathias’ sheathed sword in his hands. He surrendered it to Mathias, and then glanced at my own number. Or, perhaps, it was the crown since there was so much loathing in his gaze. A wave of weakness swept over me, and I locked my knees. Steady. I had to stay steady for just a little while longer. We were closer now.

  Fortunately, no one seemed to notice my difficulty as Soslan continued speaking, “Lauren Hope, come forward so they may see you.”

  I forced myself to obey even though I wanted nothing more than to melt into the shadows. I glanced out over the crowd of hunters. The area behind the plaza seemed utterly abandoned with no one around to witness any strange happenings at Weard. A good thing. I needed to remember that was a good thing.

  “I wish to thank you, Lauren Hope, for tonight you have come into your true destiny as the Destroyer!” Soslan’s voice rang out in the chilly winter night air, loud and piercing despite his cultured manners. “Tonight the world will remember the true reason for paranormals and our true strength! Tonight Chicago will learn the true strength of the Nephilim and his army! Tomorrow, we will attack the first gathering of the Fae and dragons at their Yellowstone Summit. By Winter Solstice, all will bow before Soslan as is their proper place in the order of paranormals! Only the sons of Nimrod were ever strong enough to rule this world, and I have returned to you! Hunters, shall we have the Spotter speak a few words?”

  The gathered hunters’ cheers sounded hollow. Not that Soslan seemed to notice. I scanned the edge of the plaza again. Then, I saw her. Layla barely emerged from the shadows of a modern art sculpture. That was the signal. As Soslan turned to me, I couldn’t help the surge of triumph sweeping over me. There was the hope I had been waiting for and when he invited me to speak, I raised my voice to make sure everyone in the plaza heard me. “You are correct, Soslan. It is time! It is time for all of Weard to see you for the fool you truly are!”

  No sooner had the words left my lips than I released my hold on the glamours. The numbers in front of me rippled, fifty of them changing from 9s and a couple 10s to golden 1s and 2s. Not sickly or improperly made changes. No, these were done the right way. I smiled in spite of myself as the hunters slowly became aware of what my glamours had hidden from them. Their strength had been drained and their talents stifled. I shoved past the stunned dragon-born as Tanaka Aito suddenly shouted, “She weakened them! Every one she should have strengthened!”

  I rushed toward Mathias. “Mathias! Run!”

  A dragon-born leapt at me, and I changed to rushing down the steps at a risky pace. We had to reach Layla. “Mathias! Come on!”

  Behind me, I heard Soslan roar in outrage while confused hunters sank to their knees or put their hands to their heads. Then, Mathias was beside me. I could see his strands of power glowing brightly from the energy and strength I had transferred to him. It had been the best way to rid myself of holding it all. Mathias grabbed my hand, and we jumped the last two steps to the plaza. Two hunters charged toward us, their 8s still glowing strong and bright.

  “I didn’t change those.”

  Mathias moved in front of me before I could try to do it on the move. Something I wasn’t even sure I could pull off at the moment. He blocked their attacks easily, then slammed the hilt of his sword against the back of one man’s skull. The other man, he caught before breaking his neck with a snap. When he caught my hand again, he murmured, “A shifter. It will heal. Where to?”

  “To meet my cousin.” I nodded to the sculpture that looked more like a slinky bent in half. “Over there. Trust me, we just have to reach her.”

  “You have a cousin?” He increased his pace. “All right then, I’m sure visiting your family is a lovely idea.”

  I didn’t have a chance to respond since another hunter tried to grab me. Mathias swatted him away and then kicked him in the head. No other hunters came after us. A temporary relief, to be sure. We sprinted into the shadow of the sculpture and slid to a halt. I felt the familiar caress of a glamour against my skin. Perfect.

  * * *

  Chapter Thirteen


  There was a flicker and then I was staring into a woman’s face that looked remarkably like my wife’s. She grinned at me. “Cousin Lauren, I see why you wanted this one back.”

  “Oh, I do agree,” another voice piped up as a High Elf stepped up beside her. Then, the elf’s hazel green eyes flashed gold. The halfblooded shifter nodded to the plaza behind us. “I don’t know what you managed to do up there, Lauren, but they’re completely distracted.”

  “Something we can’t take advantage of if you get distracted, Raina,” came a gruff grumble.

  I looked over to see a tall man whose golden eyes were fixed on the female shifter. General Baran was unmistakable. Weard had a rather thick file on him and . . . we had crossed paths some years past. I nodded to him. “General Baran.”

  “Causing more trouble, Mathias.”

  “Oh, just a little.” I glanced at Lauren as I added, “It’s mostly her fault, dragging me into all sorts of scuffles.”

  “Mates do that,” he deadpanned. Then he grabbed Raina, who was staring at him in a mix of delight and shock, by the elbow and pulled her into the shadows again. This time, however, I could make out other figures. Caderyn, the King of the Therians, as well as his brother were gathered with . . . Auberon. The High Elf who spoke for the Fae in the New World, and he was armed for battle. The Dragon Prince Ciril stepped away from the huddle and approached us with Royal Carith at his heels.

  The prince nodded to me and then looked at my wife. “As promised, a few friends have come to help.”

  Lauren looked around at the shadows, and I realized she likely had a far better idea of just how many people were present. “Prince Ciril, over a hundred numbers are here. How is that a few?”

  “I wanted to bring five hundred. But, the rest of our reinforcements went to the summit to defend against an attack there.” The dragon prince glanced at her head and the crown circling it. “Best leave that on.”

  “She shouldn’t keep wearing it,” I interjected.

  The dragon looked at me for a moment. “The enemy has Spotters, does he not? I would prefer not to kill them, which means we must keep the crown secure. Besides, she might be able to use it.”

  I opened my mouth to object again. Then, Lauren touched my arm. “It’s all right, Mathias. I can handle it.”

  “Good,” Prince Ciril stated firmly. “Because the enemy is recuperating from whatever surprise you pulled up there. Will the Jinn be able to maintain the glamour?”

  “We will,” Lauren’s cousin assured him.

  “God willing, we shall come out of this alive,” the prince murmured before he moved into the crowd.

  Royal came up to me and slapped me on the back. “Ready, Myrmidon?”

  “Oh, almost there. Just one thing I need to do first.”

  “And, what pray tell is that?”

  “This. Excuse me.” I stepped around him, grabbed Lauren by the wrist and tugged her away from her conversation with her cousin. She looked up at me, only a hint of an eerie glow in her dark eyes. Something I was grateful for since I wanted her clearheaded. “I love you. Try not to die tonight.”

  Then, I captured her mouth in a kiss. Lauren’s free hand curled into my jacket as she returned the kiss with fervor. That warmed me more than any trick of the crown’s magic. We were both breathing hard when I reluctantly broke away from the kiss.

  I didn’t want to let her go. I wanted to get her away from here without another battle. Royal smacked me on the back. “There’s no time for that now! They’re getting ready for us. Come on!” />
  I looked down at Lauren’s upturned face and nodded. “We’re going to continue this conversation tomorrow.”

  Her smile was what I needed before I finally summoned the strength to let her go. Even as I turned to join Royal, I prayed she would stay away from the fighting despite knowing it was unlikely. Well, if she was going to be in this fight tonight, then the only proper thing to do as her husband was to clear the worst of these blighters off before they bothered her. Manners and all that.

  I nodded to Royal. “Ready, old friend?”

  “Naturally. Although, I forgot to bring a girl along for the pre-battle kiss tradition,” he grumbled. He shifted partially, dark red scales covering his cheeks and brow while his hands turned scaly and sprouted proper claws. A smoky scent entered the air as he added, “Last one across the plaza is a sloth.”

  I smirked and sprinted after him.

  * * *


  Snarls and shouts echoed across the plaza as our people clashed with Weard’s hunters. I could barely keep track of Mathias as he raced out ahead of me. More than once I caught only glimpses of his 10 blazing bright amongst the 9s and 8s.

  I ran forward, throwing out my left hand as the wind bent to my will. I sent snow and even bits of ice swirling into the faces of the hunters closest to me. The crown warmed my head as I noticed the strength of fresh hunters and whispered ideas of stealing their energy to use on our own forces. I swallowed hard as I forced the whispers to the back of my mind. Now was not the time. Not when I could still access my Jinn talent.

  I flung my arm out to the left, sending a rush of wind pelting against a hunter squaring off against one of the High Elves. The hunter shouted as snow blinded her. I sensed a swell of power coming from my right and turned to see a half shifted Tiger striding into the thick of the fighting, a 10 glowing above his head. So, the flicker I had seen in General Baran’s 9 hadn’t been my imagination after all. Then again, the strength of old blood flowing through his veins had nearly overwhelmed my senses with sheer power when he first joined us.


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