Offsides: A Standalone Sports Romantic Comedy

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Offsides: A Standalone Sports Romantic Comedy Page 4

by Mazzola, Kristen Hope

  Logan’s head landed on my shoulder as he slowly pulled out of me. “Check that one off my bucket list.”

  “What, you don’t seduce all your conquests into screwing you in public bathrooms?” I teased while readjusting my clothing.

  “There’s a first time for everything,” he stated as he waddled over to the sink to wipe himself off with paper towels, his pants still around his ankles.

  “Now I think that is the sexiest thing I have ever seen.” I laughed while he fastened his belt.

  “I’ll keep that in mind for the future.” He grabbed my hand. “We should probably get back to Mazy.”

  I felt scandalous sneaking out of the restroom with Logan in tow.

  Look back at me, he stopped and leaned down, whispering, “Is it terrible to say that the thought of my cum dripping out of your pussy right now after what we just did is turning me on more than I should really admit to you?”

  My face must have turned bright scarlet as I shook my head. “It’s turning me on too.”

  Just as we got back to the bar, flashes started going off in the distance.

  “Fuck, we should go,” Logan muttered under his breath while taking Mazy’s leash from Ashlyn.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, speedily pulling my credit card out of my purse.

  Logan pointed to the bushes just outside the patio’s railing. “Word travels fast—we’re being photographed.” He put one hand on mine while pulling out his wallet with the other. “I got this.”

  “You didn’t even drink your beer and I had food. It’s only fair that I pay,” I declared, trying to shove my card into Ashlyn’s hand.

  “I really must insist,” he said, more to Ashlyn than to me as he handed her a couple hundred-dollar bills. “Keep the change. Think of it as a pet-sitting fee.”

  Gripping my hand tightly, he rushed us straight to his blacked-out Range Rover.

  “Get in,” he ordered.

  “But my car…” I started to protest.

  “For fuck’s sake, Ari, just get in the damn car. We can come back for yours later,” he bellowed, opening the passenger’s side door for me.

  After getting Mazy into the back and buckling her into a doggy car seat, he hopped into the driver’s seat and sped away.

  Once we were a few blocks from the bar, I finally worked up the nerve to yell at him. “What in the world was that? Are you kidnapping me now?”

  Pulling the car over to the side of the road, Logan glared at me. “Look, I’m a low-level celebrity, and sometimes I have to protect the people I care about from being plastered all over the front page of tomorrow’s edition of The Daily Mirror. Do you really want to be the next poster girl for a sex scandal?”

  “I guess not,” I replied quietly.

  “All right then.”

  Chapter 5

  Setting Ground Rules


  After taking an extremely long way back to make sure we hadn’t been followed, we finally pulled up to my beachside home, having sat in silence the whole drive.

  “I need to take Mazy inside. Do you want to join me or would you rather just wait here?” I asked while unbuckling the dog’s leash from the clip in the back seat.

  “I think I’m going to stay here,” Ari softly responded, looking completely shell-shocked.

  “That’s what I figured.”

  It didn’t take me long to get my pup inside and fill the food bowl with her dinner. After waiting a couple of seconds to make sure Mazy was good, I went to rejoin Ari.

  Hopping in, I grabbed her hand. “I am so sorry I yelled at you. I really didn’t mean to.”

  “It’s fine.” Her gentle gaze met mine as I relaxed my shoulders.

  “Tonight was interesting,” I commented with a sigh.

  Ari nodded. “That’s a word for it.”

  “So should we set up some ground rules for this whole friends-with-benefits thing or what?” I asked, turning more toward her.

  “Like not showing up unannounced from now on?” she baited with a coy grin.

  “I deserved that, and I think that is a fair rule from this point forward.”

  She crossed her legs in the seat. “What about seeing other people?”

  The thought of Ari with anyone else made my stomach flip, but I didn’t want her to know that. “If there are no strings or titles, I feel like we can’t put that parameter in place.”

  She nodded sharply. “All right. What about promising each other that if the opportunity arises, we are safe about it? We can’t sleep with other people without protection. I don’t want to catch something from a groupie.”

  “I can promise that and one-up you with a rule of no groupies whatsoever. To put it mildly, they skeeve me out, and I don’t want to catch anything either.”

  “What if we’re out at a bar and someone hits on you—do you go home with her or leave with me?”

  Her question completely took me by surprise. “Leave with you. If I’m with you, I am not hunting for a new prospect,” I stated quickly without having to think twice about my response.

  “Okay, so when we’re together, we’re together. Any other rules that come to mind?”

  I tapped my forefinger to my lips while contemplating. “In the event that one of us has an obligation that calls for a date, if we don’t have someone else to bring, we go together unless a prior engagement prevents the other from attending.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t see why that wouldn’t be reasonable.”

  “Perfect. I have a charity ball to attend next weekend for the Welcome Home Angel organization. You’ll need a gown.” She walked right into that one.

  Her deep amber eyes grew ten times. “You totally tricked me into that.”

  Cocking my head to the side, I offered a tightlipped smile. “Do you have a gown?”

  “No,” she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. “I do not have a gown. What if I have plans next Friday night?”

  “Well, that is perfectly fine since the ball is Saturday. We’ll go shopping for a dress tomorrow.”

  “You’re sneaky.”

  “I think that’s part of my charm. Now that all that is settled, do you want to stay here tonight or should I drive you back to your car?”

  She shifted in her seat. “I really shouldn’t leave it at the bar overnight. What if they tow?”

  “Good point.” I didn’t want to drive her back—the fear of her fleeing was overwhelming. I felt if I let her out of my sight, she’d change her number, move, and never go back to that bar ever again just to avoid me. Thankfully, a lightbulb went off quickly. “How about this, and I need you to bear with me here…”

  Bowing her head, she murmured, “All right.”

  “How about I set you up inside with a nice bubble bath in my clawfoot tub then I take your keys, Uber back to the bar, and bring your car here so you don’t have to worry and I don’t have to pick you up for our shopping date in the morning. Win-win for everyone.”

  “Why do you want me to stay here so badly?” Her query was valid.

  “Honestly? You’re a flight risk,” I admitted.

  She laughed. “Fair enough.”


  Following Logan into his sprawling mansion, I could barely pick my jaw up off the floor. The understated outside of the house didn’t do its majestic beauty justice in the slightest. From the wall-to-wall dark hardwood flooring and lavish furnishings all the way to the tasteful artwork throughout, I was exceedingly awestruck—and that was just in the formal living room.

  “This is just a place for weekend getaways?” I questioned innocently.

  Logan kicked off his loafers before getting down on the floor with Mazy as she greeted us. “Blame my mother. She always dreamed of a place like this, and what kind of son would I be if I didn’t invest in one for her?”

  “Remind me to thank her when I meet her next weekend.” Standing in the foyer, I gawked at the bright oil painting of a woman swimming in the ocean.

So you’re going to go with me?” he asked.

  I knelt down next to him to scratch Mazy’s back. “It’s one of the rules, isn’t it?”

  “Let me show you to your bath, madam.”

  Logan helped me up before leading me to the master bedroom at the back of the house. Floor-to-ceiling windows overlooked a vast patio with a lighted infinity pool that looked like it was spilling out into the ocean only yards away.

  “This is breathtaking,” I observed, taking in the splendor and serenity of it all.

  “You’re breathtaking,” Logan whispered behind me as his hands gently ran down my arms.

  “Do you think we’re crazy for trying this whole no-strings thing?” I queried, turning into him.

  He kissed my forehead sweetly. “I don’t if you don’t. It’s better than not trying at all. You’re the one who didn’t want to give actual dating a whirl, so here we are.”

  “Can we add a rule?”


  “No getting attached. Let’s keep this fun and light. When it stops being fun and light, we bail.”


  I followed Logan into the master bathroom where a decadent cast iron clawfoot tub rested next to gorgeous stone work on the walls and built-in shelving all around.

  “As promised.” Logan gestured to the tub then turned on the hot water. After lighting a few candles on the dark stone counter, he poured in Epsom salts and bubbles that made the entire room smell like lilac and gooseberries.

  “What? No rose petals?” I snickered.

  He raised an eyebrow at me. “Now hand over those keys, get in there, and relax. I’ll be back soon.”

  I dug my keys out from the bottom of my purse. “You can drive a stick, right?”

  “What if I said no?”

  “I would ask for your man card.”

  “I can drive a stick. There are robes in the closet just over there. Enjoy.” Logan pecked the top of my head before bowing out of the room to let me soak in the luxury I would have liked to grow accustomed to.

  After stripping down, I sank into the warm floral water.

  This is living.

  Everything in the world melted away as I let my mind clear to just enjoy the moment. Seemingly, everything was falling into place—but what if it was all too good to be true?

  Cue the rapid-fire racing of thoughts. Serenity never lasted long with me. I lacked the talent of clearing my mind, and it made me wildly jealous of people who meditate or enjoy yoga. I just wasn’t built that way.

  I started to panic. Scrambling out of the tub, I grabbed a robe, drained the water, and started to pace across the plush carpeted floor in the bedroom.

  What if we are insane?

  What if this all goes south?

  It inevitably will.

  Someone is going to get hurt.

  I felt trapped. Logan had my car, so I couldn’t bolt. He’d planned this. He was right—I was a flight risk.

  Just as I was about to plan out an exit strategy, Logan appeared in the doorway.

  “Everything all right?” He was holding two glasses of red wine as he made his way over to me.

  How did I not hear him come in?

  “Yeah, of course,” I lied.

  “I half thought I would find you sleeping in that tub.” He set the wine on the nightstand before joining me in the middle of the room. “Thank you for staying here tonight.”

  “I didn’t think this through. I don’t have a change of clothes, a toothbrush, my makeup—I should really go home and just see you in the morning.”

  Logan grabbed my arm to stop my retreat into the bathroom to retrieve my clothing. “I can wash your clothes or buy you new ones in the morning. We have extra toothbrushes here, and you don’t need makeup, Ari. You’re stunning.”

  “You’ve never seen me without makeup—you don’t know how much I resemble Shrek when I first get up.”

  He bowed his head. “I saw you the morning after the wedding, no makeup, and I stand firm on my comment about you being stunning. If you are more comfortable going home, I understand, but please know you don’t have to.”

  “That dress can only be washed on delicate,” I explained, grabbing a glass from the side table and taking a long sip.


  “And you’re going to buy me makeup tomorrow. I’ll need it for the ball anyway.”

  “Sounds fair.”

  “Why are you so nice to me?”

  He breathed out slowly. “Because you deserve it.”

  Chapter 6

  Morning Sex & Ball Gowns


  “Good morning,” I cooed as Ari’s eyes fluttered open.

  She stretched quickly, letting out the cutest whimper I had ever heard. “Morning.”

  “Sleep well?” I asked, walking over to the bedside to sit next to her.

  She tilted her head to the side as she sat up. “Have you been standing there watching me sleep?”

  I pointed to my sweat-covered bare chest. “I just got back from running with Mazy on the beach.”

  “I’ll never understand jocks. All that running crap—it sounds like torture, not fun.”

  “Gotta stay in shape so they keep paying me the big bucks, and besides, Mazy loves it,” I explained.

  “Touché.” Her head landed back on the plush pillow with a thud. “I don’t know how you ever leave this bed. It’s like clouds sewn together by baby angels.”

  I laughed as she burrowed farther into the extravagant covers. “It was harder with you in it but I didn’t want Mazy’s whining to wake you up, so I reluctantly forced myself to.”

  “You’re just the most considerate man to ever exist, aren’t you?”

  “Shower with me.” The words flew out of my mouth before I knew what was happening.

  “And there you go just throwing the nice guy thing out the window.”

  “The operative word in your statement was man, and holding true to the stereotype, I usually have one thing on my mind, especially when it comes to you.”

  Without waiting for an answer, I yanked the blanket off of Ari. She squirmed in protest as I pulled her tiny body into my arms and whisked her into the bathroom.

  “I didn’t agree to this!” She playfully fought while I tugged at her shirt, which was actually one she’d borrowed from me the night before.

  After tossing the garment to the floor, I threw my hands up. “You can get back in bed if you want.”

  I dropped my running shorts to the floor and turned the knob in the shower.

  Biting her lip, Ari shuffled her feet. “I mean, it would be rude to not help you at least wash your back.”

  “After all the hospitality I have shown, it would only be fair.” I knelt down in front of her bare body.

  Pushing her legs apart, I slowly started to work her sensitive skin with my tongue. Melting a little, Ari’s hands landed on my shoulders as the smallest hint of a moan escaped her lips.

  “You’re so damn good at that,” she whimpered, her knees starting to shake.

  As her nails started to dig in, she cried out, and I could feel her wetness pooling. Scrambling to my feet, I grabbed the base of her neck to guide her into the cascading water. The steam engulfed us as I pressed Ari’s front against the cool tile and pulled her hips back into me. Without warning, I thrust into her. I loved the way her breath hitched as my cock filled her tight pussy.

  “You like that baby?” I asked in a husky tone as I dragged my lips over her ear.

  She groaned as she nodded.

  “Aren’t you glad I forced you in here?”

  She nodded again, wrapping her arms back around my neck.

  “You feel incredible,” I whispered as my fingers laced in her dampened hair over her neck. “Move your arms,” I instructed.

  Her muscles tensed while her hips bucked back into me.

  “Harder,” she begged as I kissed down her neck.

  Biting down gently on her shoulder, I pushed harder and deeper as
her walls tightened around my shaft. She was my undoing in that instant as she shuddered in my arms, and I filled her while panting.

  “Amazing,” she stammered out while turning in my arms.

  “That’s definitely a word for it.” I kissed her soft lips before handing over a bottle of shampoo.


  “I can’t believe you talked me into this,” I yelled out to Logan. He was waiting just outside the fitting room as I wiggled myself into the fourth ball gown he’d insisted I try on.

  “This one is going to be a winner,” he replied.

  The floor-length gold satin and lace off-the-shoulder dress engulfed me as I failed to zip the back. I did have to hand it to Logan—he had good taste. The three I had tried before were all ones I had picked out myself. They looked wonderful on the hanger, but on, they were hideous.

  Logan’s face said it all as I finally exited the dressing room.

  “When you’re right, you’re right, Turner. Can you…?” I pointed over my shoulder and he fumbled with the zipper.

  “I have never seen someone look as radiant as you do right now,” he cooed before kissing my cheek.

  “It’s expensive.” I shied away from him, stepping over to the mirror to get a better look at the back.

  “I’m the Hogs’ MVP—I think I can swing it,” he teased, unzipping the garment for me. “Besides, I need you looking your best for all the pictures we’ll have to take next weekend.”

  “People are going to think we’re together.” I hadn’t thought about the fact that being out in the spotlight with Logan would come with speculation.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Let them think what they want. As long as we’re not making out in front of the children, I think we’re golden.”

  “Are you sure?” The paparazzi incident played over and over in my mind.

  “There’s a first time for everything. It’ll be a good change of pace from the usual headline of ‘Logan Turner attends dinner alone yet again.’”

  “I find it hard to believe you have never brought a date to a function before.”


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