The Collins Class Submarine Story

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The Collins Class Submarine Story Page 25

by Peter Yule

  in design, production and planning for long-term support in Aus-

  tralia. Saab put a design team of about 50 engineers on the


  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  Australian project and ASC personnel came to work with the

  design group in J önk öping.

  Like the combat system, the ship control system used Motorola

  processors and like the combat system it ran into problems with

  processing capacity, but the efficient architecture of the ship con-

  trol system meant that the problem was soluble.12 In December

  1992 the project agreed to a ‘no cost upgrade’ of the processors

  from the Motorola 68020 to the 68030 and the project’s reports

  make no further comments on problems with processing power.

  Saab built a prototype of the manoeuvring control console,

  primarily to test the use of a joystick as an alternative to the tradi-

  tional steering wheel. Saab was concerned that Australians might

  have a problem with the keyboard on the right and the joystick

  on the left, but both ASC and the navy approved.

  At one time in the late 1980s fears about the ship control sys-

  tem seemed to be justified, with ASC and the project office believ-

  ing that it was heading towards catastrophe. At a time when the

  combat system attracted few comments in the project’s quarterly

  reports, there were frequent warnings about the ship management

  system. ASC was always involved in the ship control system and

  responded quickly. Jack Atkinson of ASC recalls that by early to


  We were already seeing some serious problems in the

  development of . . . the integrated ship control and

  monitoring system – in particular difficulties with the

  software design. In early 1989 there were increasing signs of

  the project going off the rails – we had a contractor, Saab

  Instruments, which was working to a specification produced

  by Kockums the submarine designer . . . Both were

  sub-contractors to us, so with Kockums essentially the driver

  of the design requirements, we had the difficult job of

  coordinating the design development between Kockums and


  Fundamentally – as Jack Atkinson implies – the problems of the

  ship control system were not technical but came back to the

  contractual situation, which led to a lack of control and direc-

  tion. For G östa Hardebring of Saab, the technical difficulties of

  the design phase were not unexpected and could be dealt with,

  but the problems that arose were largely due to differences of

  T H E A U T O M A T E D I N T E G R A T E D V I S I O N


  interpretation and approach that persisted until the parties coor-

  dinated their work. In order to improve communications Saab set

  up a liaison office in Adelaide in April 1990, although it did not

  have a contractual obligation to do so.

  In January 1989 Oscar Hughes gave Captain Peter Hugonnet

  the twin jobs of ship control system manager and safety man-

  ager, the tasks being combined because the safe operation of the

  ship control system was seen as paramount for submarine safety.

  Hugonnet, an experienced submariner, recalls that at the first

  meeting he went to with Saab and Kockums it became obvious

  that there was a stand-off between the two companies. The project

  was going ahead but it was not being coordinated – they were both

  leaving the ‘big picture’ to each other.

  However, the situation was rapidly turned around. Peter

  Hatcher, a submariner who was combat system engineering man-

  ager with the project, recalls that the turning point was a design

  review at Saab Instruments’ headquarters in J önk öping. Hatcher

  recalls that

  We had mandated the application of certain US safety

  standards and . . . about a year in I suppose . . . we had a

  memorable design review that became known as the battle of

  J önk öping . . . I was team leader and we got stuck right into

  them over their developmental processes – the failure mode

  effect analysis and how they were going to control the safety

  development risk of the whole thing. Because as you can

  imagine you can’t . . . just hope there aren’t any little hidden

  glitches in there.14

  Afterwards, there was a rapid improvement and the parties began

  to work together more constructively. One of the major con-

  cerns of the project team was the independent verification of the

  software, but Peter Hugonnet concluded that neither Saab nor

  Kockums would release the source code for this purpose.15 Con-

  sequently he talked to Peter Robinson of Wormald, who proposed

  a land-based test site (referred to as ‘stay safe’). The project and

  ASC both saw this as providing greater oversight and agreed to

  share the cost, with ASC later taking over the site. As Peter Hatcher

  puts it, this move ‘really overhauled the whole development pro-

  cess’ and allowed them to thoroughly test every part of the ship

  control system and iron out all the bugs.


  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  Jack Atkinson was appointed to a new software engineering

  management position, with a team of about 25–30 software engi-

  neers whose first task was to work with Saab and Kockums

  on the problems of the ship management system. Stirred into

  action, ‘the sub-contractors got the right people on and delivered’

  and, together with ASC, they ‘engineered their way out of some

  real problems’. By March 1991 the submarine project’s quarterly

  report was noting significant improvement on the ship control sys-

  tem software development ‘due to ASC presence at Saab, increased

  Saab resources and the introduction of a combined ASC Saab and

  KAB [Kockums] software integration group’.

  In tandem with his work on managing the ship control and

  management system, Peter Hugonnet was responsible for devel-

  oping a comprehensive safety program for the new submarines.

  There was no budget for this work, but Oscar Hughes took the

  view that safety was critical and found the money that was needed.

  In a minute written in 1991 asking for Hugonnet’s appointment

  to be extended, Hughes wrote:

  Putting aside the extremely large financial investment

  involved in the project, the ramifications of a major

  submarine incident . . . are horrendous. We simply cannot

  afford to take any risks whatsoever when it comes to safety.

  It is not of course just only a matter of being seen to manage

  safety but of ensuring that the risk of a major incident is

  reduced to an acceptable and defined level. This involves a

  highly structured and disciplined approach to the

  management of safety with tentacles that permeate all aspects

  of the project including design, equipment production,

  submarine test and trials, operating test and evaluation,

  training, etc.16

  Hugonnet recalls that the contract specifications said only that

  safety should be ‘generally in accord with Mi
lstandard 882’

  but this was open-ended and nothing was defined. At that time

  there was no navy-wide safety policy so he started with a clean

  sheet of paper, using the American ‘Subsafe’ program as a prece-

  dent to develop a complete set of safety procedures for the new

  submarines. Among other things Subsafe ensured detailed risk

  assessment and management, proper qualification of crews and

  maintenance staff and the maintenance of hazard logs to ensure

  T H E A U T O M A T E D I N T E G R A T E D V I S I O N


  proper reporting of hazardous situations. The Subsafe program

  proved highly effective once the submarines went to sea, with all

  the safety systems working well even in extreme situations.

  In the early 1990s the ship control system project proceeded

  smoothly, with only occasional minor hiccups. Crew training went

  well and the system was ready to go to sea for the first trials, where

  it rapidly proved one of the great successes of the whole project.

  C H A P T E R 15

  Steel, sonars and tiles:

  early technological support

  for the submarines

  Science has been harnessed to support the defence of Australia

  since shortly after federation. In the first half of the 20th cen-

  tury this was strongly focused on the munitions industry and

  wartime manufacturing, and strong capabilities were developed

  in fields such as munitions chemistry, metrology, metallurgy and

  aeronautical engineering. After the Second World War defence

  science headed in new directions, with a more fundamental

  research program across many fields of emerging knowledge. This

  led to internationally significant breakthroughs such as colour

  photocopying and the black box flight recorder.

  The ‘golden age of science’ was curtailed as the economy

  stuttered in the late 1970s and 1980s, leading to demands to con-

  duct research more closely matched to the needs of the services,

  defence industry and various defence ‘customers’. Some activities

  (and even whole laboratories) were shed to the civilian sector,

  notably CSIRO, but a few were added. The most notable was

  the RAN Research Laboratories, which allowed support for naval

  operations to be expanded enormously. Support for ships and sub-

  marines at the Materials Research Laboratories at Maribyrnong


  E A R L Y T E C H N O L O G I C A L S U P P O R T F O R T H E S U B M A R I N E S


  emphasised construction and materials, integrity of structures and

  ancillary systems, acoustics and vibration, and propulsion.

  These new directions helped DSTO provide the navy with the

  technical background it needed to become an ‘informed customer’

  during the unprecedented ship and submarine acquisition pro-

  gram that unfolded after 1980.

  DSTO provided research to support all phases of the submarine

  project, from John Wallers’ work on the required ship’s charac-

  teristics in the early 1980s to assessing and enhancing the two

  final tenders, supporting construction, rectifying defects, develop-

  ing through-life support and devising capability enhancements.

  Defence scientists worked closely with local and overseas aca-

  demic and research organisations, the project office, local and

  overseas industries, and the international submarine community,

  and they played a pivotal role in some of the most significant

  periods of the project.

  The work carried out by DSTO on steel and welding was crit-

  ical to the success of the submarine project. The project team had

  found that the Australian steelmaker, BHP, could manufacture

  steel for submarine construction but it needed to know much more

  to have a feasible construction program. The strength and dura-

  bility of the steel chosen had to be proven to withstand repeated

  compression and expansion from diving over a 30-year life span.

  A testing regime would need to be developed to ensure that all the

  steel and the many kilometres of welds in the submarines achieved

  the same standard. There were many who believed that the navy

  lacked the experience to make judgments on materials, processes

  and proof of quality.

  In 1985 the project team approached John Ritter and his

  team of materials scientists at the DSTO Maribyrnong labora-

  tory to solve this problem.1 In the early 1980s the Maribyrnong

  team had helped qualify materials for the construction of two

  frigates at Williamstown. The job had involved establishing in

  Australia an evaluation technique known as the explosion bulge

  test. This assesses the resistance of steel against an impact by

  observing deformation and fracture in a large piece of 50 mm

  thick steel plate (either unwelded or welded) caused by an explo-

  sive charge placed close by. The test usually involved the plate

  being pre-cooled to −17.8◦C.2 The US Navy acknowledged the


  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  work of DSTO by granting it special autonomy to conduct the test


  The project definition studies were already underway and the

  first task was to assess the performance of the materials offered.

  The German proposal seemed the easier to assess. HDW/IKL

  would construct its submarine from the then standard US Navy

  submarine steel, known as HY80. The characteristics of this steel

  were well understood and because it was in wide use there were

  established qualification tests and well-known standards of per-

  formance for the material. However, the German consortium was

  seeking a $5 million royalty for use of this steel.

  Kockums’ proposal was radically different. It involved the

  use of steel with a 25 per cent higher yield (greater resistance)

  stress than the more conventional HY80, which was achieved by

  a novel alloy formulation producing a ‘high-strength low-alloy’

  steel. Therefore the new steel offered a considerable weight sav-

  ing because of its greater strength and promised to be much easier

  to weld, offering cost and schedule advantages.

  There was some industry resistance to using such a steel with

  an unproven history. The recently developed American equivalent,

  known as HY100 (stronger than HY80) was not pursued for

  submarine construction because of difficult welding characteris-

  tics and shortcomings in explosion bulge testing.

  However, the greatest problem with Kockums’ steel was that

  it had been developed in Sweden, whose testing procedures and

  quality standards were different to NATO standards. The project

  office had little knowledge with which to develop acceptable per-

  formance guidelines and needed expert assistance.

  John Ritter and his team accepted that controlling risk meant

  complex and expensive approaches would be unacceptable. The

  Maribyrnong laboratory was a pioneer in the emerging field of

  fracture mechanics – one yet to mature and involving a complex

  and expensive testing regime. Ritter decided that both the safety

  of the submarine and
the costs of its construction would be better

  served through the proven explosion bulge test regime with its

  straightforward subsidiary tests that were industrial standards.

  Ritter says: ‘We opted for industrial reality and minimum risk

  instead of scientific adventure.’

  An important feature of DSTO has always been the degree of

  interdisciplinary cooperation that can be focused on a problem,

  E A R L Y T E C H N O L O G I C A L S U P P O R T F O R T H E S U B M A R I N E S


  and this was particularly needed as the organisation was promis-

  ing to undertake some fundamental research on an unknown

  steel and welding technology with little more than a year

  before the successful bidder for the new submarine was to be


  Ritter had crucial support in Australian industry. Dr Jim

  Williams, with his research team at BHP Wollongong, and his

  counterpart, Dr John Kroll of Bisalloy Industrial Steels, had an

  international reputation for research into and production of high-

  strength low-alloy steels. Traditional submarine steels included

  expensive alloys that provided exceptional strength but made the

  plate difficult to weld. BHP micro-alloy steel gave similar perfor-

  mance but needed no special pre-treatment for welding. Ritter’s

  group formed an alliance with them, and with Kockums’ weld-

  ing engineer Dr Kenneth H ˚akansson, to investigate the Swedish

  steel. The outcome required was a qualification and testing regime

  covering all materials supplied, all welding processes, and all con-

  struction hall welding procedures to reassure the navy that the

  submarines would be safe.

  The assignment started with a bang. At the end of August

  1986, the first bulge test was conducted in an abandoned quarry

  at Cooma, New South Wales. The sample of BHP/Bisalloy plate,

  made to Swedish specifications, shattered into hundreds of pieces

  and blasted metal shards around the surrounding bushland.

  An air-freighted sample of Swedish plate failed as dramatically.

  Sweden was one of the few countries to subject its submarines

  to explosive shock testing in the water, but it did not carry out

  explosive testing of the construction steel before the submarine

  was built. A quantum improvement in explosion crack resistance

  was needed urgently.

  Shards of the failed plate were taken to BHP’s Port Kembla lab-


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