Bank On Love

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Bank On Love Page 21

by Iris Bolling

  AnnieMarie sighed. “He’s keeping something from me. Cainan knows why Daddy was concerned about us being together and has chosen not to share that information with me. How can I trust a man who is keeping secrets? And if I can’t trust him, how can my heart love him?”

  Grace walked over to her sister and hugged her. “It took Myles years to get it right with Chrystina. It’s taken me ten to get together with Jonathan. Whatever you do, break that cycle. Don’t wait too long to figure out what you two mean to each other. Daddy had his reasons. When the time is right, I am certain Cainan will tell you what you need to know. Be patient, love will find its way through all the noise.”


  The security upgrade request from Jonathan was more of an overhaul. He was requesting immediate approval for upgrades to security for the headquarters building and implementation for each branch office within the next year. Myles glanced at the estimates for the project then flinched.

  “That can’t be right.”

  He sent a message to Chrystina to step inside his office. The door joining their offices opened.

  “You need me for something?” Chrystina asked as she walked towards his desk.

  “It has become relatively clear to me that I always need you.”

  The smile that appeared brightened the moment for him. “Did you take a look at the request from Jonathan for upgrades for our security systems?”

  “I am reviewing it now.” She nodded. “It’s very extensive and needed.”

  Myles sat back. “Explain.”

  “Well.” Chrystina took a seat in front of him, then crossed her legs. “The system we have now is okay for the size of the financial institution we were five years ago. It is not sufficient for where we are or where we are heading.”

  “We did a report on this a few years back, in Risk Management, but what Jonathan is requesting surpasses those recommendations.”

  “Yes, they do. Remember where Jonathan is from. He had access to technology we would have never considered looking into. What he is proposing in this request will protect us for the foreseeable future.”

  “From what you have read, what is your recommendation?”

  “That is above my pay grade.” Chrystina shrugged. “However, I’m a techie girl. I like what he is proposing. Here’s why. Remember the day I called you about the meeting Mitch had setup with the Hershel group?”

  “How could I forget it?”

  “Well, the way I discovered the details was by hacking into Nancy’s computer. I should not be able to do that. Jonathan’s updates will stop that and much more.”

  Myles nodded. “Ask Gary to stop by my office. Let him know what we’re looking to do and ask him to bring anticipated numbers with him,”

  “Yes, sir.” She stood to return to her office.

  “Chrystina.” Myles sat back with a chuckle. “No more penguin walk.”

  She turned back to him with a huff and her hands on her hips. “Since I’ve been working my legs out, it is not necessary. Thank you, very much.”

  “Don’t be losing too much. You know I like thick thighs” - he glanced over her - “a big butt and a smile.”

  “I’m going back to work. We can discuss the big butt and thighs tonight.”

  Myles smiled as she walked out of the office. Damn if he didn’t love that woman. Beginning this weekend, he would get to go home to her every night. It was time for him to make that a permanent fixture in his life.

  “No time like the present,” he said then picked up the phone and dialed a number. “Hey, how would you like to go shopping for rings with me?” He listened to his baby sister scream through the phone.

  “I’d love to,” AnnieMarie laughed. “Does Chrystina know? This is for Chrystina, right?”

  “No, she does not know and I would like to keep it that way and yes, this is for Chrystina.”

  “When are you planning on proposing?”

  Myles shrugged. “I have no idea……wait, make that this weekend. Her things are being moved into my place now. The movers should be finished by the weekend. I think her first night there would be a good time.”

  “Oh, I think it would be perfect, Myles.” AnnieMarie beamed. “Give me a day to set up a private showing for you. It’s going to be a rush job, but we can make it happen. Oh, my God, Myles, you’re getting married. Winnieford is going to be ecstatic.”

  “This is between you and me, for now.”

  “You got it, big brother. I will set it all up.”

  “Thank you, Annie.”

  “Anytime. Okay, I have to get started on this. I’ll be in touch.”

  With that the call was disconnected. Myles smiled as Mrs. Vazquez knocked then stepped inside.

  “Mr. Dunning, Agent Byron Roark is here to see you. He indicated you made the appointment.”

  “Yes, I did. Will you send him in?”

  “Did we not discuss making appointments without notifying me?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “We did.” Myles squirmed. “This was an emergency meeting. It seems time got by me and I forgot to mention it to you,” he said as he stood to adjust his blazer. “I humbly ask for your forgiveness and give you my word it will not happen again.”

  “See to it that it does not.” She gave him a side eye then stepped out. “Agent Roark, Mr. Dunning will see you now.”

  Myles greeted Roark at the door with a handshake as Mrs. Vazquez pointed to her watch. Myles nodded accepting the reminder of the next meeting.

  “Agent Roark, please come in. Have a seat.” Myles waited until he was seated then took his seat behind the desk. “Grace tells me you have something important to share with me.”

  “Thank you for seeing me on short notice. The information came to my attention today. I felt you should be informed right away.”

  Myles sat back concerned that the meeting he’d had with Nikolai Pavlovsky, the head of the Russian mob had come up in an FBI report somewhere. Explaining his actions to the FBI was not something he wanted to deal with at this time.

  “What information would that be, Agent Roark?”

  He watched as the man pulled out a folder. Oh hell, he had pictures, Myles thought, as he braced himself.

  “The man you know as….”

  Oh hell, here we go, Nikolai Pavlovsky, ran through his mind.

  “Cainan Scott is in the Witness Protection Program.”

  Myles froze. “I’m sorry. Did you say Cainan Scott?”

  “Yes.” Roark put a folder on his desk. “His real name is Cainan Scott Wagner. He is an FBI agent out of New York. About two years ago he was undercover and successfully infiltrated the Giuliani family back in Jersey. The prosecutors have them under RICO racketeering charges. Their main witness is Cainan Scott Wagner. From what I could ascertain, the Witness Protection Program took him in on a temporary basis until he could testify. His family, with the exception of his father, is under the impression that he is deceased. That’s how they have been able to keep his family safe.”

  Myles’ mind was reeling from the information, then immediately began filling with questions.

  “How did he end up here?”

  “Ah, the same question I had. So, I did a little more research. As it turns out, your father and Scott Wagner, Cainan’s father played football together in college. They have known each other for years. When his son needed a place to hide out, Wagner reached out to his friend, Hepburn Dunning. Your father took Cainan Scott in with no questions asked.”

  Myles took in the information. “I knew there was something about him.” He exhaled with a sigh of relief. It wasn’t clear what the relief was from, but he was relieved. “Where did you get this information?

  “Your father’s safe,” Agent Roark replied. “There were a number of things in there, most of which I have discussed with Grace. This…well, I felt this needed to be for your eyes only.”

  “I appreciate that, Agent Roark,” Myles sighed. “This answers a number of questions, in addition t
o raising more.”

  “The first being, are you willing to let him continue in the role until the trial date is set?”

  “That is the easiest question,” Myles replied as he closed the file. “Yes. My father made a commitment to this young man and his father. We are going to honor it.”

  “What about your sister?” Roark asked. “When your father passed, Grace mentioned an argument he had with AnnieMarie. I understand Cainan and she became involved to some extent. Your father had concerns. As any father would have. Now those concerns are on you.”

  “Tell me, Agent Roark, what is the status of the case?”

  “A trial date has not been set, if that’s what you are asking.”

  “Are there any signs that his identity here with us has been discovered?”

  “Not from what I’ve been able to ascertain. Digging any further may raise a flag or two.”

  There was a knock on the door. Mrs. Vazquez stepped inside. “Mr. Dunning, your four o’clock is here.”

  “Thank you. Would you reschedule him for four-thirty and ask Mr. Michael to step in, please?” Mrs. Vazquez nodded. He waited for the door to close.

  “I’m going to request you not dig any further. I’m not certain how this works. Is the Witness Protection Program run by the FBI?”

  “No. The United States Marshall Service heads it up. They provide protection for the people who enter the program.”

  “I see.” There was a knock on the door.

  Jonathan walked in.

  “Jonathan, please join us.” Myles waved him in. It was clear neither man was comfortable with the situation, but that was something Myles did not have time to deal with. “You two know each other.”

  “We do,” Jonathan responded as he took a seat next to Roark.

  The measure of two men, Myles thought as he looked on. Jonathan was as cool as a fresh spring rain, where Roark was about to burst out of his skin like a thunderstorm on a sunny day.

  “What is the threat level to the bank?”

  All eyes turned to Roark.

  “Agent Roark,” Myles called out. “What is the threat level, if any, to the bank, with Mr. Scott being here?”

  Agent Roark cleared his throat. “None, if his presence is not discovered.”

  “Are we discussing Cainan Scott?” Jonathan asked.

  “We are.”

  The tone in Agent Roark’s voice was a bit taut, in Myles’ opinion. “Agent Roark just informed me that Cainan Scott is in the Witness Protection Program.”

  Jonathan nodded. “Yes.”

  “You knew?” Myles asked.

  “I had my suspicions,” Jonathan replied.

  “From what?” Roark asked.

  “The investigations.” Jonathan shrugged.

  “What investigations?” Roark asked as he sat up.

  Jonathan ignored the questions. “You asked about the threat level.” He turned his attention to Myles. “From what I’ve been able to gather, there is no need to raise the security level at this time. To ensure the security of the bank I’ve placed one or two triggers to go off if any activity begins to look in this direction from the crime family involved.”

  “Triggers?” Agent Roark questioned. “What kind of triggers and what were you doing digging into this situation? Do you realize how many cases you may have put in jeopardy?”

  “I couldn’t care less about your cases,” Jonathan replied. “My concern is the security of this institution and the employees who work here. Cainan Scott happens to be one.”

  “It’s nerds like you who think they know how to work around the securities the government has in place that end up screwing up our chances of putting criminals behind bars.” He huffed as he jerked around to face Jonathan. “Do you have any idea how dangerous the Giuliani family is? They kill people. If they get a whiff of you messing around in their affairs, you’re going to need someone like me who is trained to handle the hand to hand combat that will be needed to save your ass.”

  “I am a nerd, a geek, an IT person as polite society would call me, who your government, as well as my parliament, has turned to several times to assist with cases, Roark. Believe it or not there is a place in this world for people with brains like me, as well as those like you who are more adept at handling the physical aspect of security.”

  “It’s Agent Roark.”

  “Gentlemen, while I understand there are situations between the two of you that need to be addressed, this is not the place, time or the meeting to do so.” Myles raised his voice.

  Agent Roark stood. “I came to deliver the information, Mr. Dunning. How you decide to handle it is up to you. However, interfering in federal cases falls into my jurisdiction. If it comes to my attention that he, or any of your employees are crossing the line on gathering information from ongoing cases I will charge them.”

  “Crossing the line? Does that include an FBI agent putting a block on a private citizen’s passport to have entry into the United States denied without cause?” Myles stood as he saw the look of alarm on the agent’s face. “I bring this up as a caution, Agent Roark, not as a threat. This situation is delicate. We do not wish to put Cainan Scott’s life in danger over a personal issue between you and Jonathan who is responsible for the security of this bank and the employees.” Myles exhaled. “Now that all cards are on the table, I’m going to ask that you retake your seat and help us find an amiable way to handle the Cainan Scott situation.”

  Agent Roark glared at him for a long moment, then nodded. “My apologies. You are correct. Our goal here is to ensure the protection of Cainan Scott.”

  “Good.” Myles glanced at Jonathan.

  “It was you?”

  Jonathan asked so quietly Myles wasn’t sure he had spoken at first. As he continued, Myles knew he had lost any chance of continuing with this meeting. Myles sent a text message to Grace.

  “You had my passport denied at a time when she needed me? That is crossing the line between professional and personal. Is it not?

  “Are you questioning my integrity?”

  Jonathan shrugged. “You were so threatened by me that you used your position as an FBI agent to keep me away. I did not put your integrity into question. You did.”

  “Look, you intellectual geek.” Roark stood over Jonathan who remained seated. “Anytime you want to question my integrity, we can meet outside to discuss it.”

  “Fight you, over what is already mine? You are a berk if I ever saw one.” Jonathan glared up at him. “Don’t get your Alan all twisted.”

  “It would give me pleasure to see you try and what in the hell is a Berk?” Roark yelled. “You are in the United States now, speak English.”

  “I speak the King’s English, you arse.” Jonathan jumped up.

  Roark jumped in his face. “We don’t have Kings here.”

  “Are you freaking kidding me?!”

  Grace slammed the door behind her as she stood in the doorway.

  Myles looked up. “I’m just watching the show.” He sat back grinning.

  “Two grown ass men sitting in a business meeting acting like teenage boys fighting over a girl.”

  “We are, Love.” Jonathan glared at Roark. “We’re fighting over you.”

  She looked at Jonathan. “You are Jonathan fucking Michael. The ultimate professional. You know how to handle adversaries without getting into a schoolyard brawl. Of all people, I expect you to keep your cool.”

  “Dealing with professional adversaries does not impact my heart, Love. This does.”

  “Stop calling her that,” Roark shouted in frustration.

  Myles watched in amusement as Grace searched for what to say next. She was apparently flustered by Jonathan’s words.

  “Well, we’ll discuss that at home. As for you.” She turned to Roark then punched him in the chest. “I am done with you. If you value our friendship in any way, you need to stop this pettiness, put your big man drawers on and call it a fucking day.” Then she pointed her finger at him.
“You sit back and wait until I am ready to talk to you again. And don’t…piss me off any more than you already have.”

  Grace then turned to Myles. “Why would you have both of them in the office anyway?”

  Coolly, Myles replied, “I have a business to run here. We have a situation that requires both of them to address.”

  “Fine. Do you still need Jonathan?”

  “I think we are past accomplishing anything more today.” Myles smirked.

  “Good. Jonathan, let’s go.”

  Jonathan leaned close to Roark. “I love when my woman takes charge.”

  “Don’t play with me,” Grace growled as she grabbed Jonathan’s arm. “Let’s go home.”

  “Yes, Love, let’s…” Jonathan nodded to Roark then closed the door.

  Myles stared at the man who was glaring at the door as if he wanted to blow it up.

  “You played that one wrong, Agent Roark.” Myles shook his head as he stood. “Grace loves you, as a friend. Jonathan owns her heart. He always has. Give her time to get over what you did. She will forgive you.”

  A knock on the door sounded and Mrs. Vazquez walked in. “Your four-thirty is back.”

  Myles nodded, then looked at Roark. “Jonathan and I will come up with a solution regarding Cainan Scott. Please keep me posted if anything shows up on your end.”

  Roark nodded, then headed towards the door.

  “Agent Roark.”

  He stopped at the door then looked back.

  “Do me a favor. Don’t piss Grace off more…please.”


  “So your place is home now?”

  “Don’t talk to me,” Grace said as she dropped her keys on the island in her kitchen.

  “At what point may I speak?” Jonathan asked. “You would not let me talk to you in the elevator, or while you were speeding down the highway. At what point may I speak to you?”

  Grace turned on him with a quickness he did not anticipate.

  “I love Roark. Not the way I love you but for the last ten years, he has been my only friend. Forgive me if it’s going to take me a moment to mourn the loss of that friendship.”


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