Second Chance

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Second Chance Page 10

by T L Dasha

  “Oh, please. I saw the look on your face. You liked it.” Brad was as dismissive as always. The only thing he seemed to take seriously was getting me off. Not that I was terribly bothered by that, but there’s a time and a place…

  “That’s not the point.”

  “If you had used your mouth for other things, there wouldn’t have been any risk at all.”

  “That’s not the point either.”

  “Jay Jay…” I turned to Brad. He reached over and ran his fingers through my hair. Then he gripped hard and kissed me. I pushed him back instinctively, and my gaze shot to the bathroom door to make sure no one had seen us. Brad shook his head and rolled his eyes.

  “You’re the one who’s missing the point,” he whispered under his breath.

  He returned his attention to the sink, washed his hands, straightened up, and gave himself a quick once over in the mirror before he headed for the door. With one last sigh, he reached for the handle.

  But he paused before opening it. It was several seconds before he spoke. “Let’s just finish recording.”



  Brad Garza

  It was a relief to finish recording that day. I wasn’t up to dealing with Jay at the moment. His reluctance drove me crazy. Some days, he was my sexy play thing, some days he was shoving me into a wall, and some days he was this impenetrable ice fortress of professionalism.

  This wouldn’t have been a problem if I wasn’t in love with all three of those insufferably polarized faces. Sneaking around was fun at first, but we had only been together for a couple years, and I was already starting to resent the need for secrecy.

  Together for a couple years? Is that what I’m calling it now? Ha.

  I kept thinking if I could just get big enough, I could finally go public with it all. I could announce to the world that no matter how pansexual I was, there was only one person I wanted, and he just happened to be my manager. People still liked Freddy Mercury and Elton John when they found out they weren’t straight, so why wouldn’t they still like me?

  Because I’m not big enough. And it was taking way too long to get there. Even though my album had been successful, I was still little more than a one hit wonder. Fading into the background would make my relationship easier, but my ego wanted it all. I wanted fame, I wanted glory, and I wanted to have Jay McClintock pinned beneath me in my bed. And I didn’t want to have to apologize for any of it.

  God, I’m so selfish.

  With a deep sigh, I hit the down button to call the elevator. The door pinged open, and I stepped in. A Korean guy in a perfectly tailored black suit leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets and a disinterested look on his face. I know that face.

  “You’re Christian Baek! I’ve been hoping I’d get to meet you one day- I’m Brad Garza!” I extended a hand, and he just looked back at me with a stern and cruel darkness. I had seen the CEO of ALIVE Records in passing a few times, but I had never gotten the opportunity to actually talk to him one-on-one until now. He was this unapproachable entity who oversaw everything, and you just hoped he would one day acknowledge you.

  But now that we were face to face, his sense of superiority was almost suffocating.

  “I know who you are.” He kept his eyes locked on mine. “You’re McClintock’s project.”

  Jay Jay’s project? That may have been the most depressing description of our relationship that I’ve ever heard, and I’ve gone through a lot of depressing analysis lately. I shook it off and tried to brighten up the conversation. “Yeah. He’s been really great. He has a lot of fresh ideas. I can’t believe how much traction I’ve already managed to get at this stage in my career.”

  “Yes, I’ve seen his proposals.” Mr. CEO wasn’t relenting any praise. “It’s a wonder you’ve achieved what you have. But you’re not going to get any further with his limited knowledge base. Why don’t you meet me in my office and we can discuss future promotion opportunities. You have real potential. It’s about time you moved up.”

  The CEO of ALIVE wants to personally work on promoting me? It took mighty amounts of willpower to stop myself from dropping my jaw to the floor. “Absolutely, sir! I’ll ask Jay to set up a meeting as soon as you’re free.”

  “No need to go through McClintock.” He closed his black eyes and shook his head. “I’d like to discuss this with just you first.”

  The elevator doors opened on the ground floor. Mr. CEO handed me his business card, then walked out without another word. I wanted to stop him and ask a few more questions, but I wasn’t sure where to start.

  Does that mean Jay Jay is going to be put on another project? Or am I being poached within the company? If it’s the latter, Jay would never forgive me. But then again, if I took it, maybe our relationship wouldn’t be as dangerous. If I wasn’t working directly under Jay, the chances of a huge scandal would be heavily diminished. I wouldn’t have to worry about risking a slip up that exposed us both, since we wouldn’t be around each other at work all the time.

  Also because committing to a choice like that would probably mean the end of our relationship. I wouldn’t see him every day. He’d be angry.

  We might be able to work past those setbacks if I could show him the advantages, but… I don’t know if I could get past not seeing him every day. He’s most of my inspiration. Not just for my music, but for… everything.

  I pursed my lips and shoved my hands in my pockets as I walked out the door. Maybe I’d just hear what he had to say first and go from there. No point in speculating. At this rate, I’d be throwing away an opportunity before it even finished unlocking the door.


  While there was someone working overtime on something at just about every hour of the night, at 7:00AM, not a soul was in the ALIVE office. Not a soul other than myself and Christian Baek, anyway.

  He had agreed to meet me before the rest of the office got in. A strategic decision on my part, as I would rather not have to tell Jay Jay about this if it ended up being nothing. But still, I felt so incredibly guilty about the whole thing, I might have been more comfortable the first time I stood on the audition stage.

  Which is ridiculous. It’s not like I’m here to cheat on him. I’m here to talk business. With the boss of his company no less.

  I swallowed hard and took a seat in Mr. CEO’s guest chair. “So what did you want to talk to me about?”

  “Your numbers are respectable.” Mr. CEO wasted no time. He turned his laptop to face me, revealing a mess of spread sheets and bar charts. There were so many numbers and colors, I didn’t even begin trying to make sense of them. That’s a job for someone in some other department. “Especially for a debut artist.”

  “Honestly, I never would have expected people would like me this much.” Open mouth, insert foot. I forced an awkward laugh while simultaneously lambasting myself for my lack of tact and confidence in front of someone who could make or break my whole career. I should have rehearsed this better.

  “I wouldn’t have either.” Christian Baek nodded matter-of-factly. Somehow it’s worse when he says it… He turned the laptop back to face him, then proceeded to type something. “I’d like to see more. How would you like a spot in The Bass Jumpers Tour this coming weekend?”

  “I…” is he serious?! “I would love to! But… the line-up was released months ago. How would I get in? Isn’t it too late?” There’s the rational brain I was looking for. There’s gotta be a catch here.

  “ALIVE runs the event.” Mr. CEO rolled his eyes while keeping his gaze on the screen. “And a spot just opened up.” He continued typing, tapped his mouse pad a few times, then he leaned back in his chair and returned his attention to me. “Do you think you have the kind of star power to stand on that stage?”

  I was still relatively unknown, but I couldn’t let my confidence waver in front of Christian Baek. I settled into a smile. “We’ll have a packed house.”

  “And if you don’t?”

��I’d stake my career on it.” I knew I was popular with the locals at the very least. If I went to a few clubs or campaigned through Hollywood, I know I could get people to back me. There was no reason to have doubts.

  “How about, instead, you just stake your relationship on it?”

  I was completely taken aback. N-no, he… he couldn’t have meant it like that. Don’t jump to conclusions. That’s how you get found out. Stay calm and ask questions, Brad. “What do you mean?”

  “McClintock is the only person you’ve worked with since getting here, and while I’m sure you value that partnership, I worry it will hold you back. So, I’d like to test these suspicions. If you and McClintock can pack the audience for your set, I’ll put the full support of ALIVE’s marketing team behind you. If you can’t, I’ll reassign you to someone who can.”

  The proposal sounded reasonable, but it seemed oddly aggressive. Does Christian Baek have something against Jay? He had to jump through hoops to have these guys give me a chance in the first place, and now that we’re getting somewhere, I’m getting poached within the company?

  Still, there were a lot of ways I didn’t like this on a personal level, but on a professional level it didn’t seem like much of a bet. On what basis would I be able to say no? Just the thought of having our relationship out in the open pissed Jay off so much yesterday, that to turn down the top dog at ALIVE just because I didn’t want to be separated from Jay would only put our ‘relationship’ further in a spot light, wouldn’t it? He’d be more upset if I gave people reason to question us.

  “Can I talk to Jay first and see what he thinks?”

  “The spot needs to be filled immediately. If you can’t make up your mind, I’ll offer it to someone who can.”

  “I’ll do it.” I spoke without thinking, but it was the right decision. This could only help my career, right? He would call me an idiot if I turned it down. “It sounds like I win either way.”

  “This is a business. The whole point is to win.” He gave me the most gentle smile his otherwise sinister demeanor could muster.

  He offered me his hand, and I didn’t let myself hesitate to take it.

  “I won’t disappoint you, sir.”

  Chapter 10

  Jay McClintock

  I hadn’t been in the office for more than three minutes before Baek had waved me into his room.

  I had been doing more and more odd jobs for Baek throughout the last couple years. A delivery here, or a drop off there. Nothing terribly complicated. I helped him out, and he’d pitch me some contacts or offer me some new resources. It’s been shockingly smooth working with him, considering our rocky start. Though I hadn’t asked for any new favors, so I wasn’t sure what this meeting was going to entail. I took a seat across from him.

  “You’re doing better than I ever could have expected.” Baek addressed me without lifting his eyes from his own fingernails. Despite his words teasing at a compliment, his mannerisms never failed to remind me of how far above me he thought he would always be. “Maybe you really are a shark outgrowing its fish tank.”

  “Thank you.” I played along, but I knew he couldn’t have called me in here to offer a kind word. He wasn’t that kind of guy. “Brad Garza hasn’t been the easiest star to polish, but I truly believe this is only the beginning of what we’ll be able to accomplish with his talent.”

  “Your debt has ticked well past a quarter million in favors and resources.” Baek’s eyes at long last found mine, just in time to catch the slightest glimpse of my dread. “How much higher do you plan to go?”

  “I’m not afraid to go as high as I need to.” Confidence is key when talking to megalomaniacs like Christian Baek. If I’ve learned anything these last few years, it’s that. “But with how he’s been performing, I don’t see that lasting much longer. Is there a problem?”

  “Another year of interest, another half a million in marketing and promotion and travel.” His voice was deadpan. His words, completely unreasonable. “It’s amazing how deep you’re willing to go just to prove you can buy a fan base.”

  I fought the urge to scoff. “There’s nothing purchased about Brad’s fans. Plus, I’ve seen the numbers. A quarter million in a year is a fraction of the marketing budget for Jonathan’s last acquisition. Give me another year and he’ll be making that every show.”

  Baek settled into a smile. “You’re right.”

  I’m what? I eyed him suspiciously. “I’m… I mean, right. I’m not an idiot. So what’s the issue?”

  “The issue…” He leaned back in his chair and propped his feet up on his desk. “Is that he won’t ever be worth that kind of money if you’re the one managing him.”

  My blood was near boiling, but I had to keep my cool. There was no reason to have this kind of doubt. “On what basis? Everything that’s gotten him where he is right now has been my plan. I’ve gotten him on the radio. He’s selling out shows. How much more proof do you need?”

  “Headlining at a popular bar on Sunset with a $20 cover charge hardly counts as ‘selling out shows.’ Think bigger.”

  “If I wasn’t in this meeting, I’d be working on ‘bigger’ right now.” I should have been biting my tongue, but my temper had me giving in to his provocation. “Are you just going to take me off the project while we’re still swinging?”

  “Not at all. I spoke to Brad this morning, and he was eager for more resources. We both came to the conclusion that he would likely be better served by our senior marketing team now that he’s gotten his career off the ground.”

  The temperature of my blood went from scalding to ice in an instant. “Y-you… Brad said that?” My chest muscles closed in on my heart, tightening like a noose. There had to be some misunderstanding here. He would never say that. What Brad and I have is… It’s more than… It’s…

  Baek tossed a pile of papers across the desk. My eyes glossed over a thorough marketing plan, prepared and signed off by Jonathan. I registered the full implication without absorbing a single word. He watched my eyes. “You’ve given him a solid start, but he’ll be dead in the water if he continues under your direction.”

  “What did you offer him?” My voice somehow managed to sound firm. Though my soul was still shaken to its core. I know Brad believes in me, so there has to be more to this story than that. He wouldn’t let himself be poached within the company unless he genuinely thought it was in both of our favor. I know he wouldn’t.

  “I offered him a future.”

  A future. I repeated the words in my head until their weight started to feel suffocating.

  “What about my future?” I found myself grasping at straws. “You can’t give me a loan, and then steal the business I created right out from under me.”

  “Oh? I can’t?” He laughed. I hate his laugh. “Please, tell me more about what I can’t do, McClintock.” Baek folded his hands over themselves, and rested them on the desk. “Let me give you a little bit of insight on how this all works. This is my company. I founded it. I built it. And I will control all of its assets until the day we sell or crumble. And you, Jay McClintock, are one of my assets. Brad Garza is one of my assets. And everything you used to make Brad Garza worth a damn was, you guessed it, one of my assets.”

  I didn’t break eye contact. I wouldn’t let him see me buckle. “So what am I supposed to do then? You keep talking like you own me, but I don’t see how it helps either of us to make it so I can’t possibly pay you back. What value is there in breaking our contract at this stage, when I’m the only person he knows and trusts.”

  “You’re smarter than you look.” He nodded. “I never said I was taking you off his team. On the contrary, you’re going to be an integral part of our strategy going forward. You and Brad seem to have formed quite a bond, and that does have tremendous value. I’m simply offering you more resources.” Huh? That was a 180. “Which is why I know I can trust you to make my next proposal a success.”

  “What kind of proposal?” I felt physically ill, a
nd I couldn’t begin to explain why. I was still going to be working with Brad, so that was a good thing, I guess. But I had a sinking feeling that something about this wasn’t going to be kosher.

  “How would you like a spot on the Bass Jumpers Tour?”

  “What?” That should have been incredible news, and I should have been jumping for joy, but I held back my enthusiasm. This conversation had already been a rollercoaster of emotions, and I would need a few moments to find balance again. And I knew this wouldn’t be a gift. Just the presentation of the coffin we were about to be nailed into. “That would be incredible but… the Bass Jumpers Tour is in three days. How will we promote?”

  “I can help you with that. But of course, I’ll need something from you first.”

  There it is. “Name it.”

  Baek was smiling. I hate his smile. “You’re a driver, right?”

  How did he know that? I haven’t been in a race since before dad’s accident.

  No, stop being paranoid. He’s seen my car. Of course I know how to drive. Plus, he just talked to Brad. Brad probably told him. But still, I didn’t want to just give myself away.

  “Not really. Sometimes my father took me to the track as a kid, I guess.” My nerves were clearly visible in the amused reflection of Baek’s black pupils. I glanced to the side in an effort to hide the projection from my eyes.

  “Mark did?” His expression was unreadable. “I’m sure you’ll do more than fine. I just need you to drive another shipment. But this one is a bit more time sensitive.”

  “There’s only so much I can do in LA traffic.”

  “You won’t be in LA traffic. You’ll pick up the package in Camarillo, then you’ll drop it off in Malibu.”


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