Frost Bite

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Frost Bite Page 4

by Marissa Dobson

  “No matter what happens, stay in here,” Frost whispered as he pulled the door open and sat her down on the backseat.

  “Give her these.” Brooklynn reached back, holding out the keys to her. “Lock the doors until it’s one of us.”

  “I’m not leaving you.” Alicia shook her head as she realized what was being offered to her.

  “You will if there’s no other choice.” Frost took the keys from Brooklynn and placed them in Alicia’s hand. “It’s two wolves. We’ll be fine. But if you’re in danger take the SUV and go. There’s an airstrip on the edge of town. Find it, and let Taber know what happened, he’ll know what to do.” He dropped the bag onto the floorboard and grabbed his gun from the small of his back before holding it out to her.


  “Trust me, sugar.” He placed the gun in her hand and before she could argue, he shut the door and turned back to the others. Two wolves came into view, one charging toward them, while the other hung back, eyeing them.

  Want to scare my mate? He rolled the stiffness from his neck. Then let’s do this.

  Chapter Six

  Moving away from the SUV, Frost watched the wolves close the distance. He was ready for the fight, ached for it. These wolves had terrified his mate, and for that, his beast was ready to make their hide a rug.

  “Whatever you think is going on here is nothing concerning you. We’re not here to cause problems with the local wolf pack. We’re only here to pick up a friend,” Brooklynn tried to reason with them. Leading the team also meant she had to try to be diplomatic and try to result a situation without bloodshed. In her position, Frost wouldn’t have been able to do that, not this time. With his mate involved it was personal now.

  “My wolves belong to no pack. They’re mine to summon.” As a woman stepped out from behind the trees, the wolves slowed as if waiting for their command. “You’re wrong. You think what’s happening here doesn’t concern us, but we’re in the center of it. You could even say we started it.”

  “Started what?” Brooklynn questioned.

  “I expected tigers to be smarter than this.” The woman let out a deep laugh and the air vibrated.

  Witch. With realization, Frost bear lunged forward, pushing against the skin until white hairs shot from his pores.

  “I need this land, but Lou thought he could get away without selling it to me. He thought being a shifter gave him the upper hand. That was until I tried to turn him into a wolf on a leash like these two. Then he took off back to the city with his tail between his legs.” Standing next to the one wolf, she ran her hand through his hair. “I couldn’t harness the true power of this land until I rid him of this place. Now with him dead, I’ll have no problems purchasing it. No one wants to live out here. I can open up the gates of Hell without anyone the wiser.”

  “Why would you want to do that?” Brooklynn asked.

  “That’s my business.” Giving the wolf a tap on the back, she nodded. “Kill them and bring me the stupid bleeding bitch.”

  As the larger wolf focused on Brooklynn and the others, the smaller charged toward Frost, coming straight for the SUV. Not thinking about anything but protecting his mate, he let his beast spring forward. White hair poured from his pores as his body contorted and stretched to accommodate his larger size. A moment later all eight hundred and fifty pounds of bear stood on four paws. Waiting for the wolf to make the first move, he flexed his paws allowing his claws to dig into the loose soil under his weight. Let’s do this. I’ve got a mate to claim.

  Chuffing, he gave the wolf the only warning he’d get. Frost didn’t expect the wolf to back off, but he had to try. Still unclear how the wolves tied into the attack on Lou and Alicia, Frost wanted answers more than he wanted to tear this wolf’s hide from its body.

  “The woman.” Styx’s voice was barely heard as the wolf in front of him lunged.

  Roaring, Frost rose onto his hind legs. With a quick move, he jerked forward, swiping his arm out through the air, sending the wolf sailing toward the tree. Without giving him time to recover, Frost was on top of him, his claws digging into the wolf’s side until blood seeped, coating his fur.

  “Don’t kill them,” Brooklynn hollered. “It’s not them, it’s her.”

  What? Frost wasn’t sure what she meant, but in animal form, he couldn’t question her. Under him, the wolf wiggled, fighting against his hold. Knowing he couldn’t get loose, Frost glanced in Brooklynn’s direction. Through the darkness he spotted Styx deeper in the woods with the woman. No, not just a woman, a witch. His bear clicked the pieces together. She had the wolves under her spell.


  The urgency in Alicia’s voice pulled his attention away from the others. Had someone made it passed them to the SUV? He hadn’t sensed anyone. Before he could look back in her direction, teeth dug into his shoulder bringing his attention back to the wolf under his paw, inches away from his neck.

  His bear was ready to tear him to pieces while Frost’s human side reasoned he wasn’t responsible for his actions if he was under the witch’s spell. Still this couldn’t go unpunished. Glaring at the wolf, Frost snarled at him. Being pinned to the ground had only infuriated the wolf, making him desperate to get back into the fight. Instead of backing off, he sank his teeth deeper before pulling back, tearing away skin and fur.

  A growl escaped his lips as he sank his claws deeper into the wolf’s side and lowered his head going directly for the throat—a kill shot even for a shifter.

  His jaw wrapped around the wolf’s neck, causing him to go still under Frost. Teeth brushed along skin as the air around him buzzed. The man in his clutches shook, howling as his body shrank in on itself, until a naked man lay where the wolf had been seconds before. Blood oozed from the man’s side onto Frost’s white fur.

  “Help me…” The man reached up to his neck, grabbing hold of the collar with what appeared to be black stones unlike anything Frost had ever seen before. “I’ve got to get it off.”

  The stiff black leather with large ebony stones that seemed to shine, even though there was no light, hadn’t been there moments before. There had been black fur, Frost was sure of it, as his mouth had been wrapped around the man’s neck ready to end his life.


  Frost’s gaze locked onto the man’s, hoping to convey his movements were out of request, and brought his paw up to the thick leather. Hooking a nail underneath, he tugged, cutting through the material like butter. The material fell away revealing red, blistery burns.

  “Thank you.” The man tugged the collar away and tossed it out into the woods. “So long…”

  “I think it’s safe now to let them up.” Styx strolled toward the group, the witch’s silver and black necklace dangling from his fingers.

  “I didn’t think shifters could be bespelled by a witch’s magick.” Brooklynn leaned back against the tree, her gaze still on the other wolf who had also shifted back to human form.

  “Only the weakest of us can fall victim, and it’s so rare most believe it’s superstition.” Styx explained. “Once she bespelled them, I suspect she knew she couldn’t keep them under control long term. Hence this.” He held up the necklace.

  “Mate…” The wolf in front of Brooklynn rolled to his side, coughing.

  “She’s your mate?” Carran stepped closer to Brooklynn.

  “No. She had my mate. That’s how she imprisoned me in that fucking collar.” He dragged his hand through his shaggy hair and glanced up at them. “I’m Titan, and I’m forever in your debt.”

  With the immediate threat over, Frost forced his bear deep within him, allowing himself to shift back into his human form. Stepping to the side of the male on the ground he glanced over at Titan. “What did she want with Alicia?”

  “Loose end.” Titan clutched his side where he was bleeding. “She was here with Lou when he found her altar. Roxanne was unsure how much Alicia knew and killing her would end this. The man who met them at the hotel was su
pposed to kill both of them. It wasn’t until a little while ago she learned Alicia was alive.”

  “She killed Lou because of the altar?” Alicia limped toward them. “He stumbled upon it months ago. Why would she think either of us would cause problems now? You’re lying. None of this makes sense.”

  “The meeting today was an exchange. He was selling her the property in exchange for your life and to keep his past quiet. It didn’t matter you’d both have been dead before you left town. Why else do you think Lou was directed to bring you to the meeting?” the man in front of Frost mumbled.

  “What?” Frost squatted down and wrapped his hand around the wolf’s neck.

  “Lorcan’s man wouldn’t leave witnesses. They never do,” Titan explained. “Alvin and I have nothing to do with that. Roxanne’s control wouldn’t allow us to be that far from her, and she never leaves the area. Her powers dwindle the further she’s away from the ley line. That’s why she had to call in help.”

  “Frost…” Alicia neared him. “What if they’re telling the truth? You can’t…until we know.”

  “We know.” Letting go of Alvin, he stepped back, blocking the other man’s view of Alicia.

  “What do you mean we know?”

  “Shifters know when someone is lying. We can taste a lie and smell it.” Keeping Alvin in his view, he turned toward her.

  “What secret from his past?” Brooklyn inquired.

  “I don’t know, she never told us anything. We were kept in the soundproof basement,” Titan explained.

  “Sugar, you should go back to the SUV,” Frost urged, needing her somewhere safe instead of out in the open.

  “What’s going to happen to them now? They attacked you, but their freewill had been taken.” Alicia’s hand brushed along Frost’s arm. “What about Roxanne? Is she…I mean I don’t see her.”

  “She’s bound to a tree further in the woods. Injured but alive,” Styx answered, his attention on Titan. “After I realized what was happening to you, I figured you’d prefer to deal with her.”

  “Very much so,” Titan’s voice deepened, his wolf lingering near the surface. “If you allow us the opportunity to revenge what she’s done to us, I assure you she won’t be a problem for anyone again.”

  “What about your mate?” Alicia’s voice was low, as if she was concerned about his reaction.

  “She’s alive if that’s what you mean.” Titan turned to her. “She suffered a great deal from this. While not physically as I had, the bond linking us tortured her more than Roxanne ever could. My mate is human, otherwise she’d have been locked in her animal form like Alvin and I.”

  “Deal with the witch,” Styx ordered. “Though with the connection she has to Lorcan’s clan, you need to watch your back.”

  “How long have you been prisoners?” Carran asked.

  “Eight and a half long months,” Alvin answered. “The three of us were traveling through the area when she captured us.”

  “No pack then?” When Alvin shook his head, Carran continued, “We’re with the Alaskan Tigers. Once this is handled, if you need a safe place, get in contact with us. Ask for Carran, Styx, or Brooklynn. We’ll make sure you have a safe place to stay. It might be with a tiger clan, but it’s safer than being out on your own. Lorcan’s going to be gunning for you.”

  Titan rose off the ground and held out his hand to Styx. “Thank you.”

  Taking hold of the man’s hand Styx nodded. “No thanks needed. Take care of her and get back to your mate.”

  Still on the ground, Alvin looked up at Frost. “You need to claim your mate before he sends more after her.”

  A growl escaped Frost’s throat before he could pull his bear under control.

  “Sorry man.” Alvin held up his hands. “No disrespect intended.”

  “You might not want to hear it, but he’s right.” Titan agreed.

  Frost knew they were right, but he wasn’t going to force Alicia to accept him or this mating. She needed time to adjust, time to understand the world she was thrust into, and he needed to get adjusted to his new life in Alaska.

  I can’t believe how many changes the last twenty-four hours has led to. What if it’s too much for Evie? What about Alicia? Can she accept all of this?

  Chapter Seven

  Standing near the SUV, uneasiness crept into Frost’s muscles as he watched the two wolves disappear. He wanted to believe Titan and Alvin could deal with Roxanne, but with his mate’s life on the line, he wanted to be certain. The only way to do that was to handle the situation himself. Kill her before she has a chance to come after what’s mine.

  “Frost.” Alicia’s soft voice pulled his attention away from the wolves. “I, um…found this in the SUV.”

  In her hand she held a thin blanket he’d tossed in before leaving the airstrip in case she was in shock when they found her. He stared down at it, unsure why she was offering it to him.

  “I thought…I mean…you’re naked, and it’s chilly. I wasn’t sure if it affected you or not.”

  “Thank you.” Knowing she’d be more comfortable if he was covered, he took the blanket from her, unfolded it, and wrapped it around his waist. “You okay?”

  “Okay?” She let out a light chuckle as she leaned back against the SUV. “I’m not sure that’s the best word, but I’m not about to fall apart if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “I’m concerned about you.” Shifting to face her he leaned closer and ran his finger along her arm. “I know you’re in pain.”

  “I’ll live.”

  “I don’t doubt that, sugar.” Her body vibrated under his touch, making him want to pull her close. “Let’s get you in the SUV and turn on the heat.”

  “In a minute. You said before you know when someone is lying. How? I don’t understand.”

  “A lie leaves a coppery taste on our tongue, almost like the taste of blood when you bite your cheek, but stronger. We can also smell the stench of it. Some of it is from a person’s fear of being caught. A pathological liar wouldn’t have that same stench, but we’d always be able to taste it.” He stepped closer and wrapped his arm around her shoulders drawing her against him. “Human mates gain this ability through the mating connection as well.”

  “That’s how you know he’s going to deal with Roxanne, isn’t it?” She tipped her head back to look up at him.

  “That’s their intention.” Voicing his concerns would only add to her worries and for no reason. He’d protect her no matter what the future held. She could reject their mating bond, and he’d still make sure she was safe.

  As the others strolled toward them, Brooklynn tossed the keys to Styx. “You drive. I’ll take the third seat in case we run into more company. Frost, we’re ten minutes from the plane, if her leg can wait then wait, otherwise see what you can do.”

  “It’s fine,” Alicia defended.

  “With you on your leg again, you’re bleeding more.” Frost opened the door and nodded for her to get in. “I don’t want to be in the middle of tending to your wound if we run into trouble. The bandage will hold until we get you on board.”

  “You said I needed stitches. Shouldn’t we go to a hospital or something?”

  “Hospitals ask too many questions. Frost is trained as a medic, and I’m sure he’s got something in his bag for the pain while he sews you up.” Brooklynn explained, slipping past her and climbing into the last row. “His medic training is another reason why he’s perfect for my team.”

  “You just want someone around who can patch you up if you get injured,” Frost teased.

  “I thought shifters healed quicker. I remember Lou was in a car accident a few years ago. He broke his arm, but within forty-eight hours, he was healed.”

  “We do.” Frost joined them in the SUV and shut the door. “Brooklynn is human. Mating to Carran gave her some of those abilities, but it still takes her longer than a shifter. Maybe a week for a broken arm instead of two days.”

  “Don’t forget an angry
mate ready to tear apart whoever hurt her, might slow down the healing.” Settled into the passenger seat, Carran closed the door.

  “Oh, I never thought…” Without meeting his gaze, she scooted across the back seat, giving Frost more room.

  “Thought we could mate with humans?” Carran finished for her. “We even mate outside of our species. Once we’re in Alaska you’ll meet Kallie, she’s a white tigress mated to Taber and his twin Thorben, they’re Kodiak bears.”

  “Taber’s brother Tad is mated with Courtney, a human, and Milo, a Bengal tiger.” Brooklynn added. “That mating was a surprise to me, but it works for them. They get along fabulously. For me, Carran is more than enough. I don’t think I could put up with two men and their possessive streaks.”

  “Now that I think about it, I heard Titan mention his mate was human, but it didn’t register at the time.” She shook her head before looking up at Styx. “How about you, Styx? Do you have two or maybe three women waiting for you back in Alaska?”

  “No thank you.” He let out a light chuckle as he cranked the engine. “My Catnip, Mira, is more than I can handle.” He shot her a glance as he pulled the SUV onto the road.

  “What about you?” Alicia’s voice was low as she turned toward Frost. “The woman waiting on the plane. Is she your only mate?”

  “Sugar…” He placed his hand over hers, intertwining their fingers. “The female in question is thirteen, and she’s not my mate. She’s my sister.”

  His mate was right in front of him but coming clean with an audience didn’t suit him. He was a private person. Styx, Carran and possibly even Brooklynn no doubt already knew from the change in his beast, and the scent in the air, but he wasn’t ready to publicize it yet. Soon. First, he needed to convince her to trust him. Then make sure Evie was okay with it. Only then would he tell the world.

  Chapter Eight

  Alicia couldn’t believe a man like Frost wasn’t already mated. He was sweet, protective, and hot. Any woman would no doubt be interested in him. What was he hiding? Was there some dark secret she didn’t know about? Did he have a hidden side making him unbearable to be around? She couldn’t picture any of those being true. The sweet caresses they shared made her long for more. What’s the point? He’s a shifter, they mate, they don’t look for anyone temporarily. He’s not interested in me.


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