Corey (Devil's Flame MC Book 5)

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Corey (Devil's Flame MC Book 5) Page 17

by Romi Hart

  There was a moment’s hesitation. “You sure you want the cops?”

  “Dammit, Zeke! No, I don’t. I want to smash his head through a brick wall and then shove a spear up his ass and rotate him while I use a dull blade to sever his head. But that’s not what Regan wants. So, I’ll only kill him if I have to! Now, take orders when they’re given, without question.”

  “I’m on it.” The line clicked, and there was no more argument. Corey was certain Zeke would handle everything and get men behind him, in case there was a showdown. At the moment, it was all he could do to keep from riding up on that bumper. David was driving like a maniac, swerving all over the road, and if he didn’t straighten up, he would send that car flying right over the edge of the highway, off the bridge and plummeting to the street below.

  And Corey would lose Regan anyway.

  That was unacceptable, and Corey had to think fast. What could he do? If he got too close, David would likely speed up, endangering everyone further. It wasn’t Corey’s style to put innocent bystanders in harm’s way, either. But he couldn’t just let the guy continue to wreak havoc, drifting between lanes at breakneck speed, not with heavy rush hour traffic starting to build and Regan in the car.

  To Corey’s relief, the car drifted down the off ramp and onto the side road, and David wobbled the car around a corner onto a small, two lane street with a deep ravine to the right. This wasn’t much better, but at least he was moving slower now, so the swerves were slightly less out of control and didn’t pose as great a danger.

  The question was, what happened if the car went into the ditch?

  Narrowly missing an oncoming car brought honks and shouts from the other driver, and Corey’s heart thudded harder in his chest. They were headed to the outskirts of town now, and luckily, there would be fewer cars. A controlled accident, then? Would that be the right choice?

  Corey’s phone rang in his ear, and he cursed under his breath. He needed to make a decision now, with the traffic dwindling and his likelihood of exposure growing. Interruptions were unwelcome. He pressed the button on his ear bud and barked, “What?”

  “We’ve got police on alert, ready to intercept in a couple of miles of where you are,” came Zeke’s voice.

  That didn’t work for Corey. It was too dangerous. If they started shooting, a stray bullet could hit Regan, and then he’d be on death row for murdering every cop who’d fired on the car. He had to take control of the situation, and he was a much better shot than the average police officer. He respected the job, and that’s why he’d let them take this motherfucker in, but he’d be damned if he’d risk Regan’s life in the process.

  “I got it,” he spoke into the headset. “Tell them to head this way, now.” With that, he pulled out his gun and aimed. The car was a front wheel drive, so if he shot out the back left tire, he could force David to swerve left, away from the ditch. Closing the gap between his bike and the car, he fired, and then he slammed on the breaks, watching the car skid and sway as David fought for traction.

  Corey nearly lost it when the car tipped and rolled, landing on its roof, but it stopped, sparks flying as the metal made contact with the concrete. Forgetting his love for the machine he rode, he let it fall to the ground as he yanked out the keys and rushed over, gun at the ready, to assure Regan was safe.

  To his surprise, she was wide awake but struggling, weak and bleeding, to get out. “Come on, Regan, I’ve got you. Give me your hands and let me pull you out,” he coaxed, glancing worriedly past her to the driver’s seat. David hadn’t been buckled in and had fallen in a heap from the seat to the ground below and was unconscious. He was breathing, though, and he wouldn’t be out long, Corey guessed.

  Pulling Regan free, he wrapped her in his arms, cradling her with his gun at her back, pointed at the silent assailant behind her. “Are you alright? Anything broken? Bleeding profusely?” He pulled her back slightly, meaning to check her over, but she winced, and he stopped touching her.

  “My ribs. Not from the accident.” Her voice was raspy, and there was a bruise on her throat. Homicidal rage overtook him, and had she not been in his lap, Corey would have gone over and placed three bullets in David’s head, point blank. “How did you know…” She trailed off, her hand to her head as she swooned sideways.

  “Fucking hell, what did that bastard do to you?” he asked in a terrified whisper. There was a moan from the car, and Corey shifted, making sure his pistol was aimed directly at David. The sirens in the distance told him it wouldn’t take long, that he’d be able to focus more closely on Regan in just minutes. “You’ll have to go to the hospital.”

  “I know,” she whispered. “That doesn’t tell me how you found me.”

  Corey wasn’t keen on answering that, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to upset her at this point. “I was going to try to bribe the movers for information. Not to come find you, but to make sure I could protect you, even if you didn’t want to stay here and be with me.”

  She blinked at him, through blood and tears and hair that fell in her face. She was beautiful, even with the incredible damage David had done, and her violet eyes enraptured him. “You would really have done that, regardless of my insistence that I could take care of myself.”

  He shrugged. “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t risk something happening to someone I care about this much.” He swallowed hard. “To someone I love.”

  She inhaled sharply, but Corey set her carefully aside as David moved, trying to crawl out of the car. And as he leveled his gun, ready to fire, three police cars screeched to a halt, several officers at the ready and screaming for David to get his hands up. Instinctively, Corey put down the weapon and held his own hands over his head, wanting to pose no threat to the police. He recognized a couple of the officers, and it eased his tension slightly.

  Two ambulances joined the responders, as well as the obligatory fire engine, and men with stretchers and duffel bags full of medical equipment hustled out, two of them glancing at Corey, who motioned them over to Regan. He was fine. He’d gotten off without a scratch. Shawna might need a little buffing up after he’d dropped her so carelessly, but for once, there was something more important than his beloved motorcycle.

  He watched as David was handcuffed and led away, little more than a gnarly cut on his forehead, and then his sole attention was focused on Regan. They had her up on the stretcher and ready to roll away, and Corey realized just how badly she’d been injured. She’d said it wasn’t the accident, and he couldn’t begin to imagine what David had done to her. He’d rarely even seen his own men in such shape after a brawl.

  He’d let the cops take him to jail, for now, but if the man ever got free, he was instant dog meat. And if Corey had his way, some of his contacts on the inside would know that David was an abuser. Even the worst of criminals didn’t take well to men who beat or defiled women or children. It wouldn’t go well for the son of a bitch.

  Zeke had several men on the scene within minutes, and Corey turned to Mike, who looked haunted. “It’s not your fault. I don’t know why she came back, but don’t worry about it, kid. Just do me a favor and get my bike home and cleaned up.”

  “You got it, boss,” he promised.

  Zeke raised a brow. “You have never in your life let another guy touch Shawna, except to buff her up. What the hell?”

  Corey rolled his eyes. “Now’s not the time to harass me, Zeke. I’m riding to the hospital with Regan. She’s in rough shape. And I can’t leave that bike out here. I trust Mike. He feels guilty and this is his penance. It’ll make him feel better, and I know he’ll move heaven and earth to keep that bike safe.”

  Zeke laughed. “I guess you’re right. And you’re also sprung. Go get her, pal. Maybe now, she’ll think twice about leaving.”

  Corey could only hope. Not only would David be behind bars; he’d proven that he would do whatever it took to protect her. And he’d even avoided killing David. That should count for something, especially since he’d already had
someone’s head splattered on him once today and might as well make it two.

  But setting all that aside, the important thing was that Regan was alive, and that she get the medical help she needed. He made his way quickly to the ambulance where the EMTs were loading her up, and she glanced down at him. “I was wondering if you were coming.”

  Corey smiled and snorted. “I’d love to take a ride with some flashing lights that had nothing to do with me breaking the law.” She grinned back, the small movements of her face obviously painful as evidenced by the darkening of her eyes. But the effort wasn’t lost on him as he clambered up beside her and grabbed her hand, holding it in both of his. “You’re safe now,” he told her quietly as the bus started down the road.

  She nodded, swallowing hard enough for him to see that bruise on her throat bob, and he felt the trembling in her hand. He wasn’t going to push for answers to all of his questions right now, but he did have one that couldn’t wait. “Why did you come back, Regan?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Because I’m a moron. I could have stopped and bought a new phone charger, but I went back for the one I left because it’s super fast. Great reason to risk my life, right?” The slight smile faded from her face, and her eyes showed the fear she must have felt this whole time. “He was there, coming to talk to me again. Or rather, to hit me over the head and drag me away with him. He choked me, and I…” She trailed off as her voice broke and tears spilled down her cheeks.

  Corey squeezed her hand tight, wishing he could squeeze the life out of David, crush his windpipe under his fingers as she continued, “I thought I was going to die. And I thought, if I could hold still and fake passing out, he’d stop, and I could breathe.” The words rushed out of her, hoarse and broken but rolling quickly. “And it worked. He threw me over his shoulder, and I stayed limp as he loaded me into his car. I knew that, if I just kept up the pretense, he’d have to stop for gas eventually, and I could get help.”

  “I was behind you the whole way,” Corey gritted out, aching for her. He wanted to wipe away those tears, kiss away the pain. But now wasn’t the time. “I would have followed you as far as I had to. And I had Zeke on the horn to the police, ready to block the way. He was swerving so hard, I thought he was going to kill both of you.”

  “He was drunk. I think he polished off the better part of two bottles of liquor.”

  That figured. “I couldn’t let the cops stop him, though. If they had fired and shot you by accident, I would be as good as dead because I would have killed them all.” The fierceness of his tone surprised even him, and with what looked like great effort, Regan raised her free hand and cupped his cheek. He leaned into it, reveling in her touch.

  “Thank you. For saving me, again.”

  He shrugged. “I told you, I can’t let anything happen to you. I would have fought to keep you safe, wherever you were because I love you.” He hadn’t gotten to say it properly before, but the hell if he was going to waste any more time without letting her know how he felt. As many times as he’d stood to lose her already, he wasn’t going to miss this last chance to at least be honest with her.

  She took a deep breath, grunting and squirming at the pain it caused. She’d definitely broken a rib or two. But still, she gave him the sweetest smile he’d ever seen in his life. “That’s a damn good thing, Captain. I’d hate to have fallen for someone who didn’t love me back.”


  Regan stood waiting for the judge, Corey at her side and several of his crew behind them. All said and done, they cleaned up pretty well, most of them exchanging the leather cuts for sports coats to be here for the sentencing.

  This was the easy part. Testifying, reliving everything that had happened, had been the hard part for Regan. It had taken a lot of courage, and she was grateful for the Devil’s Flames for offering their protection, no questions asked, for the rest of her life. Most of all, she was glad to have Corey with her every step of the way.

  He’d stayed with her, waiting at the hospital until they’d discovered all the breaks and bruises and contusions, and then he’d sat with her through the nightmares until she’d finally rested. When she’d been released with nowhere to go, her apartment already gone, he’d quickly insisted she join him at his place. Not that she had minded in the least, but she had wondered if Corey would be comfortable with a houseguest until she could find another place.

  But he’d surprised her over dinner. “Just stay here,” he’d told her simply. “I want you here, with me, where I know you’re safe. Where I can feel you next to me in bed at night and wake up to you in the morning.”

  It had been romantic, sentimental, and refreshing. She’d smiled at him and asked, “Are you sure it’s not just about me making you breakfast?”

  He’d smirked. “Well, we might have to arrange a contract. I could use a hearty breakfast at least twice a week and—”

  She’d cut him off with a kiss, and while she couldn’t exactly launch herself into his arms with broken ribs and a torn rotator cuff, she’d shown him all the passion and excitement she felt at the prospect of living with him. She’d never looked back at that decision, or questioned the idea that they belonged together.

  And he’d had the entire MC on the lookout, as well as some of their allies, during the trial, in case David had made any friends, paid anyone off, or had any other crazy family that would come and try to harm her. She’d had some bad nights, but mostly, she’d managed to put it behind her, and when several months had passed and the trial ensued, she was much better, though being on the witness stand had definitely played games with her PTSD.

  The jury had been out for less than an hour, coming back with guilty verdicts on all counts, including first degree attempted murder. Now, it was time to hear the judge’s ruling on the sentence David would serve, and Regan’s heart hammered in her chest. If he got out too soon, the terror would start all over again.

  “Due to the extreme violence of the situation, and the fact that our defendant has shown a pattern of repeated offenses, I cannot react lightly to these charges. The maximum sentence is life, and that is what I’m handing down in this case. In addition, where chance for parole is typically offered after ten years, due to the specifically heinous crimes here, I am recommending that no parole hearings be held for at least fifteen years, with a preference for twenty. The defendant is to be remanded to custody immediately following trial. Court is adjourned.”

  The gavel banged, and cheers went up from the group behind her, but Regan was in shock. Chances were, with David’s behavior and his anger issues, he would never again see the world outside the prison fence, and that was hard to believe. But it was amazing and wonderful.

  She turned to face Corey, who wrapped her in a celebratory embrace, but her eyes fixed on David as he was escorted out of the courtroom, his eyes blazing lasers focused on her. For once, she let the hate and disgust she felt for him pour from her own gaze, showing him how much she wanted him out of her life. A part of her again questioned her motives for not allowing Corey to kill him. A few conversations with Kira and the other women had taught her a lot about the things that had happened lately at the clubhouse, and with the MC, and she no longer felt like David’s death would have burdened Corey’s conscience or fallen on his shoulders legally.

  Nonetheless, everything had worked out, and as they left the courthouse hand in hand, Regan marveled at how free she felt. Rory had been right about destiny and fate. This had all been a test, and even though she’d taken the hard road, she’d ended up right back here, with the man she’d longed for, in the end.

  She’d had to tell Lena and her coworkers the truth, considering that the news had picked up the story of her near murder and David’s arrest. It had definitely been tabloid worthy, and in the long run, it was better to get the truth out in the open than to have some of the rumors believed. The headlines about ‘Embryo Ripped from Her Womb’ weren’t particularly flattering, after all.

  And it turned out that they
had banded around her as well, keeping her position while she healed and helping to maintain her clientele till she could get back at it. Corey had also been fully supportive of that, as long as she took her time to heal, and he was doing far better as well. He’d delegated more responsibility and took time to spend with her, as well as to maintain his massage regimen.

  Climbing behind him on the bike, Regan wished they hadn’t agreed to go back to the clubhouse to celebrate the win and sentencing. She loved the crew, had gotten used to them and acquainted with many of them. She had her favorites, too, just like everyone else, including Rocky, who had recently patched in.

  What she really wanted was to go home, alone with Corey, and spend a quiet evening, just the two of them. But she knew how much the Devil’s Flames loved their tradition of celebrating victories. She’d been there for Rocky’s patching in, and she’d joined in the party when the twins were born, without any problems. Laura and Nora were the pride of the club.

  So, she told herself they would go and make their appearance, spend an obligatory couple of hours with the crew, and then she would steal Corey and make him take her home.

  If she’d allowed it, Regan could have passed out drunk, members of the club plowing her with drinks. But she kindly accepted, and often passed them along to someone else, drinking maybe three beers. Corey had a few more, but he was so much bigger than she was, and he had a higher tolerance. Things had just started to pick up, music blaring and inhibitions doused with liquor, when Corey leaned in and whispered in her ear, “It’s a little packed in here. I was thinking about more of a private celebration.”

  To punctuate his words, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back against him so she could feel the evidence of his arousal. Regan moaned, her excitement and desire blending with an instantaneous response she worried the whole crowd could smell as the moisture poured out of her. She turned in his arms and nodded toward the hallway. “You still have a bunk? I don’t think I can wait till we get home.”


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