Gavin (Members From Money Book 24)

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Gavin (Members From Money Book 24) Page 18

by Katie Dowe

  “Well son, I’ve tried to call you many times without success so I decided to spend the afternoon with you. We have a late lunch date at the Gated Palms for one thirty. Step on it.”

  “No mother, I’m not going. I am tired and hung over. Please leave me alone.”

  “Well, I’m sure the young lady who I’ve invited will be disappointed. You do know how long it takes to make a baby right? We’ve had the talk when you were eleven.”

  Agitated that the state of his reproductive abilities had been shoved under the microscope once again, he answered, “Mother, this isn’t your business and I don’t need a blind date. Besides, you choose Priscilla and look how that turned out.”

  “Don’t you dare make a mockery of your ex wife’s barrenness. She tried and you should have some sympathy.” “She gets sympathy every month in her alimony check. She’s fine.”

  “Well, think about what you will be losing if you don’t have the baby. I promise you, Gabriella is stunning and at that age she must be fertile.”

  “Mother, if I go to lunch with this girl, will you go away?”

  “I will go away, but until I hold a bundle of joy in my arms, I will be on your ass like a tick young man. The Haughton legacy will die in the hands of William. I want a baby! It’s time. The chauffeur will be here in twenty minutes. Clean yourself up.”

  With that order, the overseer of Brett’s love life departed.


  The week before the celebration party was a busy one. It was spent interviewing people for the airport booth. In the coming weeks she could not be there. After the party, she would spend time traveling to and fro arranging store décor and meeting with her potential staff. Natalie was excited to meet her business partner Penelope. They had spoken several times via Skype and Natalie was glad she trusted her instincts when it came to signing the contract - this was her ticket to success.

  The invitation Brett sent to the house via messenger was rolled neatly and stuffed inside a tall mug. It didn’t seem to be regular porcelain and its earthy texture suggested it was handmade. Engraved on the side were the words, ‘Welcome the Jeweler Boss.’ The bottom of the mug bore a signature and because she was curious, Natalie googled it.

  As it turned out, the piece was made in Italy by a craftsman who did one of-a-kind pieces. It was more expensive than all of the silverware and crockery in her cupboard. Sipping Blue mountain coffee while she spoke to her current interviewee, she smiled at her progression. She had called Brett to say thank you and the conversation again left her with a tingling heat between her legs. It seemed she would be playing with fire regardless of her intention.

  Her ex husband was wrong, she was smart, she was attractive and this man, intent on opening her underused flower seemed worthy of her time - even if she had to pretend otherwise for a little. She never had a reputation of being easy, so keeping her morals in check remained at the top of her list… even though he ruffled her so.


  Having seen the disastrous effects of all work and no play, Natalie made sure rest and rejuvenation were a part of her regime. After narrowing down the top three spots that brought her to a place of peace, Natalie took a break to reinvent herself.

  Nature was the place she always went to create and conjure inspiration for new pieces. Sitting on a park bench, with her pad and pencil in hand, she drew page after page of new designs. When she broke to have her sandwich, she heard a voice. Chewing slowly she looked around. She saw a few children in the distance playing and two ladies jogging in the afternoon sun. A son and a father tried to fly their kite without cooperation from the wind. The voice was nearer than that.

  Soon the owner of the familiar voice appeared from behind the hap hazard hedge trying desperately to line the bike trail. He was holding the hand of a tall blonde woman wearing a micro mini skirt and her make up better suited for a night club. Her bony arm hung around his neck as he told her a story - probably a lie.

  Natalie always wondered what it would be like to run into Jason. She surprised herself - instead of the intense feeling of bitterness she anticipated, there was the pleasant feeling of detachment. She had won her fight against the demon of verbal abuse.

  She was in plain sight, there was no way he could not see her. Sipping her bottled water and glancing casually at the pair, she waited for his usual arrogant greetings.

  His eyes narrowed as his brain registered who she was. “Natalie?” He exclaimed questioningly, “Is that you?”

  Keeping her voice as monotone as she could manage, Natalie responded and nodded her head, “Jason.”

  All but leaping over the small bushes after untangling the twig girl’s arm from his neck, Jason joined her, without invitation. “How have you been Natalie, it’s been a long time.”

  “I’m well Jason. I trust you are the same.”

  He smiled and glanced at the drawing pad next to him, “I see you are still creative. These are beautiful.”

  The moment he picked up the pad he crossed the line. In a swift motion, Natalie snatched her work from his hand and glared.

  “Creativity doesn’t go away overnight, you are born with it. I see you are getting creative yourself,” Natalie said, tilting her nose toward the young woman still standing on the bike path.

  Nervously, he responded while lowering his voice, “Ammm yes, she’s my… my friend.”

  “Good for you Jason,” Natalie replied blandly.

  Taking his cue, Jason rose from his position and cleared his throat. “Well, it was nice to see you again. I’ll be going now.”

  “Goodbye Jason,” Natalie said and he walked over to his ‘friend’. Natalie laughed to herself as he walked away, trying to put his hand around the girl’s shoulder only to be met with a slap to the jaw. Out loud Natalie murmured to herself, “I dodged a bullet.” And with that, she watched her ex husband tried to catch up to his insulted companion. Natalie knew that chapter if her life was over.


  At exactly six o clock Brett called. “Hello Natalie, I have a favor to ask of you.”

  Natalie smiled and replied, “Certainly.”

  “I would like the honor of picking you up for this evening’s event. I promise to be the gentleman my mother raised me to be.”

  “I can drive myself you know Brett,” Natalie replied, thinking about her old faithful car parked on the curb next to her building. It would be a shame to arrive in such a vehicle when everyone else arrived in style.

  “I know you want to drive yourself but I am asking you to let me escort you. It would make me happy.”

  “And what about what makes me happy Brett?”

  She purposely made her tone serious, but her face was grinning.

  “Well, in my experience Natalie, happiness can be shared. If you don’t like my ride we can go in yours, either way I’d like to travel with you.”

  The man was relentless, but in a good way. Even though he was pushy, he was pleasant. “You know what Brett, we can go in my car. I’ll drive.” She would put him through a little test. If he passed, she would know where his heart was at.

  Without hesitation, he said, “I’ll be there at eight o clock. I look forward to seeing you.”

  As she hung up the phone, her heart raced with excitement. She couldn’t remember when last she felt this way. Butterflies erupted from their cocoons in her tummy and played music in her ears. It was time to be a princess for a night.

  Tonight’s dress was lilac and the fabric light and almost transparent. Simply elegant, the dress brushed the floor as it fell from the thin straps holding it to her body.

  The cut of the bodice, a simple curve exposing the top of her breasts. A tiny ruffle finished the neckline and the mermaid cut selection accentuated the womanly figure Jason had once called fat. Turning in the mirror with renewed confidence Natalie muttered, “It’s just right.”

  As usual her makeup was simple but feature enhancing - if there was such a thing for a woman as striking as Natalie. Her hair wa
s her most versatile accessory. The mane fell to her shoulders in wavy bunches and the streak at the front was the focal point, framing her face. Looking at her reflection, she nodded in approval of the woman looking back at her. It had taken her forever to get to this point. It felt good.

  She was slipping into her sparkly heels when a knock came to the door. Natalie paused to calm herself before she put this man who claimed he was interested in her through a test. Smiling internally she opened the door to greet Mr. Brett Haughton.

  He stood there in his trendy version of a formal suit - at least he had taste, Natalie mused. “Good evening Brett, I was just getting ready to go since you are five minutes late.”

  Glancing at his watch he grinned and masterfully took control of the runaway conversation.

  “Well, maybe I wanted to see if you would wait for me,” Brett fired back, smiling sheepishly.

  “Ahhh… a test I see,” Natalie said, “I hope you pass the ones I dish out to you.”

  Cocking his head to the side like an adorable confused puppy, Brett revealed his curiosity had been piqued. Staring past her, he took in the square footage of her modest apartment. The décor, warm just like her skin and the wall hangings eclectic and tribal. Her dining room table was made of bamboo and so were the matching chairs. Her personality was well reflected in her home.

  He lingered too long and Natalie felt uncomfortable. She was certain his mansion would swallow her apartment at least a hundred times over and his inspection wasn’t helping her feel any more accomplished. He didn’t know her story and could never appreciate the struggles of the black woman in America. She would have to remind herself of that often when out with him. They were different people from different walks of life - this was an odd relationship from more than just a color perspective.

  “Let’s go!” Natalie suddenly snapped and stepped over the threshold before slamming and locking her door. Brett saw the transformation in her attitude and was caught off guard. Did he say something wrong, he wondered? The annoyed woman marched down the stairs, hoisting the edge of her long dress as she went. Brett jogged to keep up.

  There on the street alongside her beaten up, but faithful car, was Brett’s ride. The stretch limo reflected the glare of the street lights and a few curtains were pulled back to see who the royal passenger would be. Natalie raised an eyebrow - apparently he didn’t understand what she meant when she laid out her conditions. Brett would learn the hard way. Still smiling, Brett raced to the door of the waiting luxury car and opened it, oblivious of Natalie’s intention. Retrieving her keys from her tiny clutch purse, she jiggled them in her car door before eventually getting it open and hopping inside.

  Brett was confused as he slammed his own limo door and walked over to her rolled up window. What a spectacle they had created, a man arriving in a limo, now banging to gain entrance to a beat up Toyota. Natalie rolled down her squeaky window with the most ridiculous look in her face. “Beautiful Natalie,” Brett said, “What are you doing? I thought we were riding together? “

  “We are traveling together Brett. I told you on the phone that you can ride with me. I don’t leave my car at home. What’s the problem…? Is it beneath you to ride like this?”

  Stepping back, he straightened his jacket and raising his hand, he signaled for his Limo driver to move on. Brett then walked to the passenger side and got in. He was accustomed to being driven, but not like this. The inside of her car was clean at least, but when she turned the engine, he almost bounded from his seat.

  The engine turned like pots and pans being banged by a naughty child and a puff of smoke came from the tailpipe as they finally drove off into the sunset. Natalie tried to keep the grin from her face. He was more uncomfortable than he remembered in a long time, but tried to keep up the facade.

  Natalie started light conversation and her riding partner responded. “I like you Natalie, you are definitely different… and might I add, unconventional.” Natalie hadn’t heard that word used to describe her before. She loved it.

  Halfway through their journey, a loud bang erupted from the rear of the Toyota. The cloud of exhaust was so thick that it blocked out the car behind them. It was invisible in the rear view mirror. The shoulder of the road was their only refuge and before they emerged from the car, Brett punched numbers into his phone. He was not going to stand next to the street looking helpless.

  Making a soft excuse, she said, “This happens sometimes, she just doesn’t want to go anywhere.”

  As she looked into Brett’s eyes, he said, “My chauffeur will be here soon. Tonight is your big night and while this is amusing, we have someplace to be. I know you wanted to test me Natalie dearest, I may have money but it doesn’t mean I’m too good for Betsy here. I just think… you deserve more. Let me treat you like a lady tonight… please.”

  Next to the road, where cars passed quickly and sometimes recklessly, Brett drew closer to the woman he had grown fond of in such a short length of time. “Let me take care of you Natalie, even if it’s just for tonight. Remember I promised to be a gentleman.”

  He stood so close to her, she felt the warmth of his breath on her cheek. He towered over her average height, staring at her with inviting green pools, beckoning her to come in. He wore a fragrance that was both classic and masculine- his essence captivated Natalie. As he brought his face close to hers, Natalie felt her tummy clutch with excitement and anticipation. Years had passed since she had allowed a man this physically close. She found herself pressed up against Betsy the car with Brett hovering his soft lips above hers.

  She closed her eyes and inhaled as the passion and wantonness flowed from him to her and then back to him. The kiss made her delirious. It went on for a while - it broke all color barriers and lines of rich vs. average. It was an earth shifting experience. As he released their lip lock, Brett whispered against her soft lips, “Will you trust me? That’s all I ask. There is something about you… I don’t know what it is… I feel like I’m drinking fine wine when I’m in your presence. I am captivated by you to say the least.”

  “I don’t want you to get the wrong impression about me Brett, I work for what I need and I don’t take shit from anyone. We are technically business partners; I want this to be as problem free as possible.”

  “Didn’t I ask you to trust me? We won’t have any issues if you trust me.”

  Natalie opened her mouth to respond, but at that exact moment Brett’s limo pulled to a stop behind Natalie’s broken down car. Brett held out his hand, motioning for her to follow him. Quietly, she surrendered.

  Chapter 6

  The Museum of World History was chosen because of its vast historical collection. Many argued that the pieces, collectibles from around the world, should be returned to their rightful homelands. The activist groups insisted on the repatriation of the works simply because they were on American soil by pilfering and other ill gotten means.

  Nevertheless, an interesting and dynamic art community rose up around the museum using many of its pieces for inspiration. Today, the budding and experienced artists and the fashion community came out to celebrate two of their own. Penelope’s name had been in the news for a while after she won the scholarship and funding, Natalie however, was virtually unknown.

  As the limo, she and Brett sat in, waited in line to pull up to the red carpet, he whispered, “Tonight will be full of surprises, but I know you will be pleased. Your work is stunning and you should be proud of yourself. I hope you enjoy it.”

  The sentiment was sincere and from the heart and as Natalie gazed at this man she had met by chance, she felt deep affection - maybe something more. For a few hours she would forget that he was white and she was black, she was average and he was rich, he was at the helm of an empire while she had barely scratched the surface of success. Tonight they would go as a couple. Natalie was comfortable with that.

  As the vehicle pulled into its space, the driver hopped out and opened the door, announcing the pair. He stepped out first and
smiled at the flashing cameras. They loved him and since his separation from Priscilla, they tried to catch him with his latest beau. Too bad they missed his passionate moment a while ago next to the road. Brett straightened his lapel and buttoned the front of his black jacket before reaching a hand back inside the limo to help his date.

  One sparkly heel hit the edge of the carpet before it was joined by another. Soon Natalie stood outside in all her glory. The couple noticed the pause of the camera men before they started snapping away yet again. This was unexpected.

  Holding her hand, Brett led Natalie up the royal passage way where they stopped for a few questions. They asked her name and who she was - she gave generic answers on purpose. Tonight would announce her involvement with Haughton and Company- they would have to get the scoop after tonight’s reveal.

  Once inside the doors of the museum things calmed a bit, but the curious onlookers still cast glances their way. Brett Haughton was the head of a billion dollar empire - no one dared question who he was dating. Shaking hands with friendly associates and business partners, he made his way through the crowd never letting go of Natalie’s hand.

  This was the VIP of the business community and as Natalie stared at the velvet rope separating the rich tycoons from the humble artists, she knew she may not belong on this side of the fence. Excusing herself for a brief moment, Natalie escaped to the ladies room with instructions from Brett regarding where to find him. She needed a moment to catch herself.

  Several tables were arranged and laid for dinner. The Haughton table was large and grand. People from the higher ranks in the company already sat in their places. They rose to meet him as they arrived at the table. Joan the secretary kissed him on the cheek and Brett immediately felt nauseous. Her perfume bordered on sickly sweet and her green ball gown was atrocious. Brett pretended to be happy to see her.

  William was there as well with a gaunt looking female who he said was a model. Brett believed him. Other managers shook his hand vigorously before taking their seats. No sooner than Brett’s ass touched the chair did Natalie return from the little girl’s room. Brett loved how her eyes twinkled when she smiled at him. He made a mental note to make her smile all the time. Like the gentleman he promised to be, Brett bounded to his feet and pulled out her chair. A soft, gracious ‘thank you’ left her lips and a louder good evening went to those still seated as she sat down on the cushioned dinner chair.


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