When Noonday Ends: A Southern Romantic-Suspense Novel - Nantahala - Book Two

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When Noonday Ends: A Southern Romantic-Suspense Novel - Nantahala - Book Two Page 20

by Carmen DeSousa

  Clayton inhaled a breath, resisting the urge to confront him, as if he had any concern where his daughter and grandson were. “Nope. But I’m ready to talk. Can you arrange it with the detectives?”

  Belcher choked through the phone. “Are you sure?”


  “You realize they can arrest you on several charges? I won’t be able to protect you if you charge in there, running off at the mouth.”


  “You want me to come get you?”

  “Nope. I’ll meet you there.”

  “Okay then. I’ll call the detectives, tell them we want to talk, and get back with you.”

  Clayton reclined in his chair. It was about time he set the record straight. If he ever hoped to have any future, he’d have to start paying the piper now. Yeah, he might go to prison, but at least he could say he did the right thing. And he’d settle one question that had been playing on his mind.

  “You won’t be talking to anyone.”

  The emotionless voice sent a chill down his spine. Clayton whipped around to reach for his pistol in the desk drawer, but it was too late; he saw nothing but a .38 aimed at his head and cold eyes with no life in them, staring at him.

  Maybe he wouldn’t be going to prison after all.


  Tom pushed the bike to its limits. He’d stiffened the suspension on the small YZ80 to account for his weight, but it wasn’t made for the road or the speed he was pushing it.

  He had to get to the Castles’ home, though. He knew that’s where she’d be. Shelby was a firecracker. How many times had he stopped her when she’d wanted to run? And he’d left her in the cabin alone. He should have known that she would head out to confront them. Now he could only pray that she’d be okay. Certainly, she wouldn’t take Justin there.

  The thought of losing Shelby or Justin caused his stomach to do instant flips, feeling as though he’d puke. He couldn’t lose them. Not now.

  He pushed the bike hard enough that the engine whined, as though it might take flight or blow up was more likely. If that happened, he’d commandeer a vehicle if need be. His arrest was imminent at this point. What difference would it make to add another charge? His best hope was that he would get off with probation.

  Because…right now…all he could think was that it felt as though he were heading for a face-off, that when noonday ends, there’d be a showdown.


  Shelby parked the truck outside the house and ran around to the passenger side, pulling the door open and unstrapping Justin from his seat. Andy’s car wasn’t in the driveway, so she’d have to hurry.

  “Oh, thank God, Shell. I’ve been worried sick.”

  Shelby threw up her hand as she walked toward the house. “Please don’t say a word to me. I feel like slapping you. And if I wasn’t holding your grandson in my arms, I’d do just that.” She handed Justin over and choked out a breath, shaking her head. “I can’t believe—”

  “I’m sorry, baby.”

  Shelby ran her hand across her forehead and waved her hands in front of her. “I don’t have time for this.” She turned away, heading to the truck. There wasn’t any time to waste talking.

  “Where ya goin’, Shell?”

  “To set things straight and save my brother,” she called over her shoulder.

  Shelby hopped inside the cab and peeled out of the driveway. Now that Justin was safe, she punched the gas pedal to the floor.


  As much as Bearns didn’t want to answer his ringing phone, Michelle insisted he should. She obviously thought as he did…that it could involve her brother.

  She probably wouldn’t be happy with him if he blew off work as he usually did on the weekends if it pertained to her brother.

  He’d stopped working overtime right after he lost his family. No job was worth what he’d given up. Though he didn’t miss his wife anymore, he missed his kids terribly.

  “Bearns,” he spewed into the phone, hoping he wouldn’t upset Michelle with his aggravated tone. He’d forgotten that he needed to be gentler in the presence of a lady. It’d been too long.

  “Mr. Bearns, this is Patricia Montgomery. You were at my house earlier.”

  “Yes, Ms. Montgomery.” He nodded at Michelle’s expectant look. Cupping the phone, he mouthed, Shelby’s mom. Michelle bobbed her head in understanding. He really liked her. His ex-wife would have rolled her eyes and probably not even have recognized what he’d mouthed. “How can I help you, Ma’am?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m scared. Shelby called, and Andy was all upset trying to explain to her about Clayton. He was crying and then he ran out of here. Then Shelby just left after dropping off Justin. I didn’t know who else to call, but I’m afraid they’re both heading to the Castles, and who knows what will happen.”

  “Thank you, Patricia. I’ll handle it.”

  “Please do. I know I seem stupid to you for the choices I’ve made, but I love my children, both of them. I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to either one of them.”

  “I understand,” Bearns said into the phone. “I’ll call you in a little while. Thank you for calling me.”

  He hung up the phone and smiled at the beautiful woman sitting across the table from him, hoping this wouldn’t be the last date with her.

  “Well, Michelle, it looks as though tonight is the night everything’s gonna come to fruition. Shelby knows Clayton’s her father, and according to Ms. Montgomery, she thinks both of her children are heading over there, which means your brother may be heading there, too. One happy family reunion, except for the fact that one of them may be a killer.” He huffed out a sigh and a laugh on the same breath.

  Michelle wadded up her napkin and threw it on her plate. “Let’s go.”

  He narrowed his eyebrows. “Us?”

  “Well, yeah. You need back up, don’t you?”

  He laughed, throwing back his head at the chance that she was the perfect woman for him. “That’s right. You’re a marine. So I guess you’d be offended if I asked you to sit this one out, huh?”

  She pushed her chair away from the table, making it obvious she was ready. “You’d never hear from me again if you started treating me like the ‘little lady’.”

  “I like your spunk, lady.”

  She smiled. “That’s good, ’cause I kinda like yours too.”

  Bearns waved his hand to get the waiter’s attention. “Check, please.”

  He’d always wanted to say that. Of course, he’d rather it meant that he was heading home to the pretty lady’s house for some sweet kisses and coffee, but a raid would have to suffice. And he couldn’t help but think he might have found his new business partner. For that matter, all around partner. He hoped that she was looking to start a partnership.

  Chapter Forty

  Clayton lowered and shook his head. “It’s over, June. We’ve played these games too long, and I’m tired. I’ve given up everything I’ve ever loved. And for what? Money? I never even cared. I only wanted to do what was best for Patricia and my children, and instead I got myself more wound up in all this deceit and greed. Now I only care about three things. My children and grandchild.”

  June chuckled. “Give me a break, Clayton. If you didn’t care about the money, you would have left years ago instead of keeping that bimbo in her trailer-trash lifestyle. So don’t try to look high and mighty to me all of the sudden.”

  “June, look at you. You don’t even care that your son and lover are dead. You’re just happy that Carlin doesn’t get all the money now, aren’t you? And you never wanted Roger around? Why did you call him here? You knew I wasn’t gonna hurt Carlin. You wanted Hale involved, didn’t you? Ever since you got your new beau, you’re done with him.” He smiled at her shocked expression. “You thought I didn’t know, huh?”

  His wife of twenty-five years narrowed her eyes, questioning what he knew.

  “Guess what, honey. The fortune still isn’t yours; it’s Justin�
�s now, and as CEO, I still run it. You gonna kill your grandson, too?”

  “No, just you.”

  The door opened and Belcher stepped inside, a .22 in his hand.

  “I told you I didn’t need a ride, Randall.” Of course, Clayton knew his lawyer wasn’t here to escort him to the police station. His wife’s lover was here to help June tie up all the loose ends.

  His oldest friend smiled. “I always liked you, Clayton, but I always liked June more. I can’t let you turn her in for an accident.”

  Clayton huffed out a breath. “Why? You’re the best, Randall. You’ll get her off. You gonna kill Andy too?”

  Belcher shrugged. “If it comes to that.” He motioned for him to stand. “Let’s go outside, Clayton.”

  Clayton exhaled a long breath at how the situation had rolled out of control, but stood and walked toward the door, his eyes remaining on June, since she had the bigger gun and, in his opinion, was mentally unstable. “And how exactly do you think you’re gonna get away with killing me?”

  Randall stepped back, allowing him a wide berth to approach the door. “Easy. June knew you killed her lover, so you were going to kill her. She’ll shoot you in self-defense.”

  “Of course.” Clayton opened his office door and walked down the hallway to the front entry. Not sure how he was gonna get out of this mess he’d gotten himself into, he opened the front door. Andy was standing there, and then a blue Toyota pickup screeched to a halt on the driveway and Shelby jumped out. “Terrible timing! I don’t suppose you brought a gun with you, did you, son?”

  Shelby darted up the steps and stood beside her brother as she took in Belcher standing behind him.

  “Beautiful family, Clayton. Too bad you’re all going to have to die now.”

  Clayton stepped in front of his children and turned to look at Belcher and June. “I’m sure we can figure out something, Randall. You can’t honestly think you’re gonna get away with killing all of us.” He shook his head. “For what?” He motioned to June. “For her?”

  Belcher stepped forward and slapped him. “Yeah, for her. Let’s go. Down to the dock.” I think I have an idea how you can all die.”

  Andy and Shelby didn’t say a word as Belcher shooed them off the porch, while June held the gun at ready. He wondered if he could charge June quickly enough to wrestle the gun out of her hands, but Randall blocked a direct hit.

  Her eyes looked crazy enough to shoot; she’d obviously reached a point of no return. Something had snapped in his wife’s head.

  Clayton corralled his kids in front of him and then spoke to Belcher again. “You realize she shot Hale, don’t you? Andy and I were just teaching Carlin a lesson; she knew we’d never hurt him. But he needed to be punished for hurting Shelby, or he’d never stop. June called Roger to tell him we were killing his son, and he came running over to help her. The way he’d always protected her. And then while he was fighting us, she shot him.” Clayton laughed. “She cried out afterward that she thought Andy was killing him, but she’s a great shot; she knew what she was doing. After Hale fell into the water, we looked for Carlin and he was gone.” Clayton stopped walking and spun to face Belcher and June. “What makes you think she won’t kill you next?”

  “Shut up,” June screamed, motioning him forward.

  Clayton stepped out on the dock beside Andy and Shelby, who still hadn’t said a word.

  Belcher regarded June in his normal pompous fashion, raising his hands up in the air, indicating she needed to decide. “It’s up to you, honey. You can kill them all and we can plant their weapons later, or we can force them into the lake and make them tread water until they drown.”

  June took aim at Shelby. “Shelby hates me. No one would question that she tried to kill me, and that I had to defend myself afterward from her brother and father.”

  Tears sprung to Clayton’s eyes. “No, June. Don’t do it. Please. I’ll do anything.”

  June closed her eyes, and he knew it was too late to beseech her; he jumped in front of his daughter and heard the blast of the gun at the same time that he felt the fire in his chest.

  Then, a second and third explosion rang in his ears, but he didn’t feel any pain from the other shots. Just a warmth spreading over his chest.

  “Clayton.” He heard her beautiful voice and then saw her face above him. “Oh God, Clayton. I always loved you. Even as a father-in-law, I loved you like you were my father. Please don’t die.” Her warm hand touched his face and just the thought that his daughter would tell him she loved him as a father made everything okay.

  “I’m sorry, Clayton. Please don’t die.” His son’s voice…so close… “I’m sorry for what I said earlier.”

  Clayton’s heart throbbed in his chest as he tried to focus on Andy’s face, and then on the familiar face above him, but everything was blurry.

  “Let me through,” a woman’s voice broke through his daughter’s tears. “Andy, give me your shirt.” The woman, along with the other man, leaned over him, tearing at his clothes.

  “Shelby...Andy,” he gasped, but it came out gurgled as fluid filled his throat, choking him. “Don’t…leave. I…”

  “We’re right here, Dad,” Shelby said near his ear. He tried to turn to see her face, but his neck wouldn’t obey. “Let Mr. Bearns and his friend help you.”

  Sirens filled the air and then blue and red lights danced above him, reflecting off the stern faces of the two people hovering over him.

  “The ambulance is here, Mr. Castle. Hang on.”

  “Shell…” He reached for his daughter, but then his world faded away.

  Chapter Forty-one

  Shelby followed the stretcher as they loaded Clayton into the ambulance. “I’m here, Daddy. Please don’t die. Please don’t die. I’m sorry…”

  She had wanted to yell at him for everything. That’s all she’d thought about the entire drive here, but then he’d thrown himself in front of her. June had actually hated her enough to shoot her.

  When she’d heard the second and third shot, she thought she was dead, but then Belcher and June had dropped, and Detective Bearns and a woman had been standing on the knoll behind them.

  Andy wrapped his arm around her waist. “Actions speak louder than blood,” he mumbled, sniffing back tears. “I was wrong. He loves us. I’ve always been so mean to him, but he loves us.”

  Shelby turned in her brother’s arms and fell against his chest, her eyes watching the paramedics inside as they fought to save her father’s life.

  She’d been so angry with both of them, but now she couldn’t find any of that fury. Now she just prayed that she’d get a second chance.

  The sound she’d been longing to hear captured her attention. Tom pulled into the drive and literally jumped off the bike while it was still moving. “Shelby!”

  Her brother stepped away as Tom ran up beside them. “Oh, thank God!” He grabbed her. “You scared me. You should have waited.” His eyes did a quick inventory: Andy, as he rubbed his hands over his face, the ambulance as it pulled out of the driveway, the two bodies on the ground, and then his gaze rested on the woman who’d helped her father before the paramedics arrived. The woman hovered over Belcher and June, checking for a pulse. “Michelle?”

  His voice held a question as he dropped his eyes to the two dead people, not at who she was, but if they were alive, it seemed.

  The woman shook her head. “They’re both gone, Tom.” She stood, then walked toward him.

  “Your sister?” Shelby asked in shock.

  Tom nodded. “Is this your work, Michelle?”

  Michelle released a long breath, shaking her head. “No. Bearns took them both before I even reached for my gun.” She shot a glance in Bearns’ direction. He was sitting on the porch with his head in his hands.

  “We need to get to the hospital,” Andy said.

  Shelby nodded, and Tom pulled her to his side, directing her to his truck.

  “Andy, why don’t you come with us?” Tom sugge
sted. “You shouldn’t be driving.” Tom allowed her to enter, but then turned to his sister and Bearns. “I’m sorry, Michelle. Thank you, Jason. I’m sorry for dragging you both into this, but thank you for saving my wife’s life.”

  The man who’d clearly saved their lives raised his head, but remained on the porch. He rubbed his hand over his chin. “I’ll handle this, Turner. The detectives will be here soon, and they’ll be looking to question Shelby, so you need to go now.”

  Tom nodded and jumped inside the cab beside her. “Shelby.” He sighed. “Woman, if you ever make me worry like that again…” He inhaled a deep breath and moved the gear shifter into reverse. “I’m sorry. We’ll talk about this after we make sure Clayton is okay. He was shot, I take it.”

  Shelby gulped, attempting to swallow the tears, but it wasn’t working. “Yes…he…” She sucked in a breath. “He…I can’t believe… He threw himself in front of me.”

  Andy wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her head to him with his other hand. “It’ll be okay, Shell. It’ll be okay. He’s strong. And it wasn’t a death wound, I’m pretty sure. They stopped the bleeding, so he’ll be okay. I know he will.”

  Shelby wanted to believe her brother, but she knew his habit of lying to protect her. She’d seen her father’s eyes as he’d slipped away. The idea that she’d never have a chance to have a father—a cry broke free at the thought that she’d lose him.

  Tom stomped on the gas as he turned onto the main road. He squeezed her leg reassuringly. Shelby wanted to just stop and let him hold her, but she had to see her father. She’d wanted a father for so long and now she might lose him.

  She’d been so mean to him, thinking he’d wanted to take Justin away, but now she realized he’d been protecting her, both of them. And he and Andy had tried to protect her from Carlin too. What a mess. Her blood started to boil as she thought about it all, searching for someone to blame.

  Shelby pushed away from Andy. “I don’t understand…”


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