The Collins Class Submarine Story

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The Collins Class Submarine Story Page 46

by Peter Yule

  framework that gave some protection to Kockums’ proprietary

  information without restricting Australian access to US subma-

  rine technology.

  The sixth and final submarine, HMAS Rankin, was launched

  on 7 November 2001. Following its contractor’s sea trials it

  was formally delivered by ASC on 18 March 2003 and commis-

  sioned into naval service on 29 March 2003. Rankin was delayed


  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  during construction when resources were devoted to the ear-

  lier submarines, particularly the two fast-track submarines. The

  project office reported in March 2001 that: ‘ Rankin remained

  in the fitting hall for the quarter. Progress in its construction

  had suffered from the priority given to improving the other sub-

  marines and from “cannibalisation” for spare parts.’13 However,

  the delays allowed the lessons learned from the earlier submarines

  and the improvements made in the fast-track submarines to be

  incorporated into the final submarine. It was a very different and

  far superior boat to HMAS Collins.

  The delivery of Rankin effectively brought project SEA1114 to

  a conclusion, 21 years after the establishment of the project office

  in 1982 and 16 years after the signing of the contract in 1987.

  C H A P T E R 27

  ‘We would find that challenging’:

  comparison and retrospect

  In the early stages of the new submarine project Oscar Hughes

  was talking to a senior American admiral and outlined the aims

  and ambitions for the project. The American raised his eyebrows

  and said: ‘We would find that challenging.’

  Building submarines is hard, and getting harder. To build a hull

  to withstand extreme water pressures has always been demand-

  ing, but the increasing complexities of electronics and computer

  systems make modern submarines among the greatest of engi-

  neering challenges. Even countries with long histories of subma-

  rine construction often have problems, while countries attempting

  to build submarines for the first time regularly experience disas-

  ters. Dilapidated or abandoned shipyards from Buenos Aires to

  Bombay littered with the relics of failed submarine projects testify

  to the magnitude of the challenges.

  Electric Boat is the world’s most experienced submarine

  builder, yet in the 1970s and early 1980s the building program

  for the Los Angeles class submarines was such a disaster the com-

  pany was only saved by vast injections of government money.

  The story of the project’s innumerable problems was chronicled

  in Running critical, Patrick Tyler’s masterpiece of investigatory



  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  journalism. The hulls of several boats had to be ripped apart and

  then welded together again when it was found that thousands of

  welds were either missing or defective and many more had been

  improperly certified. Most of the submarines had major defects:

  A lot of men who worked on USS Philadelphia later said that

  the ship was built twice because just about everything

  installed had to be ripped out at least once due to faulty

  workmanship, changed plans, or improper sequence . . .

  The forward weapons loading hatch on the USS New

  York City had been misaligned so badly that the navy would

  not be able to load its Mark 48 torpedo through it. One of

  the giant engine-room foundations in the USS La Jolla had

  been built backwards, but was still installed. It [had] to be

  ripped out.1

  At the same time Electric Boat was also building several Trident

  nuclear submarines, but progress was ‘truly glacial’ because ‘the

  new generation of nuclear submarines was proving so complex,

  so sophisticated as to rival in scope the great medieval cathedrals

  of Europe, where tradesmen passed their tasks from generation to

  generation, each hoping he would be among those to pray inside’.2

  The problems with the Los Angeles and Trident classes were

  due, at least in part, to specific difficulties within Electric Boat and

  its parent company, General Dynamics, at that time. Nonetheless,

  the next American submarine project, the Seawolf class, was even

  more disastrous. The Seawolf project suffered from substantial

  cost increases, lengthy schedule delays and serious welding fail-

  ures. The architecture for the combat system proved too hard to

  build and had to be completely redesigned.3

  Britain has been building submarines for over a century, but

  several recent projects have had major problems. Of most interest

  from the Australian point of view is the Upholder project, as this

  class was touted as the low-risk choice for Australia’s new sub-

  marine. Mike Gallagher saw that ‘the Upholders had significant

  tales of woe’. He was in England during the period they were com-

  missioned and decommissioned and he recalls that they were well

  behind schedule (with the first boat taking seven years from build

  to in service), they had great difficulties firing their weapons and

  major problems with their drive trains. Similarly Jim Ring, in his

  account of Britain’s submariners during the Cold War, comments

  C O M P A R I S O N A N D R E T R O S P E C T


  that Upholder had serious teething problems, with a propensity

  for the torpedo tubes to jam open, and the drive train ‘was prone

  to total failure’.4

  Greg Stuart, who had insisted that the electrical cables used in

  Australia’s submarines be changed because of the fire risk, notes

  that the Upholders had the same dangerous cables and that this

  caused the rapid spread of fire on one of the submarines on its

  delivery voyage to Canada.

  The first of Britain’s latest class of nuclear submarines, HMS

  Astute, was launched in June 2007, four years behind the original

  schedule. The following month the National Audit Office reported

  that the Astute project was £1.3 billion over budget.5

  In the past 30 years several countries have attempted to build

  submarines for the first time, most in association with the German

  export team of HDW and IKL. These projects have nearly all

  involved building the first one or two submarines in Germany

  and then assembling later submarines in the acquiring country.

  India ordered six Type 209–1500 submarines from HDW in the

  early 1980s. The first two were built in Germany and delivered

  in 1986 and it was planned that four would be built at Mazagon

  Docks in Mumbai, although only two were ever completed. The

  first two local boats were laid down in 1984, but when the pressure

  hulls were examined by German technicians in 1986 not a single

  weld passed inspection and the hulls had to be dismantled and

  reassembled. The first Indian-built submarine was not launched

  until 1989, having taken more than twice as long and cost more

  than twice as much as each German-built boat.

  South Korea had greater success with its acquisition of nine<
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  Type 209–1400 submarines from HDW, ordered in the late 1980s.

  The first submarine was built in Germany, the next five were

  assembled in Korea from German-made kits, while the final

  three had a higher local content level – though nothing like the

  70 per cent achieved by the Collins project in Australia, and at

  the expense of delayed schedules and increased cost.

  One of the more successful submarine construction programs

  has been in Turkey, where several generations of HDW submarines

  have been built since the early 1970s. Again, the first three sub-

  marines were built in Germany, with the next three assembled in

  Turkey from kits. However, later submarines have been built in


  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  Turkey with an increasing level of local content and technology


  The Australian submarine project was altogether more ambi-

  tious than those of India, South Korea or Turkey. Australia was

  not assembling a tried and tested design from kits but building a

  new design, and the Collins class submarines are far more com-

  plex and sophisticated than the Type 209 variants. While the

  Australian media never understood the scale of the challenge being

  taken on, knowledgeable foreign observers have expressed sur-

  prise that Australia attempted such a massive task. The American

  submariner Admiral Phil Davis says:

  It was no small feat to make a small Swedish submarine with

  short range into a large, long-range submarine. It is really a

  radical new design. And then to take that design 12 000 miles

  away to build it – there is really nothing in the history of

  submarine construction that has been done like that. The

  Germans will build the first two at home and then send a kit

  out to another country, but in the case of Australia, they built

  a whole new construction facility – a new yard, with a new

  work force. It was a huge undertaking, a monumental feat

  and a credit to Australia, to Kockums and to ASC.6

  The Collins class submarines each have almost four million parts,

  75 kilometres of cable, 200 000 on-board connections, 23.5 kilo-

  metres of pipe, 14 000 pipe welds and 34.5 kilometres of hull

  welding. These figures are impressive, but even more striking is the

  systems integration task involved in assembling the submarines.

  Using components from many countries, ASC installed hundreds

  of electronic, electrical and mechanical systems and ensured they

  worked together as intended. The Collins submarine project was

  the biggest systems integration task ever undertaken in Australia.

  The submarine project involved far more risks than were

  admitted – at least publicly – at the time the contracts were

  signed. The original requirement that the winning submarine

  design should be in service or close to in service with a parent

  navy was quietly dropped and the Swedish design that won the

  competition was, as its detractors claimed, a paper boat. Further,

  it was a bold and innovative design, as the Swedes had sensed

  that their chance to win lay with meeting the high demands of

  Australia’s submariners, flushed with the success of the Oberon

  C O M P A R I S O N A N D R E T R O S P E C T


  modernisation and the excitement of their Cold War surveillance

  missions. Choosing the Swedish design was, as Hans Ohff says,

  ‘a hugely risky and almost reckless decision’. Overall, however,

  the risk paid off, with the result that Australia ended up with a far

  more advanced submarine than the conservative German design

  or those submarines – such as the British Upholder and the Dutch

  Walrus – that more nearly met the original in-service requirement.

  However, having abandoned the ‘in service with a parent navy’

  concept, the Australian navy took more than a decade to realise

  that this meant that it would be the parent navy – the new sub-

  marines were treated in the same way as new sinks for the galley

  or socks for the sailors.

  Buying weapons always means making a judgment of techno-

  logical risk. There is no point in buying new spears – cheap and

  reliable as they might be – if your opponent has rifles. The risk

  of choosing a cheap and easily constructed design was never bet-

  ter illustrated than when Australian pilots flying Wirraways were

  sent to fight Japanese Zeros in the early months of 1942.

  But it is equally dangerous to attempt to push technology too

  far and have weapons that do not work or a project that fails com-

  pletely – scenarios that Australia flirted with at times during the

  new submarine project. In the late 1990s there was a widespread

  public perception that the project was a disaster, and several senior

  cabinet ministers argued that the project should be closed down.

  While the problems with the submarines were exaggerated, they

  were nonetheless real. There were many relatively minor faults

  with HMAS Collins that can be seen as ‘first of class issues’, but

  there were more serious problems that affected the whole class –

  a dysfunctional combat system, unreliable diesel engines, faulty

  propellers and excessive noise.

  In many ways the most serious issue with the whole project

  was not the shortcomings of the submarines but the difficulty in

  reaching agreement on what the problems really were and deciding

  who was responsible for fixing them. The project was carried out

  under a fixed-price contract and from the outset there was a deter-

  mination to avoid changes that would increase the price. Conse-

  quently, the project office and ASC became focused on building

  submarines to the performance specifications set out in the 1987

  contract. However, it proved difficult during the sea trials of the

  early boats in the late 1990s to establish whether performance


  T H E C O L L I N S C L A S S S U B M A R I N E S T O R Y

  specifications had been met, and even harder to get the parties

  involved to agree on whether they had been met. This was further

  complicated because the navy’s expectations had changed since

  the specifications were established, due primarily to advances in

  technology. What the 1987 contract laid down was not always

  what the navy wanted in 1997, yet under a fixed-price contract

  ASC was determined (and well within its rights) to do no more

  than it was contractually bound to do.

  There was no effective mechanism for resolving the disputes

  over whether the specifications had been met or for meeting the

  navy’s enhanced expectations. ASC, Kockums, the project office,

  the navy and the newly-established Defence Acquisitions Organi-

  sation spent several years shouting at each other and threatening

  litigation, while relatively straightforward engineering problems

  went unfixed. Not surprisingly, the media and politicians mis-

  took the cacophony of noise coming from the submarine project

  as showing that the submarines were seriously flawed. Equally

  unsurprisingly, politi
cians found it impossible to resist the temp-

  tation to use the project’s disarray for political point-scoring.

  Many people have seen the fixed-price contract with limited

  contingency as the main cause of the project’s problems, arguing

  that it meant there was limited money to fix faults and no flexibil-

  ity to allow for changed operational requirements or technological

  progress. Peter Briggs has noted that of the $1.17 billion allo-

  cated to ‘fix’ the submarines after the McIntosh-Prescott report,

  only $143 million was for areas where the submarines failed to

  meet the contractual requirements (in other words, to fix the sub-

  marines); $300 million was for changed operational requirements

  and $727 million for technological obsolescence. He argues that

  the submarines should have been treated as a research and devel-

  opment project, with DSTO, the SWSC and the submarine oper-

  ators continuously involved and some form of flexible alliance

  contract with the builder.

  On the other hand, the contractors themselves, along with

  Oscar Hughes, argue that the fixed-price contract had substan-

  tial benefits. The greatest of these is that the project was a rar-

  ity among military procurements in that the original budget was

  still relevant at the end of the project. The general public percep-

  tion – encouraged by members of the Coalition government – is

  that the project was a financial disaster.7 This is not true. While

  C O M P A R I S O N A N D R E T R O S P E C T


  there are arguments about the extent to which money allocated to

  projects such as ‘fast track’ and the replacement combat system

  should be added to the original budget or classified as improve-

  ments over the 1987 contract requirements, the fact is that the sub-

  marines were built to within 3–4 per cent of the original contract

  price after allowing for inflation. Even if all the extra expenditure

  on improvements is included then the project came in within

  20 per cent of the original budget.8 Few military projects have

  been as financially successful.

  The contrast between Collins and a genuinely disastrous

  project is startling. For example, in 1997 a contract was signed to

  buy 11 Sea Sprite helicopters, to be in service in 2003 at a cost of

  $750 million. However, the attempt to customize the helicopters


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