Dare to Love a Spy (Book 3, Age of Innocence)

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Dare to Love a Spy (Book 3, Age of Innocence) Page 12

by Debra Elizabeth

  She was ready to turn away when a sharp grunt caught her attention. What was that? That certainly didn't sound like a pleasurable encounter to her. She left the cover of the tree and hurried toward them in time to see Lady Knightly raise a knife…a knife already covered in Edgerton's blood. He had staggered back, his hand pressed against his side, shock edging his face. There was so much blood. Hannah stood stunned at what she saw. Lady Knightly was going to stab him again.

  "No!" she screamed as she ran toward Lady Knightly. She had no idea how she could stop the attack, so she did the only thing that came to mind and barreled into Lady Knightly, knocking her to the ground.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the duke rushing toward them. Lady Knightly climbed to her feet and lunged at Hannah, trying to slice her throat with the knife.

  Wetherby grabbed the assailant's arm, knocked the knife away, and pinned Lady Knightly's arms behind her back.

  Lord Preston—and where had he come from—arrived on Wetherby's heels and went to Charles, who had fallen to the ground. "Easy, Edgerton," he said, pulling off his cravat and pressing it against Charles's side to staunch the flow of blood.

  Everything happened in a split second, and Hannah backed away from Camden and Erika, trying to get air back in her lungs. What had just happened? Since when do ladies of the ton carry knives and stab people? It was the most bizarre thing she'd ever seen.

  Camden secured Lady Knightly's wrists with his cravat, and the unbalanced young woman screamed out her frustration. "I will kill every one of you filthy English spies. You're all worthless."

  "Oh?" Wetherby said in an infuriatingly calm tone. "And how is that?"

  Lady Knightly ground her teeth and finally spit out her anger. "My beloved father and brother died a senseless death when an English spy didn't relay the dire circumstances of the Prussian army to Wellington in time. No reinforcements were sent."

  Hannah's mouth fell open. Spies? Who were spies? Viscount Edgerton? Wetherby?

  "Miss Richardson," Camden said, trying to stay calm so Hannah wouldn't panic. "I need you to return to the ballroom and find your aunt. It would be best if no one overheard your conversation. Tell Mary what has happened here. She'll know what to do. Can you be a brave girl and do that?"

  Hannah stared at him. "Is it true?" she asked.

  "Hannah, please. There's no time for explanations. I will come as soon as I can and explain all, but right now, Charles needs a doctor."

  Hannah glanced at Lord Edgerton. He was pale, but Preston was helping him to his feet, the bloody cravat pressed to his side.

  With one last look at the duke, she nodded and ran back to the Tisbury townhouse. She had never run so fast in her life. When she reached the garden, she took precious seconds to allow her breathing to slow. She checked her gown to make sure there was no blood on it. It would not do to alarm her aunt's guests. She took a few deep breaths.

  Mary was on the balcony. "Hannah? What are you doing out here?"

  She rushed forward and whispered in her aunt's ear. "Aunt Mary, Lord Edgerton has been stabbed. Lord Preston is helping him back here, but Wetherby says to call for the doctor."

  Mary gripped Hannah's arms. "Are you hurt, child?" she asked, her voice rising with concern.

  "No. I'm fine, but what is happening?"

  "Thank heavens no harm has come to you. Stay calm. I'll return as soon as I can."

  Hannah nodded, knowing that she would get no answers now. "As you wish, Aunt Mary."

  Hannah watched Mary hurry down the stairs of the balcony and disappear around the corner. She didn't want to disappoint her aunt, so she pasted a smile on her face, even though her insides were a jumbled mess. What was going on? She had no time to think further on it as she re-entered the ballroom.

  "There you are, Miss Richardson. I believe this is my dance," Mr. Manning said.

  "I believe it is," Hannah said as she allowed Mr. Manning to escort her to the dance floor.

  Hannah spent the next hour trying to keep up the pretense that she was having a lovely time, dancing the night away. In reality, anxiety formed a tight coil around her heart. Was Charles badly hurt? Would he live? She had never seen anyone stabbed before…there had been so much blood. And where was Camden taking Erika Knightly? She had screamed about spies. What did she mean? Who were the spies?

  The strains of the music for the final dance were playing when she saw her aunt walk back into the ballroom. She spoke to Charlotte Hunt, and Charlotte nodded before leaving the room. When the dance ended, Hannah curtsied to her partner and quickly made her way to her aunt. She stood next to her as the guests said their farewells.

  With the last guest gone, Mary pulled Hannah into her arms. "Thank you, Hannah. Your quick thinking saved Lord Edgerton's life."

  "Aunt Mary, I'm very confused. Is he a spy? Lady Knightly was screaming that spies were to blame for her brother's and father's deaths."

  "Come, my dear. I think we could both use a spot of tea."

  Hannah was bursting with questions, but she had to admit that a soothing cup of tea was exactly what she needed at the moment. They climbed the stairs together. Once they were in Mary's bedchamber with teacups in hand, her aunt began explaining.

  "To answer your question, Lord Edgerton is not a spy. He had informed me earlier that Lady Knightly seemed quite unbalanced at dinner. Lord Knightly was not being especially attentive to her this evening, and Charles thinks that was what had upset Lady Knightly. When she fled the ballroom, Edgerton went after her to make sure nothing untoward befell her especially since she had run into the Hyde Park. As he tried to reason with her to return to the safety of the ballroom, she whipped out a knife and stabbed him."

  Hannah's hand flew to her mouth. "That is dreadful. I saw them leave the ballroom, and I must admit I thought they were having an affair. It wasn't proper of me to intrude on their privacy, but I had to know whether all men behaved like that with women."

  "What are you talking about?"

  Hannah took a sip of tea before answering her aunt's question. "Aunt Mary, I'm afraid you are going to be most displeased with me."

  Mary reached for Hannah's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "My darling girl, I could never be displeased with you. You saved a man's life this evening. I am so proud of you for staying calm and doing what needed to be done."

  Hannah nodded. "Yes, it was most fortunate that I was there, but it was for a selfish reason. I wanted to know if men typically lied to women."

  "I'm afraid I'm not understanding what you're trying to say."

  "I know you told me not to intrude on the Duke of Wetherby's privacy, but what I haven't shared with you is that he and I…"

  A frown creased Mary's brow. "You and he what?"

  Tears welled in Hannah's eyes and spilled down her cheeks. "I have met him a few times in the garden, and enjoyed his kisses immensely. I thought we were falling in love. The way he kissed me, the things he said… But then, three weeks past, he simply disappeared without any explanation."

  "I see. And do you love the Duke of Wetherby?"

  Hannah nodded. "I do, Aunt Mary. I have tried to banish the feelings from my heart, but I cannot. I think about him day and night."

  Mary put her teacup on the table and stood, pulling Hannah into her arms. "Oh, my dear sweet girl. I hope that all will be well soon."

  The stress of the evening finally undid Hannah, and she sobbed uncontrollably in her aunt's arms.



  BY THE TIME MARY HAD calmed Hannah and seen her safely into Muriel's care, Camden had returned to Lady Tisbury's townhouse and was sitting by Charles's bedside in one of the guest rooms.

  "What were you thinking?" he asked Charles.

  Charles raised his eyes. "It all happened rather suddenly. She shared a tantalizing tidbit at dinner, and I began to suspect we were targeti
ng the wrong person. I didn't have time to inform you of the change of plans."

  "He needs rest," the surgeon said. "There'll be time for questions later."

  Camden nodded and stood, giving Charles a pat on the arm. "Sleep well, my friend. I shall return soon."

  Charles barely nodded as sleep overtook him.

  The surgeon strode out of the room. "I'll return tomorrow to check on him, Lady Tisbury."

  Mary stood in the doorway of the guest room and stood aside to let the surgeon pass. "Thank you, Mr. Spence. Your Grace, a word please."

  "Of course," Camden said and followed Mary down the stairs and to the front parlor.

  With the door firmly shut behind them, she gestured for him to sit. "What a frightful night. What news of Lady Knightly?"

  "Jeffries is handling the matter."

  "Good, although I'm sure Lord Knightly will not be pleased at this turn of events. How will it be explained?"

  "I did not stay long enough to find out. I wanted to make sure that Charles would recover."

  "I understand. Charles is lucky that Hannah had followed them. If she hadn't been there, I shudder to think that Charles could have been another victim."

  Camden nodded. "Indeed. And what about Hannah? She heard Lady Knightly scream about killing spies for revenge. Evidently, Erika had lost her brother and father in the war and blames their senseless deaths on an inept spy who did not reach Wellington in time."

  Mary nodded. "Hannah mentioned that."

  "It seems Lady Knightly has been harboring this resentment for two years."

  "How did she know the identities of our spies, though?" Mary asked.

  "That I do not know. Perhaps I'll learn more when Charles awakens.

  Mary nodded. "I see. That's good. I explained to Hannah that Charles thought Lady Knightly was acting erratically this evening and followed her to make sure nothing befell her especially when she ran into Hyde Park."

  "Does she believe it?"

  "Yes, I do believe she does. Hannah also confessed a few more things to me this evening."

  Camden arched an eyebrow. "Oh? Would you care to enlighten me?"

  "I think I'll let Hannah relay those to you personally. May I suggest you call on her tomorrow afternoon?"

  Camden stood, smiling for the first time in three weeks. "I would be delighted. Good evening, Lady Tisbury."

  "Good evening, Your Grace."

  HANNAH WAS SITTING IN the rose garden when she heard footsteps on the path.

  "Miss Richardson, may I speak with you?"

  She stood and curtsied as the Duke of Wetherby walked toward her with long, powerful strikes. "Your Grace. I'm not sure what we have to talk about."

  Camden reached her side, looking as handsome as ever. It took all of her willpower not to rush into his arms. Conflicting emotions roared through her. How dare he just waltz back into her life after deserting her for weeks?

  "There's much for us to discuss," he said.

  Hannah kept her breath even. She did not want the duke to know how much his mere presence excited her. "I see. Then perhaps you should begin."

  "Would you care to walk in the garden?"

  Hannah inclined her head. "Yes, that would be lovely. My aunt's roses never fail to impress me with their beauty."

  "The flowers are beautiful, but they do not compare to the beauty I see before me," Camden said.

  Hannah sighed. "More pretty compliments, Your Grace? Seems I've heard these before. Why are you here? I believe you've made it abundantly clear you do not desire my company so please tell me why you are here."

  Camden reached for her hand. "Hannah, you could not be more wrong. I not only desire your company, but crave it with every fiber of my being. I have been unable to think of little else."

  "A few weeks ago, I would have believed anything you told me, but not now. I do not like to be toyed with, Your Grace," she said, pulling her hand back.

  Camden took a step closer, his large frame looming over her. "Please believe me when I say that I had no choice in withdrawing from your company these past weeks."

  "Everyone has a choice, Your Grace."

  "True, but…"

  Hannah put her hands on her hips and faced him. She'd had enough playing with words. She wanted the truth, and she wanted it now. There was no sense in continuing their conversation unless he told her what she wanted to know. "Are you a spy?"


  "Have you ever been a spy?"


  "Perhaps? Is that all you have to say?"

  "If I was at liberty to say more, I would certainly answer all your questions, but there are some things that even a duke cannot do."

  "Is that the truth?"


  "Have you lied to me before?"

  "Never. Everything I've told you has been the absolute truth and from the heart."

  A moment of uncertainty passed over Hannah's face before a ghost of a smile played on her lips. "Your Grace, I think you are the one who must do penance now."

  Camden chuckled as he reached for her and pulled her into his arms. His fingers traced the line of her jaw. "My dear, sweet Hannah. You are all that matters to me now. I will gladly do penance for the rest of our lives if you will only allow me the privilege."

  Hannah's heart hammered in her chest. What was he saying? As much as she wanted to remain aloof, her heart would not allow her to do so. Her body craved his touch. She had missed him so much, and being in his arms again felt so right.

  "What are saying, Your Grace?"

  "I love you, Hannah Richardson. I crave your touch and am bereft without it. Would you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?"

  Hannah stared into the eyes of the man she loved. This was what she had wished for, but she was afraid it was all a dream. What if he disappeared again? Could she survive such heartache again? "I don't know. Will you abandon me yet again?"

  Camden didn't allow her to say anything more before his lips captured hers in a kiss that spoke of his desperate love and mounting passion. When his tongue plunged into her mouth, she knew without a doubt that this was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Camden meant everything to her.

  "What do you think now?" he asked when he broke the kiss.

  "I think it will be many, many years before you are finished with your penance," she said.


  Nine months later…

  HANNAH OPENED HER EYES AND looked at the sleeping form next to her. Her heart swelled with love. How had she been so fortunate as to win the heart of the Duke of Wetherby? She remembered the first time she had seen him talking with Aunt Mary. He had been impeccably dressed and was easily the most handsome man in the room, but it was so much more than that. He commanded the room, and every female there stole glances at him. But Hannah would not settle for a wayward glance and had been determined to make his acquaintance. She had not known then that she had piqued his interest as well.

  An arm snaked around her waist and pulled her against a hard, broad chest. "Good morning, my love."

  "I feel I must be dreaming," she said as she turned to face him.

  Camden laid a trail of fiery kisses down her face to the hollow of her throat. "It is no dream, my darling. You are the Duchess of Wetherby, my beloved wife." He caressed her breasts, bringing her nipples to hard peaks beneath her shift, and she moaned with delight.

  "Your Grace, we promised to join your mother and sister for breakfast this morning."

  "They can wait," he said, rolling on top of her. "I have much penance to do."

  Hannah smiled. "Indeed you do," she said, kissing the man she adored. "My darling, there is something I must tell you."

  "Oh, more important than this?" he asked, pressing the hard length of himself against her belly.

sp; "Just as important, yes."

  Camden captured her lips as he slid inside her.

  She lifted her hips, allowing him to thrust deeper and deeper. She felt the tight coil of passion building between her legs as Camden's thrusts become more insistent. Soon the world fell away as her passion ignited. She would never get tired of having Camden inside her. She arched her back, and within a few more thrusts, felt Camden shudder.

  He rolled off her and pulled her closer, kissing her with such tenderness. "Now, my dear sweet wife, what is more important than that?"

  "Perhaps…you'd be anxious to meet your son in the fall."

  Camden's eyes widened. "You are increasing?"

  She nodded as tears of joy leaked from her eyes. Emotion clogged her throat.

  "Perhaps it will be a daughter," he said. "I would wish her to have her mother's fearlessness."

  Hannah chuckled. "Be careful what you wish for, Your Grace."

  "I would welcome a son or daughter. Knowing that you'll be their mother is everything I could hope for." Camden kissed her tenderly. "You have made me so happy, my darling."

  By the time they went downstairs for breakfast, Katherine and Courtney were nearly finished eating.

  "Good morning," Courtney said. "Hannah, are you agreeable to a ride today?"

  "That would be lovely," she said as she took a seat next to her sister-in-law. "Wetherby, would you care to join us?"


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