Price Of Love (Written In the Stars Book 4)

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Price Of Love (Written In the Stars Book 4) Page 2

by Erica Marselas

  The waitress drops our drinks off and squeezes her way back through the bustling happy hour crowd. I don’t know what I was thinking coming during this time of day.

  But I really needed this Cosmo.

  Everyone is donned in suits and ties and pencil skirts. Me, I’m in my best jeans and a clean shirt I dug out of the laundry basket this morning. Besides maybe for Christiana who has her neon pink hair up in a tight bun, I’m definitely out of place. But this is me.

  I have taken time off from working as a waitress at this little Italian Restaurant downtown to take care of Grams this week. I’ve been working there for three years now as I save to go back to college and eventually for my own place. After Colt attacked me, it took me the longest time to go anywhere without having panic attacks. He sliced me open with a knife while he choked me, to the point I thought I saw the holy gates. My trust in people practically vanished and stepping on those college grounds where it happened became impossible, so I put off college for a year. When I finally felt the courage to go back to a new campus, I made it to Sophomore year when Grams got sick, really sick, and I almost lost her. So, I dropped out again and took the job at the restaurant to take care of her. Then I met Tim, and I totally lost myself in him. Forgot about my wants, and time passed in a flash. Now, here I am, trying to get back on track. The thought makes me gulp down my Cosmo in one go.

  At least Grams didn’t put all that in my personal ad.

  "Your phone hasn't stopped buzzing since we got here." Allison points to the spinning iPhone on the high top.

  "It hasn't stopped all day," I groan.

  "What's going on? Who are you ignoring?”

  "You mean you haven't seen it?" My best friend, Christiana, chuckles. “Claire has her own personal ad in the Franklin Bugle.”

  "Courtesy of one interfering grandmother." I hit the ‘Decline’ button on my phone which makes it stop dancing across the table. I wonder what message my newest secret admirer will leave me.

  "Since when do you let her mess with your love life?" Allison asks, picking up her Manhattan and placing it to her lips.

  "I wasn't letting her do anything,” I grumble. “But since her and Christiana have it in their minds that I’m going to die an old maid, they have been on me to find a date. I swear you helped put her up to it.” I stab my finger at Christiana. If anyone is the mastermind behind all this, it’s her.

  “I did nothing of the sort.” Christiana puts her hands up defensively. “This is all Grams.”

  I don’t really believe her, but it’s not worth trying to dig the confession out of her. “Anyway, she thinks true love is out there for me, and I’m not looking hard enough. I’m going to hope this meddling will help me get a date for Jo’s wedding.”

  "Wouldn't have setting you up on a blind date worked better?” Allison suggests, and I could only picture the men Grams would have set me up with as they came to pick me up on their Hoverounds.

  "The only available men Grams knows are down at the Bingo hall. I like my men not to have hip replacements and to have all their teeth at the start of our relationship."

  “She wouldn’t even go on my blind date. It doesn't help you’re super picky now." Christiana snorts.

  "I am not.” I huff and throw a French fry at her. “Because I would've dated a Leo."

  "Well, maybe you can pick one of these men blowing up your phone to be your date to Jolene's wedding.” Christiana picks up my phone and scrolls through the texts, her face twitches and cringes with each passing second, till she throws my phone back to the table, shaking her head. “Or not.”

  “Told you it was bad.” I laugh, and Allison picks up my phone to examine the contents.

  “Holy shit. These are the single men that are left in this city? What hope do I have?” She sticks out her tongue like she ate a sour lemon.

  “At least the ones that read the Bugle.” I shrug, and Allison turns the screen facedown on the table.

  “Alright, alright, I believe it now,” Christiana says after shoving a fry into her mouth. “But you know Jo started bugging me wanting to know if you were going to use your plus one. She needs to know if she has to cancel the meal and all that wedding jazz shit.”

  “I'll find someone."

  Even if I have to hire an escort to come with me. I mean it’s a free trip to Miami, who wouldn’t be down? The last thing I want Tim to think is that I’m sulking over him, or that the asshole who said I wasn’t good enough for him, can’t be good enough for someone else.

  I want the guy on my arm to show him up.

  So, I’m a little bitter still. Sue me. I had thought I wanted to marry the man and have forever with the jerk.

  "Yeah, especially with Tim going, you need a date. By the way, how do you plan to avoid that douche canoe?" Allison asks, spinning her drink around. “Do you need us to put out a hit for him? I think we can put an ad in the paper for that? I’m sure we could use some kind of code.”

  “No, it’s not worth risking jail, and I already know there's no avoiding him and Monica." I sigh and take a sip of my Cosmo.

  I think Monica will be worse than Tim with her self-righteous attitude trying to show off how she “won.”

  “I’m with your Grams, though. Maybe this ad will help you find the one,” Christiana muses, and I glare at her.

  “Since when are you such a romantic?”

  “Since this morning.” She smirks, and Allison chokes on her drink.

  Chapter Two

  My phone hasn’t stopped buzzing with calls from all of my possible suitors in the last twenty-four hours. Grams swears I’m being too stubborn by not taking up any of the men who have called me on their offers, that I could be missing out on Mr. Right. “The perfect fish in the pond,” she says.

  “Does this look like the perfect fish to you, Grams?” I turn my phone to her and show just one of the many pictures I have received thanks to her little scheme. I’m hoping that it will let me off the hook.

  Grams shrieks as I show her the new picture on my phone. Not just any picture. A dick pic from one Roy Farley, age too damn old for me, but he happens to be hung like a horse. Go figure.

  “Want me to leave it here with you? It’ll keep your heart pumping.” I chuckle, and she smacks my phone away. “Maybe you could give him a call.”

  “Is this how men pick up ladies these days?”

  “You should see Tinder,” I joke. “But now you see what I’m up against?”

  “Not all of your messages have been like this.”

  “Enough of them are,” I huff and flash her another dick picture to really get her heart racing. She snatches the phone out of my hand and turns off the screen, telling me that’s enough.

  Though, knowing my Grams, she’s enjoying the little thrill.

  “Knock, knock.” Dr. Kathleen Martin steps in and looks at Grams as she lays her chart on the tray. “You look a little flushed, Val. You feeling okay?”

  I hide my giggle behind my hand. Grams narrows her eyes at me. “I’m fine. Claire was just showing me some pictures of her handsome suitors.”

  Handsome. I snort, giggling louder.

  “Is that right?” Dr. Martin looks between us, trying to keep the amusement off her face. She’s been Grams’ doctor for years, and we consider her practically family. I know I do; she saved her life all those years ago.

  “I’m not sure handsome is the correct word, but sure.” I shrug, trying to contain my amusement.

  “Oh, okay, you two. I was coming by to take you down for some testing. It should take about an hour or so to do. She’ll be in my good hands,” Dr. Martin tells me, and I nod.

  Dr. Martin fills us in on what they will be doing as one of the nurses comes in and helps prep Grams.

  “Grams, I’m just going to grab some food while you’re getting your tests done.” I squeeze her shoulder as the nurse helps her into the wheelchair. She glances up at me and pats my hand.

  “Good, and don’t worry about me either. Oh, and can
you bring me back one of those vanilla pudding cups I love so much?”

  “Of course.”

  I step out of the room and make my way to the cafeteria before opening my phone. I have a very vague text from Christiana timed about ten minutes ago.

  Christiana: Where you at?

  Me: I'm at the hospital.

  About to get some lunch while

  they run some tests. What’s up?

  Christiana: Oh? lunch? Where at?

  Me: Just in the cafeteria. Why?

  Did you want to join?

  Christiana: No, I already ate.

  I was just being nosey.

  But let me tell you about that book

  you need to read.

  The cafeteria is empty. I take my tray and nestle into a corner booth. I pick up my phone, that has taken a momentary break from being subjected to calls and open my kindle app, to settle into a steamy story Christiana suggested for me to read about a single dad and a nanny.

  Hello, daddy.

  “Leo’s need not apply, huh?” A deep chuckle comes from above me as I shove a forkful of lettuce into my mouth. I swallow down my bite and glance up at my visitor where I'm met with the sexiest pair of blue eyes, the ones I saw yesterday outside the elevators, belonging to one Leo Price. “Should I be offended?”

  “Leo, hey.” I tuck dark strands of hair behind my ear and my cheeks flush. “You saw that, huh?”

  He plops into the seat next to me, and I’m overtaken by the musky scent of Axe spray with a hint of sanitizer. He's dressed in green scrubs with a stethoscope around his neck. His sandy blond hair is a sexy wild mess, looking as if he’s been tugging on it. Leo is a charge nurse in the peds unit and also happens to be the stepbrother of my ex-boyfriend, Tim. “How could I have missed it? All of Franklin, I’m sure, has seen it.”

  “You’re probably right. My phone hasn’t stopped ringing.” I sigh and rub my forehead, cringing. The possibility of my dreaded ex seeing the ad hadn’t occurred to me until now. I’m screwed if he did.

  “Do you think Tim saw the desperation from me looking for “love?"

  “I don’t think so. He’s um…” His eyes dart away from me nervously. “He’s not in town.”

  “Oh.” I frown. “He's somewhere with his new girlfriend, isn't he?” Living it up, I’m sure with someone more exciting, who can spend money like water.

  “Hey, don’t think about it.” He leans over and touches my hand and smiles. Leo has always been a gem.

  I actually met Leo before I met Tim. Leo’s mother and Grams used to volunteer at the community center together. There had been a fundraiser a couple years back that I helped with, and Leo who also volunteered there, was teaching kids CPR and how to stay cool under pressure in an emergency.

  Watching him that day as the kids flocked to him, my ovaries had gone into overdrive. He was the first guy who piqued my interest and I felt comfortable enough to be around after the incident with Colt. I flirted with him for weeks trying to grab his attention, but other than being polite to me, he never blinked my way. I then met Tim a little bit later, and he charmed me the way I had hoped Leo would’ve, and the rest is history.

  Over the two years I dated Tim, I didn’t get to see much of Leo because the stepbrothers rarely got along, and Tim refused to be in his presence when he didn’t have to be.

  Then there was me. I adored Tim’s family, especially his stepmom, Sonya. I was always looking for ways to see them while Tim was looking for ways to avoid them.

  “You’re thinking about it.” Leo chuckles, breaking up my trip down memory lane.

  "I'm not. It's good he’s gone because I'd be mortified if he got ahold of that."

  "Screw him and what he thinks,” he growls, and his blue eyes darken like the night sky, but with a quick shake of his head, they brighten again. “Now, tell me what are you doing here hanging out in the hospital cafeteria anyway? The food isn’t that good.”

  “It’s not that bad.” I grin and stab a carrot from my salad. “But my grandmother is here. She recently had surgery, and they’re keeping her for a bit to make sure everything is functioning correctly before they send her home.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll have to stop in and say hi.”

  “She would like that.” I grin. Like I said, a gem. Even if Tim and I were still dating, Tim wouldn’t bother going to say hi to her and would think I was wasting my time spending my day at the hospital with her. He never understood that she is my only family. Then again, as the smoke starts to clear on my relationship with him, he didn’t understand much.

  “But you’re also telling me you’ve been floating around these grounds and you haven’t stopped by to say hi?”

  “I actually saw you yesterday.” I slouch in my seat, now feeling bad for wussing out.

  “You saw me, and you didn’t say hi. I’m hurt.” He places his hand over his heart, his blue eyes mocking me.

  “Sorry. I was on the elevator and you were busy.”

  “You’re forgiven, but you know just because you don't date my douche of a brother doesn't mean we can't be friends anymore.”

  “I know.” But honestly, I don’t know where I stand with Leo. Tim is his family, and I’d thought it would be awkward. What would I say? I cut off anyone and everything on Tim’s side of the world when we broke up. It was just so hard. Not only did I lose Tim, I lost people I loved.

  "So, what have you been up too? I haven’t seen you since then...” His words drift off.

  “Just work, really. I don’t live a very exciting life.” I shrug and stab my lettuce. It’s one of the reasons why Tim dumped me for someone else. I work too much. I’d rather save my money than blow it.

  “Hey, I don’t do much but work either.”

  “At least you're healing people and saving lives. That’s something. I’m just a waitress.”

  “Hey.” He reaches over and touches my hand again. I glance down at our conjoined hands, admiring the way they look together. “Don’t sell yourself short. You are a pretty great person. And a great waitress. I remember you brought out my food still hot and correct.”

  “Shut up,” I giggle and shrug his hand off.

  “Seriously, there’s nothing wrong with what you do. I have a feeling a certain dickhead told you otherwise.”

  He did.

  "I have been thinking about going back to school to finish my graphic design degree. It's just everything has just been a little crazy lately."

  My phone pings announcing yet another text message. "Speaking of crazy." I slide my finger across the screen, and a disturbing image lights up on my phone. Immediately my face squishes together in disgust.

  It's a Santa in a G-string!

  I throw my phone, and it clatters across the floor where I hope it breaks.

  "What was that about?" He chuckles and goes to retrieve my phone before someone comes to stomp all over it.

  Though I wish someone would shatter the device because I really don’t want the damn thing anymore.

  "If you want to go blind, open it up and find out."

  His finger glides across the screen and he cringes as it comes to life portraying the image I just saw. "Oh fuck. This is the kind of men answering your ad?"

  "Yeah. That’s only half of it." He slides my phone back to me. “I don’t understand it either. It’s not as if the ad had any sexual innuendos for these people to be sending me such…smut.” God, now I sound like Grams. But it’s true. It’s not even like it said I was looking for a good time. It said I was looking for love. So why does that mean to send me half naked pictures or dick pics?

  Is that supposed to turn me on? Swing my underwear around my finger and go wild?

  “Well, it's too bad now you canceled all the Leos out, like yours truly." He cockily grins, his blue eyes lighting up. My breath hitches at how sexy he is. I’d forgotten over the years how I had first been drawn to those eyes.

  "I didn't do that. The gray-headed nut upstairs did." I laugh. "And s
ince you’re Leopold, does it really count?"

  "Don't call me that," he grumbles at his real name, and I grin bigger. He's always hated his real name and never goes by it because he considers it geeky. I find it cute. It sounds royal, chic.

  "But why the ad? I don't think you need help in the love department."

  "Seriously?” I snort. “I think I need all the help I can get with finding "true" love. It’s too bad it drew out all the crazy men instead. If I’m lucky, maybe there’s still a chance I can find a date for Jolene and Nathan’s wedding, but it's not looking good. All the non-crazy men or the ones that haven’t been sending inappropriate pictures—haven’t been age-appropriate.”

  I love a good age-gap romance, but I’m not sure I could date someone in their fifties.

  “You’re still going to that?”

  “Why wouldn't I? My plane ticket was bought months ago before Tim left me high and dry.” My blood boils at the thought.

  The cheating asshole.

  "Sorry. I guess I just got some bad information." Leo falls back in his seat and runs his hands over his stethoscope.

  "Was it from your twisted brother?" I snarl.

  "That would be it."

  "Yeah. He thinks since we broke up, that I wouldn’t still go.” I scoff. The moron. “It’s like he has forgotten I also got an invite with my own plus one. Jolene is one of my oldest friends. I would go through the fire for her, so of course, I would be going even if I had to sneak in."

  But that would never need to happen. Plus, Jolene bought my plane ticket to make sure my ass got down there early so we could spend some time together.

  "Good. I'm glad to hear it." He smiles and grabs my hand again. My fingers tingle in response.

  Why does he keep touching me?

  "You’re going, right?” I push the words out, still lost in the fact that this man is finding a reason to touch me every second. Or that I’m enjoying it so much.


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