Bank On Love

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Bank On Love Page 7

by Iris Bolling

  “This appears to be proprietary information,” Grace stated. “These are internal timeframe estimates. How did you come by this information?”

  “These are notes I took while having lunch with a friend,” Elaine stated. “I ran it by legal before putting the info on a document to distribute.”

  “Someone sat down with you over lunch and shared internal timeframes on a new product that is about to revolutionize the way technology is used in our homes?” Grace questioned with a drop of sarcasm.

  Before Elaine could respond, Cainan spoke. “It sounds a little close to insider trading violations.”

  “This is not stock,” Elaine argued. “We are not looking to buy into BIT we are working to ensure we are prepared to service their needs when we acquire the account.”

  “Then let BIT provide the information to us,” Grace stated, then turned to Myles. “I am not comfortable using this information to prepare any presentation without a clear line of communication from the BIT team.”

  “The information isn’t stolen,” Elaine cut in. “According to legal, a public conversation is one that can be heard or overheard by anyone. Therefore, the information is usable.” She looked at Myles. “I would have been negligent as a member of this board not to have recorded that information that was not coerced in anyway.”

  “The information is interesting,” Gary stated as he continued to look at the document on his tablet.

  “And useful,” Cainan added. “But I have to agree with Grace. Whatever we use should come directly from BIT.”

  Myles looked at Preston. “Are you comfortable with this information, Preston?”

  Preston looked up. “The BIT team has been very close-mouthed about the details of the new product. They haven’t shared anything near to what Elaine has in this document. I won’t lie, Myles, this information would be very helpful in setting deadlines for the presentation. However, once the members of the team see the dates, they are sure to question how we received the information.” He shrugged. “I can attempt to get these dates from the team prior to using them. That way we could verify the information and not raise eyebrows when these dates are revealed in the presentation.”

  The room was quiet for a long moment before Jonathan spoke. “Family Integrity, First and Foremost,” he said then looked around the table. “It is what Dunning stands for. Thank you for the information, Elaine, but we will not be using it.” He turned in his seat. “Mike, I believe security is next on the agenda.”

  Elaine turned to Myles. “As CEO of Dunning, the bottom line is your responsibility. Do you want to risk losing out on the BIT account by glossing over this information?”

  Another power move with a twist, Jonathan thought as Elaine continued. She was playing Myles against him.

  “As legal counsel to this board,” Grace interceded, “it is my job to protect not only the Bank as a whole, but Myles as the CEO. Even if he wanted to acknowledge receipt of proprietary information there is no way in hell I would allow him to voice that out loud in this meeting or anywhere else.”

  “It is not proprietary information.” Elaine raised her voice. “It is not stolen from BIT. It was information shared by one of their employees.”


  Jonathan almost laughed at the indignant look Grace received from Elaine. He knew, as he was certain Grace knew, that was the one question Elaine did not want to answer.

  “I’d rather not say.”

  “Then I’d rather not use the information,” Grace replied.

  Jonathan nodded. “Mike, security.”

  Mike nodded as he sat forward. “We have three major areas of concern,” he began. “First priority is the attempted cyber attack into our mainframe. Our system held up, however it did highlight an area of concern. I’ve sent each of you a report on how the attacker attempted to infiltrate the mainframe.”

  “Any idea on who was behind it?” Gary asked.

  “Not yet,” Mike replied. “We are still following the trail.”

  “Any indication that Phase or America’s Bank may be working together?” Cainan asked.


  “It would not be anything obvious,” Jonathan said as he continued to review the report. “Unless you knew what you were looking for you would never find it.”

  “And how would you know that?” Elaine looked up.

  Jonathan looked up. “Because I designed the cyber security department at Phase International and I am very good.” He looked at Michael. “Unless I wanted you to see how it was done you would never locate it. Meet me later in my office. I will take a look at what you have.”

  “That should make it easy to eliminate Phase.” Michael nodded.

  “Or identify them as the hacker,” Gary added.

  “True. Next we have the issue with the Russian mob, who attempted to use Uncle Walker to infiltrate the bank for a money laundering scheme. The investigation showed he was the only person contacted by the organization. However, we have not ruled out Walker as a continued threat for the bank.”

  “Has there been any contact since he was placed in the facility?” Myles asked.

  “Not that we are aware of,” Mike replied.

  “Do they know where he is?” Myles continued.

  “It’s not clear.” Mike shook his head. “Special Agent Byron Roark is keeping an eye on the members of the organization.”

  “Roark is good,” Grace added. “If there is any contact he will notify us.”

  “How good is he?” Jonathan asked the question before he could catch himself. “The intel, I mean to say. How good is his intel?” He clarified the question hoping no one caught the original meaning.

  Grace held his glare for a moment. “His intel has been spot on in the past. I’m certain it will hold up.”

  “The major concern is the security of the bank and you seem to have that covered,” Elaine stated.

  “That is true,” Mike replied then continued. “The last concern is preparing for any unforeseen retaliation from Phase International and or America’s Bank. Jonathan and I will meet on those issues later today.” He glanced at Jonathan. “In keeping with full disclosure, I want to put some of Elaine’s concerns to rest. At least she put her concerns out front for everyone to see,” Mike stated. “When Myles shared his decision to bring Jonathan onboard, I had questions as well. I tend to lean on the side of caution,” he said with his concentration on Jonathan. Then he looked around the table. “I trust this brother. His actions and judgement will be scrutinized for a while because he is new. That is to be expected. It should in no way impede his ability to work for Dunning. Jonathan provided me with his signed agreement with Phase not to use proprietary property with us, yet I have no doubt what he brings to the table will enhance our security as well as our numbers. I add my full confidence in Jonathan to that of Myles’.”

  Jonathan nodded his head in appreciation.

  “With a signed agreement, wouldn’t that limit his ability to work with us?” Preston questioned. “How can he work at his full capacity?”

  “Did his brain stop functioning once he parted ways with Phase?” AnnieMarie asked. “A creative mind continuously regenerates itself.”

  “Yes, while my mind is logical, not creative,” Gary said, “Jonathan is more of a geek than I am.”

  “I am sitting right here,” Jonathan said as people talked around him. “You can just ask me what I can and cannot do.”

  “You checked him out, didn’t you?” Grace asked Mike.

  Mike smirked at her. “You know I did. Personally and professionally. You care to know what I found out?”

  “Anything I need to know I will ask for myself,” Grace advised.

  “Still sitting right here,” Jonathan said again.

  “Will he be able to examine the security purges Mike mentioned, if he signed an agreement with Phase?” Cainan asked.

  “I’m still sitting right here.” Jonathan spoke again. “To answer your question, Cainan, yes, I c
an examine the purges happening here at Dunning. What I cannot do is use the same security system that I put in place at Phase.”

  “So what good are you to Dunning?” Elaine asked.

  “Technology changes every six months. Sometimes faster. The security system at Phase is a number of years old.”

  “To add to that.” Mike smiled. “I’ve gotten a look at what he has planned for us and I’m telling you, it amazed me. The sooner we get through this first board meeting, the sooner he can begin building it.”

  “Thank you, Mike.” Myles nodded. “Jonathan, as you can see you have your work cut out for you. Board members who have not had the opportunity to get to know you still have concerns. It is understandable. However, I have no doubt that by the time we have our next meeting most, if not all, of their concerns will be addressed. Mike, we may have another issue for you. That will be discussed in a private meeting in my office. Gary, Mike, AnnieMarie and Grace, my office immediately following this meeting.”

  The rest of the meeting was lost to Grace. Within the next hour she was going to have to tell her siblings what happened to their father. Then before the night was over they would have to break their mother’s heart…again.

  At the end of the meeting, as members around the room filed out, Grace was gathering her documents when Elaine approached her.

  “What’s with the hostility, Grace?” Elaine asked. “You and I have worked well together before.”

  “We will work well together again, I suspect,” Grace stated. “It doesn’t mean I will stand by when you make a move to disrespect my mother.”

  “How did I disrespect your mother?”

  “By taking her seat at this table.”

  Grace watched the surprised expression on Elaine’s face, as her hands went gently to her chest.

  “Grace.” She shook her head in a contrite manner. “That was not my intention. I simply sat in the first vacant seat. I never intended to disrespect your mother or any member of your family.”

  “Does that work for you? The fake innocence?” Grace stopped what she was doing and faced the woman. “That may work on men. As a female I’ve seen the play. I know how it ends with women like you, Elaine. Remember, I know your history.”

  “You only know what you were told,” Elaine replied. “I’ve been playing this game since before you were born, Grace. The players may have changed, but the game is the same. They all have a weakness.” She tilted her head to the side. “And so do you. From what I’ve witnessed, yours comes in the form of Jonathan Michael.” She smirked. “Let’s see if your defenses can withstand the whoop-ass I deliver.”

  Grace watched as Elaine switched over to the door where Jonathan stood.

  “Jonathan, is it possible for us to talk later this evening? I have a few things to handle right now. Will four work for you?”

  “I have a couple of meetings this afternoon. Push it until five,” Jonathan replied.

  “It will give us an opportunity to clear the air,” Elaine said as she glanced back over her shoulder at Grace and smiled.

  “I got 100 bucks on Grace,” Gary said.

  Grace turned to see Gary, AnnieMarie, Cainan and Chrystina standing behind her.

  “I’ll take some of that action,” Cainan chuckled. “As a long shot I’m going with Elaine. Hey that old-school action might actually produce a can of whoop-ass.”

  “I haven’t heard that expression in years.” Chrystina reached into her pockets. “I have thirty-six dollars and fifty cents.”

  AnnieMarie laughed. “On Elaine?”

  “Girl, I am not crazy enough to bet against Grace,” Chrystina said. “Besides, the way Elaine came down on Jonathan during the meeting, she don’t have a chance in hell of getting a piece of him.”

  “I am sorry, Elaine is pretty and everything, but she don’t hold a candle to Grace and she knows it,” AnnieMarie said as she began walking out of the conference room.

  “Elaine has to think she has something to mouth off like that.” Cainan followed out with Gary.

  “Come on, Grace,” Chrystina prompted. “It’s time. You have put it off all morning. Now, you have to tell them.”

  “I know,” Grace sighed as she walked from the room with Chrystina tugging on her arm.

  “All the fights in the world with Elaine are not going to change what you have to do. You know you have Jonathan on lock. Let Elaine try her little game, then kick her ass for fun.”

  “I know two things for certain and one for sure. Jonathan Michael is not into Elaine, nor is he that damn gullible. You know why?” Grace said as she waited until Chrystina glanced at her. “That man loves me from the top of my head to the tip of my toes, always has, and always will.”


  Elaine closed the door to her office then pulled out her cell phone. Ready or not the timeline for the takeover had to be moved up. She paced in front of the window in her office waiting for the person on the other end to pick up. Her nerves were shot, but they’d held up in the meeting, she was thinking when the call was answered.


  “We have some issues.”

  “What is the issue?”

  “Jonathan Michael.”

  “The gentleman from Phase International.”

  “Yes,” Elaine continued. “The board meeting went well. I planted the seed of doubt regarding Jonathan with some of the members.”

  “Did he mention your previous contact with him?”


  “I am curious why not. He could have mentioned it to Myles.”

  “I don’t think so.” Elaine leaned against her desk. “I am certain I would have been called into his office to explain. Jonathan is holding on to the information to use against me at a later time. Another reason why we need to move the timeline up.”

  “If all goes according to plan we will have this wrapped up in the next ten days. Are you able to keep Jonathan Michael in line until then?”

  Elaine thought for a moment. “I may be able to convince him I am not a threat to Dunning.”

  “Have you worked on the other board members as we discussed?”

  “I’ve set up meetings to speak with, Long, Sterling and Scott.”

  “Probability of success?”

  “Long and Sterling, high if approached in the right way. Scott…” -she shrugged- “I am not certain what to expect.”

  “Use your words with caution. Need I remind you of the consequences for all of us if you fail?”

  Elaine stood. “I do not need to be reminded.”

  “Be prepared to put the vote on the table during the next board meeting and ensure the support is in place.”

  “The Dunnings have control of the board. There is no way Grace, Mike, Gary or Myles will vote for Walker to be dog catcher much less a part of the board. And now you have Jonathan who appears to be a guarantee vote backing the Dunnings. I don’t understand why you would want Walker on the board?”

  “He is easy to manipulate.”

  “The drunk is also the reason the plan had to be altered.”

  “Stay in your lane!” the person yelled. “You have also failed. The Hershel account is now with Dunning, is it not? Do not allow BIT to follow suit!” There was a moment of silence. “You want to retire to the quality of life only afforded to a few. We can make that happen. All you have to do is use the one asset you have wisely. Your access to the board is essential to the plans. Get the people in line. We will advise you when we are ready for you to put the vote before the board.”

  Elaine cleared her throat. “One more bit of information you need. Myles named Grace Deputy CEO of Dunning Bank and Trust. If anything happens to him, she automatically steps into the role of CEO. You now have to find a way to remove both of them before anyone else can take control of the bank.”

  “That is unexpected.” There was a moment of hesitation. “We will handle that when the time is right.”

  “All right.” Elaine figured that information needed to
be pondered. “We are being issued more secure devices. Be careful what you send me.”

  Elaine disconnected the call, then began clearing out contacts from the phone. When she turned it over there would be nothing there if anyone attempted to search it. She sighed as the situation ran through her mind.

  From the moment Walker screwed up with Winnieford Dunning this plan to bring Dunning down had gone south. She had spent her entire life at Dunning, starting right out of college at the tender age of twenty-one. Those early years she followed every step Hepburn Dunning required of his interns. For years she worked from sun up to sun down and at times beyond to ensure Dunning was at the top of its game in every department she managed. It was during her tenth year when Hepburn promoted her to Director of Corporate Accounts and a voting member of the board. They worked together day and night building Dunning’s ranking…she shook her head. The truth was they weren’t even considered in the rankings during those days. An African-American bank wasn’t allowed in the rankings. It was Hepburn’s lobbying of the banking corporations that eventually opened the door. Hepburn did not walk, he ran through that door and never looked back. She smiled at the memory. Hepburn Dunning was a force to be reckoned with in those days. It wasn’t until the day her life changed that she realized his strength came in the form of Winnieford Dunning.

  She and Hepburn had spent days and nights working to get past those first years in the rankings. When they broke into the top 100 they celebrated thinking they had reached the golden realm. They’d made history together. Those long nights when they ate and yes, slept together, she in her office and Hepburn in his, waiting for the foreign markets to open she took it as something more than it actually was. Breaking into the top 25 banks in the world was a celebration like no other. Along with other members of the board they celebrated. Hepburn pulled her into his arms and kissed her squarely on her lips. It was only a second or two as he turned to congratulate the men in the room. But Mitchell saw her reaction. He decided that was his opportunity to have a chance at Winnieford, whom he was hopelessly in love with. He began encouraging her feelings for Hepburn, pumping her up to think there was actually something between them. Until, that night….she exhaled. That night when she took the bold steps to claim the man she believed herself to be in love with. The plan was simple and she had picked the perfect night. Winnieford was scheduled to be out with a friend. Hepburn was scheduled to return to the office for their regular weekly meeting.


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