The Family Next Door

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The Family Next Door Page 17

by Heather D'Agostino

  “I’m just getting started,” he teased as he moved from the left foot to the right one.

  After several minutes of silence, Patrick glanced in her direction and began to bring up his idea of opening their own practice.

  “I wanted to talk to you about something,” he hedged as he continued to knead her feet. “What do you think about leaving the hospital?”

  “What?” Katie’s eyes snapped opened.

  “To work with me,” Patrick forged on before she could argue.

  “I don’t understand,” Katie’s forehead crinkled as she attempted to slide up to a sitting position.

  “I want to open my own practice. I want you to be my partner,” he smiled at her as her expression became even more confused.

  “You’re a cardio specialist. I’m a peds specialist…those two don’t really go together,” she rubbed her eyes and sighed.

  “No…” he paused, “but they could.”

  “How?” she cocked her head to the side.

  “What if I changed specialties? What if I became a GP?” he grinned at her.

  “Patrick McKinley, are you out of your mind? Do you remember that rotation? You hated it,” she laughed.

  “I want to open my own practice. I want to work with you,” he reiterated. “I want to do this if you’ll do it with me. We could set up a space in the office for a crib. We could bring the baby with us to work. We could make our own rules…it’d be our place,” his grin stretched so far, his eyes crinkled at the sides as his excitement bubbled over.

  “You’d really do that for me?” Katie gasped as the idea began to grow.

  “I’d do anything for you,” he nodded as his hand coasted up her leg stopping on her knee. “I’ve been thinking about this all day. I can use my trust to fund it. Matt and your dad can design it. We can make it look however we want. We could even have your mom come in for consults.”

  Katie’s smile widened, “Can we really do this? I mean it sounds good in theory and all, but can we really do it?”

  “We can do anything…haven’t you figured that out yet?” he leaned over and rested his forehead against hers. “Say yes…say you’ll do this with me.

  Katie’s head bobbed vigorously, “Yes…I’ll do it.”

  “Can I kiss you?” he whispered as he tilted his head, so their lips were a breath apart.

  Instead of answering, Katie leaned to the side and brushed her mouth over his. A soft sweet kiss ensued as the long suppressed heat between them surged to life. Before the fire could catch, Patrick pulled back, “I love you.”

  Katie only nodded as she shifted back to a prone position. The baby had moved around, and she was now trying to settle in a position where she could breathe better. Not wanting to ruin the happy moment, but knowing that curiosity would win out, she closed her eyes, and blurted out, “How did work go today?”

  Patrick stiffened and then groaned, “As well as one would expect.”

  “You really didn’t answer my question,” Katie mumbled as she pulled her feet out of his lap, and sat up straighter. “If we’re going to get back to where we were, you have to be honest with me. You have to tell me everything, even if you think it might upset me.”

  Patrick nodded as he took in his wife’s expression, “Fine.” He placed his elbows on his knees and propped his head in his hands, “I quit this afternoon.”

  “That good of a day, huh?” Katie reached out and placed her hand on his shoulder lightly. “Why today?”

  Patrick grumbled something unintelligent to himself before continuing, “You sure you want to hear this?”

  Katie paused and then nodded, “Yeah.”

  “Tinsley came into my office. Wanted to go out to dinner. Made some crack about you being my ex-wife. I snapped, yelled at her to get out. She wouldn’t. She threatened me. I finally got mad enough that I got in her face, and quit,” he shrugged as he looked up at Katie’s blank expression. “Say something,” he begged.

  “I don’t really know what to say,” Katie muttered. “I hope I never see her again. I hope one day she gets what’s coming to her…and I’m glad you told me.”

  “Me, too,” he sighed. “I really need to head out. It’s getting late,” he moved to stand just as Katie’s arms reached out to hold him in place.

  “Stay,” she glanced up at his expression before adding, “on the couch.”

  “Ok…if you’re sure,” he offered a gentle smile.

  “I’m sure,” she nodded as she moved to stand up. “I’ll get you a pillow and some blankets.”

  “No!” he shook his head at her. “You’re going to go to bed. I’ll get the pillows and blankets.”

  Katie nodded, “Alright. I’ll see you in the morning. We can talk more about this new clinic.” She turned and headed for the guest room, “Goodnight.”

  “Night, I love you,” he whispered as he watched her disappear up the stairs.

  Chapter 23

  “Psst, are you awake?” Charlie leaned closer as he poked Patrick in the side.

  Patrick grumbled as he shifted on the couch.

  “Uncle Patrick?” Charlie poked him again, this time a little harder. “Are you awake?”

  Patrick opened one eye and peered up at his nephew, “I am now. What’s wrong?”

  Charlie placed his hands on his hips, and scowled, “You didn’t come play video games with me last night.”

  Patrick stretched and lifted himself to a sitting position, “I’m sorry buddy. It was late when Aunt Katie and I finished talking. We can do it today, ok? I’ll hang out with you for a while this morning before I go home.”

  “Ok,” Charlie nodded. “Can we play now?”

  “Don’t you want breakfast first?” Patrick glanced around the quite room. It seemed like he and Charlie were the only ones awake.

  “Already had a bowl of cereal,” he shrugged.

  “Who fixed it?” Patrick’s brow crinkled.

  “Me, silly,” Charlie giggled. “I’m nine…I don’t need help with that.”

  “Right,” Patrick gave a quick nod. “Alright…video games…you lead the way.”

  Charlie grabbed Patrick’s hand and gave a light tug, bringing him to his feet. When he turned around and took in his uncle’s appearance, he began to giggle uncontrollably.

  “You need to put some clothes on,” he grabbed his middle and bent over in laughter. “You can’t walk around like that,” he pointed to Patrick standing there in only his boxers.

  Patrick glanced down slightly embarrassed. He’d forgotten that he’d stripped down before falling asleep the night before. He was so used to waking in his own home that he didn’t think anything of it.

  “Oh I do, do I?” he grinned teasingly at Charlie. “I kinda like walking around like this.”

  “Well, you can’t here,” Charlie crossed his arms over his chest and scowled. “Dad says so.”

  Patrick scrunched his nose, “Your dad says what exactly?”

  “No, walking around in your underwear. Underwear is for the bedroom only,” Charlie tossed his head for side-to-side in a mocking manner. “Girls live here too, and we can’t walk around half dressed.”

  Patrick burst out laughing, “Your dad said that? Really?”

  Charlie nodded and pointed, “Put on a shirt and some pants.”

  “Yes Sir,” Patrick saluted him. “I’ll be up in a minute. Go get the game ready.”

  Charlie scampered off, and Patrick flopped back down on the couch. He couldn’t help but shake his head at Charlie and his antics. Matt really had changed since he became a father. Gone were the days of beer and women. Now he sounded like a completely different person. Patrick grabbed his clothes that he’d tossed on the nearby chair, and dressed quickly before bounding up the stairs after his nephew. He figured he could get a few games in before his wife woke up. He wanted to talk to her more before he set the plans in motion for the new practice.


  As Katie rolled to her side, she fought valiantly
to find a comfortable position. The baby had been very active during the night, and now she had a throbbing pain in her lower back. She grimaced as it intensified. It would pass, she knew it would. She’d been having false labor pains for days. When she called the doctor, he’d told her, “Just walk it off. If they stop, it’s not the real thing.” Katie knew that, but having someone else tell her, made her feel better. Her medical training seemed to go out the window when she was experiencing something herself. She still had five more days until her due date.

  As she rolled herself, so her legs were hanging off the bed, she grimaced as a wave of pain shot through her side. She reached down to caress the spot as she sat there waiting for it to pass. Apparently, this morning was going to be spent like so many she’d had recently. She’d get up, and pace the house waiting for the Braxton Hicks contractions to stop. They usually did by mid-morning, but today was the first time she’d had them in her back.

  As the most recent one abated, she stood, wrapped her robe around herself, and headed for the kitchen. She wanted to start the coffee, and wake Patrick. When she got to the bottom of the stairs, she noticed that the couch was empty, but Patrick’s briefcase was still sitting by the door. That meant he was still there somewhere, though she had no idea where he could have gone. She knew Hannah had to work, and Matt was supposed to be going into the office that morning, too. Hannah had asked her the night before if she would watch Charlie that morning. Katie had agreed, seeing that she didn’t have any plans. It was a Saturday, and it would be spent like all her other days. Relaxing around the house, wondering when the baby would make its appearance.

  After starting the coffee, Katie moved to sit in a chair at the table. While waiting for it to brew, her phone chimed. When she grabbed it, she saw her mother’s name flashed across the screen.

  She smiled as she clicked on the call, “Hey.”

  “Hey sweetie. Are you going to be around for the next hour or so?” Melanie chirped into the phone.

  “Should be. I just woke up,” Katie voice was strained as another pain shot through her, this one in her lower belly.

  “Are you ok? You don’t sound good,” Melanie questioned.

  “I’m fine Mom. False labor…you remember that…right?” Katie sighed.

  “Ok, well I was going to stop by. I need to drop off something for Hannah, and I wanted to visit with you for a little bit…see how you’re doing…” she trailed off.

  “I’m fine,” Katie reiterated. “But you are welcome to come by. I’ll be here all day.”

  “Alright,” Melanie’s voice still held concern. “I’ll be by shortly. I’m heading to work later, and I’ll stop by on my way.”

  “See you then,” Katie click her phone off and tossed it back on the table.


  “Yes! Finally! I beat you!” Charlie cheered as he watched Patrick’s head drop in defeat.

  “I let you win you little stinker,” Patrick shot him a glare which soon turned into a grin.

  “No, you didn’t,” Charlie scowled as he stood, “you just can’t stand the idea of getting beaten by a nine year old.”

  “Ok…maybe you’re right,” Patrick chuckled, “but I need to go check on Aunt Katie. We’ll play more later, ok?”

  “Fine,” Charlie grumbled.


  After checking her room, and finding it empty, Patrick descended the stairs, and panic set in as he took in his wife. She was sitting on the couch, holding her middle as she grimaced in pain. She rocked back-and-forth as she pinched her eyes shut. When she gasped, it set him in motion.

  “What’s wrong,” he knelt in front of her, peering up.

  “Nothing,” she panted. “False labor…it’ll pass,” she gasped as the wave of pain abated.

  “Are you sure,” Patrick rubbed her knee as he took in her expression.

  “Yeah,” she grumbled as she shoved him away. “I’ve been dealing with this all week.”

  “How long has this been going on today?” Patrick pressed.

  Anger flared in Katie’s eyes, “All night, doctor. I’m fine!”

  Patrick stood, and headed for the kitchen. Before he stepped through the door, he watched Katie grab her middle again. He glanced down at his watch and noticed that it had only been three minutes since the last one. He shook his head at her stubbornness, before disappearing into the kitchen.

  As he poured his coffee, the physician side of his brain began processing exactly what was going on in the other room. Just as he was about to storm in there and demand that Katie go to the hospital with him, the doorbell rang.


  “It’s open,” Katie called from the couch. She knew it was her mom, and at the moment she was in too much pain to move.

  When Melanie entered and took in her daughter, she scurried over to the couch and quickly sat down. It didn’t take an expert to know her daughter was in labor. Katie’s face was contorted in pain and sweat was beading on her forehead. Melanie turned over her wrist as she counted the seconds on her watch, waiting for the contraction to end.

  When it did, she sighed and calmly asked her daughter, “Why aren’t you at the hospital?”

  “It’s nothing,” Katie insisted.

  “You’re in labor sweetie. This baby is coming today,” Melanie shook her head. “We need to go…Now!!!”

  “I’ll get the car,” Patrick called from the doorway where he’d been silently watching his mother-in-law talk to his wife.

  “No, it’s not labor…I’ve been dealing with this for days. I’m not going to show up there and be sent back home. I’m not going to be one of those women that do that,” Katie grimaced as another contraction hit.

  “This is real,” Patrick tossed his hands in the air. “We need to go.”

  “How far apart are they?” Melanie glanced at her son-in-law since he seemed to be the only one to agree with her.

  “About three minutes, but they’re getting closer,” he nodded as he grabbed his keys. “Charlie,” he yelled up the stairs. “Get your clothes and shoes on. We gotta go!”

  “We can’t…I’m not ready,” Katie began to panic as reality set in. “I don’t have any of my stuff ready.”

  “I’ll get it. Sit tight,” Melanie hugged her daughter and rushed up the stairs to the guest room. She grabbed a bag out of the closet, and began stuffing clothes in. She’d been through this three times before, and knew what her daughter would need. After grabbing something for the baby to wear home, she zipped the bag, tossed it over her shoulder, and rushed back down the stairs to help get her daughter to the car.

  “You ready?” Patrick glanced over at Charlie as he tied his shoes.

  “Yep,” Charlie nodded. “I called Mom, she’s going to meet us there.”

  “Good,” Patrick sighed as he started to pace. The nerves were setting in, and the cool collected doctor that had filled his shoes mere moments ago was now replaced with the nervous father-to-be. “I have no idea how long we’ll be there. Could take all night,” he mumbled.

  “Arrr,” Katie screeched from the couch as another contraction hit. “Make it go away,” she begged as Patrick spun around to face her.

  He raced over to where she was sitting and perched himself in front of her, “Breathe baby, just breathe through it.”

  Melanie came rushing down the stairs as the contraction lessened, and Patrick moved to help Katie stand. As he wrapped his arm around her back, and began to guide her to the door, Charlie raced over to open it. He grinned in pride as he stated, “I’m going to have a cousin tonight.”

  “You sure are,” Melanie smiled at him as she stepped through the open door, and made her way to Patrick’s idling car.

  When Patrick was finally able to get his wife onto the porch, she suddenly froze. He turned quickly to see why she’d stopped moving and saw a look of pure terror on her face.

  “We’re not gonna make it,” she murmured as she glanced down embarrassingly.

  When Patrick follo
wed her gaze, he noticed the large puddle at her feet along with her soaked pants. “Yes we are,” he gave a tight nod. “This baby is gonna wait. Now come on! We need to get you in the car.”

  “Patrick?” Katie began to tear up. “I’m sorry,” she sobbed.

  “Come on,” he urged her forward finally getting her in the front seat.

  As he rounded the car, he paused and took a deep breath. He was going to be a dad today. In a few hours, he would meet his child. The thought alone caused mixed emotions of pure terror and complete elation to battle in his brain.

  “We gotta go. Now!” Melanie called from the backseat where she and Charlie waited.

  Patrick shook his head to clear it as he climbed in and shifted into drive. Today…Today his would meet his son or daughter. Today was going to be perfect.

  Chapter 24

  When they arrived at the hospital, Patrick pulled up to the Emergency entrance, threw the car in park, and jumped out. As he moved around to the passenger side to help Katie out, Melanie jogged inside to grab a wheelchair.

  “You take Katie up to maternity, and I’m going to get Charlie settled in the waiting room,” Melanie nodded in Patrick’s direction.

  “Mom?” Katie called in a panicked voice.

  “It’s ok,” Melanie assured her. “I’ll be up there as soon as I can. They’re not going to let Charlie in Labor and Delivery.”

  Katie nodded as she bit her lip to stifle a groan. The contractions were coming so close together by now that there was almost no time between them.

  “Patrick…its hurts so bad…make it stop,” Katie panted.

  Patrick began pushing the wheelchair as fast as he could toward the elevator, all the while offering words of encouragement to his wife, “It’s going to be ok. Just hang on. We’re almost up there, and we can get you some meds.”


  When they reached the OB floor, Dr. Stevens was standing at the nurse’s station, “Dr. McKinley…” he trailed off as a nurse came around the counter and flew into action.

  “We’ll get her set up in room two, Dr. Stevens,” the tall brunette called as she directed Patrick with her finger to turn around.


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