A Beautiful Composition of Broken

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A Beautiful Composition of Broken Page 3

by r. h. Sin

  a heart destroyed

  a mind in confusion

  and yet a woman

  is capable of taking pain

  and transforming it into triumph

  healthy spirit.

  more mental health

  and a peace of mind

  protect your right

  to feel at ease

  coffee and a book.

  shades and shadows

  the smell of coffee beans

  sits in my nostrils

  the taste of Colombia on my tongue

  the pages of my favorite book

  between my fingers

  my morning bliss

  has just begun

  internet trolls.

  i give silence to your criticism

  as you’ve decided to exaggerate

  your own importance to my art

  i give silence to your opinions

  because in my opinion

  you are wrong

  i give silence to your anger

  because i’m happy and in love

  i give silence to your opinion

  while you remain below

  i rise above

  sick day.

  give your soul a break

  if you’re tired of being hurt

  just rest awhile

  not a victim, victor.

  hate me, i love it

  get angry, i’ll just laugh

  March 17th I.

  i got tired of practicing

  the self-destruction

  of fighting for someone

  who would rather fight

  against me

  that’s not love

  March 17th II.

  if you’re in a relationship

  with someone who

  doesn’t respect your mind and heart

  it’s time to move on

  without that person

  if you’re in a relationship

  that doesn’t support your joy

  and peace of mind

  it’s time to move forward

  without that person

  March 17th III.

  feel what you feel but also understand

  that most people don’t deserve

  an emotional reaction from you

  you are valuable

  you are grand

  you are the essence of strength

  don’t let them break you

  March 17th IV.

  you’re always trying

  but who tries for you

  you’re always fighting

  but who fights for you

  i hate this idea of everything

  falling upon the shoulders

  of a woman

  while she’s in a relationship

  with a man who makes no effort

  i hate this idea of a woman

  feeling alone while being

  in a relationship

  March 17th V.

  i learned so many lessons in love

  the hard way

  i learned that loving someone

  doesn’t simply make them the one

  i learned that love

  in its purest form

  can only be provided

  and accepted when

  you love yourself first

  March 17th VI.

  there is value in your presence

  there is value within your heart

  and not everyone can afford

  to be with someone like you

  that’s fine

  March 17th VII.

  for me personally

  i would not have found love

  in someone else

  until i found it in its

  purest form within myself first

  you are the beginning

  it all starts with you

  the love you long for

  must first be cultivated on your own

  by yourself

  March 17th VIII.

  i think what we’ve found in dating

  is that sometimes

  the people we care for are incapable

  of caring for us the way we need

  we discover through relationships

  that sometimes the person

  we fall for cannot comprehend

  the love we provide

  March 17th IX.

  having standards is not a burden

  being strong is not a burden

  the mate you choose

  should always choose you

  just you

  March 17th X.

  the love you accept

  shouldn’t hurt you

  the relationship you entertain

  shouldn’t cause confusion

  a terrible terror of love II.

  it’s scary how dedicated

  you can be to someone

  who would rather use their energy

  to attempt to destroy you

  cost of communication.

  know your worth

  and never communicate

  reply or respond to anyone

  who can’t afford to speak to you

  or with you

  she, you, woman.

  delicate yet strong

  there’s a certain balance

  that only a woman like her

  can obtain

  she knows what she deserves

  and provided anything less

  she’ll walk away in search of more

  she’s guarded, sure

  but she’s ready to open up

  to the one who deserves her


  you’ve been hurt

  you’ve made your mistakes

  you’ve been called out

  of your name

  you’ve felt broken

  you’ve fallen down

  you’ve had to pick up the pieces

  of your heart and start over

  you’ve been mishandled, neglected

  disrespected and you’ve felt unprotected

  all of which has caused you to guard your heart but you’re stronger

  look at what you’ve been through

  you’re a queen who always gets through

  you’re a woman who continues to survive

  it’s evident.

  something within you

  is hurting, you’re in pain

  and it shows in the songs

  you relate to

  the quotes and poetry

  you double-tap on social media

  and of course it’s evident

  from the way these words make you feel

  but things do change, as you know

  things do get better and they will


  so many things i need to work on

  so many fucking things i need to change

  false claims of real love.

  i find that it’s difficult

  to find a heart that wants

  to love you permanently

  so many “i love yous”

  from people who don’t

  intend to stay


  don’t let the pain

  of any past relationship

  prevent you from finding

  something genuine and real

  in the future of something new

  weak critique.

  i’ve come to realize that

  negative criticism

  often arrives from the lips

  of someone incapable of accomplishing

  the things you can

  the roses.

  she is a storm of roses

/>   dangerous but beautiful


  too often the heart

  finds a way to love

  the ones who will never

  love it back

  broken chains.

  loving myself more

  set me free of you

  daydreaming life.

  my life rarely fits

  the picture i draw up

  in my head

  having certain expectations

  has ruined me

  the levels.

  there are several levels to love

  don’t be afraid to reach

  for the highest

  a short moment.

  the truth hurts

  and so we find peace

  in lies that create

  a temporary happiness

  the never-ending never.

  hating kills progression

  i know this because

  all the people who hate me

  will surely never surpass me


  my ego and my soul

  have found the perfect compromise

  a void.

  i felt like a bookstore

  with no books on its shelves

  a profound emptiness

  in my soul

  demands never met.

  somehow i’d always feel

  a deep regret when asking for more

  knowing damn well

  that having any sort of expectation

  would ruin me in ways

  that i could never imagine

  while my requests were met

  with nothing or lack of effort

  i was simply demanding everything

  i knew i deserved

  everything you weren’t willing to give

  and i know that now

  knowing you.

  who are you when no one is watching

  can i trust that person to remain loyal

  without my watchful eyes

  who are you when my back is turned

  can i trust that person to be honest

  in my absence

  i see a lifetime in brown eyes.

  the morning comes too soon

  your eyes a weary shade of brown

  your hair twisted and tangled

  restless and yet you smile

  the sun rises on your face

  shining brighter than before

  you lean in to whisper “i love you”

  but in this moment, i love you more

  March 23rd.

  i’ve become a flower and rose

  enthusiast because i’ve fallen in love

  i’ve come to the realization that loving

  a woman

  means making an effort to make her smile

  at all times

  why give her grief and sorrow

  when you can give her roses

  that scream “i love you”

  24 hours.

  i do whatever i can

  to protect my partner’s peace of mind

  when you love someone

  you keep that relationship secure and safe

  love shouldn’t feel like chaos and hell

  a truth I.

  holding on to someone

  who doesn’t care about losing you

  causes you to lose yourself

  and self-esteem

  i witnessed.

  watching you decide

  to miss out on real love

  because you’d rather hold on

  to someone who doesn’t love you

  is the hardest part

  a truth II.

  your opinion of me

  will never define who i truly am

  and whatever you think of me

  holds no importance in my life

  surviving oceans.

  we’re drowning for people

  who refuse to pull us from an ocean

  of despair

  we’re drowning for people

  who tipped us over

  forcing us to be submerged

  by our own pain

  we’re drowning as they watch

  without a care in this world

  we’re drowning and only we

  can save ourselves

  mature men.

  having many women means nothing

  being able to juggle several women

  doesn’t make you a man

  but the strength and determination

  to love and be faithful to one does

  further from truth.

  amazing isn’t it

  the way that every lie that gets told

  contains just enough truth to seem believable

  but not enough truth to be true

  a truth III.

  the woman who asks for more

  isn’t asking for too much

  the woman who demands more

  is simply in search of everything

  she deserves

  a truth IV.

  and that’s the issue

  sometimes when you see what you want

  you forget what you need

  and what you accept is further

  from what you deserve


  the beauty in being secure with self

  is that you never have to defend your ideas

  or your actions

  with people who don’t matter


  she has the patience to stay

  and the strength to move on


  when a man realizes the value

  of the woman who shares herself with him

  he adds value to himself


  seek the approval of no one

  never change who you are

  to fit the mold that others

  have created for you


  some apologize

  because they mean it

  others apologize

  because they’ve gotten caught

  withdrawn but progressive.

  i’m constantly evolving

  i just wish you were involved

  and a part of this change

  i’ve been doing this without you

  but i’m fine

  beneath above.

  she desires a patient partner

  one who will dig deeper

  making sure she reaches

  her peak


  understand that a woman’s love

  is something that runs deep

  if you’re not ready and willing

  to reach her depths

  don’t attempt the dive

  don’t waste her time

  inner, deeper.

  when i hear the word “woman”

  so many things come to mind

  my thoughts are overtaken

  by great things and visions

  i value the essence, mind

  and the very being of a woman

  see, many men look at a woman

  and categorize her by the way she looks

  reducing her to her appearance

  but i see more than that

  i’m willing to go to the depths

  of the soul, the mind

  its core

  the most beautiful woman is far more

  than a beautiful structure or what

  she appears to be to the naked eye

  the most beautiful woman has gold

  running through her veins and magic

  living within her heart

  you are that wom
an . . .

  sex, poetry in motion.

  let us lie



  one another

  using our emotions to convey


  and act out the actions of our mind



  and heart

  sex is poetry in motion

  with a touch of love

  adding meaning to what

  is already beautiful

  you and i

  beneath the moon

  covered in darkness

  let us create

  let us write

  when together.

  touch her in a way that no one

  has done before

  stimulate her entire mind

  with an abundance of words

  and leave an imprint upon her soul

  create a long-lasting memory

  and become something she’ll

  never forget


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