The Vampire Next Door

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by B. A. Stretke

  The Vampire

  Next Door

  Pittsburgh Vampires

  Vol. 9

  By: B.A. Stretke

  Copyright © 2019 by B.A. Stretke

  Published by Superiorland Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person (living or dead), place, or event is purely coincidence.


  The men next door were making a tremendous amount of noise. So much so that Stanley stopped writing and moved his chair near the side window that afforded him a perfect view of the beautiful hard bodies that were coming and going.

  One of them was moving in, apparently, and the other two were helping. Stanley was impressed with them all, so it didn't matter which one was going to call the little bungalow home. The place had stood empty for about a month ever since the owner died and the house was sold to a rental conglomerate. The conglomerate that owned it also owned a lot of homes around the neighborhood. They'd approached Stanley about selling, and they were rather pushy, but this was his first and forever home, he would never sell.

  He managed to pull his eyes away from the hard muscle parading by his window long enough to answer his cell when it started ringing. “Hello.” He said rather chipper as his glance strayed back to the window.

  “Are you busy?” Walker asked. Walker Hall was Stanley’s best friend since childhood and was now his Master’s beloved, so Stanley had a very good life inside the Coven. It also afforded him an all-access pass to the Coven owned Imperial Club, the most exclusive nightclub in all of Pittsburgh. Life had been going well for him over the past couple years.

  Stanley had helped to facilitate the meeting of Walker and Master Hadden, so that also went in his favor. Even with being the most beloved of the Master Vampire, Walker never changed and still remained Stanley's best friend. Walker Hall, the easy-going, laid-back auto mechanic, was the gift that no one took for granted.

  “Just enjoying the scenery.” Stanley snickered.

  “Still stalking the neighbor?” Walker shot back with a snicker.

  "I'm not strong enough to turn away from such an exhibition of male perfection. The stretching, bending, flexing, and jutting is breathtaking, you should be here."

  “I have Nik, I don’t need anyone else. That man is the most perfect among all men.” Walker became a little dreamy.

  “Is he standing right there? Is that why you’ve gone saccharine all of a sudden?”

  “Shut up, just wait until you find your beloved and get all saccharine as you call it.” Walker shot back. “The things you feel for him and are willing to do for him will boggle your mind. Your beloved will fill every thought in your head, and you will think he is the most handsome man on earth.” The dreaminess returned to Walker’s tone.

  “Well a lot of the Coven has been blessed lately, but I doubt my number will come up any time soon. I’m not that lucky.” Stanley was afraid to tell him how much he longed for just that. To find his beloved and have even half the affection that was so freely displayed between Walker and the Master was Stanley’s dream.

  "Your turn will come. I'm the human here, and even I know that Fate does not discriminate. Fate will give you your forever love just as she has blessed others." Walker seemed so confident that Stanley almost believed.

  “I hope you’re right.” Stanley conceded. “But in the meantime, I will entertain myself with the hard muscle parading by my window right now.”

  "Back to the purpose of my call, I'm going to a black-tie dinner with Nik this weekend. It's something important, and I want to look good and act right. He doesn't ask me to change or be anything other than what I am, but I want to make him proud. I want to make an effort for him." Walker revealed.

  “I am at your disposal; the hard muscle next door can wait.” He got up and moved the chair back against the wall. Shall I meet you at the Club or are you coming here?”

  “Meet me here.”

  “See you shortly.” Stanley closed the call and took one more look back over his shoulder at the men next door sighed and then headed out.


  The small delicate looking man from next door exited through the side door of his home and walked to his little red car with a sort of sexual flare. Iker wasn't sure what it was that made him keep watching, but he couldn't tear his eyes away.

  The perfect cut of his hair and the perfect cut of his suit did not even compare with his perfectly beautiful face. Iker felt transfixed by the vision, and it took Anthony shouting to him from the porch for him to pull his eyes away. When he looked back, the beauty had pulled out of the driveway and drove off. Damn that man was gorgeous.

  "I sure hope he's my neighbor and not just a visitor," Iker said but not loudly.

  “What was that?” Anthony came up beside him and looked over at the empty driveway next door.

  “Just wondering who my neighbors might be.” He covered.

  “I checked before I headed over.” Anthony shrugged. “I was bored.” He justified. “The house on your right is owned by a single man named Stanley Binkman, he’s an author. He’s lived there for just over two years.” Anthony stated the information clear and concise.

  “You are always on top of things.” Iker shot him a sarcastic smirk. “That’s what I like about you Anthony always with the answers.”

  “He’s also gay.” Anthony shrugged again at Iker’s inscrutable expression. “Just thought it was information worth sharing.” He defended.

  “Who lives on the left?” Iker decided not to dig any deeper into Anthony’s information on Stanley Binkman. It bothered him to have Anthony describing the beautiful young man.

  "Mr. and Mrs. Pearlman and their dog Harvey." He told him.

  "What no personal stats?" He barked. "You had plenty of stats on the author." He added with snark.

  Anthony looked contrite but did not stop. “The author was more interesting. Also, he writes historical romance.” Iker turned back towards the porch.

  “Come on help me get the rest of the large furniture inside. Grant’s inside unpacking the kitchen.” He glanced back over his shoulder at the house next door and wondered about the occupant. His interest puzzled him, Stanley Binkman was not his usual type.

  Iker liked his men rough and ready and with a no strings attached look in their eyes. This man was high maintenance and most definitely came with a full set of forever binding strings to attach to the first sucker that came close. Stanley Binkman was beautiful, but he was someone Iker planned on keeping at a very safe distance.

  He had no time for the care and upkeep required to keep a man like Stanley. His hair, his clothes, his car, his house, and yard spoke of a man that had a place for everything, and everything was in its place. Stanley obviously thrived on flawlessness. Iker would not be stifled or controlled by anyone and especially not a gorgeous little man with vibrant blue eyes.


  Stanley noticed the tall one watching him as he left the house and headed for his car. He wasn’t being too obvious, but the accessing look was hard to miss. Stanley found something intriguing about the man even more than his companions. He stood out with his brooding good looks and his jet-black hair, he was stunning and probably had men lined up begging to be fucked. Unless he wasn’t gay, then he probably had women lined up.

  Stanley shook his head to get that vision out of hi
s thoughts. The idea of mister wonderful fucking other men or women was strangely unsettling. It gave him a sense of pain and urgency that was unfamiliar. He had no claim on this man, he didn't even know his name, so any hurt feelings were simply a case of being overly emotional.

  Just when he thought he'd gotten the guy out of his mind, he was struck by the memory of the tight fit of his jeans and the ample . . . No, he wasn't going there. He started singing along with the song on the radio and slowly the salacious image dissolved.

  “Hello, Stanley. I’ll park your car.” Ellis opened Stanley’s door with a big smile. The man’s personality sure improved once he found his beloved, a young human named Gavin. Ellis used to be cold and distant with everyone, even his friends.

  Gavin was doing wonders for Ellis’ disposition and outlook on life. Ellis was the Master’s personal driver, and yet here he was acting the valet and doing it with a smile. Stanley wondered what effect his beloved would have for they all seemed to inspire improvements in their vampire partners.

  “Walker is waiting for you in my office. He doesn’t want the Master to know what he’s doing. I think it is a lovely gesture.” Ellis said as he drove away. Stanley met up with Walker in Ellis’ office on the first floor off the Annex.

  “Thanks for helping me out.” Walker was reclining on the sofa situated against the wall to his left and motioned for Stanley to join him. After a few hours of online research and high-end shopping, downtown Stanley was confident that Walker would cut the finest figure at the upcoming conference being held in Harrisburg this weekend.

  They finished with dinner in Walker and Master Hadden's private quarters, in the building's penthouse. It was posh but also comfortable, and Stanley loved hanging out there with Walker.

  “So, tell me more about this handsome neighbor who you can’t get out of your mind.” Walker teased as they dug into their meal.

  “I didn’t say I couldn’t get him off my mind.” Stanley countered with an eye roll.

  “Yes, you did, now tell me more.” Walker was like a dog with a bone whenever Stanley found someone attractive. “What does he do? What’s his name?”

  "All good questions which I have no answer for. The same three men from yesterday showed up today with a moving van and began to move in." Stanley shrugged wishing he had more info on the guy. "I'm not even certain which of the three guys is the one moving in. I heard that a single man was moving in, so I assume it's one of the three that were there today. That's it, all that I got. It's pathetic, I know." Stanley put his focus back on his meal.

  “But you said he was handsome.” Walker pressed.

  “The guy I saw looking at me when I left to come here was handsome, yes, but I don’t know if he’s the one moving in.” I can only hope. Stanley did not add the last. He watched as Walker took his cell phone and started texting someone. His expression was intense and focused which told Stanley he was discussing him.

  “Who are you texting?” He demanded and attempted to pull the phone so he could see.

  "Take it easy, I'm asking Easton to do a check on your neighbor. Easton Sans is one of the new tech guys, and he is a wizard at getting info." Walker continued to text and talk without looking up from his screen.

  “Oh, okay.” Stanley was immediately interested. “It’s just that I don’t want to look like a love-sick idiot like I did last time. I’m still trying to live down that monumental ditch that I received on the main floor of the club during peak hours.” Stanley cringed at the memory of that night.

  "That was never seen as a commentary on your love life, Stanley. That puke, Adan whatever, was a loser you should never have given the time of day." Walker set his phone down and leaned in as he continued. "That scene on the dance floor was all on him. He was banned from the club after that episode, and someone even slashed his tires." Walker let his eyes roam around the room as he finished his sentence.

  Stanley recognized that look and its avoidance. "Do you know who slashed his tires?" He stared at Walker who was now staring back but not answering. "Was it you?" Still no answer and not a flicker of reaction for him to read. Stanley smiled and leaped at Walker taking down onto the sofa in a headlock. They were two well-established adult males and yet roughhousing was still a central part of their relationship.

  "It was me." Walker finally succumbed after Stanley began to tickle him forcibly. "It was me." He started to laugh and drag in big gulps of air as Stanley released him and straightened up to a seated position.

  "Thanks." Stanley shot him a wide-eyed smile. "It was the one high point of the evening." Just then Walker's phone pinged indicating a text and Stanley held his breath hoping that Easton was able to find some background on his new neighbor. He needed a diversion, a handsome diversion in his life right now.

  The memory of Adan Lynn was not what he had hoped for today but learning that Walker had done the tire damage was a perk. Adan considered that car an extension of himself so slashing the tires was like a brutal slap in Adan's face and Stanley found that very gratifying. Adan had been fun, and Stanley had assumed they'd be together for a while at least. He wasn't Stanley's beloved, so it could not be long term, but he'd made Stanley feel special.

  On the three-month anniversary of their first date, Adan took him to the Imperial Club and proceeded to demean and humiliate him in front of everyone. It was such a shock that at the time Stanley had no defenses.

  It was a night that saw Stanley at his lowest but also pointed out the friendships that supported, protected and sustained him. It took months for him to put his heart and mind back together, but through it, all his friends, specifically Walker Hall were there for him.

  With that in mind and the torment fresh for thought, he listened carefully to the information regarding his neighbor. The handsome man would dominate his daydreams, but there really was no place for anyone in his life right now. The burn from Adan had not completely healed, and his confidence was still a bit shredded even if he tried to act like it wasn't. Putting himself out there was something he doubted he had the energy for or the desire. But eye candy, and the man was definitely that, was free of risks.

  Stanley listened as Walker took down all the notes and asked several innocuous questions which left Stanley eagerly waiting for the call to end. Anticipation was delicious. Walker closed the call and looked at Stanley with mischief in his eyes. He was hesitating just to get Stanley jacked up, and it was succeeding. "Well?" He finally asked.

  “Your neighbor’s name is Iker Dawson. What a sexy name and that isn’t the half of it, he’s also a police detective and single.” Walker smiled and looked so proud of himself. All Stanley could think of was whether he had done anything illegal in the last two days in front of his police detective neighbor?

  Walker's eyes popped wide when understanding hit. "You're not doing anything illegal are you Stanley?" Stanley paused and thought. "Well, the fact that you have to stop and think about it is not a good sign." Walker erupted in laughter. "No more running out on the deck naked or swiping your neighbor's cabbage roses. You are on the straight and narrow from now on buddy."

  "Wow, this really puts some restraints on me. Not that I'm running around breaking the law, but now I will have his presence in mind every time I do anything. What a bitch this is going to be. It's like having a cop car behind you for several miles, it makes you jumpy and act suspicious even when you're not doing anything wrong." Stanley took a deep breath and reclined back on the sofa and wondered how much a huge privacy fence would cost.

  “Putting up a twelve-foot privacy fence would make you look guilty of something so just suck it up.” Walker read his mind as usual. “Cops don’t bring that stuff home. He won’t make your life difficult because he isn’t going to want to deal with that kind of bullshit during his off time. It will be fine, just don’t do anything illegal.” Walker added the last with another chuckle.

  “What does he look like?” Stanley asked and leaned forward to get a good look at Walker’s phone screen. There
looking formal and severe in full uniform was the gorgeous specimen of manhood that had captured his attention and the man who’d watched him leave. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the face so handsome and so flawless, the perfect hero for his romantic fiction.

  “He’s even more attractive in person, but that picture is awesome too." Stanley felt dreamy and smitten, and he didn't want to feel that way. He didn't want his stomach knotting up or his breath quickening. He pushed the picture away and turned his head in an effort to regain his composure before Walker saw his interest and commented, but he was too late.

  “You like him, don’t you?” Walker stated.

  “I don’t know him.” Stanley countered.

  “You know what I mean.” Walker shot back.

  "Yeah, I think he's attractive but where has a crush ever gotten me in the past? Every crush I've had have all turned out to be worthless assholes. I think I'll skip this one and go straight to the part where I struggle to ignore them." Stanley tried to laugh but it came out sad, and that was just . . . Sad.

  "I hear you, I do but don't fight it if it comes knocking." Walker tried to say something supportive but failed.

  “What, sadness, despair or loneliness, which one should I not fight?” Stanley mocked lightheartedly.

  “Don’t fight the sexy cop if he takes an interest and comes knocking.” Walker enunciated each word for effect.

  “Okay, but I’m sure he has better things to occupy his time than his uptight neighbor.” Stanley relented a little. “But he does make for good entertainment when he’s in a tight t-shirt all sweaty and messy with muscles bulging all over his body.”

  “There, that’s the Stanley I know and love.” Walker relaxed. “I’m going to send you the information Easton sent me so you can mull it over on your own. No crushing though just appreciate Detective Iker Dawson’s manly beauty. Oh, and he’s gay.” That statement had Stanley leaping on him again as they wrestled each other onto the floor in a flurry of laughter.


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