Accidental Makeovers

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Accidental Makeovers Page 10

by Carol Maloney Scott

  She hesitates a moment and then I add, “Or we all could go at the same time. I didn’t mean to creep you—”

  “No, that’s fine. You’re not creeping…you all seem nice. I actually had to park pretty far away and all my friends have left.” She smiles and places her daughter on her hip.

  We all say good night and the guys head off to their own cars. Now I remember that I drove Rob and Ruby, and toss him the keys across the parking lot. He can wait a minute. Ruby will probably fall asleep as soon as he gets her in the car seat.

  “Hey, Rob. Put one of those baby tapes on. She’ll conk right out. Oh, and I’ll double check the car seat before we take off.”

  I turn back to Amber, who is now beaming. “That’s so nice how you’re helping your brother learn to be a dad.”

  Mick and I follow her and Eden to her car. The little ones are smiling at each other. My son is a Buczkowski for sure.

  “He’s a good guy. He just looks like a scary son of a…hey, would it be too much to ask for your number? I’d ask you to go someplace now, but I need to drive my brother and Ruby home, and it’s way too late to be out with the kids.”

  Amber looks down, and I notice that she is barely wearing any makeup, yet her eyes are glowing. I am so used to all the other women in my life painted up like hookers. Amber reminds me a little of pictures of my mother when she was younger.

  “Um, sure it would be okay. It’s not like I’m meeting you in a bar. You’re out with your son, and you and your friends seem like nice guys. Let me get Eden settled in her car seat and I’ll give you the number.”

  It’s hard not to stare at her ass as she leans in to buckle the car seat, which makes me feel like a dirt bag. But just because I’m a good dad, it doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate…

  Amber emerges from the car and pulls out her phone. Pushing a piece of wayward hair back into her ponytail, she rattles off the digits. I put them in my phone and call her, so she has my number, too.

  “It was very nice meeting you, Max. And Mick.” She reaches out to tickle him and he giggles and hides his face in my neck.

  “You, too.” I put my hand on her car door, and motion for her to get inside. “Time to get the babies home. Bye, Eden.”

  I wave at the smiling toddler in the backseat, and she is wide awake. Too funny…I wonder if Mommy has the same stamina.

  Thankful that mind reading isn’t a real thing, I close the door after Amber gets in the blue Honda Fit, and say, “Drive safely. I’ll give you a call soon.”

  I step back and she smiles broadly as she pulls away.

  As I walk back to the van to join Rob and Ruby, I get a text. Diamond.

  “Hey, Bianca is meeting that business guy for dinner tomorrow night. Fancy place. Worrying about what to wear. Guy is hot. Hang out at my house when you drop Rob off, and I’ll fill you in when I get home.”


  “So what would you wear? You’re more professional looking than me.”

  My eyes plead with Violet, who looks like she would rather go to bed than review my wardrobe for tonight. Yet again.

  “I love you like a little sister, but do you know how many times you’ve asked me that today? I told you—keep it simple. Maybe a pencil skirt, a sweater set, reasonable heels. Maybe some pearls.”

  “She doesn’t own any of that.” My mother waltzes over to the table and plops down in a chair next to Violet. I am the only one standing as we try to clean up after this afternoon wedding. “Bianca, I told you that you can borrow anything of mine. We’re about the same size.”

  “I don’t think she likes the idea of wearing her mother’s clothes on a date.” Violet smirks and kicks off her shoes, wincing in pain. “I think this is the first time I’ve sat down all day.”

  “This is not a date! Why do I have to keep saying that? If it was a date I would be less worried about what to wear, even with the swanky restaurant. It’s a business meeting.”

  Violet continues to smirk and runs her fingers through her silky, blond hair. “Whatever you say.”

  Mom ignores Violet and says, “Bianca, why don’t you go home so you can figure this out before Mick gets dropped off. I’ll get home before you have to leave to meet Eric, but I think Max is planning on dropping Mick off sooner. The band has a show tonight, right?”

  My stomach twists at the mention of Max. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to see him before the date…I mean the meeting, but he wants to drop Mick off so they have time to do some last minute rehearsals before the show. They are getting quite serious now that they’ve got some original material and they’re playing shows out of town.

  I would never admit it to anyone, but I am sad that I won’t be able to share in any of that now. Chain has been a huge part of my life for several years.

  “Yes, I remember Mom. You’re right. The others can finish cleaning up, I’ve worked my ass off today. And thanks.”

  I reach down and hug my mother, who looks like a night in with Mick will suit her just fine. But I really need to encourage her to go out more, and not play the grandma role so much. She’s too young.

  I take off my apron and head out in the bright sunshine to drive home. Hmm, I know my mother does have a black pencil skirt. I don’t know if my hips will fit into it, though. Sweaters should be okay—we’re about the same size on top. Not too big…or small. I can’t believe I’m going to dress like this. It feels like Halloween. As I back out of my parking space, my phone starts ringing.

  “Hey, Birdie.”

  I am momentarily confused, since that’s Max’s name for me, and it’s a woman’s voice on the phone. I look at the display.

  “Katie, why are you calling me that silly name?”

  I can hear her pout through the phone. “I thought it was fun how we all had bird names. I like being Flighty Bird. I was going to tell you a funny story about a guy I was going to see tonight.”

  “What does that have to do with the name?”

  “Oh, because I already dumped him. Before the date. It’s like a negative relationship. Isn’t that funny?”

  “You’re a nut. I do want to hear about it, but please let’s not use the bird names. I don’t need any more reminders of Max.”

  “Well, that sucks. Max is a big poop to ruin my fun.”

  “A big poop? Really? So I’m dying to hear what the guy did wrong to warrant canceling your date. I mean, you’re a grown woman who calls people ‘big poops.’ That could be a deal breaker in some circles. You should be more tolerant.”

  I laugh and hear her start to giggle. “Also, it reminds me of the poop carnage I had to deal with the day I drove Cassie to the hospital.”

  “Yuck. I heard about that. Are you coming with us to see her on Monday?”

  “Yep. It’s my first day on the job, but I’m sure I’ll be done in time. I’ll find out more tonight.”

  “Oh yeah, tonight. The big ‘not really a date’ that you’re so worked up about. Did you decide what to wear?”

  I sigh as I pass one of my favorite boutiques and stop at the light.

  “You know, I was going to raid my mom’s closet for boring, professional, middle-aged frump-wear, but I have a better idea. I’m sitting outside Moda Coqueta. I think I’m going in.”

  “Ooh, yes! Make a bold fashion statement. I like it. After all, they hired you for you, so just be yourself. I wish I could meet you there, but I’m supervising the costume making for our new play. You’re coming, right?”

  I turn left at the light and make a U-turn to get to the parking deck behind Moda Coqueta and the other trendy shops in Washington Hill.

  “Absolutely. Can you text me the dates again? I’d really prefer that Max didn’t show up on the same night, but since it’s a Shakespeare adaptation, I doubt we’ll see him. Making fun of good old Will is one of Max’s favorite pastimes.”

  “Okay, get something fab, and tell Fiorella I said hey!”

  We hang up and I check the time before I jump out of my car. I have exactly an
hour to buy an outfit and get home before Max drops Mick off. That should be doable, since I only live a few minutes away.

  The doorbell jingles as I step inside the small, but gorgeous boutique. Fiorella’s boyfriend owns this shop. He bought it for her so she would have a purpose when they moved here from Argentina a few years ago. Now that’s a thoughtful man.

  “Dios mio! Look at what el gato dragged in.”

  “Hey, Fiorella. You look stunning, as always.”

  She truly is beautiful with her long, wavy dark brown hair, and her huge, almond shaped, deep mocha eyes. Her sense of fashion is flawless. I have never seen a petite woman carry off wearing so much jewelry and makeup without looking tacky or overdone. She would never be caught dead in a pencil skirt and sweater set.

  “Gracias, mi amiga. You just came from work? Was it a wedding?”

  Fiorella loves to hear the details of the events my mom’s company caters. I have a sneaking suspicion she has her own wedding all planned out, even though she has yet to receive a ring from Alejandro. I don’t know what he’s waiting for. This woman is stunning and exotic, especially in this town. Max came in here with me once, and I almost had to pay for the clothes he drooled all over.

  I fill her in on my new job and the breakup, as well as my meeting tonight.

  “Oh, yes I know the Alexander family. Very wealthy and powerful. You must have really made an impression on Raven to get such a deal. But I agree, you should be yourself tonight. They picked you.” She grabs my hand to lead me to a rack of dresses.

  “And I know you probably don’t want to talk about it, but I am sorry you and Max broke up again. But I’m sure you will fix things again. No?”

  I lower my eyes and say, “No, not this time. I need to move on.”

  Fiorella’s eyes mist up, but she quickly switches gears. “Well, time will tell what is meant to be. For now, we will find you a bonita dress fit for a princesa.”

  A princesa. For some reason, I just got a flash of Eric dressed as Prince Charming from Cinderella. That’s funny, but now it hits me that he looks just like that. Dark hair, clean cut, perfect build, tall but not too muscular. All dressed up in a suit. At least I haven’t seen him in one of those jackets with the gold tassels, and we’re not meeting at a palace. He’s like a modern day prince. Hmm…

  I try on several dresses, some of which are a little too bohemian for me…and the occasion. I still want to look a little more grown-up than my clubbing, mom or rock show looks.

  Finally, I see it. A silk, sleeveless, electric blue dress with cream flowers scattered all over. A high neckline, but a tight bodice. It looks more like something Katie would wear, and she’s a classic beauty.

  The waist is cinched with a belt, and the short skirt is flared. A little sexy, with a dash of sophistication. Plus the blue is a great contrast to my equally electric red hair, and the shade of blue almost matches the flowers in my tattoo.

  “Ooh, that’s the one!” Fiorella covers her mouth and squeals in fashion delight. “It fits you like a dream, and the contrast with your tattoos is striking.”

  “Okay, sold.” I check the time and realize I will barely make it home in time, even if I don’t get stuck at a single stoplight.

  Fiorella rings me up and I promise to visit again soon, and let her know how my meeting went.

  I practically jog to my car, and hang the dress on the hook in the backseat. As I jump in the driver’s seat, my phone starts ringing. Ugh, it’s Max. I toss the phone back in my bag. I’ll be there in a few minutes, and I’ll talk to him then. I don’t feel like hearing his crap twice. Hopefully he’ll behave in front of his son.

  I speed down Main Street, hoping to avoid the cops and turn onto our block. As I slow down in our residential area, I see Max’s work van parked in front of our…my house. I am technically not late—he’s early. Now who’s the ball buster?

  I pull up behind the van and jump out of my car. Max and Mick are standing at the end of the driveway. Mick is playing with a stick or something, and I can hear Phoebe’s barking, even through the closed door.

  The only thing out of the ordinary is Max’s clothing. For some weird reason he’s wearing a suit on a Saturday afternoon. He’s obviously not wearing that to Chain’s show tonight. Did he go to a wedding? Did somebody die?

  I know that’s a terrible place for my mind to wander, but I can count the times I’ve seen Max wear a suit on one hand, with fingers left over. For a second I was confused and thought he was Eric. But that makes no sense. Eric doesn’t even know where I live, and I only know two people with that shoulder width, and Eric isn’t one of them.

  I open the back door to grab my new dress and hesitate for a moment. Screw it—I can buy whatever I want. It’s none of his business, and he thought it was fine to buy a motorcycle and drum set without telling me when we were still together.

  I slam the car door harder than necessary and Mick yells, “Mama!”

  My little guy comes running to greet me and grabs my leg. I bend down to give him a kiss. “You had fun at the bounce house?”

  Mick starts jumping up and down to illustrate how much fun he had bouncing.

  I grab his hand and look up. “Hey, thanks for dropping him off. You look…nice. Special occasion? The band doing a show all dressed up tonight?”

  “No, as a matter of fact I had a meeting today. A business meeting.”

  I narrow my eyes and frown. “A business meeting? With Mick?” I gesture to my son, who is pulling me towards the house. We should probably get inside, before Phoebe pees on the floor from the anticipation of knowing we’re just out of her reach.

  “I dropped him off with my mother, and I just picked him up.” Max stands taller and adjusts his collar. His neck must be strangled in that shirt, even if it’s the right size.

  “Oh, I see.”

  “What, my mother isn’t good enough to watch her grandson?”

  “I didn’t say that. There’s no need to get defensive. I’m not used to you attending business meetings or wearing suits.”

  “Well, we can all change, Bianca. Just so happens we have an opportunity to sign a big commercial client, and you don’t go meeting the big shots dressed like a slob.” He gestures to the bag in my hand. “Kind of like you. Is that a new dress for your business meeting?”

  I sigh and shake my head. “How do you know about…never mind. Word travels fast in our circles. Yes, it’s a new dress. Now do you want to come inside and pack up the rest of your stuff?”

  “Don’t have time for that, Bir…Anyway, I’ve got to get home and change, and meet the band at Brandon’s house. We’re running through a few songs before we hit The Shark Tank tonight.”

  He leans down to Mick’s level. “Give Daddy a hug, big boy.” Mick squeezes Max’s neck and he roughs up his son’s hair.

  “That’s fine. Tomorrow is bad, though. My grandmother is coming for a belated Easter visit with Mick.”

  “Grandma Val? Wow, I am going to miss that. Such a shame.”

  He shakes his head in mock disappointment. He never had any love for my jet setting grandmother, even though she likes him.

  “No worries. Tomorrow is Sunday dinner with Ma and Pop. Rob is bringing Diamond to meet them for the first time. Should be a show worth recording.” He laughs and points to his van. “I’ll be going now. Say hi to Mom and Grandma for me. Oh, and Arthur. I’ll come by one night this week to get my stuff. Or if it’s better for you, and Sharon doesn’t mind, I’ll come when you’re out during the day. My nights might get busy soon.”

  “Oh, really.” I raise an eyebrow. “Met someone already?”

  “Maybe. We’ll see. Hey, good luck with the job…thing on Monday, is it? It’s too bad you’re gonna miss the show tonight. I’ve got big plans, Bianca. Between the band and my business, things are looking up. You wouldn’t even have to work at all.”

  He looks down at the walkway while I fume. I’m biting my tongue with Mick right here, but I’d like to tell him what a
clueless asshole he is.

  He lowers his voice and steps closer to me, “I know what you really want. Security. And you can go to all the business meetings you want, with any number of slick guys, but I get it now, and I’m the guy to give it to ya.”

  I have to put my hands on my child to keep from smacking him in his stupid…

  “And I know there’s a lot more you need.”

  Now he’s winking and making weird eye movements. Oh my God. His mother must have dropped him on his head. Where is he getting this new found understanding of my needs? Surely not from me.

  “Max, I do know what I need, and it’s not any of what you just mentioned. Have a good night.”




  She’s just stubborn. She wants me, and when she sees all I’m doing to better myself, this job and this douchebag, suit guy won’t seem so appealing. They’re probably going to work her to death for pathetic wages. She’ll come around.

  Diamond was so right, and even my mom agreed. If she thinks I’ve failed in her eyes as a provider of home and security, as well as neglecting her in the bedroom, no wonder she dumped me. It’s my own fault. I got too comfortable and distracted.

  I pull into a spot right in front of my building…well, Rob’s building and run inside to change into my Chain persona. Haha…I clean up pretty nice in a suit, but I love being on stage with the guys in leather, denim and sweat.

  I survey the place after I turn the key, and honestly I see why Bianca was disgusted when I lived here. Rob is no better. This is all she thinks I’m capable of. But I can’t woo her back with words. I am going to show her what I can do.

  Now the sex part might be a little harder right now. I don’t want to come on too strong. She needs to come to me. And she will once she sees that I’ve really changed, and then I’ll have the opportunity to prove my love. I do love her, even though I’ve fucked up.

  It’s also awesome and timely for Cassie and Claire to have new babies. Bianca will get jealous. All women want babies. I now see what she needs in order to act on her natural instincts.


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