Out of a Labyrinth

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Out of a Labyrinth Page 35

by Lawrence L. Lynch



  My first movement, after having made the discovery chronicled in thelast chapter, was to go to the telegraph office and send the followingdespatch:

  Arrest Blake Simpson instantly, on charge of attempted assassination. Don't allow him to communicate with any one.

  This message was sent to the Agency, and then I turned my attention toother matters, satisfied that Blake, at least, would be properlyattended to.

  Early the following morning Gerry Brown presented himself at the door ofmy room, to communicate to me something that instantly roused me toaction.

  At midnight, or a little later, Mr. Arch Brookhouse had dropped in atthe telegraph office; he was in evening dress, and he managed to conveyto Gerry in a careless fashion the information that he, Arch, had beenenjoying himself at a small social gathering, and on starting for homehad bethought himself of a message to be sent to a friend. Then he haddashed off the following:

  ED. DWIGHT, Amora, etc.

  Be ready for the party at The Corners to-morrow eve. Notify Lark. B.---- will join you at Amora. A. B.

  "There," he had said, as he pushed the message toward the seeminglysleepy operator, "I hope he will get that in time, as I send it inbehalf of a lady. Dwight's always in demand for parties."

  Then, with a condescending smile as he drew on his right glove, "Knowanybody at Amora?"

  "No," responded Gerry, with a yawn, "nor anywhere else on this blastedline; wish they had sent me East."

  "You must get acquainted," said the gracious young nabob. "I'll try andget you an invitation to the next social party; should be happy tointroduce you."

  And then, as Gerry was too sleepy to properly appreciate hiscondescension, he had taken himself away.

  "Gerry," I said, after pondering for some moments over the message hehad copied for my benefit, "I'm inclined to think that this meansbusiness. You had better sleep short and sound this morning, and be onhand at the office as early as twelve o'clock. I think you will berelieved from this sort of duty soon, and as for Mr. Brookhouse, perhapsyou may be able to attend this 'party' in question, even without hisvaluable patronage."

  After this I went in search of Jim Long. I found him at Bethel'scottage, and in open defiance of "our old woman," led him away where wecould converse without audience or interruption. Then I put the telegramin his hand, telling him how it had been sent, much as Gerry had toldthe same to me.

  "What do you make of it?" asked Jim, as he slowly folded the slip ofpaper and put it in my hand.

  "Well, I may be amiss in my interpretation, but it seems to me that wehad better be awake to-night. The moon has waned; it will be very darkat ten o'clock. I fancy that _we_ may be wise if we prepare for thisparty. I don't know who B---- may stand for, but there is, at Clyde, aman, who is a friend of Dwight's, and whose name is _Larkins_."

  "Larkins! To be sure; the man is often in Trafton."

  "Exactly. He appears like a good-natured rustic, but he is a good judgeof a horse. Do you know of a place in this vicinity called The Corners?"


  "Well, you are probably aware that the south road forks, just two milesnorth of Clyde, and that the road running east goes to the river, andthe coal beds. It would not be a long drive from Amora to these corners,and Larkins is only two miles off from them. Both Dwight and Larkins owngood teams."

  "Ah!" ejaculated Jim, in a tone which conveyed a world of meaning. "Ah,yes!" Then after a moment's silence, and looking me squarely in theface, "what do you want me to do?"

  "Our movements must be regulated by theirs. We must see Warren and allthe others."


  "Yes, all. It will not be child's play. I think Mr. Warren is the man tolead one party, for there must be two. I, myself, will manage the other.As for you and Gerry--"

  "Gerry?" inquiringly.

  "Gerald Brown, our night operator. You will find him equal to mostemergencies, I think."

  "And what are we to do?"

  "Some special business which will depend on circumstances. We mustcapture the gang outside of the town, if possible, and the farther awaythe better."


  "Wait. There are others who must not take the alarm too soon."

  "They will ride fleet horses; remember that."

  "Long," I said, earnestly, "we won't let them escape us. If they ride,we will pounce upon them at the very outset. But if my theory, which hasthus far proven itself correct, holds good to the end _they will notride_."


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