Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance

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Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance Page 18

by Felicity Brandon

  She panted underneath him. Sophie didn’t care about lunch. She just needed this to be over—this burning, insatiable need that was threatening to pulverize her. She couldn’t cope with it anymore.

  “Please, Daddy.”

  What was that in her voice—anguish? Another part of the Sophie Bannister she’d been before Jared had come knocking at her door slipped away at the resonance of that sound. Another part of her old identity falling forever into the void.

  “Look at you,” he soothed in the mocking tone that caused Sophie to clench around the butt plug. “So fucking desperate and needy.”

  She inhaled at the accusation. There was no longer any consideration about ignoring it. Sophie was desperate and needy—that was the fucking point. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Jared’s lips twitched at her response. “Okay, little girl.”

  He shifted over her, his right hand falling to his zipper. “You get what you want. Daddy’s going to fuck you again, and here’s the deal—if you can come whilst I do—then you have my permission to fucking revel in it.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  How did Sophie do this? How did she have this overriding power over Jared that constantly blurred the lines in his mind? This was supposed to be her punishment—a favor to Sophie, rather than making her endure the wait until after lunch. And it had been a struggle for her—Jared was certain of that. He’d seen the injury in her gaze when the ice had slipped inside, and watched at the way Sophie’s body had responded. She’d loathed the ordeal and the glint in her eyes suggested at that moment she’d hated him, too, but then, something had changed. Just like it had last night when he’d been spanking her. Just like it always did with Sophie. Somehow, she got inside his head with her breathy little mewls and her tempting cunt and she’d exerted that power.

  And there was no doubt in Jared’s mind—Sophie was powerful. Even cuffed to the bed she could still bend him to her will.

  And now he was there over her again, pressing his palm into the bedding while he released his frantic cock and pushed it toward her wet seam.

  “Oh God, yes.” Sophie arched her body as best she could in the bondage, her eyes fluttering closed as he nudged between her lips. “Daddy, yes.”

  Sliding his erection into Sophie, Jared shifted forward, leaning over her body as he filled her up. Sophie’s heat enveloped him as he pushed deep into her delectable cunt, the fit tighter with the plug stretching her backside. Whatever chill the ice cubes had created already seemed lost to the heat of the passion that was burning between them, and fleetingly, he resolved to use more than two ice cubes next time he employed them. But that thought was splintered as he pushed into her balls deep, Sophie’s gaze darting back to him again, her hips shifting forward and fucking his shaft over and over. The passion in those brown orbs was utterly captivating. And in all his years, Jared couldn’t recall an experience like it. Yes, he had her. Yes, Sophie was the one secured to the bed and filled, but at the moment, Jared would never have known. She’d ensnared him entirely, her bucking hips sending him into a frenzy while she sought her own climax.

  “Feel Daddy inside you.”

  Somehow, he managed to snarl the words into her skin, though he had no idea how. There was no slack in his system, no space for air or relief. Sophie’s sex was the center of his world and they both knew it. The woman had lit the fuse in his head, and she was under his skin—where she’d been from those very first emails.

  “Yes!” Sophie’s voice was raspy with need and he lifted his gaze to see her pulling futilely against the cuffs at her wrists. “Yes, Daddy. I feel you.”

  “Is it good, baby?” Jared nipped at her neck before sucking at the tender flesh while she squirmed under him.

  Her neck strained back against the pillow. “Oh fuck, yes! Give it to me, Daddy. Give it to me!”

  Jared rose to gaze down at the ecstatic torment written all over Sophie’s face. He hadn’t planned any of this. This carnality—this hedonism. It was only supposed to have been the ice punishment and then lunch, but looking at her now, and sensing the way his balls constricted, he couldn’t bring himself to feel regret. Jared knew he was conceding by giving Sophie what she wanted, and worse, he’d even offered her a chance to seek her pleasure in the interim, yet somehow it didn’t matter. What concerned him now was the union between them, the way his cock possessed her, and the manner in which her greedy cunt lapped at it, desperate for the reward he promised.

  That union was everything.

  “Tell me you need it, little girl.” Jared’s jaw tensed while the sensations burgeoned. “Tell Daddy what you need.”

  Sophie’s attention was on him again. “I need it, Daddy.”

  Her gaze burned into him, and all the while, her hips continued their relentless rhythm. “I need your cock in me. I need you on me, fucking me. Daddy, please!”

  The words came with ease now, her need apparently great enough to quell whatever embarrassment Sophie might have felt about admitting such things out loud.

  “You’ve got it, baby,” he assured her, snapping his hips forward to meet her thrust. “Daddy’s right here, giving it to you.”

  She groaned, a strangled sound that nearly peaked Jared’s pleasure all too soon, but staring down at the bound blonde, he steeled himself. He so enjoyed tormenting the woman, and denying her any climaxes was still one of his favorite games, yet there was no doubt, this was incredible, too. The tension in her limbs, and on her face as she sought the thing she’d been denied. The way her lips parted and her body trembled with the strain, the sheen of sweat that sheathed her skin—it was all so sweet.

  Sweeter and hotter than anything Jared had ever known.

  And inwardly, while he plowed into her welcoming pussy, Jared prayed that Sophie would find the high she was looking for. She’d taken the blows and surrendered as best she knew how, and Jared was convinced, Sophie deserved that much. She deserved to come—to splinter into a thousand pieces that he could mold into the shape of the little girl he wanted.

  Jared wanted her to come apart.

  “Oh God, Daddy!” Sophie’s words were fraught and jittery with the obvious weight of the pleasure that was looming. “Oh, my God. I think I’m going to…”

  Her lips parted, but her words seemed to run dry, though her eyes were wide as she searched for his face—for his permission.

  Jared smiled down at her. “What, baby?”

  He couldn’t resist one final moment of torturous pleasure, an opportunity to tease Sophie a little more—a chance to make her plead and beg.

  “To come.” She was fighting for control now, the pressure evident in her eyes. “I need to come, Daddy. Please may I?”

  Sophie practically screeched the words, but it was good enough. Good enough to tighten Jared’s balls. Good enough to take his breath away.

  “Come for me, little girl.”

  Jared growled the words into her hair at the same moment he collapsed over her. His climax was perilously close, too, but he was desperate to hang on until Sophie reached her destination. He needn’t have worried though. Sophie’s crescendo landed at that exact moment, her cunt contracting around his shaft and toppling him straight into utopia.

  For a moment, there was nothing but the hot, black release. The heat of Sophie’s body, the way she writhed and moaned beneath him, and the way they both gasped for breath—Jared was aware of those things, and yet they hardly permeated his consciousness. All there was in the world, was this union and the power they’d created together.

  The power of her submission and of his need to control.

  The power of the ropes and the cuffs, and of all the hot and humiliating things he’d forced Sophie to swallow down. Of all the things he still had to introduce her to, of all the days and nights of this bliss to come—all of a sudden, it was all too much to bear.

  Jared had been sure about Sophie.

  He’d been certain right from the first time they’d chatted and that first se
lfie she’d sent so coyly, yet he could never have envisioned a moment like this—the salvation of their connection.

  Sophie was still shuddering when he slid from her, her lips parting as though she intended to complain, but somehow, she didn’t have the words. Kneeling over her, Jared released first the cuffs that held her ankles to the bed. He was vaguely aware of the strangled sounds of relief which escaped Sophie as her legs were finally liberated, but Jared’s attention was already set on releasing the cuffs at her wrists as well.

  “Daddy?” She blinked up at him when the final buckle was released, apparently confused at the sudden freedom.

  “That was incredible.”

  How many times had he told Sophie that already, and yet Jared had meant every word, no less so on this occasion. He’d never meant anything more. It had been incredible. When he’d captured Sophie, he’d taken more than just a little girl, he’d seized someone who seemed able to satisfy his soul.

  He stared down at her, grappling with that thought, but somehow, the implications were too intense to rationalize.

  Too insane, even for a man like Jared.

  “I need you again, little girl.”

  Sophie nodded her head, her lips curling. “Yes, Daddy, and thank you.”

  Their eyes met. She’d thanked him—for the pleasure he assumed, and yet the true meaning fell into insignificance at that moment. Sophie had thanked him, without prompting and apparently, because she truly meant every word.

  “You deserved the pleasure,” he mused, kneeling over her while he pulled her wrists free of the bondage. “Up now, Daddy wants you over the bed.”

  Sophie bit her lip at the command, but the hesitation was only momentary. In a second, she was sitting up and they both scurried to take the position he’d demanded, Sophie’s provocative little arse sticking out over the edge of the pink covers while he readied himself. Jared eyed the curve of her flesh, surveying the place the butt plug was still safely tucked away and his arousal stirred again. Even though he’d only just satiated his need inside her, he was still hard. It seemed there could never be enough of Sophie.

  Reaching for the disheveled remains of her pigtails, Jared pulled hard and yanked her head back into an extreme arch. She braced, taking the effort without a word of complaint and all the while, her legs splayed, her sex inviting him back for more pleasure. Jared impaled her without delay. It wasn’t like he needed an invitation anyway. That hot little cunt was his—a point he’d more than made in the last day—and one he was happy to reinforce over the ones to come. Sophie groaned at the depth of his intrusion, the noise forcing Jared to smile as he held her in place by her hair.

  She was so right for him—so perfect.

  Smart and sassy perhaps, but so desperately needing to surrender, and as his cock drove into her heat, Jared was gleeful. They’d found each other, and he had taken what belonged to him.

  And now, it was never going to end.

  Chapter Thirty


  Sophie’s eyes flickered open and the first thing her brain registered was pink. Pink cotton. The pink cotton of the bedspread Jared insisted she sleep under. And then came the suffocating presence of the weight on top of her. The hot, breathing weight of another person who appeared to have crashed out over her body. Sprawled over the covers with her lower legs hanging from the end of the bed, Sophie was pinioned by someone else’s body.


  Her heart raced as that thought resonated.

  It was Jared on top of her. It had to be.

  Squeezing her eyes closed, she took a moment to recollect the last things that had transpired before she’d fallen into the carnal-induced stupor, and sure enough, a memory of Jared pounding her hard from behind filled Sophie’s mind. Apparently in the haze of post orgasmic intimacy, Jared had held her and they had both inadvertently fallen asleep. She guessed he too, hadn’t had the greatest night’s rest the evening before and the pleasure had knocked their overwrought bodies into slumber.

  She glanced left at Jared’s face. His hair had fallen over his eyes, but his expression was peaceful and his breathing slow and rhythmic. He was fast asleep.

  But now Sophie was awake.

  Wide awake and for the first time in what seemed like an age, she was free.

  There were no obvious binds at her wrists or her ankles and nothing securing her to the bed in any way. Her heart skipped a beat as that thought resonated.

  There was nothing keeping her here now except Jared himself.

  As though he was somehow reading her thoughts, Jared groaned in his sleep, the arm that had been flung over her middle withdrawing while he rolled onto his back. Sophie watched the movement with anxious excitement. Now, only their legs were tangled together, and with a little more luck, she could prize herself from him and then, finally, she could start focusing on what was important.

  On getting out of here.

  On getting back to Billy and Lucy.

  Slowly, ever so slowly, she rose to her elbows. Glancing over her shoulder, Sophie took in the look of their straggled legs. Jared’s left calf was still lying over hers, the weight of it pushing her down into the mattress, but aside from that, they were virtually distinct forms on the bed. Sophie swallowed, her every sinew understanding the significance of this moment. They were distinct—separated—and she was free.

  If Sophie could only negotiate her leg from Jared’s without waking him, this could be it. This could be her chance!

  Her heart was pounding so fast it threatened to leap into her throat while Sophie flexed her left foot, trying to decide how best to manage the problem of Jared’s sprawling limb. She needed to make any motion seem casual, so if he did stir, it could be dismissed as just stretching and moving in her sleep, yet she wanted to make it count. Sophie might only get one shot at this, and she didn’t want to mess it up by being tentative.

  It was a conundrum, and one that her fraying nerves were doing nothing to help resolve. She closed her eyes, drawing in a deep breath as though the oxygen in the room was going to solve the problem. The images of her children popped into her head, gripping at her heartstrings and making up her mind for her. Sophie had to do this—she had to try—and she had to do it now.

  Inhaling, she rolled theatrically onto her back, away from Jared. Her leg spun with the motion, untangling her from his calf, which landed against the edge of the mattress and in that moment, she was finally free of him. Sophie gulped, the wonder of the liberation tarnished by the fresh terror that coursed around her veins. Yes, she was free, but the action had caused Jared’s leg to fall with more force than she’d reckoned for, and inevitably, he seemed to rouse at the impact. Pulling in a deep breath, his brow furrowed, sending Sophie’s heart into a spin. She couldn’t take another breath, her gaze fixed upon him as if her life depended on the next few seconds and what transpired next.

  And in many ways, of course, it did.

  There was a heart-pounding period where Jared’s eyes flickered below his eyelids, although they never actually opened, and in all that time, Sophie could scarcely take a breath. Nausea threatened to rise from her belly, her muscles fraught with tension while she waited for the verdict—would Jared wake up and dash any hope she had of escape? And worse, would he know instinctively what her plan had been? Somehow, the man always seemed to know what she was thinking. There was never any hiding from him.

  Time protracted. Perhaps it was only thirty seconds that she stayed there scrutinizing Jared’s face, or possibly, it was much, much longer. All Sophie knew was that she couldn’t move, couldn’t relax and was barely able to breathe until Jared slipped back into something of a deeper slumber. The tension slipped visibly from his shoulders and his head fell toward the pillows. Now, Sophie had no tangible way of knowing whether Jared was asleep or not. The only clues she had were the tell-tale signs of his body, and while rationally, she trusted that he’d fallen back to sleep, Sophie couldn’t shake that nagging doubt that maybe he was feigning it. He cou
ld be lying there awake at that moment, just waiting to see what Sophie would do. And if that were true, she’d be in for the hiding of her life once Jared got his hands on her, as well as God knows what else he had in mind. Trepidation furled in her tummy, the anxiety almost painful. It was a gamble all right, but one Sophie had to take.

  She rose from the covers slowly, her gaze never leaving Jared’s body while she forced her tense muscles into a sitting position. Heart racing, Sophie waited. She waited for the sudden movement she expected—the one that would look to restrain her— or the sarcastic remark she imagined coming from his mouth. Her toes curled as the minutes stretched on, and all the while, there was nothing from Jared. Nothing but the slow, rhythmic sound of his breathing.


  The words screamed inside Sophie’s head, echoing around her mind like she was going crazy. For God’s sake, get up and move! This is it, Soph. This is your opportunity, and if you sit here and don’t take it, you’re consigning yourself to this fate—to a life of servitude with a madman like Jared.

  Her gaze grazed over his topless form, devouring the look of his strong arms and muscular back. What was wrong with her? Did she actually want to be stuck here with him, objectified and demeaned to within an inch of her life on an hour by hour basis? Sophie shook her head slowly. Of course not. Of course she didn’t want that.

  No woman in her right mind could possibly want that.

  As though Sophie’s body insisted on answering her unspoken questions, her legs twitched, and little by little she edged herself toward the edge of the bed. Skimming her backside over the covers, Sophie realized the damn butt plug was still lodged inside her arse, and she bit her lip at the thought. She wanted the thing out of her, but she had very little idea how the hell she’d achieve that end, and now was hardly the time. Rising tentatively to her feet, Sophie clenched her muscles around the plug, her gaze torn between the sleeping giant on the pink bed and the exit she knew offered her only hope of survival. She could barely pull in air while she inched herself in the direction of the door, her gaze ultimately determining to remain on Jared. Although God only knew why. What was she going to do if he woke up now and found her halfway between the bed and the door? How the hell was she going to explain that? Dread washed over her at the thought, so she pushed it down, suppressing it along with all the other unhelpful emotions that were pinballing through her body.


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