Bank On Love

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Bank On Love Page 5

by Iris Bolling

  An irritated Jonathan opened his laptop. He logged on to the computer, keyed into a Phase International site then pushed three buttons simultaneously. Keying in the name Jack O’Donnell, a series of numbers appeared on the screen. Jonathan smiled as he keyed in a formula then placed the account number of Jack O’Donnell behind it then hit enter. He watched the screen flash from one site to another. Every account associated with Jack O’Donnell appeared. Jonathan keyed in the word HOLD in all caps with three asterisks behind it then hit enter. He watched as the status on each account turned from active to hold. Satisfied, Jonathan hit two buttons, waited for the screen to return to his normal desktop. He logged off of the computer then placed it on the seat next to him. He wasn't a physical fighter, though he was able to defend himself. However, he knew how to hit people where it hurt the most…their bank accounts. It would be fun to see Jack’s reaction when his wife, or daughter called about their accounts. His concentration was on protecting Dunning Bank & Trust from the attacks they had no idea were coming nor how to fight them off. But Jonathan knew. He was the mastermind behind most of the computer programs P.I. was sure to implement. Once he was satisfied that DB&T was on equal footing with P.I. his second task was to win the heart of the fair maiden Grace Dunning. Yes, he would save her family’s bank first, then set his sights on winning her heart. He sat back and allowed the thought to fuel his heart, his body and his soul. They say there is nothing more dangerous than a woman scorned. They were wrong. A man in love with a woman with a target on her back is more dangerous than one could ever imagine.


  Grace Heather was standing by the entrance when Jonathan’s car arrived. The sleek black town car eased into the employee drop off parking space, causing her heart to skip two beats. The anticipation of seeing him in a professional capacity excited the business side of her, which she always referred to as Grace. While the personal side of her, she called Heather, was frightened with the reality that he was there—in person, ready to play havoc with her heart, her body and yes, her very soul. Jonathan Michael was just that dangerous to her. Maybe the sight of him with those long bow legs would not have the impact she was expecting. Maybe having him so close would temper her longing to feel him between her thighs. Maybe…

  Jonathan stepped out of the back seat of the vehicle. The sight of him coming to his full height answered all of the maybes that were running through her mind. As he pulled his briefcase from the car he glanced around until his eyes landed right on her face. His eyes slowly scanned her from her feet to her head then focused intently on her eyes. Grace read the clear message. I’m going to get you. Match, set, point she thought as the moisture between her thighs began to gather.

  He walked, no it was not a walk, he strutted like a man on a mission, up the walkway to the entrance where she stood.

  “Good morning, Love.”

  It was more than the voice that she had to defend against. It was the entire persona of the man known as Jonathan Michael.

  “I’m going to have to increase my supply of panties in my desk drawer.” Grace turned as he followed her inside.

  “It is wonderful to see you too, Lovey.” He smiled showing the fullness of his lips, the richness of his eyes. “Panties in a desk drawer, what an intriguing concept.”

  Grace smiled up at him. “How long are you planning on staying, Jonathan?”

  “As long as Dunning needs me.” He held the door open. As she walked through, he followed. “My first estimation is dire to hopeful.” He continued as they walked towards a bank of elevators in the lobby.

  “We are the third largest financial institution in the world, Jonathan. How can you declare that as dire?”

  “You are referring to your ranking, Love. That consists of things you can see and control such as customer service, good investments and quality personnel. My job is to determine the unforeseen, the items in the question mark column that we have no control over.” They stepped into the executive elevator as he continued to speak. “While you watch the rankings, the two ton gorilla that you cannot see is what is going to kill.”

  “You are referring to Phase International.”

  “No, Love. Phase I can handle. I am referring to the unknown forces that are going to conspire to keep Dunning from becoming all it can be.” He hesitated as he gazed into her eyes.

  The look was so intense it caused her to glance away. His finger touched her chin, guiding her eyes back to him. “What is it, Grace? What has you miffed this morning?”

  The concern in his eyes comforted her in a way Grace could not explain. Just his presence radiated a sense of calm, a peace only her father was able to convey before. The one man who had the ability to ease her fears was standing before her. He seemed to know when to appear in her life and when to give her space. That was the one thing she loved about Jonathan Michael. It wasn’t that he knew her moods, but he understood her and accepted all that came along with her.

  Grace knew the minute she laid eyes on the six-two, one hundred ninety pound bowlegged Londoner with his warm English accent that her life had changed. The affect he had on her was inexplicable. Her mother described it as the impact of unrequited love. The affect of unrequited love, with him in London and you here keeps you in the fairy-tale mode. Well, he was here now, in person, live, and in that moment she felt that he was right where he was supposed to be…here with her.

  “I received the Medical Examiner’s report this morning. The final ruling is my father was murdered.”

  “Bloody hell,” he murmured as he put his briefcase on the floor then reached for her.

  Grace raised her hand to stop him. “As much as I need you to hold me at this moment, Jonathan, I don’t have time to change my panties. We have a board meeting in thirty minutes.”

  “You have an obsession with the changing of panties?” He grinned.

  “I do now.” She smiled. “I find it convenient when you are around.”

  “Well if expediency is your goal, why bother at all.” He stepped off the elevator. “I let it all hang out. It keeps me free.” He glanced around. “Which way is the office?”

  God she missed that. The verbal back and forth that rivaled all others. Most men could not keep up with her and her mouth. Jonathan gave as good as he got.

  “Follow me,” she said with a curt smile over her shoulder. “There’s more, I’m afraid.”

  The two walked down the hall towards the executive office suites where Jonathan’s office was located.

  “I have to tell the family, but I have no answers to the questions I know they are going to ask.”

  “Are there any leads on who is responsible?”

  “No.” She stopped before reaching the double doors to the suites. She hesitated, then spoke. “I think it’s possible the situation with my uncle may have something to do with it.”

  “That would be Walker Dunning?”


  “From what I have read, it is not just possible, it’s bloody likely.”

  “If only we had proof of that. Right now there is only speculation.”

  She watched as he walked into the office to the chair behind the desk. Damn, did he have to be so damn sexy?

  “Lovey, I’m not saying he was the one who did the deed. However, I do not want your family to throw a paddy when his involvement is revealed.”

  The smile appeared before she could stop it. Grace wasn’t certain if it was the smooth tone of his voice, the sensual accent or the humor with his choice of words. What she did know was her nipples were hardening and her panties were getting incredibly moist. The reaction she had every time he was in her presence.

  “A paddy?”

  “Yes, a paddy.” He used his hands to help with his explanation by twirling them in the air as he placed his briefcase on the desk. “A fit, a tizzy or frizzled.”

  “We are a pretty calm natured family. We rarely get upset to the point of a tizzy.”

  Jonathan laughed out loud. “Grace Du
nning, you are a hoot. Remember, I am the one who watched you choke the bloody hell out of Sarah Kane with her own hair. She was spawny I arrived when I did.”

  The expression on her face must have prompted him to explain.


  Grace smiled. She loved hearing his voice and watching him try to explain himself. At times it seemed to frustrate him. That wasn’t her intent. She simply liked hearing him talk.

  “I know what you meant.” She sat in front of his desk. “But I have to tell my family, Jonathan. How do I do that? How do I take them back through hell when they haven’t had time to deal with Daddy’s death?”

  “You told me once your father believed of all his children you were the one with the balls to bring down Goliath without a slingshot.”

  She smiled at the memory.

  “He trusted you to handle his affairs. The difficulty of the task cannot deter you from your responsibility. It is your duty to represent your father in this matter. He would expect nothing less of you and neither do I.”

  Grace sat back, not sure how to respond to such unquestionable faith. “That’s a lot of pressure to live up to.”

  “No more than you can handle, my Love.” He stood. “Know that when it becomes unbearable I’m no longer across the ocean.” He leaned over the desk only inches from her lips. “I’m right here.” He took her hand in his, rubbed his finger gently across her knuckles, lifted her hand to his lips, then gently sucked each of her fingers.

  Grace held his eyes as each finger was caressed with his tongue and kissed at the tip.

  “As you stated, we are no longer oceans apart. Be certain you can finish what you start this time.”

  There was a tap on the door. “Excuse the interruption. Mr. Michael, your meeting is in fifteen minutes. A summary of topics has been sent to your tablet, in priority order.”

  Grace turned to see a young, attractive brunette standing in the doorway. The accent was a clear indication that she was from London. She also picked up on something more. There was an admiration in her eyes when she addressed Jonathan. The woman in her could not push away the inner feeling that this person…this woman was a threat to her in regards to Jonathan.

  “Thank you, Sydney. Please come in for a moment,” Jonathan greeted “I do not believe you two have been properly introduced. Grace Dunning, my assistant Sydney Weston.”

  “Hello, Ms. Weston.” Grace extended her hand. “I wasn’t aware any personnel from Phase International was joining us,” she said as she glanced at Jonathan.

  “Your concern is noted. Sydney no longer works for Phase. She is my personal assistant.”

  “I see.” Grace nodded. “Well, we have a meeting in less than ten minutes. I will see you in the board room.”

  “Sydney, will you give us a moment please.”

  “Of course.”

  Grace watched as the woman left the room. Jonathan walked over to her. “You brought an employee of an organization that is out to destroy us into our inner midst? What are you thinking?”

  “To trust me is to trust Sydney, Grace.”

  “I am not certain that is a good selling point.” Grace turned to walk away then stopped. “Are you here to protect Dunning, Jonathan?”

  “I am here to protect you, Grace. The initial step to that is saving Dunning from the onslaught of attacks coming this way. You are looking at a small piece of my motives. There is a larger picture you are missing. Phase is not coming to simply stop your progress. They are coming to destroy the inner workings of the institution. To destroy that, they have to dismantle your strongest weapon, which is your family. The two are not mutually exclusive of each other. In this organization it is one,” Jonathan explained as he held the door open. “Of all people I never anticipated you would be the one to question my integrity, Grace. You know me better than most. I will see you in the meeting.”

  Grace hesitated. Stared at the man she’d never questioned before. Knew him to be a gentleman and a man of his word. But, that was then, back in their college days. What was he now? “Do I, Jonathan?” she asked, then walked out of the room.

  Entering her office, she stopped at her assistant’s desk. “Get me a complete history on Sydney Weston.”

  “The Executive Assistant to Mr. Michael?” Warren Shore, her assistant for the last four years asked.

  “You’ve met her?”

  He smirked. “Tall, beautiful and a head full of gorgeous red hair. Every male employee in their right mind has found a way to introduce themselves.”

  “Is that so?”

  The expression on her face must have indicated she did not find his response amusing. “Everything you can,” she said while walking into her office. She picked up her tablet, then grabbed her navy blue blazer from the back of her chair. Walking back out, she passed Warren. “She’s new in town. You could offer to show her around.” She stopped before walking out. “I’ll be at the board meeting.”

  “Before you go,” Warren called out. “Agent Byron Roark called. He would like for you to return the call at your earliest convenience. He asked if you had read the report from the Medical Examiner’s office. I told him I wasn’t sure.”

  “Thank you,” she exhaled. “I’ll call him on my way.”

  “I’ll have Ginny bring up a latte for you. It will be on your desk when you return.”

  Grace smiled. “For a man, you’re kind of okay.”

  “We’re against men today?” He huffed. “Could Jonathan Michael have anything to do with that?”

  She heard him yell out as she was walking away. He had everything to do with her mood at the moment. One minute she literally wanted to jump his bones and the next minute she was questioning her trust in him. For the first time since the announcement, she was wondering if Myles’ decision to bring Jonathan onboard was wise.


  The board members were assembled around an oval shaped cherry-wood table, in the conference room on the eighth floor of the downtown Richmond landmark headquarters building. The historical banner reading "Family Integrity First and Foremost" hung on the back wall. The bank of floor to ceiling windows, surrounding the room was so clear, it seemed you could reach through them to touch the sun that was shining on the room.

  Grace walked to her seat, placed her tablet on the table then glanced around. The seat at the head of the table remained empty, for it was her father’s seat. When Myles was voted in as the new CEO, he had declared he would not take that seat until he felt it had been earned. Grace disagreed. She believed an organization should have a clear leader, but for now, that chair remained empty. She raised an eyebrow as Elaine Jacobson walked into the room then sat in the seat that was previously held by her mother. She glanced at her brother Mike who was in his regular seat and seemed to have noticed the movement at that same moment she had. Cainan, Preston, AnnieMarie and Gary were standing by the bank of windows talking amongst themselves. They did not seem to notice the insult. Mrs. Vazquez, her father’s secretary for years, was near the door talking with Chrystina. Grace stepped over to have a word with them.

  “Good morning, ladies.” She looked squarely at Mrs. Vazquez. “Were there any promotions, or a change in duties made that I was not aware of?”

  “I do not believe so,” Mrs. Vazquez replied. “Why do you ask?”

  “Elaine’s ass is sitting in my mother’s seat.” She raised an eyebrow as she nodded in the direction of the chair in question. “Why is that?”

  Mrs. Vazquez looked over her shoulder. “It is my understanding that your mother will not be attending the board meetings, Grace. Is there a problem with her sitting there?”

  “Yes,” Grace replied. “It is an insult to my mother for Elaine to be taking her place anywhere. Especially in this board room.”

  “It is just a chair, Grace,” Mrs. Vazquez scolded.

  “It’s more than that. It’s a position of authority that she should not be in.” She turned to Chrystina. “You should take that seat.”

  “Me?” Chrystina questioned.

  “Myles will eventually be sitting in Daddy’s seat. You should be to his right.”

  “She has a point.” Mrs. Vazquez nodded. “I’ll handle it.”

  “Thank you.” Grace smiled.

  “You are starting a fight with Elaine, someone you care little about,” Chrystina said to her. “So what has really pissed you off?”

  Grace exhaled. “Did you know Jonathan brought an assistant with him from Phase?”

  “Sydney.” Chrystina nodded. “Yes, I have her paperwork on my desk.”

  “And Myles is okay with this?”

  “Why wouldn’t he be? He trusts Jonathan. And Sydney is someone who Jonathan trusts without question.”

  “Why is Myles so completely sold on Jonathan?”

  “Because you are.” Chrystina smiled. “Myles will take your instincts about a person over any physical proof that may be in front of him.” She started to walk away then stopped. “But if you want me to track her movements, you know I can.”

  Grace smiled. She loved Chrystina. The woman was the definition of a powerhouse in every sense of the word. She ran Dunning like clockwork. She wasn’t the CEO but she was certainly the person steering the ship.

  “What do you think of her?”

  “Sydney? I like her. She is very dedicated to Jonathan.” She leaned closer to Grace. “And once you realize she is not sexually interested in Jonathan, I think you will like her too.”

  “I am not concerned about that,” Grace protested as Myles and Jonathan walked into the room.

  “That look in your eyes says something different,” Chrystina said then walked away.

  Grace looked at the two men standing together. The power radiating from them filled the room. Seeing the confidence in their postures calmed her. She had no doubt that together Myles and Jonathan could take Dunning to the next level. The concern was how much damage would they have to endure along the way? Grace watched as Chrystina walked over to where Mrs. Vazquez was speaking to Elaine. She could tell there were a few words exchanged.


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