The Collins Class Submarine Story

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The Collins Class Submarine Story Page 23

by Peter Yule

Batten was responsible for enforcing contract standards. Batten

  recalls that his staff continually checked factories around Aus-

  tralia and sampled by physical inspection almost 20 per cent of

  the work done. Each month about 160 large reports were made on

  the progress of the sub-contractors and the quality of their work.

  While the sub-contractors around the world were building

  their particular components, ASC’s yard was proceeding steadily

  on the construction of the hulls.4 An important milestone was

  the ‘keel-laying’ ceremony for the first submarine on 14 Febru-

  ary 1990, at which Kim Beazley announced the names of the six

  submarines. They were named for six Australian sailors of the Sec-

  ond World War – Collins, Farncomb, Waller, Dechaineux, Sheean and Rankin. HMAS Collins, as the first boat, gave its name to the class.5

  Each submarine was built in six sections, each of which con-

  sisted of several ‘cans’. The sections were numbered 100, 200,

  300, 400, 500 and 600, with 600 being the forward section and

  100 being the aft section. Each sub-section was numbered; so, for

  example, the 200 section is made up of a 210, 220, 230, with 210

  made up of two cans, 220 of three cans and 230 of two cans –

  seven cans welded together to make the complete section.

  The first major work at Osborne was welding three curved

  plates of steel to make the cans and then welding the cans together


  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  to make four hull sections for the first submarine. Welding the

  cans and sections was among the most critical and risky parts

  of the whole project. The high-tensile steel used for submarine

  hulls required the highest quality welding, with welding problems

  being among the most frequent reasons for delays or even failure

  of submarine projects around the world. One of the great suc-

  cess stories of the project was that the welding techniques used

  by ASC, developed in conjunction with DSTO, proved highly


  The hull construction shop is 150 metres long and 40 metres

  wide and is divided into a series of workstations. At workstation

  100 the curved plates from CBI were welded to form the can,

  using full penetration, manual metal arc welding. The can of about

  20 tonnes then moved to workstation 200. Here the ‘T’ stiffeners

  from CBI and bulkheads from Perry Engineering were welded into

  the cans. The stiffeners were welded to the inner part of the hull

  with an automated submerged arc welding machine. One side of

  the can would be fully welded and then the whole can would be

  picked up, spun around and put down to allow work on the other

  side of the T-stiffener welds. Magnetic particle testing occurred in

  the weld prior to welding the second side. After the second side

  weld was complete there would be 100 per cent visual, 100 per

  cent magnetic particle and 100 per cent ultrasonic inspections;

  10 per cent of the welds on the pressure hull were also subjected

  to X-ray inspections.

  All the material on the hull was micro-alloy steel, designed

  to absorb energy and buckle rather than fracture if subjected to

  explosions. However, such steel loses its granular structure and

  therefore its strength if it is cooled too quickly. Consequently, the

  steel structure had to be preheated and postheated for all welding

  operations. It was potentially extremely dangerous to use heaters

  while welding in confined spaces, so ASC developed a process

  of heating the steel using low voltage heaters that lessened the

  chances of accidents.

  With stiffeners and bulkheads in place, the cans were moved on

  to workstation 300, put on rollers and welded using an automated

  process developed by ASC. The cans rotated past the fixed welding

  machine, joining seven cans to make a complete section.

  Four sections were built from the outside in – first putting the

  cans together, then adding the frames – but several cans in two

  B U I L D I N G S U B M A R I N E S


  sections were built from the inside out. These were the cans with

  flat bulkheads in the front and mid sections. In these cans shear

  plates were welded first, followed by the stiffeners, the frames

  and the infill plates, and finally the hull plate was welded around

  the fabricated section, becoming so strong that the production

  workers called it the ‘egg crate’.

  Before all the sections were welded together most of the tanks

  were welded into the hull. There are over 50 tanks in each sub-

  marine, including freshwater tanks, ballast tanks, trim tanks, fuel

  tanks, waste water tanks and torpedo compensation tanks.

  As the cans were joined into sections, they were put in cradles

  so they could be moved around the hull shop by rail, and eventu-

  ally the whole submarine could be rolled out to the ship lift.

  After the welders had finished as much ‘hot work’ as possible,

  sections went to the blast and paint chamber, which was fully

  enclosed and designed to take all the submarine sections. It would

  take several months to blast and paint each section – a source of

  frustration because meanwhile nothing else could be done with

  the section.

  Blasting in the confined spaces of the submarine sections was

  difficult and unpleasant work. At each stage the section had to be

  vacuumed and inspected before painting. Blasting and painting the

  external hull was comparatively easy, especially compared to work

  inside the tanks. It was often impossible to paint in winter because

  of cold surfaces, and later ASC installed heating to improve the


  After several months in the blast and paint shop it was on to the

  outfitting shop. G öran Christensson from Kockums was the first

  manager of the outfitting shop, and when he returned to Sweden

  in 1990 Robert Lemonius from Cockatoo Island took over the


  The 200 section of each submarine was always the first to enter

  outfitting, where the major equipment received from Australia

  and overseas would be installed. For the first boat much of this

  came from overseas, but afterwards from Perry Engineering (steel

  fabrication) and ASC Engineering (outfitting) in Adelaide. The

  machinery and platforms arrived in the outfitting shop with the

  sections outfitted sufficiently for platforms to be installed. These

  came from Kockums for the first section of the first submarine,

  but thereafter were made in Adelaide by Johns Perry.


  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  Some areas of the submarine are almost inaccessible after

  the platforms are in place, so everything had to be in perfect

  order before major equipment such as the battery compartments

  was installed. There was always a temptation to complete plat-

  form installation as this was a key milestone in the progress

  of each submarine, but it was a serious mistake to do it too

  early as it made uncompleted work inaccessible or difficult to

br />   Cabling is always a major challenge in submarine construction

  because the cables are installed in continuous lengths wherever

  possible, avoiding cable junction boxes and lessening the oppor-

  tunities for faults. However, this means that there will be numer-

  ous cables rolled up into lengths on sections or on platforms that

  can only be connected when the submarine’s sections are joined

  up and the cable can be rolled out.

  Piping presents similar challenges. Each Collins submarine has

  about 23 kilometres of piping, and early in the project ASC

  decided to invest in an expensive pipe-bending machine rather

  than use straight lengths of pipe and then weld in pre-bent elbows.

  The reason for this was that the specification for pipe welding was

  extremely demanding, requiring extensive testing and inspection

  and making welding expensive.

  While the hull construction was proceeding, ASC engineers

  worked on the tooling required to install different equipment on

  the boats. For example, the propulsion motor weighs about 90

  tonnes, and large jigs and fixtures were required to transfer and

  load the engines into the submarines at the appropriate stage of

  the outfitting process.

  Once adjoining sections had been outfitted as completely as

  possible, they would be welded together using manual arc welding.

  These joints took about four weeks to complete, running teams of

  six welders in three shifts around the clock, and had to be perfectly


  With joints consolidated and outfitting completed, initial test-

  ing of systems and equipment began in preparation for the launch

  of the submarine. After the launch the submarine would spend

  about nine months alongside the wharf during the ‘set to work’

  program, ensuring that all the systems worked to the original


  B U I L D I N G S U B M A R I N E S


  On 24 July 1993 the first submarine completed outfitting and

  testing and ASC held a rollout ceremony. Simon Ridgway recalls


  We had been going for four years in construction and it was

  an opportunity to say: ‘Hey, we’ve actually built a finished

  product.’ It was a great day to recognise everyone’s

  achievement. Everyone was allowed to invite their family and

  the submarine was rolled out, using our 40 tonne crane as a

  tractor to pull it out of the outfitting shop and onto the


  C H A P T E R 14

  The automated integrated vision

  Part 1: The combat system 1987–93

  The success of the weapons update program for the Oberons gave

  Australian submariners a vision for a fully-integrated combat sys-

  tem and also prompted them to consider combining this with

  a highly-automated ship control and management system. The

  automated, integrated vision became central to the requirements

  for the new submarines and was one of the highlights of Kim

  Beazley’s press release on the announcement of the contracts in

  May 1987:

  The combat system for the new submarines represents about

  one third of the construction cost and will be assembled in

  Sydney by Rockwell Ship Systems Australia . . . The

  computerised combat system will be more advanced than any

  yet installed in a diesel-electric submarine . . . All tasks can be

  carried out at any of the multi-function common console

  work stations in the control centre. There is no central

  processor to present a single point of failure and the data


  T H E A U T O M A T E D I N T E G R A T E D V I S I O N


  distribution system can sustain significant damage or failure

  and still function satisfactorily.

  A prime example of the new technology is the ship

  management system, which greatly minimises the workload

  by providing computer-based control and monitoring though

  common multi-function consoles. It is the main reason why

  the crew can be reduced to 41 compared with the

  Oberons’ 63.1

  The ship control and management system is widely regarded as

  one of the great successes of the submarine project, but the combat

  system never approached the level of performance dreamed of by

  those who planned ‘the world’s best combat system’ or demanded

  by the contract specifications. Although overshadowed in the pub-

  lic mind by the mechanical problems revealed during the trials

  period in the late 1990s, the combat system was by far the most

  serious and intractable problem of the project. If the combat sys-

  tem had worked as planned the history of the project would have

  a far rosier glow.

  During 1987 and 1988 teams of engineers and designers in

  Sweden, California, Australia and France began planning to make

  the automated, integrated vision a reality. There was no sense of

  foreboding but several critical decisions had already been made

  that resonated controversially throughout the project. These deci-

  sions have been blamed for most of the difficulties the combat

  system project encountered, but there is a total lack of consensus

  on how and when these decisions were made and their relative

  consequences for the combat system.2

  At the most fundamental level, the ‘architecture’ of the com-

  bat system is frequently seen as either fundamentally flawed or too

  ambitious (or both) and this is usually sheeted home to the orig-

  inal requirements drawn up by the project team and the SWSC.

  Ian MacDougall as director of submarine policy and warfare was

  involved in writing the concept papers for the new submarine in

  the mid-1980s, and he believes they made a mistake by speci-

  fying distributed architecture as this was too big a step for the

  technology available at the time. He still feels bitter towards the

  ‘big contractors who all signed up and said they could do it, but

  then failed to deliver’. Nobody told the navy that ‘this cannot be



  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  Many later observers also see the initial design concept as

  overly ambitious. Colin Cooper, who was combat system man-

  ager for the new submarine project from 1993 to 2003, argues that

  ‘the design concept was probably 30 years ahead of the reality of

  processor and memory capacity, system hardware and software

  able to support that concept’.3 Even Oscar Hughes, the project

  director, thinks that in retrospect ‘we were too ambitious with the

  combat system’.

  It is widely believed that the combat system was designed by

  the SWSC and that the design was then imposed on Rockwell.

  This is not an entirely accurate view. The centre, together with the

  submarine project office, drew up the detailed specifications and

  operational requirements for the combat system, but it did not

  design the system. Diagrams of the Rockwell and Signaal systems

  submitted after the project definition study show that they differed

  greatly, and were not simply quoting to build a
system which

  was already designed. The SWSC laid down what the combat

  system should be able to do and recommended the use of the Ada

  language and distributed architecture, but it did not design the

  combat system.

  Perhaps not surprisingly, those who were involved with the

  combat system specifications argue that the problems arose from

  poor implementation rather than misguided specifications. They

  argue that the Rockwell team made major errors in designing its

  system, and these were exacerbated by poor choices of processors,

  compilers and other hardware, an overly academic approach to

  writing the software and, finally, incompetence at integrating the

  various components of the combat system. Mick Millington, for

  instance, argues that the star-connected fibre optic data bus could

  never guarantee the bandwidth the system required and it was

  ‘doomed based on that alone’.

  The boffins from the SWSC are not alone in their view. Ron

  Dicker, with his unique perspective on the issues as a former Dutch

  submarine commander, manager of the Signaal bid for the com-

  bat system and ASC’s combat system manager, argues that the

  main cause of the problems with the combat system was not the

  architecture, although the requirement that ‘any console can do

  all functions’ and ‘all consoles can do any function’ simultane-

  ously created unnecessary difficulties. In Dicker’s view the prob-

  lems arose because

  T H E A U T O M A T E D I N T E G R A T E D V I S I O N


  Rockwell in their desire to retain ownership of the system

  design had contracted core elements . . . all over the place

  [and] that did not allow them in the end to manage the

  design evolution and integration and to take advantage of the

  rapid developments in computer technology.4

  Rick Neilson recalls that he was the person who said when prepar-

  ing the requirements, ‘we will do this combat system in Ada’. This

  turned out to be a problem, although he argues that Ada as a

  language was not the problem; rather it was the newness of the

  language, which meant that much of the support for it was uncer-

  tain. This showed up particularly in the choice of compilers for

  converting the Ada software to machine code compatible with the

  68000 processor series. It was not clear which compiler was most

  suitable and Rockwell gambled by choosing Verdix, which proved


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