Bank On Love

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Bank On Love Page 10

by Iris Bolling

  Jonathan agreed. “Prioritize them in order of importance. I want to review all processes before converting them electronically. See if we can get a few technologically advanced employees to assist. Check to see if the IT department has any coders. We need to develop a team to accomplish a monumental task in a short period of time.”

  “Will do.” Sydney picked up the binders. She glanced at her tablet. “Do you still want the call logs to BIT?”

  “Yes, that information is imperative.”

  “You do realize in the last ten minutes you have given me at least twenty priorities.”

  “Yes.” Jonathan smiled. “Since I have the most efficient assistant on this continent, I know each will be accomplished in record time. If we don’t, we leave Dunning exposed.”

  “Your flattery will get you everywhere,” Sydney replied walking out the door with the binders tilting towards the floor.

  “Let me help you with that.” Cainan Scott ran from the entrance into the suite, catching two of the binders before they hit the floor.

  “My very own Captain America.” Sydney smiled. “Thank you.”

  “You are welcome.” Cainan extended his hand. “You must be Sydney.”

  “Affirmative, and you are?”

  “Cainan Scott. Jonathan suggested I contact you to set up a meeting with him.”

  “You could have used the telly for that, you know.”

  “The telephones in this building are not as secure as they should be,” Cainan stated. “I prefer to handle certain things in person.”

  “I just relayed that very sentiment to Sydney a moment ago,” Jonathan said from the doorway.

  “Jonathan, I was just about to make an appointment to meet with you.” Cainan shook his hand.

  “I have a few moments free. Why don’t you step in now?”

  “You have a lunch meeting in about twenty-minutes, sir,” Sydney advised.

  “Well, that gives us fifteen minutes to chat.” He smiled as he stepped aside for Cainan to walk in. “I stepped out to say, you may want to add seeking an assistant for yourself to the list of tasks. Your duties here will be different than before. Buzz me in fifteen,” he said then closed his office door.

  “Cainan, I believe we have a moment or two for a brief chat,” Jonathan said as he sat behind his desk. “Who are you and why are you here at Dunning?”

  He could see the stunned expression on the man’s face. “Allow me to rewind. Before I agreed to join Dunning I did a thorough investigation into each member of the Board of Directors.” He went on to explain, “My investigations tend to extend well beyond the typical background checks run by most security organizations. Therefore, I tend to be a bit more intrusive. Which led me to find literally nothing substantial on you prior to ten years ago. That leads me to believe you are either in a witness protection program or an undercover agent placed here for reasons unknown. Which is it?”

  “That is an interesting way of starting a conversation, Jonathan,” Cainan said as he unbuttoned his suit jacket then took a seat.

  “Nothing about you is threatening, yet I get the sense that you can be a bit dangerous. As Sydney stated my time is somewhat limited. If you are someone I need not exert my energy on, it is helpful to know that up front.”

  Jonathan watched as a series of emotions played in the eyes of the young man sitting in front of him. While his expression remained impassive, his eyes told Jonathan two things. Cainan Scott was a man with secrets. Those secrets were not a danger to Dunning.

  “Have you discussed your findings with…anyone?”

  “No. Nor do I intend to,” Jonathan stated. “Tell me what I need to hear, Cainan.”

  “I am not a threat to Dunning. At least not the organization.”

  Jonathan did what he always did whenever he needed to detect if someone was lying to him. He held the eyes. The eyes are the windows to the soul.

  “Superb.” He stood as he put his suit jacket on then picked up his tablet. “And you are correct not to use the communication system here. Everyone’s Uncle Bob can listen in with the lack of security,” he said as Cainan stood and they walked towards the door. “With the aid of my trusty assistant, that will be corrected.” He patted Cainan on his shoulder. “Follow me to the cafeteria. I have a meeting with the boss.”

  “Do you realize you have carried on this conversation almost completely on your own?”

  Jonathan stopped and turned to face him. “You told me all I needed to know before you spoke a word. You are a man of integrity and honor. Unless I am off the marker, and I do not believe that I am, you understand more than most when I say it is my duty to protect Dunning from all threats, foreign and domestic.”

  “I do.” Cainan nodded.

  “Then my only concern is if your presence has anything to do with the inner workings of Dunning that I need to be aware of.”

  “It does not.”

  Jonathan smiled. “Suburb. I look forward to our conversation. Shall we say tomorrow morning around half-past nine?”

  The man began to laugh as he shook his head. “Yes…” he exhaled. “I look forward to working with you, Jonathan.”

  “As do I,” Jonathan said with a tilt of his head, then looked around. “Would you be a dear chap and point out the direction of the café?”

  Cainan hit Jonathan on the shoulder. “I’ll walk with you.”



  Checking his watch, Walker watched through the window as the two nurses made their way from the exit to the path behind the building. Like clockwork, they were taking their three o’clock afternoon break. That meant the staffing was short and he would not receive a visit for a good thirty minutes. He reached inside the closet into the hidden jacket pocket of his coat to retrieve the smart phone he had concealed inside prior to coming to the facility. For an extra layer of privacy, he stepped inside his bathroom to make the call. This was his opportunity to get control of everything….everything. The thought of it sent chills down his spine. Finally, the control of Dunning would be his. He turned the phone on then waited as it powered up. Once the sequence was complete he brought up his contacts then pushed the international number. It was a direct line to the man, himself.

  “It seems your circumstances have changed, Mr. Dunning.”

  “It only appears that way.” Walker smirked. “I have people on the inside ready to call a vote for the control of Dunning within the next 30 days.”

  “How do you anticipate handling the appearance of Jonathan Michael to the Board?”

  “When the time is right, you will handle that for me.”

  “It is arrogant of you to believe that is true.”

  “We both want the same thing. It would be in all of our best interests, for our efforts to be coordinated. Don’t you agree?”

  “My agreement is not necessary at this point.”

  “Have people in place when the call comes through. By the end of the month this will be a done deal.”

  “Convince me you have the situation in hand. Then we will speak further. Good day, Mr. Dunning.”

  Walker hung up the phone. Almost giddy, he powered the phone down, replaced it back into the concealed pocket, then sat back down in his comfortable chair. It would not be long now before his circumstances changed.

  When a man is stripped of his pride, all that is left is the will to prove his worth. Walker Dunning Jr., a man of wealth, privilege and little of anything else, sat in his private room at a luxury rehab facility for alcohol and drug abuse. His life was taking on a new meaning. One that he believed would redeem him in the eyes of his family. Walker had never wanted for much of anything. As one of the children born into the Dunning banking family, certain things were a given. Fame, fortune and respect from outsiders came with the name. Family was different. And with his family, the expectations were much higher for the stakes were above anything the average Joe could ever imagine. It was that respect and fortune that seemed to elude Walker Jr.<
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  “Junior.” Walker hissed as he stared out the window. For most of his life he relished in the fact that he was the heir apparent to the leadership of Dunning Bank & Trust. In his mind with the name of Walker Dunning Jr., it was his birthright. Imagine his surprise when 20 years ago his father, the one and only Walker Dunning Sr., stripped him of that birthright as only the patriarch of the family could do. To this day Walker Jr. believed that it was his grandfather, the first Hepburn Dunning, who ordered the action. However, even if that was the case it was Walker Sr. who had the final say. The bank and all the power that came with it was turned over to his younger brother, the second Hepburn Dunning. The humiliation was unbearable.

  “All of that power in the hands of a do-gooder was simply wasted.”

  Walker closed his eyes to the memory of that painful decision. When he opened his eyes, a smooth, sly smile appeared. It had taken him years to put all the pieces in place. But now was the time for the almighty Dunning family to bow at his feet. He chuckled.

  “Revenge is oh so sweet.”


  The call to his mum was a daily occurrence. That had not changed since he moved to the States. Only the conversation was now centered on her moving here as well.

  “There is nothing there anymore. Aunt English and Aunt Simone are in New York. I do not understand why you are being so stubborn about this.”

  “Jonathan, this is my home. I made a good life here.”

  “I don’t deny any of that, Mum,” Jonathan pleaded. “You gave me a wonderful life there, you did the same when you sent me here to be educated. You knew I stood a better chance at making it out here than I did in London. Your hard work paid off. Now I want to take care of you.”

  “You do take care of me, Love,” Monica Michael said to her son. “You are there to start your life with the woman you love. You do not need me around for that.”

  “But I do, Mum. I need your love and undying support when I do something stupid. You know how I get wrapped up in my work and forget about everything else. Who is going to explain that to Grace for me? I need you here, Mum.”

  “Where will I live, Jonathan?”

  “In New York with your sisters.” Believing he was making inroads, he pushed forward. “I tell you what. I will have Aunt Simone look for a loft near her for you. Maybe a two bedroom so you can have your grands for a visit sometimes. Somewhere near a café so you can have your tea biscuits every morning with a spot of tea. If you do not fancy the place then I will accept your decision.” He sat back. “Mum, please say you will think on it.”

  “I will think on it,” she replied.

  Jonathan threw a fist in the air. With his mother in New York, away from Dewberry and his cronies, he would be free to concentrate on Grace and making a life here in the States.

  “I love you, Mum.” He beamed. “I will have a loft for you in no time.”

  “I did not say I would move there. I said I would think about it.”

  “That is more than I have been able to get you to commit to before, so I will take it. I will get to work on that right away.” He disconnected the call before she could change her mind.

  “Sydney,” he called out.

  “You have an intercom system. You do not have to yell.”

  “Get a realtor in New York. I need a loft for my mum that will win her over.”

  “She has agreed to move here?”

  “To New York near her sisters,” he replied. “And agreed would be a bit of a stretch, however, I am certain the right loft will do the trick.”

  There was a light tap on the door. Jonathan and Sydney looked up.

  “No one was at the desk,” Elaine stated. “We did agree on 5:30 to meet.”

  “Yes, indeed we did. Please, do come in, Elaine.” Jonathan nodded then glanced back at Sydney. “Handle that. Construct the work area for the new hire, then you are free for the evening.”

  “Yes, Mr. Michael. Are the security processes the priority for the new hire?”

  “Definitely.” Jonathan nodded as Sydney walked out closing the door behind her. He sat behind his desk then glared at Elaine wondering what approach she would take. It did not take long for him to find out.

  “Quite a performance this morning, Elaine.”

  “It wasn’t a performance, Jonathan. It is my job to protect Dunning.”

  “It was your job to protect Dunning when you offered inside information on the BIT account to Phase International.”

  “That was before Hepburn died.” She lowered her eyes. “With him and Mitch gone I am the only original member of the board remaining.” She held her head up as if in defiance. “It is my responsibility to ensure no one brings harm to Dunning. That includes you.”

  “The fact that you believe you have the power to protect anything from me is a clear indication of how little you know about me.” Jonathan grinned. “At this moment, I am allowing you an opportunity to save your job. After your performance this morning you are a millisecond from joining William Mitchell in his early retirement.”


  Jonathan put his hand up in the air. “Elaine, I have an internal bullshit reader.” He sat back. “Give it your best shot.”

  From his perspective the woman in front of him was the largest threat confronting Dunning. Yes, Phase had the resources to cause damage, however, without the inside person, the chances of success lessened. He could see her mind working before she spoke.

  “Jonathan, my concern at this time is your intentions. You were open to the offer. That indicates you were willing to work against Dunning. I am no longer working against Dunning’s interests. I am less than five years away from retiring to a life of leisure. I want to do that with my future secure. With the direction Dunning is going in, I have no reason to look outside to make that happen.” She sat forward. “If we get the BIT account, my retirement package will be more than significant. I am not going to jeopardize that for anyone.” She sat back then exhaled. “My cards are on the table for you to clearly see.”

  Jonathan listened to her passionate delivery of her position. He could see why she had been able to manipulate people. He was not buying one bit of her story. Her tune had changed from the accusatory verbal attack of the morning to one of a mother protecting her cubs. Someone had coached her well since the board meeting.

  “I am pleased to hear you are now committed to Dunning’s success. However, I believe actions speak louder than words. I will be watching, Elaine. If what you say is fact, it will show.” He sat forward. “However, I must warn you. Any movement on your part to harm Dunning will prove to be detrimental to you.”

  “There is no need for threats, Jonathan. We are both on the same side here.”

  “Are we?”

  “Yes. We are. We met as adversaries before. Let this be the beginning of a new friendship.”

  “Very well.” Jonathan nodded. “To the success of Dunning.”

  “I second that.” Elaine smiled as she stood.

  “Did you bring your mobile device with you?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  Jonathan picked up a box from the stack sitting on the credenza near the window. “Here you are.” He gave her one. “The attachments are inside.”

  “Thank you, Jonathan.” She took the phone. “Are you coming to the party in the Atrium? It is in your honor.”

  “Yes.” Jonathan stood. “I will be there.”

  “Good. Save a dance for me. We can celebrate our new friendship.”

  Jonathan nodded and watched as she walked out of the office. He clicked on his computer then pulled up a spreadsheet. He searched for Elaine’s name and number. There was an activation button next to the number. He clicked the button, the light beeped red. Once the phone was turned on that light would turn green. At that point he would not only be able to track her movements, but pull up the transcripts of any calls or text messages. He put in the date and time then sent a share notice to Mike’s computer.

  “That bug
ger is set.” He smiled.


  Elaine was walking out of Jonathan’s office, just as Grace entered. She looked straight into Grace’s eyes, smiled then said, “I will see you at the party, Jonathan,” in a smooth seductive tone. She walked past Sydney’s desk to greet Grace. “If you are going in to see Jonathan, you may want to give him a minute to…put himself back together. We had a bit of an explosive meeting.”

  “Don’t you think you are a little too old to still be playing those games, Elaine?” Grace replied in a cool, smooth voice. “You used what some may consider charm on Mitch and damn near cost him his life. You tried it on my father and it damn near cost you…your life. Now, you are trying it on Jonathan.” She took a step closer to Elaine and whispered, “Come after him and I will not try to force feed you like my mother did. I’ll shove the damn fork down your throat so deep it will scrape across the cobwebs you call a vagina.”

  “Excuse you!”

  “There is no excuse for you, Elaine.”

  “Your mouth is edging you close to a can of whoop ass, Grace,” Elaine spat.

  Grace laughed out loud as she looked up. “From who? You? Look, Elaine, this time of night I only speak smartass. If you want professionalism, you need to reach me between the hours of 9 to 5.” She glanced at her watch. “It is after five. Get out of my face.” She smiled sweetly, then turned to continue on her mission.

  Sydney laughed as Elaine left the office. “From the expression on her face you gave her a piece of your mind. What in the bloody hell did you say to her?”

  Grace glared at Sydney with an eyebrow raised. “I told her to stay away from my man.”

  “I like a direct woman,” Sydney laughed. “That is a wanker for sure. Are you here to see Jonathan? Go right in, he is expecting you.”

  Grace stopped before she entered the office. “I’m pretty up on British terminology, but what is a wanker? In English, if you don’t mind.”

  “An asshole.”

  “Ah yes, she is a wanker,” Grace agreed, then decided it was time to clear up something else. “Are you involved with Jonathan, Sydney?”


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