The Collins Class Submarine Story

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The Collins Class Submarine Story Page 35

by Peter Yule

  system. Norwood recalls:

  The submarine was run across the sound range, power closed

  off and the boat allowed to coast. The tones disappeared


  The tremendous turbulence created when Collins made way on

  the surface had always been eye-catching and it seemed likely that

  this was in some way interacting with the propeller to generate the

  propulsion system noise. DSTO designed, developed and applied

  a strain gauge system to measure the vibration of the propeller

  blades. Tests with the submarine dived showed the vibrations of

  the propeller matched the noise problems measured on the acous-

  tic range. In tests with the submarine running on the surface the

  level of propeller vibration was found to be so high that it exceeded

  what should have been possible with the propulsion system.

  It appeared that additional energy was being fed into the pro-

  peller and the flow characteristics around the hull were the prime

  suspect. DSTO did not have a testing tank but its Air Vehicles Divi-

  sion had a research wind tunnel, so it was controversially decided

  to use the aerodynamics research tool to evaluate the flow patterns

  around the submarine’s hull and into the propeller. David Wyllie,

  who was appointed chief of the Maritime Platforms Division in

  1998, recalls strong opposition from parts of the navy to the idea

  that a submarine could be tested in a wind tunnel, although air-

  craft designs had been tested in water tunnels for years. Indeed,

  utilising the wind tunnel may have had such a direct inspiration.

  Wyllie recalls the story around Fishermans Bend at the time that a

  friend of Bill Schofield, a professor in aerodynamics, having seen

  pictures of the Collins, had rung to express his amazement that

  the inefficiency of the hull shape should be so obvious.

  The use of the wind tunnel was typical of how DSTO went

  about its business, using initiative to make the best use of limited

  resources. So the acoustic group used the knowledge of Dr Bruce

  Fairlie of the Air Operations Division to set up tests that would

  yield information on the interaction of flows around the hull and

  into the propeller. Much of the experimental equipment had to

  be designed on site by technical officer Peter Climas. Computer


  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  modelling was used, even though the available software was not

  entirely suitable and was developed as the experiments progressed.

  This procedure differed little from the design of the whole exper-

  iment, however, as all the data yielded had to be interpreted to

  allow for the differences between air and sea water in density, vis-

  cosity and other parameters. The outcome was interesting enough

  for Wyllie to remark on the number of senior US Navy officers

  who began to visit DSTO’s Fishermans Bend facility and how this

  promoted collaborative research between DSTO and its American


  In 1993 the project office had sought contacts in the US Navy’s

  engineering and research establishments. At first the Americans

  resisted talking about their submarine technologies, but even-

  tually an exchange developed over aspects of ‘technologies’ to

  do with the sub-marine environment. As the Collins acoustic

  signature became an increasing problem, Greg Stuart from the

  project worked with diplomatic and scientific staff in the USA and

  Australia to gain access to the US Navy’s expertise in acoustics.

  The Americans closely guard this expertise, but eventually agreed

  to model the performance of the Collins. The results correlated

  closely with those of DSTO’s wind tunnel tests and confirmed

  what the acoustics group had been telling the navy.

  Several features of the Collins hull shape generated significant

  turbulence: the cylindrical array knuckle, the fin, and the hull cas-

  ing. This disturbed mass of water was tumbling over the abrupt

  end of the casing and arriving at the propeller in two turbulent

  streams that were nicknamed ‘rabbit’s ears’. Each propeller blade

  hit turbulence twice in every revolution, increasing their natural

  vibration and inducing cavitation. Kockums had tested a model

  of the Collins propeller and was certain it did not cavitate, but

  in the tank tests Kockums had trialled the propeller behind a per-

  fectly cylindrical mount; there were no ‘rabbit’s ears’ to excite the


  The findings from this research at DSTO and in America led to

  the design of a series of modifications to the fibreglass casing and to

  the fin. These succeeded in taming the ‘rabbit’s ears’ but the seven-

  tonne propeller remained a problem. The propellers made for the

  Collins class were cast from Sonoston and the first batch were

  hand-chiselled from the casting – with the result that they were far

  from the high-tolerance product of multi-axis machine tools that

  T H E R O L E O F D E F E N C E S C I E N C E : N O I S E A N D D I E S E L S


  drove nuclear-powered submarines in the north Atlantic. The

  blades often did not line up in a flat plane, one behind the other,

  but could be skewed cross-wise. Nor did the alloy perform as it

  was supposed to. Ross Juniper of the acoustics group at DSTO

  had Sonoston analysed. It did indeed have natural damping char-

  acteristics, but they were engaged only at dynamic stresses much

  higher than any likely to be encountered in the operational profile

  of an Australian submarine. When not under these stress load-

  ings, Sonoston was only a little better than conventional nickel-

  alloy bronze. DSTO research also exposed the potential for this

  material to crack when placed under load in seawater.

  Although the unsatisfactory propeller characteristics that

  bedevilled the submarines’ acoustic signature were largely due to

  hull-generated turbulence, DSTO’s research suggested there were

  serious flaws in the original propeller design and manufacture and

  provided the navy with the basis to investigate alternative designs.

  Further research on an increasingly quiet submarine found

  that, although propeller blade vibration contributed to noise gen-

  eration, it was not the sole emitter of sound tones. The entire drive

  train was involved and it was the hull that radiated any propeller-

  induced vibration. Further investigations headed off to the new

  problem of how to damp the entire hull of a submarine.

  While making progress towards producing a submarine that

  operated quietly on battery power, Norwood and his group had

  other urgent problems with vibration. The Collins submarines

  were noisy when they snorted. The diesels – or, more accurately,

  the generator sets – vibrated excessively, and Norwood’s col-

  league, Geoff Goodwin, a propulsion engineer from the Mar-

  itime Platforms Division, was working on the problem. However,

  although engine vibration may have been the noise source, it was

  not the means of transmission. DSTO saw that the intermediate

  masses in the two-s
tage mounts on which the diesel generator sets

  were placed were too light. That meant that the masses could be

  vibrating at the same frequencies as the generator set, with a dan-

  ger that the mounts could be ineffective at those frequencies and

  could actually amplify the noise transmission.

  Traditionally, an intermediate mass system for two-stage

  mounts for heavy industrial engines should have the same mass

  as the machinery mounted on it. Yet, when the Type 471 design

  was selected it was recognised as weight limited, with the small


  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  margin of only 20 tonnes to accommodate changing requirements

  over the life of the boat. One of the weight-saving measures used

  by Kockums was to lighten the generator mounting structure,

  and the designers attempted to compensate by fitting the engine

  mounts with absorbers tuned to cancel out critical vibration fre-

  quencies. This was ineffective. The tuned absorbers used a split

  mass, and when analysed they had different characteristics in the

  way they damped vibration depending on whether the split was

  aligned with, or at right angles to, the vibration source. The design

  made it possible for them to be installed either way and it was pos-

  sible that they could be wrongly installed. DSTO redesigned the

  absorbers to ensure better tuning and uniformity in installation.

  The diesel exhaust was another noise source which DSTO anal-

  ysis showed was essentially a design issue. The space within the

  engine room and fin is limited, and cramming the mufflers and

  exhaust pipes into the confined area had been achieved by using

  mufflers that were too small for good acoustic performance. For

  example, the uneven lengths of the pipes in the exhaust system pro-

  duced undesirable tones. The acoustic group’s analysis prompted

  a successful redesign of this part of the exhaust system. They then

  examined the exhaust outlet at the top of the fin and conducted

  experiments, including water injection into the exhaust, but such

  is the complexity of underwater acoustics that many of the results

  proved inconclusive.

  It was the nature of the acoustic group’s work that experi-

  mentation did not always find the solution. As the analysis of

  Collins’ acoustic signature developed, two distinct tones could

  be heard when it was on battery power. One proved to be from

  a redundant system that could simply be switched off, but the

  other was more difficult. ‘Malice’, a near-field acoustic hologra-

  phy research tool, helped to indicate that the tone emanated from

  the battery stack exhaust fans. John Dickens, an electrical engineer

  with the group, found the fans had been designed for two-speed

  operation and, although they were on slow for 90 per cent of the

  time, the design had been optimised to the high-speed requirement.

  Dickens suggested that the cause could lie here and the problem

  was resolved by altering the voltage supplied to the fans.

  While the Ship Noise and Vibration Group was analysing the

  submarines’ acoustic characteristics, another section of DSTO was

  investigating another problem area. In 1997 Dr Geoff Goodwin

  T H E R O L E O F D E F E N C E S C I E N C E : N O I S E A N D D I E S E L S


  received a diesel engine piston at his Maribyrnong laboratory.4 A

  hole had been opened in its side. A few months later, a second

  piston arrived in a similar but less advanced state, and there were

  stories that the pistons of the new submarines were melting. This

  was the beginning of research by the Propulsion and Energy Man-

  agement Technologies Group into the Hedemora diesel engines.

  Goodwin was an expert on marine diesel engines. He had

  gained his PhD from Sussex University in the 1970s for his thesis

  on engine problems with the Royal Navy’s Oberon submarines.

  In late 1987 he arrived in Adelaide as the logistics engineer-

  ing manager for the newly established ASC, but he returned to

  research in 1992 when Janis Cocking recruited him into DSTO’s

  propulsion group as a combustion engineer.5 At the time the main

  focus of this group was an examination of the technical risks

  associated with fitting the new submarines with air-independent


  The pistons in Goodwin’s laboratory suffered from ring carrier

  failure: the piston ring carrier had broken away and iron debris

  had beaten a cavity in the side of the aluminium piston. Good-

  win and the failure investigators at DSTO deduced that this was

  a manufacturing fault in a couple of pistons and a lack of any

  similar incidents supported a view that it was an isolated event.

  However, the submarines’ diesel engines were earning a surpris-

  ing reputation for unreliability. Since one of the central design

  concepts of the class had been to reduce the snorting time by hav-

  ing sufficient generating capacity to quickly recharge the batteries,

  the emerging unreliability of the engines significantly reduced their


  Kockums knew the engines had vibration problems. The V18

  diesel-powered generator sets to be used for the Collins class were

  derived from Hedemora’s best-selling line of power generators.

  These normally sat on the heavy chassis of a locomotive or on

  the bed plate on a drilling rig. The units for the submarines were

  unique monolithic generator sets, with a stiffer engine crankcase

  together with the generator and bell housing forming its struc-

  ture. There was no substructure, the complete generator set being

  mounted on rubber isolators. Hedemora adopted this arrange-

  ment for earlier Swedish submarines but these were smaller-bore

  V12 units. The V18 generator set was nearly seven metres long

  and weighed 23 tonnes, sufficient to allow the structure to bend


  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  and twist along its length, especially in the region of the bell hous-

  ing. In the same way that a ruler can be ‘twanged’, this could

  generate vibration at a natural frequency. This was the vibration

  that Kockums sought to isolate with the tuned absorbers and that

  DSTO’s acoustic group was seeking to correct.

  From Geoff Goodwin’s viewpoint, this natural frequency of

  the generator set was too close to others generated by the engine

  and could start enough vibration to damage other components.

  Already, there were reports of cracked and leaking auxiliary pip-

  ing. The navy tried to manage the problem by slightly increasing

  the diesel’s running speed, but the situation worsened, and so the

  diesel speed was reduced. This reduced the vibration but Jeumont

  Schneider warned that this would cook their generators. A com-

  promise engine speed was agreed, but the consequence was that

  the generators produced slightly less power and recharging the

  batteries took a little longer.

  The propulsion group also developed a computer model of

  the engine to determine its natural frequencies. Validation of the

/>   model was achieved by placing 14 accelerometers around a gen-

  erator set on Dechaineux and then striking the end of the diesel

  with a 15-pound plastic-faced mallet. This enabled a full struc-

  tural model of the generator set to be completed by a team of

  four scientists. The model was ‘fitted’ with stiffeners and bracing

  bars that joined the engine block and generator across the bell

  housing, and increased the lateral bending stiffness of the unit.

  Results showed that the natural frequency of the stiffened unit

  should have changed by several Hertz. A slightly lesser result was

  achieved in practice; nevertheless, this simple modification was

  good enough to halve the vibration. The mass of the bracing units

  totalled less than 100 kilograms.

  The propulsion group later received broken parts from auxil-

  iary gearboxes that had failed. This was not unusual for DSTO,

  as one of its standard roles is to improve the operation of defence

  equipment by analysing recurring faults. Goodwin’s preferred

  approach was to consult with the manufacturer and encourage

  them to accept a need for change and to supply a modified part as

  manufacturer’s components, carrying a stock number and a guar-

  antee. The gearbox in the submarines is fitted with two starter

  motors because the engine starts as an air pump, to blow water out

  of the exhaust system when the submarine begins to snort. It was

  T H E R O L E O F D E F E N C E S C I E N C E : N O I S E A N D D I E S E L S


  the first Hedemora engine where two starter motors were needed,

  and consequently there was more starting torque than in any other

  Hedemora engine. The propulsion group put a failed interme-

  diate gear through stress analysis and the part was redesigned.

  The results were turned over to Hedemora, who did their own

  checks and came back with a part that was even stronger than

  had been recommended by DSTO. The problem was solved. For

  his part, Goodwin enjoyed working with Hedemora and found

  them responsive to his suggestions.

  DSTO’s Propulsion and Energy Management Technologies

  Group continues its work on the Hedemora generator sets and is

  conducting thermal modelling and other experiments to improve

  the consistency of operation of the turbocharger turbines. It has

  continued to study problems with some nozzle failures, provid-


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