Horny Hostage

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Horny Hostage Page 9

by Richard B. Long

  "No, don't take it away, please!" Linda found herself crying out. "I'm almost there; I've nearly got it! Please, please, fuck me some more!"

  Moon knew nothing about pity. It seemed that he enjoyed hearing her degrade herself, plead for more of the manly weapon, as much as he liked the feeling of her cunt around the immense length of his prick. He chortled happily at her discomfort and slapped her buttocks smartly.

  "Shut up your fucking mouth," he ordered. "You'll get some cock when I say you can have it, not before! Till then, you just keep your yap shut and wait!"

  Her cries subsided into whimpering moans. Moon looked over at Paul, saw that his prick remained obstinately limp, and decided that it would be hopeless to try forcing the timid man to add his prick to the varied array of tools that Linda had already felt. The sneering, contemptuous look he threw at Paul showed all too clearly his disregard for the banker and his alleged sexual prowess.

  "All right, whose cock was that?" he demanded, intent upon finishing his "scientific experiment."

  "I don't know, Paul's, I guess," Linda whispered, barely able to talk. "Whoever it belonged to, I want some more! Please, I'm dying to come; it feels like my pussy is about to drop off! Oohh, I need to come!"

  "You just hang in there, girlie; maybe if you behave yourself and don't talk too much I might let you have all the prick you want," Moon snapped. "But I don't want to hear no more out of you, got that?"

  He looked around the room and his eye fell upon the pair of candlesticks resting on the fireplace mantle. He marched over to the fireplace, pulled a candle out of the holder, and returned to Linda with an ugly smirk on his face.

  "All right, here's the last one," he told her, brandishing the candle purposefully. "As soon as that little cunt of yours calms down I'll let you have a feel. If I let you have it now, you just might come!"

  The candle was long, at least as long as his own prick, but it was very slender. The morning sun, beaming through the broad picture window opposite the fireplace, had warmed the candle enough that it was almost at body temperature. Moon broke off the fire-blackened wick with his rough fingers and held the candle behind the girl, ready to drive it into her cunt when he judged that the moment was right. He watched Joy masturbate; she had neared her own climax and was now rubbing her pussy furiously. A look of the utmost concentration spread over her pretty face; she bit her thick lower lip and closed her eyes as she sought to bring herself to the orgasmic explosion. Suddenly she reached around her rump with her left hand. She drove her middle finger into the juicy mouth of her cunt, greasing it with love salve, and then transferred the lubricated digit to her anus! The thrilling penetration gave her the added impetus she needed for her joy and she immediately began to come.

  "How about that!" Moon crowed, recognizing what she had done. "Hey, your girl friend here is fingerfucking herself! Yeah, she's sitting there like a teenybopper watching a rock 'n roll stud, just fucking herself up a storm! And you know how she's doing it? She's jabbing a finger up her own asshole! Ain't that something?"

  Linda's flesh crawled with an unearthly sensation when she heard that. The idea of having her anus penetrated gave her a fit of sensual arousal like nothing she had experienced before; at the same time she realized that this idea was appealing to the basest, lewdest, most perverted part of her soul. She felt torn between two irreconcilable drives: a need to preserve her own inherited moral codeówhich identified the anus with all that was dirty, nasty, and unmentionableóand a desire to experience every kind of sexual stimulation. She could hear Joy's gasps of pained delight as the climax pulsed through her loins; she knew exactly what the woman was feeling and the knowledge that it was happening to a woman so close to her filled her with even greater awareness of her pussy's pitiable condition.

  "Do it to me!" she moaned, writhing in anguish. "Or let me try doing it to myself; anything to let me come! It's all over me; I can feel it in my cunt, begging to be let out. I'll do anything, just let me have a chance to come!"

  "All right, if that's the way you feel about it," Moon muttered, coming closer and preparing to drive the candle into her swollen cunt. "I'll let you have the last one. Hope you get your rocks off, baby!"

  With that he rammed half the candle's length into her cunt. He twisted the length of tallow hard, digging it into every corner of her hole, and then he shoved even more of the tool into her body. Linda let out a high-pitched scream of delight when she felt her cunt being sundered. She could not tell that the object digging into her body was not human; she was aware only of being penetrated in such a way that her tortured nervous system exploded in a whirlwind of lusty approval. She began trembling heavily as the spasms of orgiastic joy whipped through her loins, running down her thighs and up into her throbbing nipples. Her body was infused with sensual wonder and her womb began pumping frantically. Each wave of pleasure was stronger than the one before it and they continued for a long time. Again and again her cunt worked spasmodically, clutching at the object it contained and loving it frantically.

  Moon drew a perverted kind of delight from the fact that he was making the girl come with an alien object. He continued plunging the candle into her cunt, twisting it around sensually, until she had climaxed to the fullest possible extent. When at last the spasms died out and her cunt was again still, he slapped her rudely on the buttocks. He left the candle in place and reached down to untie the knot holding the makeshift blindfold over her eyes.

  "Okay, don't move yet," he told her. "First, I want you to guess whose cock it was that made you come like that."

  "Pete's," she guessed, at a loss for words. "I don't know, honestly."

  "How was it? Was it a pretty good come?"

  "Marvelous!" she gasped, still struck by the glory that had powered through her loins. "It was heavenly!"

  "Okay, just reach around there with your hand and grab hold of it," he told her. "You can see for yourself who diddled you out of your stupid mind. And then tell me what you think!"

  Linda reached back tentatively and found the length of candle sticking out the lips of her pussy. She grasped it and, expecting to find the familiar shape of a prick, was dumbfounded for a moment.

  "What the hell!" she finally managed to sputter.

  Raising herself back up and pulling the candle out of her cunt, she looked at it curiously. It took a moment before she realized that it was this object which had brought her such divine pleasure. When she understood that she had been tricked, she let out a wail of disgusted rage and flung the candle aside. She covered her face with her hands and snuffed out a few sobs.

  "Yeah, you thought you had hold of a cock and it wasn't nothing but candle!" Moon gloated. "And you think that cunt of yours is so goddamned precious, so fucking fine that you could tell one prick from another! Shit, baby, you can't even tell a prick from a candle!"

  Linda turned away, unable to bear the brunt of his scorn and rejection. She felt utterly shattered by the foul trick that had been played on her and she wanted only to be alone with her misery. Moon was already tired of his game and she was ignored for a while. He ordered Sky to handcuff Pete and Paul back to the pillar.

  For the rest of the morning and much of the afternoon he and Sky alternated between ignoring the girls altogetheróexcept to dart a watchful eye toward them from time to timeóand using them in various ways to satisfy their lusts. Linda had to watch both of them fuck Joy in quick succession, for example; Sky bent the woman over and humped his prick into her dog fashion and Moon slipped his own prick into the gaping, juicy notch as soon as his friend had removed his spent cock. After he too had fucked himself into a foaming, grunting frenzy, he pulled his tool out and made Linda lick it clean. She gagged at the thought of performing the task, made doubly repulsive because Sky's odious sperm was now thoroughly mixed with Moon's rank oil, but as soon as her lips closed upon the massive head of the man's cock and the salty, musky flavor of mature sex infected her taste buds, she was off on another tangen
t leading straight to extreme sexual arousal. Nothing, it seemed, could fail to excite her as long as it had to do with sex, and she had to admit that Moon's prick was more exciting once it had been twice bathed in semen.

  When darkness began falling around the house, Moon ordered the girls into the kitchen where they prepared another meal. Everyone ate heartily and Moon told Linda to leave the dishes, since they would not be eating there again.

  "At least Sky and me won't," he said. "If our boy don't make it tonight, we're pulling out. Sky, lock our boyfriends back up."

  He and Sky amused themselves with the girls until almost eleven, at which time they tied them securely to the bed, dressed, then went down to the beach.

  "I didn't like that business about it being the last meal," Linda murmured to Joy as soon as the men had left the house. "That sounded like they meant to finish us off when they get back from the beach! "

  "It didn't make my heart jump for joy, if you'll pardon the pun," her companion admitted. "That pair, there's no telling what they're liable to do!"

  "Isn't that the truth!" Linda replied, remembering the wide variety of acrobatic poses she and Joy had been forced to adopt earlier in the day; Moon and Sky both took a special delight in thinking up new positions in which to bring pricks and cunts together.

  They had feared for nothing, they learned when Moon and Sky returned without the new arrival they had been expecting. Moon toured the house, wiping off every object that he or Sky might have touched during their stay. He was quite thorough and missed nothing. As soon as he had completed that task, he untied Linda and gruffly told her to put a dress on.

  "What... what are you going to do?" she managed to ask as she hurried to obey his command.

  "Nothing to worry about," he told her. "We're going into the insurance business, Sky and me, and you're gonna be our first policy!"

  "Huh?" Sky asked, making it abundantly clear that he knew nothing of Moon's plan. "Insurance?"

  "Yeah, insurance," Moon said, moving to the doorway. "You guys in there, both of you better listen because I ain't gonna explain but once. Me and Sky, we're pulling out and we're taking that long-legged cunt with us, the one that's the banker's piece of private pussy! We'll stop somewhere down the road and call in about you jerks being here; somebody'll come by pretty soon to let you go. But if we hear anything outta the fuzz before we make that call we're blasting this little bitch's brains out, unnerstand? We'll leave her dead ass all over the fucking highway ! "

  "What about her?" Joy asked, impudent and brash as ever. "How long will you keep her?"

  "Till we feel safe," Moon replied. "So maybe you three had better start figuring out some lies to make the fuzz think there was only the three of you here. We'll let the bitch go when we feel like it. And you, banker boy, you better be ready to make up some kind of story in case she don't show up for work Monday."

  "Monday's a holiday," Paul said, his banker's mind working methodically. "She won't have to be there until Tuesday."

  "Okay, if she ain't there Tuesday you can still make up a story," Moon told him. "Hell, that crazy cunt might decide she likes our kind of fucking better'n she likes yours! She might just throw in with us for good!"

  "Don't bet on it!" Linda could not keep herself from saying. "As if I'd have anything to do with the likes of you! "

  "Shut your mouth and get ready to roll," Moon told her. "And the rest of you creeps, bye-bye. Somebody'll be here tomorrow morning or maybe even before."

  Linda followed Moon and Sky out of the house. They took a narrow, winding trail leading up from the beach, moving slowly through the darkness. Moon seemed to have a cat's ability to find his way in the dark and within a short time they came into a broad clearing. She saw a car parked under a thick pine; they went toward it and got in.

  "Actually, it wasn't quite the way I told it," Moon said to Linda, who had been forced into the back seat. "You're partly insurance, but then I got another idea about you. Soon as we get to where we can make a phone call, I'll tell somebody about them friends of yours. Then Sky and me are taking you back to the city."

  Linda tried to get him to reveal more of his thinking but he ignored her requests. Sky found a lighted phone booth after driving for about half an hour; he held his pistol on Linda while Moon got out to make the call.

  "That ought to get somebody on the stick," he said when he got back into the car. "Now it's back to the city."

  They sat in silence until they had turned off the freeway and driven down into a section of warehouses, stores, and tumbledown houses in the southernmost part of the city. It was an area which Linda did not know at all, but Moon forced her to hunker down on the floor anyway; he was taking no chances that she might be able to identify the place to which he was taking her. They followed a twisting, turning course through the streets that soon had her totally confused. After twenty minutes of this, Sky parked the car. Moon threw a jacket over Linda's head before allowing her to straighten up in the back seat. They led her into a buildingóshe could not tell if it was a warehouse, an apartment house, or a private dwellingóand up a flight of stairs. After taking her through another doorway, they removed the jacket. She found herself in a large room fitted out with chairs, mattresses, and a table. A blanket hung on one wall, perhaps masking a window; she did not dare look to be sure. The place had an air of impermanence, as if the tenants might flee it in a moment.

  "What the fuck is all this?" a strange, feminine voice asked. "Have I finally got some reinforcements?"

  Linda turned and saw a young, strikingly beautiful girl standing in another doorway. The girl's long, blonde hair hung down in matted hanks; it looked not to have been combed in weeks. A dull, vacant look clashed oddly with her beautiful but unwashed face; she wore only a ragged, cheap dress that was much too short for her.

  "Yeah, we got some back-up troops here," Moon replied. "That's Judy; don't pay much attention to her. She stays spaced out on dope these days; she don't even know the world's going around! Long as she gets her dope and a cuntful of cock every day, she don't care what happens!"

  "Now what are we gonna do?" Sky asked.

  "You and Judy are gonna get this cunt down and learn her some manners," Moon replied. "You know, like we done with that black bitch we had? Start teaching her that cock is what's going on and what she's made for. Judy'll help you. I'm going to make a call to the big boy and tell him what we've got here; I think he just might like the idea I worked out. I'll be back in half an hour."

  "Get your dress off," Sky snapped at Linda as he turned to go into the room from which Judy had emerged. "Don't bother trying to run; the door's locked and the window don't work. And there's nobody around here that gives a fuck about you anyway, so you can yell all your please. I'll be right back."

  "Oh, Sky-daddy, are we gonna play fuck-fuck?" Judy asked, looking up at Sky with an expression of interest at last. "Can I have some too?"

  "You'll get yours," Sky promised, disappearing into the next room.

  Linda hesitated a moment but then decided she had better play Sky's game. She slipped out of her dress and carefully hung it over a chair. Judy eyed her from the doorway, gauging the beauty of her nakedness, and then she shrugged out of her own dress. Linda's mouth formed a silent "Oh!" of shocked pity when she saw the girl's body. Thin almost to the point of emaciation, Judy still possessed a magnificently sculpted pair of breasts that would have made nearly any woman envious. A neat patch of silky, golden fur covered her lovemound; the girl absently pawed herself as she watched. Linda saw bruises, needle marks, crusted dirt, and traces of dried sperm on the girl's flesh; it looked as though she had never washed and had been used very harshly. The sight made her quake with fear; what if they intended turning her into a drug addict? She closed her eyes, trying to force such frightening thoughts out of her mind. She was aroused by Sky's return; he held out a glass and told her to drink.

  "It's water," he said when she looked cautiously into the glass
. "I thought you might be thirsty."

  Linda downed the glass gratefully and found that he had spoken the truth; there was only water in the glass and she downed it gratefully.

  "Well, it's water plus a little something else," he added when she put the glass down. "I forgot all about adding a little acid to it. It was just a tiny little bit though so you don't have to worry about going off on no long trip!"

  He giggled insanely at his trick. Linda's heart fell through her stomach, it seemed; she knew now that they were intending to turn her into a cheap junkie. Could one glassful of water with LSD, no matter how small a dose, turn her into an addict? She didn't know but she was ready for the worst.

  "The reason for giving you the acid," Sky told her, "is because we're trying to learn you something and it's easier to pick up on what we're trying to learn you if you're a little spaced out. Not all the way, just a little. You'll see."


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