Her Second Chance Unforgettable Groom

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Her Second Chance Unforgettable Groom Page 8

by Kim Koby

  Jett drew in a deep breath and tried to calm himself. Sobs shook his body. He’d been shell-shocked by the traumatic outcome of it all. It was harder than he even imagined it would be. He wanted someone to blame—anyone. It would be easier to direct his anger outward than to keep it trapped inside. There was nobody to point a finger to. He’d need to accept that eventually.

  An image of his brother flashed through his mind. Will was maybe nine. That was the year they got Scout for Christmas. That tiny puppy that was waiting under the tree grew to be over one hundred pounds. He was a gorgeous German shepherd, and loyal to the core.

  Scout followed them everywhere. Upstairs, downstairs, inside, outside. Didn’t matter if he was out cold, asleep, snoring, he sensed those boys on the move. He’d grumble, get up and find a new spot, as long as he could be by their side.

  One summer, Scout got hit by a car, and they were certain they’d lose him. Will cried and cried, then prayed and prayed. The day Scout came home from the animal hospital, Will curled up on the floor beside him and refused to sleep in bed. He wanted to be there for Scout, just like their dog had always been there for them.

  He’d miss his brother like nobody’s business. He’d been taken too young. He held fast to the steering wheel as tears silently fell. The pain that overcame him was unlike anything he’d felt before, and he’d been tackled by the best.

  Jett rested his forehead on the steering wheel. His shoulders drooped. How was he still alive but his brother was gone? He forced himself upright and started his truck. Breaking wasn’t an option. He was due back to work and needed his head in the game. He glanced at the clock.

  If the team continued playing like they had been, they’d lose their chance at playoffs, and without playoffs there was no championship. He wanted to win it this year, especially for Terry Jones and in honor of Will. This was going to be their year. He’d go back, wrangle them together, and push DJ to fire up their spirit. DJ was the team captain and could rally them like no other. The problem was that there had been too many distractions for all of them, and they’d taken their eye off the prize. No more. Jett was going back to practice with the determination of ten men.

  Chapter 16

  The news had spread. Most of the players on the Rebels knew about his brother. Guys came over and patted him on the back. Not a lot was said. It was how things were done.

  “Are you going to be okay?” DJ asked.

  “Yeah.” He’d steel his heart and get on with it. There’d be time to deal with his feelings later.

  While he expected his brother’s situation to play on him, he wasn’t anticipating Brandy to keep popping into his mind. He needed to see her, to talk to her. They needed to straighten things out. What was there was real, no doubt. It was simply bad timing how things came together.

  He needed her to know that when she came back into his life it was a joyous thing. He wanted her by his side. He wanted to feel her in his arms.

  A voice called out from the side. “Jett, get your head in the game.”

  He nodded at his coach, and then pushed everything aside. There was no other way. He’d have to ponder things later. It was time to play like he meant it. They all needed to. He rallied around his guys. “We’re going to send the Miami Surf team back home with their tail between their legs and whimpering like it’s low tide. Let’s do this.”

  He pushed more for himself. The others were there and accounted for. Any other type of work, he’d have taken time off. This wasn’t any other job. He not only had to show up, he had to play harder than he’d ever played before. If he didn’t do his part, he’d let his team down—and he refused to do that.

  After practice, he cleaned up.

  He didn’t feel much like talking but was curious to see how the others had made out. He should have stayed and asked, but he needed to cut out of there. He’d catch up later.

  He had too much on his mind. Jett climbed into his truck and revved the engine.

  He knew what he had to do.

  He wasn’t happy with the way they’d left things.

  He’d been harsh and put up a wall for some reason, pushing Brandy away. Yet, that was the last thing he wanted. His gut told him what his head refused to admit. In the course of a few days, he’d fallen for her again. The earrings, the dinner, trying to impress her…and that kiss. He wanted her by his side. He wanted her to know she meant something to him.

  They could take things slowly, but she’d come back into his life for a reason, of that he was certain.

  His pulse raced when she crossed his mind. He pictured her in his arms. Kissing her. Holding her close. Whispering sweet nothings in her ear. He pictured her in a delicate gown, standing by the window, light gently teasing him by leaving only shadows and his imagination. It was an off-white negligee, their wedding night…oh, boy. Where did that come from? And yet, the thought of spending more time with Brandy, of living a life with her didn’t scare him one bit. He knew her through and through. She was a good woman—a woman he’d be lucky to call his wife.

  Too soon, warrior. Stop playing these head games. You haven’t even convinced her to take you back. One step at a time.

  He pointed his truck toward Brandy’s home. It was time for a talk. Time to apologize. Time to make things right. She’d stood by him in his darkest moments without question. She never asked anything of him as he laid his brother to rest.

  What if she wasn’t home? He’d sit there. No, he’d go to the hospital and see her there. No, wait. He couldn’t do that to her at work. Just like he wouldn’t appreciate her barging into his practice. He’d wait at her house. Why didn’t he know her schedule? She said it fluctuated, but he should know it. Either way, he’d wait as long as it took.

  Jett was relieved to see Brandy’s car parked out front. She’d have every right not to talk to him after how they’d left things the prior evening.

  Eva’s words kept pushing to the forefront of his mind. What Will and Eva had was magic. They belonged together. After spending even just a few days with Brandy again, something turned on inside of him, like a light switch being flipped. Yes, it had been ten years. Yes, they were young and foolish, but he loved her like there was no tomorrow.

  If things hadn’t gone sideways, maybe they’d have had time to finish what they’d started. But he had football, and she went off in search of her own career. Would they have made it down the aisle, or would they have grown bored of one another and flirted with the idea of dating others as they matured?

  None of that mattered now. What mattered was fixing what he’d done and what he’d said. He wanted them to have another chance. If she’d have him, this might be their chance to finally have what they should have enjoyed the first go around. A happily ever after, together.

  He skidded to a stop. His mind raced. One minute he was afraid to go forward, to get too close, to jump back in. The next, he couldn’t get to her fast enough. The rush of emotions overwhelmed him. He felt like he was on a rocking ship, lost on the stormy sea.

  His brother was more of the risk taker. Jett played things safe. He knew what he wanted, where Will trusted his instincts and ran with his choices. What would his brother’s advice be? He wished he could bat his thoughts around with him.

  Jett knew what Will would say instinctively. “Go for it. Grab life by the horns and enjoy the ride.”

  He closed his eyes, nodded in agreement and jumped out of his truck. He practically ran to the door, full of ideas, excitement, and love. He forgot that he was walking into something completely different. He’d left her hurt and crying. There were amends to make.

  Would she forgive him?

  Chapter 17

  Brandy wasn’t expecting anyone. When the doorbell rang, she shuffled to answer it. She’d worked half a shift, then came home and changed into her favorite, comfy clothes. It didn’t take long to bury herself under a blanket and get lost in reruns on television. Her hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail, and she’d scrubbed her face clean.r />
  She lifted onto her toes and looked out the peep hole. Jett? Brandy opened the door and stared at him. “What are you doing here?”

  “Brandy, I love you. I’m sorry I was hard on you. Can I come in and talk?”

  She stepped back and opened the door wider. “Fine. Look, I don’t know what’s going on with you. One minute, you’re telling me you don’t need me hanging around or giving you advice, and now you’re here saying you love me. What is it, Jett? What exactly do you want from me?”

  “I was at practice, and to be quite honest, my head was elsewhere. I started thinking about life. Losing my brother. The future. What I’d do when I retire from playing. Everything was scrambled. I had no clue, but the one that that was crystal clear when I saw the future was you. I saw you by my side. Look. I may not know where I’m headed or where life will take me, but I do know that you came back into my life for a reason. I’d be a fool not to open my eyes and see what a gift God has brought me. I’ll admit it. I’m scared. I’m afraid of opening my heart. I’m afraid of breaking down. I’m afraid of being lost, but the one thing I’m not afraid of is knowing that I get to spend time with you. That’s comforting. That makes it all better. It makes it all worth it. Can you find it in your heart to give me another chance?”

  Brandy closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.

  His words were everything she wanted to hear. Needed to hear. And yet, what stopped her from jumping into her arms? Maybe she knew where life was headed. Maybe she was afraid if she stayed with Jett, she’d become a shadow again. Maybe it was just a coincidence that they ran into each other again, and that’s all it was. Maybe she was reacting to seeing him and not really thinking about the future.

  She was tired of breaking down. Tired of crying. Tired of having to be the one comforting everybody. When was it her turn to be taken care of and comforted?

  He cocked his head to the side when she didn’t answer right away. “Brandy?”

  She looked up at him. “I thought that’s what I wanted to hear. Maybe I was wrong.”

  Jett took her hand in his and kissed it. “Please, let’s talk about this. Everything has happened so fast, and with my brother, you’re right, I’m still going to need to work through all of that. With you, I’ll be able to, because I know if I slump, you’ll help me back on my feet.”

  “I agree you have a lot to deal with. Getting help to work through your grief would be smart. It will help you more than you think.” She slid her hand out of his and turned her back to him. “Jett, I don’t want to live in your shadow. I did it all through school. I adore you and always have, but I have my own life to live.”

  “Let me lift you up. We’ll get married and have a family, just like you always wanted.”

  She let out a half-hearted laugh. “I mentioned marriage by mistake and you freaked out. I mean, I get it, we’d just found one another, but now only a few days later you want to take the leap and throw all caution to the wind?”

  He walked around to see her and gently cupped her face. “Yes, that’s what I’m saying.”

  Brandy looked into his eyes. Sincerity stared back at her. She whispered, “You barely know me anymore.”

  “Then we’ll fix that. We have all the time in the world. Say you’ll be my girl. Take as long as you want. We can move as fast as you want. Seeing you, and then all my old feelings rushing back at me was overwhelming. I was trying to make peace with Will’s situation. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was only natural.”

  She could barely get the words out. “I never stopped loving you. Nobody could compare in my eyes. You were always the one I’ve loved.”

  He stroked her cheek. “Standing here with you, all my fear is gone. I know you’re the one for me. I trust my gut, and it’s telling me not to let you go.”

  She silently nodded.

  “Is that a yes?” he asked cautiously.

  She nodded again. This time tears welled in the corners of her eyes. “I love you, Jett.”

  He pulled her into an embrace and held her close. Wrapped in his arms, she was in heaven. It was as if the entire world melted away. She pressed her head to his chest and listened to his heart beating—for her. He wanted her. He came back. He needed her. And she needed him.

  Brandy closed her eyes. She loved his scent. He wore a light cologne, nothing too heady. There were hints of oakmoss and citrus. She inhaled. It’s as if her guard dropped in his embrace. Feeling him against her, she didn’t want to let go.

  He slowly released his grip the slightest bit so he could look down at her. Brandy met his gaze. Their breathing was slow, though her heart raced.

  He said the very words she’d said to him at one point. “Let me love you.”

  She nodded.

  Jett leaned down closer and brushed his lips to hers. She met his sweet kiss with passion and desire. Just yesterday she’d gone to bed thinking their chance was over. And here they were, almost twenty-four hours later and her entire world had changed.

  Brandy sank into their kiss. His lips were soft and moist. As he kissed her, she realized how deeply she needed that kiss. It was everything that she hoped for, full of promise and the future.

  Some would have said they were crazy for moving so fast, for knowing what they think they’re feeling. Maybe they were right. Honestly, she didn’t care. From the moment she saw him, she knew. They both felt it, the bond, the connection…everything came rushing back. It didn’t matter that years had passed. He was still her Jett, and she was all his. She gave him her heart the very moment their eyes met.

  Chapter 18

  Jett was his own worst enemy. He spent too much time playing ‘what if’ but it got him nowhere. It was time to follow his heart.

  How had he expected to see clearly after everything he’d been through? Losing his brother challenged him in ways he wasn’t sure he could handle. His instincts were usually spot on, but they’d been buried under his grief.

  At practice, he saw a clear image of himself standing with his girl. There was no question that she was the one. When he got to her house, he wasn’t sure she’d even answer. Things were left jagged and raw the previous night.

  He was scared. There, he’d admitted it. The big, burly football player was afraid. What if he looked a fool? What if it was a mistake?

  When he pushed that aside, all that was left was the most obvious answer of all. Jett loved Brandy. He knew her character. He knew her strengths and weaknesses. He knew all about her life, her family, and her wants and desires. Most of all, he knew that he wanted her in his life.

  As his lips met hers, all his doubts faded into the background. They no longer mattered. Holding her in his arms, it was crystal clear. Fate brought her back into his life.

  Brandy was a beacon of light, standing by his side. When hard times came around, there she was. He wanted to be there for her. To help ease the burden she was going through with her mother. He’d get a homecare health aide to lighten her load. It wasn’t the physical work, but the emotional stress that was wearing her down.

  “Babe, I’ve got a game on Monday. Would you consider going? You’ll be set up in a boxed seat, and just knowing you’re there…”

  “You want me to go to your game? Are you sure? I won’t be a distraction?”

  “The only kind of distraction you could be is a good one. I’d love to have you there. You could meet the guys on the team. They’re a good crew.”

  “Are you sure? This might make it seem like I’m your official girlfriend or something. I don’t want to send the wrong signal or make you uncomfortable.”

  “Yeah. You have a point. I’m not sure about having an official girlfriend.” He shook his head.

  Her smile dropped.

  “I mean…girlfriend. Yeah. You’re not really girlfriend material,” he said.

  She stepped back and scowled. “Why are you doing this? Why did you come here to apologize, kiss me, then insult me?”

  He flashed her a school boy grin. �
��I think you’d make better fiancée material is all. I mean, wife sounds amazing, but there’s no time.”

  Her eyes shot open wide. “What?”

  “Too much? Too soon?”

  She swallowed hard. “I’m confused. You just said…”

  He pulled her back into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “I was teasing you, hon. Of course, I want you there. I want you by my side from this point on. My girlfriend, my fiancée, my wife. Take your pick. I’m not questioning things anymore. Standing here with you in my arms feels right. I haven’t been this content in I don’t know how long.”

  “It seems like a fast turnaround. I’m a little concerned. You’re like a ping-pong ball with your emotions. Everything that’s happened with your brother, and—”

  He put his finger to her lips. “Shh, kiss me.”

  She looked into his eyes, searching them. Slowly, she parted her lips.

  Jett wanted to consume her, take her in, taste her sweet lips, and never let her go. Why had it been so hard to see that earlier? It didn’t matter now. Their kiss told him everything he needed to know. It was so pure, so simple, like time had never passed. Here they were ten years later. They were meant to be together. There was no question left in his mind.

  She sank into his arms.

  He raked his hands up through her hair, not wanting to let go.

  “Jett,” she finally said, pulling back the slightest bit.

  “It feels right, baby. Doesn’t it?”

  She nodded. “I’m afraid you’ll change your mind. I’m afraid to let my guard down. What if tomorrow you decide this was a mistake? Day to day, you barely know what you want.”

  “Trust me, I’m not going to change my mind. I was looking at the here and now, almost afraid to look at the future. I’ll be honest, I’m still struggling with survivor’s guilt. Yeah. I’m going to need to work through some stuff. It’s hard to look ahead when I’ve been drawn into the moment. Only, the second I allowed myself to dream, you were there. You were in it. You were my future.”


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